


[2023-03-19 09:32:10] * Digit hears in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvSHD_n3Lyg (for one age group), over 250,000 number to treat, and 800 number to harm (which could easy be far over 10x worse yet)... compared to cannabis, number to treat around 2, number to harm >1,000,000

contrast to when this mitchell & webb sketch was just a fun little joke: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnd1jKcfBRE

#cannabis #vs #covid
#numbertotreat #remainindoors #genocide #softkill #costofbusiness
#thisisnotwhathealthcarelookslike #apatientcuredisacustomerlost
#health #politics #numbertotreat #numbertoharm
#politicianwalkout #representatives #representativedemocracy #lalalalanotlisteningtoyou #thisisnotwhatdemocracylookslike
#tory #labour #snp #complicit

and did i hear correctly,
for 40-49 year old, 932,500 number to treat.
and younger, they hide the data.

"but of course, big-pharma, is making huge profits".

makes wallstreet's destroying 7 times as much as they extract from us, look like a bargain, getting extorted cheap! compared to the scamdemic that converged with the circular reasoned interests of power-corrupted genocidal eugenicists and their published plans of vast de-population. dangerous idiacy. mind how you go, amidst the censorship, spin, coersion, terror, to not be in this democracy destroying mass-murderous complicity.


"the mark of an educated mind is to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" #AlanJames 's phrasing of the #goodquote / #idea attributed to #Aristotle

#intellectualhonesty #integrity #nonbelief #intellectualhumility #idontknow #entertaintheidea #psychology #cognitivedissonance #learntolearn #consider #encouragequestioning #questioneverything #questionmore #interview #thevobesshow #vobes #circleofwhitelight #educatedmind #themarkofaneducatedmind #narrative #tangiblesolutions #solutions #epistemology #philosophy #humility #psychologyasatool #psychologyasaweapon #government #governmind #advertisingormarketing #truth #questioning #followthewhiterabbit #thesearchfortruth #researching #evidence #presenttheevidence #educate #pedagogy #fluidbeliefsystem #intellectualflexibility #intellectualfluidity #newinformation #convictions #ego #identification #convictionsbecomeidentities #theignorancethatdiesisnotyou #comfortzone #stepoutsideyourcomfortzone #challengeyourbeliefs #parkyourego #programming #fervency #uncomfortabletruth #facethehorror #thematrix #redpill #waroftheworlds #planetoftheapes #theidea #theprogramming #seethesystemforwhatitreallyis #thelie #goldfishbowl #thefishthatneverjumps #questioning #virus #pandemic #procedure #ordinary #ordinaryexistence #existence #outsideordinaryexistence #virus #conflictofinterest #profit #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #oxymoron #apatientcuredisacustomerlost #establishedbestpractice #theonetruetruth #plandemic #publishedplans #scamdemic #racket #genocide #softkill #politicians #benevolence #fakecine #psyop #reason #coerced #coercion #mandate #duress #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatall #achoiceunderduressisnochoiceatallisit #convince #terror #manipulation #fear #prefrontalcortex #criticalthinking #fightflight #notthinking #myopia #inducedmyopia #authoritarian #abusive #tyranny #keepcalm #theothersideofthenarrative #censorship #ifweheard #ostracised #ostricisation #thedoorthatopenswithagentletouch #pushpushpush #wakeup #2012 #2009 #2002 #1950s #1960s #fantasy #operationlockstep #patentgate2 #contingencyplans #powerhold #powergrab #inspirational #catchphrase #removethesquares #seemore #theresalwaysmore #lookfortheevidence #starttoquestionthings #meetthemwheretheyareat #oncetheylearnedtolearn #evidence #brucelee #rigidsystem #beliefmakesapoormeanstodeterminereality #appearances #usefulidiots #nefarious #nefarioustasks #otherrasons #deceivers #hierarchy #hierarchicalstructure #boardofdirectors #controlpeople #compartmentalisation #thecorporation #governmentparty #whips #slaves #slavery #OBEY #youarefreetodowhatwetellyou #challengethenarrative #perception #believeopinionasfact #naiverealism #comfortingselfdelusion #selfdelusion #ignoranceasbliss #dangerousidiacy #opinionated #prejudice #prejudices #stubbornprejudices #bigotry #whathappened #listentobothsidesofthstory #listentoallsidesofthestory #alliknowisiknownothing #socratic #startaskingquestions #anecdotalevidence #objectivitydelusion #doctrine #passivevoice #science #scientism #blindtrust #accademia #accademics #perception #beliefsystem #PR #insight #providesolutions #verykind #generationalindoctrination #governmentalindoctrination #questioningthenarrative #thenarrative #asifthereisonlyoneperspective #seethroughthedeceptions #questionmore #startlearning


well, if these two are managed opposition shills buying trust, they're succesfully making a fairly large purchase here with me and those #healthy #rants.

"This _Deregulation is what makes this wealth transfer happen

  • absolutely dont become a victim of fear-mongering
  • rebuild community
  • see through the deceptions that generate fragmentation
  • rebuild innovatively for life and freedom
  • better ideas, diversely
  • become aware, eating well, eating good food, is the single most important ingredient to health
  • grow food in the right way, and combine with this awareness of good food eaten well for health
  • taking care
  • love all people
  • respect your butterfly wings, flap them well, in civildisobedience
  • develop strategies to get rid of the robber barons
  • acknowledge we dont have the luxury to be hopeless
  • cultivate hope
  • saveseeds
  • grow your own food, know your farmer
  • do what you can. help those who cant
  • invigorate lived democracy for when electoral democracy fails us.
  • remain hopeful

#vandanashiva #mercola #drmercola #navdanya #liveddemocracy #electoraldemocracy #mediacontrol #narrativemanagement #earthdemocracy #freedom #peoplesfreedom #illusionoffreedom #deregulation #selforganising #health #evolution #fractal #choices #justice #freedomandjustice #legalframework #practical #subsidies #look #equity #imposition #scaredbunchoftrillionaires #trueeconomies #cbdc #forcevaccination #nochoicenodemocracy #preservechoicepreservedemocracy #preservedemocracypreservelife #preservechoicepreservelife #globalisationisderegulation #democraticlaw #environmentalprotectionlaws #healthprotectionlaws #righttoeducation #workersrights #labourlaws #blacklivesmatter #justicematters #wakeup #narrative #divideandconquer #securitiesofdemocracy #societalprotectionlaws #freedomtodestroy #insurancecompanies #bigpharma #deregulationofourtimes #community #democraticsystems #sovereignty #monopoly #biofortification #ayurveda #problemreactionsolution #ruthless #vicious #money #dictatorship #technologybarons #barons #personalgreed #violentsystems #agrichemicals #hitler #genocide #domination #exploitation #notneutral #progressives #hierarchy #technologyasservant #convergentinterests #crisis #bookburning #ruthless #embraceextendextinguish #merger #destroyedentireindustries #intention #deregulation #globalisation #onenessvstheonepercent #investment #lifesciencesindustry #monsanto #bayer #financialtools #digitaltools #billionaires #assetfunds #controllingtheworldseconomy #corporations #psychopaths #owned #thetwelve #blackrock #vanguard #wealthtransfer #amazon #microsoft #fauxlanthropy #topdown #foodwithoutfood #toxic #control #nofreedom #weareinalotoftrouble #wakeup #lookup #mendthis #ecocide #finalissue #justice #shutdown #lockdown #deathofbirth #codexalimentarius #waronlife #themostvulnerable #vulnerable #therightstep #class #billionhungry #capitalism #monopolism #anthrocide #WHO #regulatorycapture #governments #philanthropy #hunger #sickness #humancull #nocullnecessary #forprofit #forweathextractionmaximisation #wealtextraction #wealthextractionmaximisation #homelessness #intentional #calous #throwawayclass #genocide #softkill #hardkill #panopticon #distraction #dumbdown #lobotomy #morecontrol #moreconcentration #centralisation #withoutrepresentation #withoutdemocracy #patriarchy #arrogance #billgates #zuckerberg #jeffbezos #destroying #planetaryscale #planetary #humanity #worsethingsthandeath #homeless #homelesspopulation #twoclasssystem #threeclasssystem #fourclasssystem #comorbidities #socialills #moneyoverpeople #greed #consequences #causality #society #nosociety #destruction #ecologicalcrisis #industrialism #pandemic #plandemic #colonialism #wellfare #dismantlingofprotection #dismantlingofsocialprotection #inequality #endofsociety #oneness #united #brutalviolence #poverty #criminals #apartheid #trusts #orwellian #taxdeduction #interesting #rockerfella #messcatalyst #molecularbiology #intelectualcapture #puppets #greenrevolution #greenwashing #corporateterrorism #stateterrorism #fascism #corporatism #controlleddebate #controlledclimatedebate #compulsorydigitaltransactions #nationaltaxsystems #nationaltaxsystemsusurped #gatesglobaltotalitarianresearch #agnotology #mostdevious #imaginationless #singularfocus #inhuman #inhumane #aware #facethehorror #therearepsychopaths #embraceextentextinguishonlife #mothernature #symbiosis #momentum #scamplan #worlddomination accounting #accountability #noaccountability #serious #extractiveeconommy #peoplemining #statesystem #wepaidforit #theyprofit #wedie #notinourname #reversetax #trickleup #imbalancedredistribution #iniquitous #collapse #intentionalinflation #strategicinflation #undemocraticinflation #WEF #greateconomicreset #imposed #notanaccident #wetriedtowarnyou #butyoucalledusconspiracytheorists #psyop #controllednarrative #controllednarratives #ecologicaldestruction #ripoffnature #disempowerment #wecanmendthis #empowerment #empowereverybody #pitchforksvstorches #languageappropriation #soil #neglect #regreen #recycle #earth #naturally #healthily #regenerate #regeneration #runfromthecure #noosphericattack #spin #organic #GMO #geneeditting #crispr #geneticallymodifiedorganism #fakelife #latteralgenetransfer #terminatorgenes #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #codexalimentarius #seriously #theplantoownalllife #includingyou #financialisationofnature #manufacturingdisposablepeople #circularreasoning #nocullnecessary #manufacturedscarcity #tyranicaltautology #suffering #youdeservebetter #theylie #theylietheylietheylie #fuckthat #fuckyouiwontdowhatyoutellme #declareindependence #patents #patentfraud #wipo #reductivism #totalitarianism #users #spyware #biospyware #allocation #vaers #worthy #humanrights #undoingwhatgenerationsfaughtfor #alert #bealert #myiopia #myopiclossofwealth #terrormyopia #usory #economicsuicide #suicide #suicideeconomy #defysuiciding #stay #mendthis #democracy #economy #humanity #startthinking #startthinkingaboutit #defendfeircly #freedomandlife #kleptarchy #kakistarchy #attercoparchy #createlocalmarkets #scientistssay #pestcontrol #illegal #illegalineffectivepestcontrol #apatientcuredacustomerlost #forprofitmedicine #forprofitpestcontrol #racket#protectionracket #biologicalprotectionracket #soarrogant #1000sofwaysofdoingfarming #gatesag1 #totallycontrolled #controlledseeds #farmerbrainscontrolled #staringdownthebarrelofeternaltyranny #bigdemand #manufactureddemand #hehadagraph #donttrusthim #distrusthim #ruthlesspsychopath #notphilanthropist #consciousness #consciousnessrising #awakeningconsciousness #lifejusticehumanity #vs #deathdestructiongreed #civilisation #culture #disease #social #individual #civildisobedience #robberbarons #worsethingsthandeath #growyourown #knowyourfarmer #solidarity #confidently



i've not watched this.

i just got caught on this phrase in the intro, and set it on a loop

prevention and punishment of genocide.


prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide. prevention and punishment of genocide.


#genocide #averybritishgenocide #eugenics #softkill #scamdemic #operationlockstep #event201 #georgiaguidestones #genocidetreaty #warcrimes #massmurder #terror #undemocratic #sovereignty #bodilyautonomy #humanrights #neveragain #nuremberg #wewillnurembergagain

prevention and punishment of genocide.

prevention and punishment of genocide.


I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy/epistemology behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.
~ "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, to my death, your right to say it."

listening to this immunologist https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/H/h/N/H/HhNHb.caa.1.mp4?u=0&b=0

reminds me of ... https://joindiaspora.com/posts/18175698 ... long before he mentioned the #nuremberg code.

#civilliberties #existential #humanrights #coercedmedicalproceedures #antivaxxers #anyvaxxers #neither #immunology #health #rights #logic #coercion #silence #duress #morality #moralconscience #moralcoward #selfcensorship #censorship #decide #freedom #noveltechnology #humantesting #plandemic #geneticengineering #fuseagenicprotien #warn #warning #worrying #coagulation #arrogance #stonewalling #denial #marketing #clots #thevaccineisnotavaccine #humancull #thinkaboutit #costriskanalysis #medicalethics #manslaughter #massmurder #softkill #eugenics #tyranny #vaccinepassport #digitalidentity #privelidgelevels #coerce #totalitariancontrol #behaviourcontrol #mindcontrol #obey #disobey #tonybliar #killbill #canttrustgovernment #corporateterrorism #epidemiology #topupvaccine #howstupidarewe #stultophobia #wealthextractionmaximisation #regulatorycapture #regulatoryskip #hippocraticoath #donoharm #depopulation #nocullnecessary #prisonplanet #unethical #toxicology #costbenefit #riskanalysis #doctorsmustknow #nursesmustknow #avoidabledeaths #hierarchy #massmedia #howthefewcontrolthemany #experimentaltreatment #treatment #mistreatment #nurembergcode #councilofeurope

frustrating how suppressed such messages have been getting... and more frustrating how many succumb to the danger of the little bit of information they're allowed, epistemologically missing that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and blundering into a dozen other fallacies and unquestioning group think, saturated in the propaganda parroted back, not even questioning who's making bank, who's got conflicts of interest, not following the money, not considering cui-bono. very disappointing, humanity, very disappointing, and all the more for all you keep quiet for the fear of what other people think. you would hand us all over to eugenicists and tyrants just to play play along for an easy life. ... "First they came..."

I don't agree with everything said (nor the philosophy behind it). I think it important to listen and consider more/all perspectives. I do think it vital to be wary of the one true "truth" we're not allowed to waver from.

Listen to those who seek the truth, run from those who claim to have found it.

yet, "no valid medical reason whatsoever" & "no chance, impossible" & "not viable, not plausible" surely needs give you pause for concern and consideration. and he can say "I don't know" often too, and consider possibilities and uncertainties. Sounds like someone who investigates rather than parrots unquestioningly. still some flies in his ointment still, but far less than the jar of flies-only on offer.

remember they already bought themselves #NoLiability ... :-[

achieve totalitarian domination, AND triple your billionaire wealth, risk-free? no-brainer for the #ruthless.

#wakethefuckup #weareinalotoftrouble

and still the words of that middling insider from years ago caught on audio recording scoffing something like "after the terrorist thing wears off, we're going to have people running scared of a disease without symptoms".

... and initiated at the end of the year with the biggest % of the world population protesting. and largely protesting the banker/corporate-polluter/politician class... same folks who promote #thegreatreset #geoengineering and ploys text-book copy of simulations like #event201 ... got enough smoking gun yet? got enough pieces in place to make a reasonable guess at the picture yet? or is it still as those who have most to gain and most to lose say to you?

we needn't have this bs, we needn't keep succumbing to their terrorising us into accepting, even pleading for, their toxic paternalism. we could have anarchism, and that would be a #good thing.

"hope will be ok" #positivityninnyism #no #wearenotdoingthatanymore

"They can't believe people can be that evil. I remind them, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, they do exist."

#beliefism #denial #evil

"All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing."

"One death is a tragedy; a million, a statistic." ... numb yet? :-/

"I don't believe anything I'm told anymore." YAY! non-belief. best protection to deceivers. #keepquestioning

#relax #keeplearning