

International disenfranchisement by the elites of the Judeo-Anglo-American establishment. Faux Hegelian dialectics, social engineering propaganda, psychological and economic warfare, including psychosocial manipulation though mass media and algorithms, done without the consent of the people and funded ostensibly by the people's taxes and consumption. Technocratic, neoliberal, globalist aristocracy.

#disenfranchisement #elites #algorithms #judeoangloamericanestablishment #usa #fauxhegeliandialectics #socialengineering #propaganda #psychologicalwarfare #uk #economicwarfare #massmedia #consent #psychosocialmanipulation #taxation #un #consumption #technocracy #globalism #neoliberalism #aristocracy #elitism #wef #klausschwab #davos #plutocracy #cia #mi6 #tavistock


Tous les joueurs de #Foot espagnols hommes comme femmes, refusent de porter le maillot de l'équipe, tant que l'ensemble des membres de la #FIFA n'aura pas démissionné, vu les milliers de #morts pour concevoir les infrastructures de ce #spectacle affligeant, avilissant et abrutissant.

Ah nan, pardon, c'est pas pour ça...

Todos los #futbolistas españoles, hombres y mujeres, se niegan a vestir la camiseta de la selección hasta que todos los miembros de la #FIFA hayan dimitido, dados los miles de #muertes para diseñar la infraestructura de este penoso, denigrante y alucinante #espectáculo.
Oh no, lo siento, no es por eso...


#Idiocracy #Médias #Media #MassMedia #Brutus #LuisRubiales #Rubiales #Football #España #Espagne


It suits #Supranational #Elite #Scion #puppeteers to have intellectually indolent, credulous & #foolish people in positions of #power because they are easy to #control.

This is why they fund #political campaigns of low-calibre people & leverage their ownership of mass #media to thwart political campaigns of high-calibre people.

It isn't much to do with the left/right #dichotomy, but more to do with an Elite/The People dichotomy. Elite #Scions fund & #manipulate "both" "sides" of #politics to suit their interests, regardless of how that impacts the rest of us.

The #problem with the #USA is that it has #mutated from a #Republic into an Imperial #Plutocracy.

#corruption #uk #globalism #massmedia #uspolitics #judeoangloamericanempire



The #BBC use lies by omission, framing, tone, music, colour cast & linguistic manipulation as part of a strategy of social engineering #propaganda.

The BBC work with #MI5 & #Tavistock to manipulate the #British population using applied #psychology informed by mass domestic #surveillance collected by #GCHQ on behalf of technocratic societal managers masquerading as #politicians & puppeteered by elite #scions.

#socialengineering #massmedia #uk #appliedpsychology #theelite #elites #neoliberalglobalism #neoliberalism #elitism #technocracy #technocrats #bbcnews #usa #un #globalistelite #disenfranchisement #manipulation #socialengineeringpropaganda #eu #behaviouralnudges #narratives #freespeech #freeinquiry #truth #classicalliberalism #criticaltheory #hegeliandialectics


Potential future psy-op / social engineering / economic / #censorship event.

  1. Faux #electromagnetic solar storm using mass media & other #information dissemination #systems & turning off electronic systems using IoT interconnectivity to simulate some effects.

  2. Engineered false flag attack on #Internet #infrastructure using a #virus or electromagnetic #weaponry framed as a terrorist attack or otherwise framed as an attack by a #nation state.

One #purpose of this will be #covert harvesting & destruction of #data of economic #value & data that can be used to help illustrate or incriminate.

#psyop #socialengineering #solarstorm #massmedia #informationsystems #IoT #falseflag #terroristattack #dataharvesting


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

-Walter Scott, c.1808

“You can fool all of the people some of time; you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.”

-Abraham Lincoln, c.1887

#deception #lies #manipulation #uk #westerncivilization #thewest #elites #19thcentury #quotes #sirwalterscott #abrahamlincoln #tangledweb #usa #propaganda #appliedpsychology #socialengineering #massmedia #informationwarfare #psyops #cia #intelligentsia #elitism #tavistock #elitescions #psychologicalwarfare #economicwar #geopolitics #mi6 #mossad #epstein #blackmail #nsa #surveillancestate #endlesswars #edwardsnowden #julianassange


If you can't question it, or take opposition to it, it's not science, it's dogma or propaganda.

If you can't inquire into the veracity of it, or deny it, it's not history, it's dogma or propaganda.

A proposition that's true will withstand critical scrutiny; a proposition that's false, but presented as true, requires protection.

Control of information is control of understanding is control of perceptions is control of choices is control of societies.

#questioneverything #question #usa #opposition #science #propaganda #dogma #inquiry #freeinquiry #truth #veracity #denial #history #scrutiny #criticalscrutiny #criticalthinking #uk #falsehood #historicalnarrative #lies #informationcontrol #perception #society #socialengineering #elites #academia #massmedia #infowar


14/12/22 || Déclaration de la Députée européenne Clare Daly sur l’état des médias actuels et leur responsabilité sur le contrôle du narratif

Avec la source écrite :
#English :
« Clare Daly (The Left). – Madam President, I really wish I could be standing up here joining in the eulogies to a free media and its crucial role as a pillar in our democracies. But I look at the media that we have, and I don’t see much freedom.

Our media is strangled by money. It’s hobbled by fear. For most media organisations, access to power is far more important than holding power to account. Careers depend on toeing the line. Balance sheets demand a constant churn of stories – stories which are recycled from official statements, press releases, social media, anywhere but out in the world; anything but upset the status quo.

Nick Davies described this in 2008 as ‘the mass production of ignorance’. 14 years later, it’s way worse now. So if we want to hold ourselves as the defenders of media freedom, we have to recognise that our mainstream media is anything but free. It’s a water carrier for political and corporate power dedicated to enforcing the demands of global capital, and people like Julian Assange are the exceptions, the ones who pay the price. If we don’t accept that, we’re on a hiding to nothing. »

#Français :
« Clare Daly (La Gauche). - Madame la Présidente, j'aimerais vraiment pouvoir me joindre aux éloges funèbres d'une presse libre et de son rôle crucial en tant que pilier de nos démocraties. Mais je regarde les médias que nous avons, et je ne vois pas beaucoup de liberté.

Nos médias sont étranglés par l'argent. Ils sont entravés par la peur. Pour la plupart des organisations médiatiques, l'accès au pouvoir est bien plus important que de demander des comptes au pouvoir. Les carrières dépendent du respect de la ligne de conduite. Les bilans exigent un flux constant d'histoires - des histoires recyclées à partir de déclarations officielles, de communiqués de presse, de médias sociaux, n'importe où sauf dans le monde ; n'importe quoi qui ne dérange pas le statu quo.

Nick Davies a décrit ce phénomène en 2008 comme "la production de masse de l'ignorance". 14 ans plus tard, la situation est bien pire. Si nous voulons nous poser en défenseurs de la liberté des médias, nous devons reconnaître que nos grands médias sont tout sauf libres. Ils sont le vecteur du pouvoir politique et des entreprises qui s'efforcent d'imposer les exigences du capital mondial, et les personnes comme Julian Assange sont les exceptions, celles qui en paient le prix. Si nous n'acceptons pas cela, nous nous cachons pour ne rien faire. »
Traduit avec www.DeepL.com/Translator (version gratuite)

#Politique #Media #MassMedia #Médias #Europe #UE #EU #ParlementEuropéen #ClareDaly #Argent #Capital #Pouvoir #Liberté #Presse #Riches #Assange


It seems like a good time for Fox's #shareholders to sue #Fox for the failure of Fox's senior management to uphold their fiduciary responsibilities by dispensing with such a valuable asset with no appreciable rationale.

When a corporation does what Fox has done it often indicates that senior #management &/or major #voting shareholders are more interested in controlling #information than in producing profits & returns on #investments.

Control of information is control of understanding is #control of #perceptions is control of choices is control of societies.

#foxnews #tuckercarlson #tucker #usa #fiduciaryduty #profitmotive #fiduciaryresponsibility #law #msm #informationera #politics #business #returnoninvestment #propaganda #massmedia #controlsystems #uk


Raw Story/MSNBC: 'Another crisis is building' at Fox News as second defamation lawsuit gets green light for trial

This is a very good (fact-based) news story. [Katie Phang]/MSNBC]

The video after the text introduction is spot on, in clarity, and gets deeper and crisper, going from the #Fox #Disinformation case
to Eric Swalwell and gatekeeping the (actual) 1st Amendment. The concise story about the #GQP / #TrumpVirus #media machine once called #FoxNews. #News ? #Truth? Plus, #TuckerCarlson and the chief troll of #GQP, #KevinMcCarthy.

A reality-based thin-slice.

#media #RupertMurdoch #TrumpVirus #hate #propaganda #sedition #treason #Jan6 #massmedia #Goebbels


Biometrics are a big cash-grab & control vector for corporations & governments in the Information Era. Acquisition normalisation begins with getting devices into children's environments in homes, schools & mass media. Mass media is a tool of social engineering normalisation.

The Internet is now a vector for control & social engineering as we see with Facebook/Meta, which is a CIA-backed organisation via Zuckerberg like Microsoft via Gates. AI is already deployed to collect & parse vast amounts of user data & build predictive sociological & psychological profiles.

#biometrics #control #corporations #government #informationera #normalisation #children #environment #home #school #massmedia #socialengineering #internet #facebook #meta #cia #zuckerberg #microsoft #billgates #ai #userdata #prediction #sociology #psychology #profiling


I support Rupa Huq's free speech to express her views. I support the expression of so-called "racist" views as an integral part of free speech.

Without free speech & open debate we will never solve our problems. Control of the Overton Window is a form of informational & societal control through social engineering.

Social engineering Overton Window control only serves the unelected, directing, plutocratic elite scions.

#rupahuq #racism #racistspeech #uk #freeexpression #freespeech #liberty #opendebate #freedomofexpression #freedomofspeech #overtonwindow #overton #racist #socialengineering #socialengineers #informationcontrol #propaganda #massmedia #society #informationera #westerncivilization #rupahuqmp #parliament #britain #superficiallyblack #kwasikwarteng


#Update: 142 names, occupations & nations, responsible for creation & deployment of the engineered #Covid #virus &/or creation &/or deployment of #mRNA #injections, &/or #illegal #lockdowns, #mandates & other violations of #law relating to Covid.

Including #government officials, #corporate executives & others. All of these individuals are complicit in the mass #murder of millions of people #worldwide & must be brought to #justice.

Please reply with additional #names if you can #think of any not included.

#corporations #pfizer #biontech #vaccineinjuries #vaccinedeaths #eu #massmedia #socialmedia #usa #uk #un #nuremberg2 #canada #australia #newzealand #massmurder #ngo #criminals #criminalconspiracy #who #crime #astrazeneca #janssen #johnsonandjohnson #massmurder