


This is not East Germany, or US under Trump, this is the "civilized" EU, so don't expect any outrage from the folk about this horrible crime.

First visual evidence of live ammunition being used against #asylum seekers trying to reach #Bulgaria brings into sharp question the #EU ’s approach to #bordercontrol . 🇧🇬


#HumanRights #refugees #Politics #Inhumanity #Hypocrisy


Der EGMR hat heute festgestellt, dass #Polen🇵🇱 gegen das Verbot der Kollektivausweisung von Ausländer*innen an seinen Grenzen verstoßen hat, indem es Schutzsuchenden den Zugang zu Asyl verweigerte.
TZ u.a. gg. Polen, Klage 41764/17
⚖️🇪🇺 hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng?i=001-2196…

via @MarGorczynska




Political stunt harms asylum seekers and businesses

"Why are they sending them there when we need the people here. We could utilize them," said Gautem.

Asylum seekers are legally able to work in the United States while they await their asylum cases. During that waiting period, those seeking asylum can apply for work permits — a process that usually takes 180 days before they are authorized.

#DeSantis #Florida #asylum #workers #Martha's_Vineyard



Am 1.9. wurden 90 auf dem Meer treibende #RefugeesGR gewaltsam von 🇬🇷 in die 🇹🇷 zurückgeschoben. Einer ist der kurdische Politiker und Asylsuchende MEHMET BAKIR, der nach dem #Pushback in der Türkei inhaftiert und gefoltert wurde!

via @StopPushbacks


#refugees #Greece #Turkey #Kurdish #asylum #pushback #Athens #StopPushbacks



I don't know what its like for the rest of the world, but as a Brit I'm already bored shitless by the death of Mrs Windsor, late unelected head of state.

Despite what our media is telling us, the country is not plunged into mourning. I was out and about getting on with life today, as was everybody else. No-one I spoke to even mentioned it. Its irrelevant to the majority, just as the royal family have always been.

Our mainstream media is telling us what a lovely old humanitarian she was, but I can't help remembering a few years ago following the death of the erstwhile Princess Diana everyone was calling her a hard-faced old bag for her lack of empathy shown.

Which in turn reminded me of The Strange Case of The Missing Cousins.

Katherine and Nerissa Bowes-Lyon, who each had a mental age of about three years old and never learned to talk  were the third and fifth daughters of John Herbert Bowes-Lyon, the Queen Mother’s brother, and his wife, Fenella . And first cousins of the late Liz.

In 1941 they were sent from the family home in Scotland to Royal Earlswood Hospital at Redhill, Surrey, where they would live out the rest of their days.

Burke's Peerage, the posh people's who's who, reported that Nerissa died in 1940 and Katherine in 1961.

Only they didn't. Nerissa lived on until 1986, and Katherine until 2014.

They were written out of history, almost certainly with the full knowledge of Mrs Windsor. They didn't fit the image - they had to go.

Because the royal family is all image, and very little else.

It's a depressing story. There's a pretty comprehensive telling of it here :


Stories like this (and who knows what else has been covered up over the years) to my mind show the real face of the royal family.

#queen #elizabethII #royalfamily #mentalhealth #bowes-lyon #asylum #diana #coverup #conspiracy


🇬🇷 Der kurdische Journalist Abdullah Karsu floh nach #Griechenland, um politisches Asyl zu suchen.
Er ist in Gefahr eines #Pushbacks in die Türkei in der #Evros-Region. Er saß in Pythio fest u. wartete auf @hellenicpolice, um Asyl zu beantragen.

via @StopPushbacks


#Greece #asylum #pushback #border


🇬🇷 Die 38 #RefugeesGR vom #Evros werden heute ins Fylakio-Gefängnis gebracht, wo der Antimigrationsminister sie besuchen u. eine Erklärung abgeben wird. Es sind 22 Männer, 9 Frauen u. 7 Kinder.

Warum ist der Minister Teil des 'Screenings' des Asylverfahrens?

via @EleniKonstanto




Verbrecherische europ. #Pushback-Politik zwingt Menschen sich zu verstecken:
Seit 2 Tagen harren 9 #RefugeesGR aus dem #Yemen🇾🇪 auf #Chios🇬🇷 im Wald aus. Ohne Nahrung. Ohne Wasser.
Sie müssen dringend gerettet werden, u. ihr Recht auf Asyl muss respektiert werden.

via @RuhiLoren


#pushback #asylum #Greece #StopPushBacks



#lithuania #belarus #eu #migration #asylum


Jüngste Untersuchungen beleuchten, wie Gruppen auf kl. Inseln im #Evros zurückgedrängt werden. GR lässt Asylsuchende ohne Zugang zu Nahrung, Wasser, med. Versorgung und Asyl zurück und zwingt dann andere POM, diese Gruppen gewaltsam zurückzudrängen.

via @Border_Violence



Europe-wide call for protection and asylum for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine


Appeal to European Parliament and Parliamentary Assembly of Council of #Europe

In a joint appeal to members of the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, a broad civil society alliance from 20 countries has called on the #European #governments to grant protection and asylum to #Russian and #Belarusian as well as #Ukrainian #ConscientiousObjectors and deserters. They need immediate #protection and #asylum.

#antiwar #propeace #peace #ConscientiousObjection #HumanRights

Where does YOUR country stand?

World survey of conscription and conscientious objection to military service

War Resisters' International maintains the World survey of #conscription and conscientious objection to #military service - a database of country profiles and information on the situation for conscientious objectors (COs) and #conscripts around the world. This unique resource exists to assist #activists, #researchers, lawyers and other interested parties to find out more about both trends in conscription worldwide, and specific information on individual #states. It has been used to assist COs seeking #asylum, to give #solidarity activists #information in planning campaigns, to give campaigners against conscription examples from other states to put pressure on their own #governments, and in academic #research.

#peace #antiwar #pacifist #pacifism #ConscientiousObjectors #ConscientiousObjection