

Western States Oppose Motion Condemning Nazism

The US, Canada, Germany and Ukraine have voted against the Russia-initiated resolution

A total of 54 countries, mostly Western states, have rejected a Russia-initiated resolution condemning Nazism in a vote at the UN on Monday.

However, their opposition did not prevent the Third Committee of the General Assembly from accepting the resolution, titled “Combating the Glorification of Nazism, Neo-Nazism, and Other Practices That Contribute to Fueling Contemporary Forms of Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance.”

The document was supported by 116 countries, including Azerbaijan, Algeria, Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Brazil, China, Cuba, Serbia and Syria. Another 11 UN members abstained.

#Nazism #Neo-Nazism #Racism #Discrimination #Xenophobia


Trump Wins, Cory Doctorow Has Cancer

Cory will be OK, but I'm worried about the USA.

If Trump accomplishes half of what he says he wants to accomplish, we're in big trouble.

https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/11/06/us-second-trump-term-threat-rights-us-world-0 President Trump vs human rights
https://pluralistic.net/2024/11/05/carcinoma-angels/ from Cory about his cancer
https://text.npr.org/nx-s1-5181315 The Dow Jones jumps over 1,300 points after Trump wins the election

This vindicates all the things I wrote about the Democrats screwing up, but that's small comfort now.

First the Democrats were the party of slavery.
Then they were the party of racial segregation.
Then, for a short time, they were the party of labor rights and black civil rights.
Then Bill Clinton took over, and they became, and still are, the US equivalent of Tony Blair's New Labour Party.

So what should progressives do? Migrate to the Green Party en masse? Start a new Progressive Party? Try to do to the leadership of the Democratic Party what Trump did to the Republicans?

I favor a new Progressive Party that would be built around the few real progressives in Congress. The new party should be a labor party. It should be a populist party, fighting the wealthy elite (Musk, Bezos, the mega-corporations, etc.). It should advocate buying locally produced products over imports. It should advocate more local production, especially of semiconductors and other items essential to economic survival. It should advocate international partnerships and treaties designed to end discrimination against certain ethnic and national groups (e.g., Russia should stop trying to end Ukraine, Israel should stop trying to end Palestine, Turkey should stop trying to end the Kurds, all former colonial empires should stop trying to "assimilate" indigenous people, etc.). It should stop attempts to worsen the on-going climate catastrophe. It should oppose government involvement in anything to do with sexuality and reproduction. It should oppose misogyny. Most of all, it should oppose rewarding greed.

Why did Trump win?

I would say, he appealed to blue collar workers more than the Democrats. Think about what that says about the Democrats.

He also appealed to misogynists who can't stand the idea of a female President. Why weren't we expecting this?

He appealed to all kinds of xenophobes, including racists and Christian Nationalists.

#election #politics #trump #democrats #democratic-party #xenophobia #misogyny #progressives #progressive-party #progressive-politics #ultra-wealthy #musk #bezos #racism #genocide #human-rights #christian-nationalism #conservatism


since i'm not allowed to comment on this, i'll have to share it. i wonder, how i am supposed to know about the colors of the skins of the people involved here.

#fediverse #hubzilla #mastodon #domination #superiority

Image/photoJupiter Rowland wrote the following post Sat, 17 Aug 2024 11:02:44 +0200

We're all racists, probably even more so if we aren't on Mastodon

So I've just learned the other day that curating your timeline/stream according to your personal interests and/or the topic of your account/channel is utterly racist. No matter how specialised your account/channel is.

Everyone in the Fediverse is basically required to follow a substantial amount of Black users, especially Black activists. If you're on Hubzilla or (streams), you must actually follow them, i.e. you must give them full permissions to send you anything and everything unhindered and unlimited. You must not use account/channel-wide or per-contact filters on them. Even if each one of them boosts 100 posts per day, you must not filter or disallow their boosts.

Also, if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), all of which count and list unread messages, you must not simply mark what has come in from them as read. You must read it all and be interested in it all. This includes all comments on these posts. And yes, you must re-read everything whenever it tries to catch your attention again, e.g. if someone has liked/faved or boosted/reposted/renoted/repeated it.

But even if you receive thousands of comments along with those hundreds of extra posts, you must not comment on these comments. Not unless either a comment mentions you explicitly, or you're mutually connected to whoever wrote the comment. As you wouldn't even receive that comment on Mastodon, replying to it counts as reply-guying and mansplaining on Mastodon, completely regardless of how you comment. It's highly disrespectful, and if Black people are involved, it's racist.

It doesn't matter if this has allegedly been perfectly normal, the standard and part of the culture since five and a half years before Mastodon was launched. Mastodon rules supreme over the whole Fediverse, and only Mastodon's culture has any validity anywhere in the Fediverse. Any culture that differs from Mastodon's is toxic and evil and must be abolished.

Speaking of which, let's suppose you come across one of these many threads in which Black Mastodon users talk with other Black Mastodon users and Mastodon-using allies about how the Fediverse needs to be made safer. In this case, no matter how blatantly obvious it is that all people involved in this thread have no idea of the Fediverse outside Mastodon, you are not allowed to chime in and tell them about places which are safer due to their technological design and how they work.

First of all, it'd be mansplaining and reply-guying. Second, there's a tendency for Black Mastodon users to trust the rest of the Fediverse even less than Mastodon, what with e.g. Nazi instances on Pleroma. And third, your suggestion is likely to be taken for an attempt at nudging them into moving to one specific place, essentially trying to hoard them in a ghetto and segregate them from the rest of the Fediverse. In short, there's letting them wait for the Mastodon instances they're on to improve, and there's racism.

While we're at it: Even if you're on Friendica, Hubzilla or (streams), and you hate Mastodon with a burning passion for very good reasons, you must support Black-led Mastodon instances. Otherwise you're a racist.

Lastly, while I don't have proof for it, I'm pretty sure that everything that counts as racism towards Black users may also count as

- racist towards everyone else who isn't white
- sexist towards everyone who isn't cis-male
- homophobic towards everyone who isn't heterosexual
- transphobic towards trans people
- generally queerphobic towards everyone who isn't cisgender
- ableist towards disabled people, no matter what else you do to include them
- Islamophobic towards Muslims
- anti-Semitic/anti-Judaist towards Jews
- and generally hostile and xenophobic towards all marginalised minorities anywhere in the Fediverse.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #FediverseSafety #Mansplaining #ReplyGuy #ReplyGuys #Racist #Racism #Sexist #Sexism #Homophobic #Homophobia #Transphobic #Transphobia #Queerphobic #Queerphobia #Ableist #Ableism #Islamophobic #Islamophobia #AntiSemitic #AntiSemitism #Xenophobic #Xenophobia


Don't you dare calling it for state sponsored terror. The xenophobic and islamophobic leadership of the Netherlands have absolute 0 responsibility in the actions of a few troubled individuals.

They act not because of 24/7 propaganda abd hateful messages they receive, but because they are lonely and have mental problems.

It would have been a whole different story if it was a Muslim man killing a father in front of his children, the headlines would be different, the media would cover it differently, the trolls online would constantly post about it, even 20 years from now and of course politicians would call for stronger immigration laws and deportation of anyone who doesn't bow to Israeli flag (just because...)

#Nethwrlands #Racism #HateCrime #Islamophobia #Xenophobia #Politics #Murder #Crime #Europe #Hypocrisy


https://mastodon.scot/@Wen/112077041047719460 Wen@mastodon.scot - Tice says he will be ‘surprised’ if Reform UK does not get more Tory MPs joining – UK politics live

As that gem of a toad, Lee Anderson 'defects’ (the man is full of them), why should we not be surprised.  I am sure that many will be considering their allegiance - after all they only joined the Tory party for a bit of righteous xenophobia, misogyny, asset stripping, larcenty and country smashing.

#Reform #ToryCorruption #LeeAnderson #Xenophobia #UKPolitics


Jews Must Be Feared Rather than Loved

We need to stop trying to make antisemites like us.

When #Churchill carpet-bombed Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, and Dresden, he was not trying to win a popularity contest. When Harry #Truman dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, he was not looking to win a Nobel Peace Prize.

Those who protect and enable #Hamas#genocide, like the utterly antisemitic and immoral United Nations and #Qatar, must be resisted and their reputations destroyed. American abominations like Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and American Taliban like Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) must have their hatred, bigotry, and antisemitism attacked and exposed in the media nonstop.

They will never like us. Let’s make sure they fear us.


#extremism #fascism #racism #xenophobia #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Elon #musks recent actions have taken a disturbing turn. He has moved away from innovation and progress and instead seems to be peddling #xenophobia and #hatred and fuelling division. His support of far-right ideologies and #Russia is not only worrying, but is actively damaging the reputation of the social platform #X, and any user should seriously ask themselves if they still want to use it in good conscience.



Emmanuel #Macron is planning a referendum on #migration signaling a major shift in policy for #Paris.

After a dialogue with representatives of #France's right-wing parties, Les Républicains (LR) and Rassemblent Nationale (RN), the French government announced plans to put up for debate a change in France's policy on the repatriation of first arrivals reaching French territory.

A government envoy stated that the "immigration problem" will be dealt with this autumn through a bill and a referendum with possible changes to the French Constitution which the LR and RN pushed for in the past.

LR leader, Eric Ciotti, wants a referendum on the proposed constitutional immigration law, while RN leader, Jordan Bardella, wants to have the referendum on immigration on the same day as the Europarliamentary elections in 2024.

As it stands now, French president, Emmanuel Macron, appears to have caved in on immigration, expected after the riots which shook France last summer.

#Europe #Xenophobia #Politics #Racism

🔗 https://www.humanite.fr/politique/emmanuel-macron/referendum-macron-pourrait-ceder-sur-limmigration


Jatkuva hössötys vieraslajeihin liittyen ärsyttää. Ihminen on se haitallinen vieraslaji, joka levisi ympäri maapallon ja tuhosi kaikki kohtaamansa ekosysteemit. Ja me täällä kynällä kartalle piirrettyjen viivojemme sisällä vaadimme, että luonto ei muutu ympärillämme, eivätkä lajit siirry paikasta toiseen parempia asuinalueita etsien. Hyväksymme ilmaston muokkauksen pysyvällä tavalla, mutta emme millään suostu sen vaikuttavan omien rajojemme sisällä millään tavalla. "Mökkini järven pitää olla just niin kuin se oli lapsuudessa nyyh, heitän nämä Hyytelösammaleläimet kompostiin niinku YLE:ssä käskettiin, ja varmuuden vuoksi kaikki vähän limaiset asiat kun en oikeasti tunnista niitä kuitenkaan".

Saatanan itsekästä. Jos halutaan pysyvyyttä lähiluontoon, ehkä kannattaisi aloittaa siitä, ettei muokkaa eliöiden mahdollisuuksia asua omilla alueillaan, eikä tee eliöiden leviämistä otolliseksi? Mutta ei, on kivempi kutsua niitä vain "haitallisiksi vieraslajeiksi" ja olla itse uhri kun mökkipihalle ilmestyy jotain mitä ei tilannut.

Samalla itsekkyydellä kohdellaan myös oman lajin muita rajaviivan toiselta puolelta olevia. "Hyi kun toi on eri värinen, puhuukin oudosti, en mä sitä tänne halua, haitallinen vieraslaji. Hautaisin kompostiin, ellei laki kieltäisi".

#luonto #ilmastonmuutos #rasismi #xenophobia


After Manipur, another Indian state 'Haryana' plunges into deadly violence.

🔴Deaths: 12 (including 2 cops)
🔴Shops torched: 17
🔴Cars & Trucks torched: 200
🔴Internet: Suspended
🔴Section 144: Imposed

The same usual suspects who were behind the violence in #Manipur.
Apparently a Muslim #mosque has been set on fire in Gurgaon's Sector 57, Haryana during the ongoing religious violence and multiple shops & warehouses at sector 70 of #Gurugram were set on fire. The violence and targeted attack on #Muslim establishments is ongoing at multiple locations in #Haryana state.

🔴Internet remains suspended.
🔴17 people reported dead.
🔴Hundreds of personal property set on fire.
🔴One mosque torched including the killing of Imam.

#India #Extremism #Violence #Hibdutva #Xenophobia #Politics #Modi


We all knew it, but no one dares saying it publicly.

This is a crime against humanity. But it will go unpunished because the victims are not "civilized Europeans" like those from Ukraine.

@Hypocrisy, #racism and #xenophobia prevent the world from calling this for what it is and punish those who murdered 100s of refugees, most of them women and children.

#Europe #Greece #DeathAtSea #CrimeAgainstHumanity #Hypocrisy #Refugees #Politics #Inhumanity


When #xenophobia is popular, #fascists become voices of #democracy : #Konfederacja proposed a referendum on migration policy

1) Do you support #EU relocation of migrants

2) Do you support social benefits for #immigrants?

3) Do you support paying immigrants Polish min pension if they did not pay into system

4) Do you support simplificiation in issueing migration permits to people from countries not culturaly close to #Poland (eg #muslim countries)

5) Do you support the project of the ministry of foreign affairs, which wants to admit into Poland atleast 400,000 migrants per year

#islamophobia #politics #fascism #populism #immigration
