

For your amusement:

We played Trump’s J6 Choir song for members of Congress — here’s how they reacted

I personally have not heard the song and can't quite stomach the thought of listening to it. Still, there is this lingering (morbid) curiosity...

#Trump #J6Choir #WTF #Unhinged #BadJudgment #Surreal




TrumpVirus surges back on the offense with refreshed word salad sound bites ...

... and the most terrific of #delusions #denial and #projection - #psychopathology on parade, "like nobody's seen before".

Technical term: #Unhinged - Symptoms: "There was no January 6th insurrection". There's no evidence. Nasty liberals....

#Jan6 #sedition #treason #accountability #truth #justice #democracy #reality