

Die Blaupause für den völkerrechtswidrigen Krieg damals in #Jugoslawien

Siehe: https://taz.de/Zehn-Jahre-Kosovokrieg/!5165840/

Der Artikel in der Taz kratzt nur ganz leicht an der Oberfläche denn Altkanzler Schröder hat inzwischen zugegeben, dass er wissentlich das Völkerrecht gebrochen hat und sein Verteidigungsminister Scharping hat eine Verschwörungsideologie verbreitet wonach die Serben einen Hufeisenplan zum Völkermord betreiben würden für den er sich bis heute nicht entschuldigt hat.

Heute wärend des Ukrainekrieges auf Jugoslawien hinzuweisen ist ganz klar #Whataboutism!

Das stimmt. Unsere gespaltene Gesellschaft hat ihre Kampfbegriffe gut gelernt, um jede Diskussion im Keim zu ersticken. Bist du nicht 100% für mich bist du gegen mich und ich bezeichne dich als Querfront, Querdenker oder Schlimmeres damit ich dich mundtot machen kann. Habe ich auch schon gemacht. Nur könnt ihr euch vorstellen, dass man für den Frieden ist aber trotzdem Putin, Wagenknecht, Nato und Völkerrechtsbruch doof findet? Dass man gerne alle Völkerrechtsverbrecher vor Gericht sehen möchte auch diejenigen, die seit 20 Jahren unbehelligt mit ihren Kriegsverbrechen weiterleben?

Ist das #Gesetz wirklich für alle gleich oder nur für diejenigen, die nicht drauf scheißen?

Wer auch nur einen kleinen Blick über den Tellerrand aus seinem europäischen Elfenbeinturm wagt könnte erkennen, dass das Mittelmeer zum Grab der Menschenrechte geworden ist. Da hat die Nato also die Regierung in Libyen weggebombt und jetzt schauen wir weg weil es einfacher ist aber anderen werfen wir Völkerrechtsbruch vor und wundern uns, dass das keinen Eindruck auf China und Indien macht?

#politik #werte #ethik #Symbolpolitik #Freiheit #Demokratie #justiz #icc #problem #zukunft #Frieden #krieg #Militär


Countering Whataboutism and Misdirection on Aggressor Russia's Unprovoked Invasion of Sovereign Ukraine

I generally avoid giving disinformational propaganda any platform at all. Others ... don't always see that way, and I often find this frustrating and distracting. The goal of such propaganda is to weaken focus, engender confusion, and derail conversations. And it frequently succeeds in doing just this.

The Aggressor-Apologists' Arguments

A recent discussion provides a counterexample, in which the propaganda talking points are demolished one by one, revealing them for the void apologia they are. I'm rephrasing slightly here, with the statements as third--level headings:

1. I deliberately ignore the history here because it is not the salient information.

Rather than focus on the present conflcit, aggression, and violation of all international norms, standards, and treaties, this attack attempts to relitigate history. History isn't being litigated, the present is. Moreover, demanding that all be dictated terms by dead men of some past age ... with all the questions over which men and which age (and yes, it's virtually always men) ... only begs the question (in the true sense of that fallacy) of which past authorities should be considered.

2. I deliberately ignore that the biggest murderers of humanity because that is not what I am talking about here.

Again, the is a naked attempt to distract from the present and appeal to the past. A past, for what it's worth, which includes the overtly genocidal actions of the Soviet era to whose greatness Putin has been appealing over past days, weeks, months, and years, in which tens of millions were killed, starved, and/or imprisoned and enslaved.

Yes, there are other examples of genocides from other parties, including states of the West. I've mentioned several of those within recent months myself, here. Those genocides are acknowledged. Those are not the topic under discussion.

3. I ignore the fact that US clearly pushed this conflict because that is a lie. We know who made the decision to invade Ukraine, after many months of preparation.

This one addresses straight up falsehood, dismisses it, and points to the overt hypocrisy and bald-faced nature of the lie.

4. Ukrainians are not using themselves as a shield. This is the most absurd and wicked “blame the victim” accusation I have ever heard, as missiles and bombs rein down upon innocent people.

The genius of this response is that it makes clear that shields, as with missile defences, are reactive responses to acts of aggression and would not be relevant at all absent that aggression.

Keep these in mind should you see or encounter these, or similar arguments

No, you're not going to change the mind of a paid propaganda agent or indoctrinated useful idiot. But you will greatly blunt the effectiveness of their message.

Keep in mind too that propaganda relies heavily on the Big Lie. It's statements or assertions absurd on their face, repeated endlessly. This means that the arguments change and adapt relatively slowly, and are used in mass. Being able to rebut or pre-but the arguments greatly reduces their effectivenss, and those living in regimes of law, information, and media where we are able to do so with minimal risk or consequence for speaking truth to power should and are morally obligated to do so.

h/t @tom grzyb

#Ukraine #Russia #Propaganda #Counterarguments #Whataboutism #Misdirection #Responses #Sophistry #SophisticalRefutations #TruthToPower #VladimirPutin #AggressorRussia #MoralObligation #Morality


"Yes-and" is far more powerful than “no, but”.

If you want to raise awareness of other injustices, do so WITHOUT pitting one set of victims against others.

The enemy of Yemen is not Ukraine. It is, as in the case of Ukraine, an authoritarian petro-state.

Similarly, what you'll find in other areas of ongoing conflict is oppresion of the weak by the mighty.

Uniting against the powerful will do far more than sowing yet more division and doing their own work for them.

Stop with the whataboutism already.

(A sub-toot of sorts, also general advice and recommendations, particularly of nonsense I won't tolerate in my own discussions.)

#Oppression #Injustice #Ukraine #Yemen #Whataboutism #Administrivia


#politics #ukraine #fascism

“There Is No Fascism in Ukraine”

This phrase can be regarded as a blanket response of Ukrainian journalism to hostile positions held by the Russian media. It is the perfect narrative to circulate, both domestically and exported to a wider audience internationally. Its main thesis is a hodgepodge of #lionization, #silencing, #whitewashing, #whataboutism, and conspiracy theories (ingredients mixed in different proportions depending on the context)....
- https://www.rosalux.de/en/news/id/42076