

This "student essay" was written by an AI Transformer program

I gave it a prompt "The construct of learning styles is problematic because " and it generated the rest, including the headings and references. AI Transformer technology will disrupt education. Here's how. The most obvious disruption is students submitting assignments generated by AI. That's already happening. Anyone can sign up for an account with the GPT-3 Transformer then go to its "Playground", type the opening words of an assignment, press Submit and let it do the rest. ...

Essay-writing services have been a pox on university educators for decades. Artificially-generated texts raise that to the next level (though promise to disrupt at least some of the incumbents. Perhaps the oral defence will return to fashion.

This also makes the sponsor spot touting AI to solve previously unsolveable problems at business scale ... somewhat more than vaguely dystopian. And wonder at the integrity of any written communications.

Perhaps even this one.


#Academia #Creativity #Plagiarism #Fraud #GPT3 #AI #IForOneWelcomeOurGPT3Overlords


Lo que me gusta de la investigación: Búsqueda bibliográfica

Quizá esta afirmación no me haga muy popular o muy cool, pero soy una rata de biblioteca. Me encanta encerrarme entre libreros, explor volúmenes, hojear tomos amarillentos y garabatear copiosas notas al respecto. De hecho, me gustaría tener más tiempo para esto. Pero la búsqueda bibliográfica es uno de los pasos indispensables para investigar, así que estoy de suerte. Por desgracia, es cada vez menos frecuente que la gente acuda a las bibliotecas, o que las considere importantes. La mayoría se encuentra en un visible descuido.

Para leer dar clic aquí.

#academia #español #blog #escrito #ensayo


Lo que me gusta de la investigación: Trabajo de campo

Algo que disfruto muchísimo de investigar es el trabajo de campo. Para generar información que ayude a responder mis preguntas académicas, o sustentar mis argumentos, necesito salir al mundo a entrevistar personas, tomar fotografías, observar acontecimientos y en general, interactuar con mi objeto de estudio. Esta etapa de la investigación ofrece muchísimas experiencias que jamás tendría de no transitar este arduo camino. El día de hoy quiero contarles un poco de por qué lo disfruto.

Para leer dar clic aquí.

#academia #español #blog #escrito #ensayo


The pdf annotation software I started using early on my career was Mendeley, back when it was an open-source independent project. Then it was bought my Elsevier, its code became private, and a sort of social network was built around its user data-base. No thank you, I won't give my data to such an evil publishing machine.
I then switched to Polar. It was independent, light-weight, open-source... Really nice! But the creators of the project started complaining they were not receiving any support from users (before they even released their first stable version), they started using google code, closed the source-code, and then again everything went to downhill...
I thought I would never find a decent, open-source, independently developed academic library. I annotate my pdfs, write comments on them, etc. And I need to have the ordered by topic, authors, and all the relevant metadata.
And then I realized the answer was in front of me this whole time! Okular! The pdf reader that comes with KDE (linux) implemented a lot of options that allow to highlight, underline, annotate, etc your pdfs. The interface is great, the software is very lightweight, works flawlessly, and I can be sure it will remain open-source.
The only thing I am missing is a dedicated library to manage my pdfs, but honestly, I can do that myself by keeping an ordered and systematic system to store my library on my hard-drives, with some backup in the cloud.

#linux #foss #pdfs #Mendeley #Polar #Okular #Kde #opensource #academia #science


On education, basic vs. advanced skills, certification, and corporate education

An HN comment asks of the history of corporate-controlled specific skills and credentialing training, following a new Google proposal.

Short answer: Yes, highly-focused skills-centric but narrow education has a long history.

Longer answer:

It's useful to keep in mind the (usually) unstated goals of educational systems:

  • Produce a technically-skilled, but politically pliable, working class.

  • Produce a managerially competent, but not revolutionary, management and professional class.

  • Persist existing power structures, whatever their form; political, cultural, corporate, religious, technical, epistemic.

The fundamental division in education has long been between liberal education and technical education, and can be traced to the emergence of the modern university in the 11th century (Bologna, 1088, Oxford, 1096), if not to the Romans and Greeks distinguishing the ars liberalis, and artes mechanicae, the latter also called the "servile" or "mechanical" arts. This later expands to basic literacy skills ("'readin', 'ritin', and 'rithmetic", the "three Rs"), and basic skills vs. higher-order thinking skills, on which there is much long-standing debate and contention.

Expansion and reform were limited by numerous factors, including a monopoly by law in England establishing Cambridge and Oxford as England's only permitted universities until 1827. (https://www.historytoday.com/miscellanies/medieval-university-monopoly)

In the industrial era, Prussian and Humboldtian education reforms instituted universal compulsory scientific and technical (rather than religious) education, largely at state expense, from Kindergarten, and including a university system for advanced education. With increasing demand for basically literate workers under factory and clerical work as well as technically-skilled workers in heavy industry, chemical, agricultural, transport, communications, information, government, and military sectors, the basic outlines of this system were widely adopted in industrialised countries through the 19th and 20th centuries.

The first technical, polytechnic, and engineering universities emerged in the 19th century. M.I.T. as a leading exemplar, though not the first, was founded in 1861. It was preceded by others, with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) possibly the earliest in 1821. Notably, technical schools were among the first to offer specifically-focused courses of study, persisting to this day in the numbered M.I.T. catologue, where lower-numbered offerings are generally more fundamental and earliest-established, modulo some subsequent subdivision.

Major expansions occurred through and following major wars, including the US Civil Way (founding of M.I.T.), and the first and second World Wars, as well as the post-war / Cold War era, notably Vannevar Bush's "Science, The Endless Frontier" (https://nsf.gov/od/lpa/nsf50/vbush1945.htm)

The Academic Major system began emerging in the early 19th century, though it would not really reach recognisable form (or be named) until after 1875. It replaced a general liberal education university system without formal major emphasis.

The post-1960 public research university is exemplified through projects such as the California Master Plan for Higher Education, 1960, strongly driven by governor Pat Brown and University of California president Clark Kerr. That effort was itself a reaction to an earlier technological monopoly, that of the railroads. Similar expansions occurred elsewhere, see the Robbins Report (1963) for the UK, or a set of Chinese initiatives since the 1990s: the Double First Class University Plan, Project 211, Project 985, and the C9 League.

In the US (and strongly similarly in much of the industrialised world), a de facto if not explicit hierarchy of prestigious highly-selective top-tier universities (largely private though with some public institutions), other highly selective schools (many state university systems). These are followed by less selective institutions, many formerly state colleges, "normal schools" (teachers' colleges), and numerous smaller private schools, and some polytechnics and ag & tech schools. Community colleges ("junior colleges") may feed 4-year programmes or directly train workforce, and are generally not selective (all applicants are accepted). Public and private vocational schools, as well as company-specific credentialing programmes (CCIE, RHCE, MCSA, OCP, Java SE, etc.) provide a range of skills training and certification, some basic, some advanced technical, some continuing professional education.

The various roles of education as teaching basic skills, higher skills, and cultural indoctrination, were commented on by John Stuart Mill ~1860s Britain, as noted by Hans Jensen, subject to various forms of control and coercion, largely via funding or lack thereof:

First, the universities were given the task of providing an unceasing supply of ideologically correct candidates for vital positions in government, church, and business. The state was able to make the faculties of the "venerable institutions" of higher education, or rather indoctrination, assume this duty because it controlled appointments and held the purse from which "emoluments" flowed into the coffers of academics....

The state devised a second educational strategy in order to prevent such a calamity from occurring. According to Mill, the "elementary schools for children of the working classes" were given the task of ensuring that the poor would continue to accept docilely their dismal station in life. It was very easy for the state to force the public schools to assume this role. It did so simply by failing malignantly to allocate sufficient funds for the operations of what Mill identified contemptuously as "places called schools"...

-- Hans E. Jensen, "John Stuart Mill's Theories of Wealth and Income Distribution". Review of Social Economy. Pages 491-507. Published online: 05 Nov 2010. (http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00346760110081599)

(A more complete cite and discussion here: https://old.reddit.com/r/dredmorbius/comments/6x7u6a/on_the_role_of_universities_and_primary_education/)

A list of Wikipedia articles addressing most parts of this history and development: List of oldest universities in continuous operation, Liberal arts education, Artes mechanicae, Vocational education, Basic skills, The three Rs, Higher-order thinking, Standards-based education reform in the United States, Prussian education system, Humboldtian model of higher education, Institute of technology#United States, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Land-grant university, Vannevar Bush, Academic major, California Master Plan for Higher Education, Robbins Report, Double First Class University Plan, Professional certification.

#education #academia #skills #LiberalArts #MechanicalArts #Certification #Google #colleges #universities


Myths of the Modern American Mind: Education

This is one of Wes Cecil's generally excellent lectures on philosophy and related topics. It's a peripatetic saunter through about 10,000 years of educational theory and practice, much of it applying far beyond the United States.

I may be responding so strongly to this because Cecil ticks off pretty much every damned realisation I've had about education over the past couple of years, dating to the first scribes, Plato's Academy, Aristotle's Lyceum, Rome's wholesale adoption of Greek culture (a story Cecil picks up in another lecture), the Arabic scholars, Scholasticism, the Seven Liberal Arts (the Trivium: grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and the Quadrivium: maths, geometry, music (or harmony) and astronomy), Francis Bacon, the Prussian System, and from that, our Modern Mess.

Key here is the divide between liberal and mechanical arts -- the latter are also called the servile or vulgar arts, effectively technical skills, with a direct relation to modern arguments over skills-based rather than intellectually-based education, STEM, and all that jazz.

Runtime is just over an hour, exceedingly well worth it. This is one of a slew of lectures (audio only -- image is just a still) Cecil's posted.

And if you like these, you'll likely love the History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps podcast, by Peter Adamson, which covers similar topics, in more depth and with somewhat more rigour. I've found both fascinating over recent weeks.

@Joerg Fliege in particular may appreciate this.

#philosophy #education #academia #WesCecil #podcasts
