

Quelles #magouilles #politiques ont mené à l'interdiction de #TikTok? | #IdrissAberkane


L' #Administration " #Biden" aussi bien que les #dĂ©mocrates et une frange solide des #rĂ©publicains veulent faire #interdire #TikTok aux #Etats-Unis. AprĂšs la #censure brutale de #RT et #Sputnik dans tous les #pays de l' #UnionEuropĂ©enne sans aucune #consultation des #peuples prĂ©tendument #souverains, aprĂšs la tentative d'interdire #X ( #Twitter) par le commissaire #politique #ThierryBreton, on assiste Ă  une nouvelle bouffĂ©e de #Maccarthysme dĂ©lirant en #ExtrĂȘme Occident. Quelles profondes #magouilles #politiques prĂ©sident rĂ©ellement Ă  cet Ă©vĂ©nement ? Nous en parlons une heure dans cette vidĂ©o

#internet #Tiktokban #idrissaberkane #politique #USA #brics


The Vampire Ball is Over

We may also speak of a “blood orgy.”


The #era of #Western #elites being able to #exploit other #nations and other #peoples across the #world is coming to an #end, Russian President #VladimirPutin said in an exclusive interview published by Rossiya 1 and RIA Novosti on Wednesday.

The president stated that over the past few centuries, the so-called “golden billion” has grown accustomed to being able to “fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money” as they have been “parasitizing” other peoples in #Africa, #Asia, and #LatinAmerica.

”But they must understand that the vampire ball is ending,” #Putin said.

He added that the citizens of the aforementioned regions, which have been continuously exploited by the West over the past 500 years, have started to associate #Russia’s #struggle for #sovereignty with “their own aspirations for sovereignty and independent development.”

That is definitely happening.

It might even be the single most important upshot of the #Ukraine war, when we look back on it in history.

Russia has become the standard bearer of #resistance against the #EvilEmpire...


En 2022, la #France a Ă©tĂ© touchĂ©e par une #surmortalitĂ©, selon l’ #Insee — #RT en #français


La surmortalitĂ© a explosĂ© en France en 2022, avec un #excĂšs de #dĂ©cĂšs de 8,7%, dĂ©taille l’Insee. Si l’organisme de #statistiques ne rentre pas dans le dĂ©tail des #causes possibles de ces chiffres, il Ă©voque la #canicule, la #grippe et la #gestion du #Covid.

Des chiffres qui font froid dans le dos : en 2022, 675 000 personnes sont mortes en France, soit 53 800 dĂ©cĂšs de plus qu’attendu.



Moscow said Tuesday that it had captured several German Leopard tanks and US Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, releasing footage showing Russian troops surveying the equipment supplied to Ukraine by Western countries.

So the BS story they posted last week #France24 that the images shared on social media was photoshopped is all forgotten!

Our mainstream media is turning into an embarrassing version of #Soviet #Pravdae. It's just sad that we still live in an illusion of a free and democratic society and we have a free press while #EU has put a ban on #RT and other Russian media because they are "propaganda".

#Ukraind #Russia #UkraineWar #Propaganda #AFP #Leopard2 #Bradley #Politics #Military

PS. I posted it 5 days ago and got some nasty comments on Friendlica on my DM.



Ukraine-Krieg: BewĂ€hrungsprobe fĂŒr die Demokratie | DW | 23.05.2023

Zwei Klassen bei GeflĂŒchteten und EinschrĂ€nkungen der Informationsfreiheit: Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisieren im Grundrechte-Report deutsche und europĂ€ische Reaktionen auf den Ukraine-Krieg.#Ukraine-Krieg #FlĂŒchtlinge #Asyl #Demokratie #Pressefreiheit #RT #Sputnik #Meinungsfreiheit #Grundrechte
Ukraine-Krieg: BewĂ€hrungsprobe fĂŒr die Demokratie | DW | 23.05.2023


RT France placé en liquidation

«Aujourd'hui, le Tribunal de Nanterre a pris la dĂ©cision de mettre RT France en liquidation – un mĂ©dia qui n'a pas plu Ă  Emmanuel Macron depuis son lancement et, qui a Ă©tĂ© sanctionnĂ© par l'UE il y a un an Ă  titre prĂ©ventif en raison du conflit en Ukraine – en effaçant notre visibilitĂ© en Europe et en gelant ensuite tous nos fonds et nos actifs pour s'assurer que nous ne produisions plus de contenu», a tweetĂ© la PrĂ©sidente et directrice de l’information de RT France, Xenia Fedorova. Avant d'ajouter : «En consĂ©quence, plus d'une centaine de salariĂ©s français seront licenciĂ©s dans les prochains jours.» La censure d'un mĂ©dia qui a donnĂ© toute libertĂ© aux journalistes, aux animateurs et aux experts et qui n'a jamais enfreint aucune loi Xenia Fedorova a notamment dĂ©noncĂ© «la censure d'un mĂ©dia qui a donnĂ© toute libertĂ© aux journalistes, aux animateurs et aux experts et qui n'a jamais enfreint aucune loi, mais qui est restĂ© fidĂšle Ă  ses valeurs fondamentales, ce qui manquera sans aucun doute aux Français».

En savoir plus sur #RTFrance : https://francais.rt.com/france/105327-rt-france-place-liquidation-judiciaire

#censure #RT


Even though it is said that ignorance is a blessing, at least sometimes I would like to have an omniscient mind.
In all these secular shows, there are so many narratives, stories about facts and the truth, that trusting in a single source is like believing in God.

#russia #ukraine #usa #olaf and the #pipeline.
How reliable are #ISW, #SouthernFront, #DW, #RT or other sources?
Before I become one of their believers, I prefer to sit back, relax as much as possible, read other sources at my leisure and wait until I see more clearly.
Over time, as the "facts" dwindle and the truth prevails, reality is less blurred, at least in some cases. However, sometimes that clarity is as clear as the assassination of JFK, for example.

That's why I sometimes wish I had an omniscient mind that would spare me the search for truth and prevent me from having to fret over lies.


Das waren noch Zeiten als RT noch wertvollen Journalismus gemacht hat und den westlichen Medien den Spiegel vorgehalten hat 

Dies ist keine Werbung fĂŒr RT noch fĂŒr die Russische Regierung oder ihre Politik. Ich bin nur der Meinung, dass die Pressefreiheit wichtiger sein sollte als vom Westen praktiziert. Oft braucht es auch Sender wie RT, um Sachen an die Öffentlichkeit zu bringen, die von den westlichen Medien totgeschwiegen werden. Durch die #Zensur von RT sind sĂ€mtliche alten BeitrĂ€ge nicht mehr erreichbar.

#CNN zensiert #Doku ĂŒber Bahrein: https://bafybeigjrqrwkbznnqbvplhflbvvczx5wmczzrjbkbe4tmcr5l7zp4zoue.ipfs.dweb.link/CNN_Whistleblower_Amber_Lyon_Doku_Bahrein_RT_2013-05-02.mp4

Mehr zum Thema hier: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amber_Lyon#Internes_Whistleblowing_ĂŒber_die_Darstellung_von_CNN_zu_den_Demonstrationen_in_Bahrain

#propaganda #usa #krieg #doku #AmbaLyon #problem #presse #freiheit #demokratie #journalismus #unabhÀngikeit #bericht #dokumentation #Interview #RT #Bahrein #Whistleblower #beitrag #aufklÀrung #medien #Verlag #Agenda #Politik