

#Amazon confirms #employee data stolen after #hacker claims #MOVEit #breach

source: https://techcrunch.com/2024/11/11/amazon-confirms-employee-data-stolen-after-hacker-claims-moveit-breach/

“Amazon and AWS systems remain secure, and we have not experienced a #security event. We were notified about a security event at one of our property management vendors that impacted several of its customers including Amazon. The only Amazon information involved was employee work contact information, for example work email addresses, desk phone numbers, and building locations,” Montgomery said.

If not even a company like Amazon can store its data securely, is there any security at all? Amazon doesn't lack money or experts, but it does seem to lack secure software.

#fail #cybersecurity #problem #software #internet #news #economy #hack #cloud


[l] Endlich muss man sich schlechte Amazon-Serien nicht mehr angucken, sondern kann sich die "KI"-Zusammenfassung durchlesen. Gedacht ist das für Leute, die nach längerer Zeit weitergucken wollen.

Kann aber eigentlich nur nach hinten losgehen, denn die meisten Serien schinden ja am Anfang schon minutenlang Zeit mit überflüssigen Rückblicken. Außerdem werden Streaming-Serien ja über die Anzahl der geguckten Minuten verkauft. Wenn ich einfach vorskippen und den Recap gucken kann, geht das ja runter.

Da hat glaube ich die eine Hand nicht mit der anderen Hand geredet bei Amazon.

#fefebot #amazon


They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now

Disturbingly, this erasure of Internet memory is happening in more than one place. For many years, Google offered a cached version of the link you were seeking just below the live version. They have plenty of server space to enable that now, but no: that service is now completely gone. In fact, the Google cache service officially ended just a week or two before the Archive.org crash, at the end of September 2024.


#internet #information #censorship #Google #YouTube #Amazon #Alexa #deepstate


We Just Found Something In the #Amazon That Rewrites #History:

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GBqKdqKQd5c

Unusual markings in the Amazon rainforest, suggesting it may have supported a large #human civilization in the #past.
Contrary to common belief, recent discoveries indicate that millions of people, potentially over five million, might have lived in the heart of the #rainforest.
Successful civilizations in other parts of the Americas, like the Aztec and Inca, developed large-scale agriculture, which was thought necessary for permanent settlements.
However, Amazonian inhabitants may have bypassed traditional agricultural requirements, leading to organized communities.
The first European exploration of the Amazon in 1542 by Francisco de Orellana, who encountered advanced human settlements.
Orellana described a remarkable 15-mile-long town, challenging the belief that such civilizations could not exist without European influence.
Following his expedition, subsequent European explorers found the Amazon deserted, reinforcing the narrative that it was sparsely populated.
The arrival of Spanish conquistadors brought smallpox, decimating the indigenous population and leading to the abandonment of cities.
Recent advancements in technology, particularly lidar scanning, have revealed hidden structures in the Amazon, indicating sophisticated civilizations once thrived there.
Reflecting on the potential for even older civilizations that may have existed prior to those documented in history, suggesting a still incomplete understanding of human history.
Unusual markings in the Amazon rainforest, suggesting that it may have been home to a large human civilization in the past, contrary to the common belief that it has never been settled beyond sporadic tribes. The Amazon, vast and dense, has long been considered inhospitable for large settlements, leading scholars to conclude that no significant cities existed there. However, recent discoveries indicate that millions of people, potentially over five million, might have lived in the heart of the rainforest, challenging existing anthropological assumptions. Successful civilizations in other parts of the Americas, like the Aztec and Inca, developed large-scale agriculture, which was thought necessary for permanent settlements. Yet, the Amazonian inhabitants may have bypassed this agricultural requirement, leading to large, organized communities. The discussion sets the stage for exploring these new findings, beginning with the first European exploration of the Amazon in 1542 by Francisco de Arana, who was searching for food and stumbled upon the region.

The journey of Spanish explorer Francisco de Orellana, who, in 1542, accidentally explored the entire Amazon River, witnessing advanced human settlements along its banks. Orellana described a remarkable 15-mile-long town, challenging the belief that such civilizations couldn't exist without European influence. However, after his expedition, subsequent European explorers found the Amazon deserted, leading to a long-held narrative that it was never densely populated. The arrival of Spanish conquistadors brought smallpox, which devastated the indigenous population, potentially killing up to 90% and causing the abandonment of these cities. This loss of life and culture went unnoticed due to the lack of European presence during the epidemic. Recent advancements in technology, particularly lidar scanning, have revealed hidden structures in the Amazon, indicating that sophisticated civilizations once thrived there, interconnected by canals and causeways, contradicting the long-standing belief that the region was sparsely populated.

The existence of a large, organized civilization in the Amazon prior to Columbus, suggesting that it was not just a collection of small settlements but a multi-city society with a hierarchical leadership. Despite the common belief that such civilizations require mass agriculture, the Amazon's poor soil quality challenges this notion. The video posits that instead of traditional farming, these ancient Amazonians practiced a form of gardening, cultivating biodiverse plant species without clearing vast areas of rainforest. As the population grew and large animals and fruit became extinct, they began domesticating certain plants, creating communal garden plots that prevented the rise of elite hierarchies. However, around 2,500 years ago, they innovatively transformed the nutrient-poor soil by adding charcoal and organic materials, creating a fertile soil known as Terra Preta. This allowed for the cultivation of crops on a larger scale without extensive deforestation, supporting large cities. The locations of these fertile patches often aligned with the sites of ancient cities, highlighting a unique form of sustainable agriculture that differed from other civilizations.

The absence of visible ruins in the Amazon when European explorers returned in the late 17th century, despite earlier accounts of advanced civilizations. Diseases like smallpox decimated the population, but the lack of ruins is attributed to the indigenous people building their cities primarily from wood, which rotted away in the humid climate. Archaeological evidence is now revealing a sophisticated network of interconnected cities sustained by advanced gardening and agroforestry practices, challenging the notion that large, complex societies require intensive agriculture. The indigenous Amazonians were skilled engineers and city planners, creating vibrant societies that thrived without extensive deforestation. This challenges the narrative of indigenous peoples as mere caretakers of nature, highlighting their contributions to sustainable practices. Reflecting on the potential for even older civilizations that may have existed before those documented in history, suggesting that our understanding of human history is still incomplete.


The riot in the Washington Post editorial office is gaining momentum. After the owner of the publication refused to officially support Kamala Harris, a wave of resignations began. Well, the number of Washington Post subscribers has decreased by 200 thousand, which is about 8% of their total mass.

Jeff Bezos himself rolled out an open letter stating the crisis of the mainstream press and urged his would-be journalists to be more objective. But they're not capable of that. The editorial staff of the Washington Post are ardent Democrats who have gone crazy on the basis of anti-trumpism.

At the same time, the publication is incurring heavy losses, and the Washington Post's audience has decreased by 50% since 2020. So Bezos is right - the liberal media industry is stuck in crisis. The level of trust in the mainstream press in the United States is updating anti-records. Only less than a third of the population trusts it.

Bezos is imposing “objectivity” not from a good life. He's just afraid that #Amazon, which depends on government contracts from the special services, will have problems if #Trump wins. And there we are talking about really serious money - tens of billions of dollars.
Washington Post journalists who are leaving en masse will probably try to create some kind of new fake news specialized publication.

But the liberal media bubble is collapsing now - many of these new formations like Vice and #BuzzFeed have already gone bankrupt. Liberal propagandists simply did not fit into the market. They can only lament, but this will not stop the shake-up of the American media industry, which has lost the remnants of its reputation and readers' trust.

(I do not like or agree with the content of this web site, I just share it for information purpose /Farhad)


#US #Politics #WashingtonPost #Election #JeffBezos #Harris #USPolitics #RightWingOpinion #RoadToFascism


One of those, yer what ? moments...

"What presidential endorsements actually do is create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending them is a principled decision, and it’s the right one."

I mean, yes. But then again, NO, you massive cunt. If you can't stand up and say that voting for Nazis is a bad thing, then you are lost. Treating fascism and democracy with equal impartiality isn't "principled", it's the exact fucking opposite.




Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Oracle setzen auf Kernenergie für KI

Energiehunger durch KI - Wie das Internet den Ausbau der Atomkraft antreibt

Der Energiebedarf von Cloud-Diensten und künstlicher Intelligenz ist enorm. Für ihre Rechenzentren setzen Tech-Konzerne auf Atomkraft, auch aus neuartigen SMRs.#Google #Amazon #Microsoft #KünstlicheIntelligenzAIKI #Energie #AKW #AtomkraftAtomenergieAtomNuklear
Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Oracle setzen auf Kernenergie für KI


[l] Euch ist ja wahrscheinlich auch aufgefallen, dass Google immer schlechter wird. Also die Suche jetzt, nicht der Rest der Firma. Der ist ja schon immer schlecht.

Neulich kam ein Video an mir vorbei, das die These äußerte, dass das Absicht sei. Der Typ googelte dafür irgendein Produkt nach Beschreibung, nicht nach Namen.

Die Werbung passte genau, aber die organischen Suchergebnisse passten gar nicht. Seine Schlussfolgerung: Die haben genau verstanden, was ich gesucht habe, und haben mir absichtlich Mist gezeigt, weil sie nur Geld verdienen, wenn du auf Werbung klickst.

Google hat also einen wirtschaftlichen Anreiz, dass die Werbung genau das ist, was du haben wolltest, aber die Suchergebnisse nicht. Und genau so ist es auch.

Amazon ist ja sogar schon einen Schritt weiter. Die finden auch nur Müll, wenn du nach einem konkreten Produkt suchst.

Da denke ich jetzt seit ein paar Tagen drüber nach. Wenn Google immer beschissener wird, müsste das doch die Gelegenheit für Bing und Duckduckgo sein, an Google vorbeizuziehen. Tun sie aber nicht.

Alles ist vergiftet.

Update: Schuld an der Enshittification von Google war ein McKinsey-Schlipshalter, der diese Tage abgesetzt wurde. Könnte sein, dass es jetzt besser wird. Aber ist nicht sehr wahrscheinlich.Update: Sein Nachfolger heißt Nick Fox und ist auch ein McKinsey-Dude.

#fefebot #google #amazon




#GrahamHancock is a journalist and an author known for his work on #ancient civilisations.

The Americas hold a profound secret. While human history is often traced back to other parts of the globe, Graham believes that evidence points to the Americas being inhabited far earlier than previously believed. So what is the true history of the Americas and how does it reshape our understanding of #human civilisation?

Expect to learn how Graham thinks that the first inhabitants of the Americas got there, what is so fascinating about the Amazon, why Graham has done Ayahuasca more than 70 times, everything he's discovered about the Mayans, Ancient Egyptians, Easter Island and other ancient societies, his reflections on his debate with Flint Dibble and much more…

00:00 The True #History of #America
13:27 Why the #Amazon is So Extraordinary
22:00 Graham’s Experiences With Ayahuasca
35:10 Is the Amazon Man-Made?
46:56 What Graham Learned About the #Mayans
1:01:43 The Psychology of Ancient Humans
1:11:45 How Dreadful Was the Younger Dryas?
1:26:59 The Mystery of #Easter-Island
1:38:44 Why Graham Couldn’t Film More in North America
1:46:10 Reflecting on the Debate With Flint Dibble
2:00:19 What Will Graham Focus on Next?
2:03:10 Where to Find Graham


GAFAM : l’Intelligence Artificielle polluerait HUIT FOIS PLUS que prévu

Les géants que la tech sous-estimeraient les niveaux de pollution de leurs installations.

L’empreinte carbone réelle de quatre géants de la tech : Apple, Facebook (Meta), Google et Microsoft, une partie des célèbres GAFAM, sur la période 2020-2022 est 7,62 fois plus élevée que ce que ces sociétés ont elles-mêmes déclaré.
On parle ici d’un écart de 662 %, une donnée évidemment source d’indignation.

Les données communiquées par les géants de la tech incluent des certificats d’énergie renouvelable (CER), c’est-à-dire un genre de "droit à polluer", dont le but est de garantir les efforts compensatoires d’une entreprise au niveau des énergies renouvelables.
Seulement, voilà, le fait est que ces CER peuvent simplement s’acheter auprès d’autres sociétés qui font quant à elles de réels efforts.

#GAFAM : #Google #Amazon #Apple #Facebook #Microsoft #numérique #data-centers #IA #AI #pollution #fraude-environnementale


USA : le retour du syndicalisme ARTE Reportage

Starbucks, #Apple, #Google, #Amazon... Une vague de contestations sans précédent agite les travailleurs de la nouvelle économie mondialisée aux États-Unis.
Au pays de l'individu roi et du profit à tout prix, une génération d'employés précarisés, qui n'avait souvent aucune expérience politique, s'éveille à la lutte collective pour l'obtention d'un sésame dont, jusqu'ici, ils osaient à peine rêver : créer des syndicats dans leurs entreprises.


Chez Amazon, cette lutte est particulièrement âpre. Plus qu'aucune autre avant elle, l'entreprise a fait des syndicats sa bête noire, car ils remettraient en cause son efficacité et le cœur même de son modèle, basé sur une force de travail corvéable à merci et peu payée.
Amazon met toutes ses forces et ses millions de dollars dans la bataille pour écraser le mouvement.
Alors comment une poignée d'employés en quête de meilleures conditions de travail a-t-elle pu faire vaciller le géant de l'économie américaine ?
Alors que nous étions en tournage aux Etats-Unis, l'actrice Blanche Gardin, en #France, était brocardée médiatiquement pour avoir refusé de participer à une émission diffusée par Amazon Prime et critiqué l’entreprise. Nous avons imaginé qu'elle serait une conteuse idéale pour notre histoire. Nous avons compris que les destins de Chris, Ivan et Mary, de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, résonnaient pour elle. Sa voix et parfois le bout de sa plume étaient dès lors comme un pont, entre ces trois destins et le public français. C'est donc Blanche Gardin qui va vous conter leur histoire.

#ARTE #Reportage #US


Deprimierende Scheiße

#justmusic, Eines der größten Musikgeschäftein Berlin (ehem. "Sound & Drumland") hat dichtgemacht, vermutlich schon vor ner Weile und ich bekomme es jetzt erst mit:

"Our core business increasingly shifted to a few online giants with far more favourable cost structures. This created price pressure that we, as a large city retailer with a full range of products and the associated personnel and operating costs, were no longer able to compete with."

Ist doch scheiße.


#Internet #amazon #einzelhandel