

#US, #UK, #Australia Unveil #AUKUS Nuclear-Powered #Submarine Deal - Australia expects the plan to cost up to $245 billion by 2055

Australia will purchase up to five conventionally armed, nuclear powered US submarines starting early in the 2030s followed a decade later by production of a new class of “SSN Aukus” nuclear-powered submarines developed in partnership with the US and Britain to counter China’s growing regional footprint, American officials said.

The formal announcement by President Joe #Biden, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Prime Minister Anthony #Albanese in San Diego on Monday comes 18 months after the three nations unveiled a military alliance dubbed Aukus that has stoked Beijing’s ire.#

#Britain #submarines #Militarism #Politics #China


#politik #imperialismus #usa #aukus #australien #neuseeland #salomonen #china

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