

How Big Tech (Oil and Pharma) Charms and Bullies European Politicians, Journalists and Academics under the guise of furthering research - Transparency is long overdue

In a recent investigation, the New Statesman showed that Facebook, Google and Microsoft paid millions to research institutes linked to reputable universities, ostensibly to help further science.

Facebook, on the other hand tried to hide their involvement. They announced a $7.5 million grant to the Institute for Ethics in Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Munich and claimed that no strings were attached to the money. But an investigation by Süddeutsche Zeitung revealed that Facebook reserved itself the right to withhold funding from year to year if the institute’s personnel was not to their liking.

Together, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Bytedance (TikTok), Snap and Microsoft declared close to €25 million in lobbying spending in 2020, according to the official transparency register of the European Union. This does not include Big Pharma or Big Oil, nor what Big Tech spends across other countries or research foundations.

See How Big Tech Charms and Bullies European Politicians, Journalists and Academics - AlgorithmWatch

#technology #BigTech #lobbying #EU


Google, Facebook and other very large tech companies built a lobbying system that, under the guise of furthering research or journalism, binds intellectuals in a complex network of patronage. Transparency is long overdue.



It always amazes me when people that claim to be against de-platforming and condemn the actions of anti Free Speech companies like twitter, not only continue to post to it but when I mention Diaspora not only do they have no idea what I'm talking about, but don't even put in effort to find out. This even includes long-time tech-y type dudes.

Then again, look how long its taken bitcoin to catch the public eye compared to when it actually started, and that involves money.

#decentralization #networks #centralization #bitcoin #diaspora #complainers #bigtech #smalltech #littletech #twitter #obvious #theydontlisten #freedom #privacy #freespeech #socialnetworks


"In 2017, during an interview with Axios, Parker expressed concerns about the role of Facebook in society, saying that it 'exploit[s] a vulnerability in human psychology' as it creates a 'social-validation feedback loop.' Parker stated that he was 'something of a conscientious objector' to using social media."

Parker. Sean...Parker. Billionaire former President of Facebook. That Sean Parker.

#deepthoughts #saysalot #socialnetworks #socialmedia #napster #causeandeffect #midnight #interesting #bigtech #smalltech #networks #society #hmm #howboutthat


Alternatives to Big Tech Social Media Networks

This webpage has been created for those seeking alternatives to Big Tech run Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc.

There are many reasons for people seeking such alternatives:
* They can be dissatisfaction with the terms and conditions that must be complied with
* Or that a particular network is a walled garden not allowing outside viewing
* Or they want to separate their work/family/social lives
* Or a dissatisfaction with how their metadata or posts are shared with advertisers or third parties
* Or that the feed algorithms are manipulated to show adverts or other posts they don't follow
* Possibly they've been banned already from a network
* Or that a large centrally hosted service is under scrutiny from their government
* Or possibly certain such sites are even censored or banned in their country

The list is actually endless, and the aim of this page is to highlight a few worthy alternatives to consider. These are mostly all sites that I actually use myself, and I will try to highlight any particular aspects that stand out.

See Alternatives to Big Tech Social Media Netwoks | Gadgeteer

#technology #socialnetworks #alternativeto #BigTech #decentralised


This webpage has been created for those seeking alternatives to Big Tech run Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc. There are many reasons for people seeking such alternatives:



How interoperability could end Facebook’s death grip on social media after all ActivityPub and other open standards already exist for social media

If one factor explains the competition problem in social media, it’s network effects. The more members a social network onboards, the more valuable the platform becomes. After all, when all your friends and family are already on Facebook, you may feel the need to become a member in order to stay in the loop. And you might also end up spending far less time on other networks. This makes a tough road for all those Facebook alternatives out there.

If past judgements such as U.S. v. Microsoft are a guide, U.S. courts don’t smile on big companies that get a competitive advantage simply by being big. One way to mitigate Facebook’s network effects would be to make it less (socially) costly for people to stay on smaller, competitive networks. That’s why the concepts of portability and interoperability are so important.

Good precedents are given around phone number portability, and the fact that large social networks have had to quickly adapt their protocols before for changes such as Stories, Clubhouse, etc. What is not mentioned though is that open standards such as XMPP and ActivityPub already exist, and which successfully interconnect profiles, messages, posts, likes, media sharing between completely different social networks, and each of these social networks exists still on their own, but you can be on any one, and follow or be followed from any other network.

For those worrying about Facebook then being able to access their profiles or posts on these other networks... that possibility was always there anyway.

See How interoperability could end Facebook’s death grip on social media

#technology #monopoly #BigTech #openstandards #Facebook


The U.S. government forced wireless companies to let you take your phone number with you when you switched carriers. A similar move may be called for again.



Video review of the new Brave browser search engine which will work with other browsers too

Many of us who wanted to avoid data collection by Google and Microsoft have been using DuckDuckGo which does a good job of this, but it still does source some of it's results from Bing and other search engines.

Currently, I'm using Firefox browser again with DDG as the default search engine. I was interested to note that Brave's search engine works perfectly well in Firefox and it can even be set as the default search engine with about 2 steps. Brave is building up their own indexes to avoid using Google and Bing, so I tested the search by searching on some terms and was pleasantly surprised to see the results are a bit more relevant than I was getting with DDG.

See a video overview at The Brave Search Engine. Will This Be The Google Killer?

#technology #search #bravesearch #privacy #bigtech


Brave's new search engine recently had it's public launch. Brave, the makers of the Brave Browser, aim to provide a truly privacy-focused search engine that serves independent results rather than pu...



Big Tech critic Lina Khan named chair of the FTC

Lina Khan, a prominent critic of Big Tech, has been named chairwoman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a White House spokesperson confirmed Tuesday.

The update comes just hours after the Senate voted to confirm the 32-year-old to the agency in a 69-28 vote.

The designation as chairwoman will give Khan greater authority at the FTC at a time when the agency is pursuing an antitrust case against Facebook and as lawmakers look to revamp laws to give the agency greater authority to rein in the market power of tech giants. ...


Khan made a splash several years ago with her law article "Amazon's Antitrust Paradox" (2017). Her view on monopoly and antitrust marks a sharp departure from the strict "consumer welfare" standard of "Saturday Night Massacre" Robert Bork, the Nixon Administration Solicitor General famous for firing Watergate Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox after both the Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General resigned rather than do so. Bork's doctrine itself grew from a long and deliberate campaign for change born at the University of Chicago under Aaron Director.

#LinaKhan #FTC #BigTech #Monopoly #AntiTrust


Eddy Cue wanted to bring iMessage to Android in 2013 - Not surprisingly Big Tech's want to lock users into their own Walled Gardens

This is the reason why I've never used an OEMs app that is unique to them only (well also because I have many friends using different phone brands and OSs). Even when I had an iPhone 3 (and now an iPhone 12 Pro) and a Samsung Android phone, I always stuck to using a service that was generally available across devices.

So yes that was why it was easy for me to switch from an iPhone to Android, and back again now in 2021 to an iPhone. Inter-operability and compatibility is what we as consumers should be demanding and ourselves choosing. The point is of all my colleagues, and friends and family, are using different phones and OSs. We should resist using a product locked only into one ecosystem.

There is a rumour (and only that) that Apple may consider adopting RCS, and if so that would change the game somewhat (and will have some effect on WhatsApp, Telegram and others). SMS was a universal messaging standard dictated by the cellular networks, but it does not look like Big Tech companies will voluntarily support a single standard otherwise. What we should have though is a mandatory open standard used by all that is not aligned to any specific brand or provider. This is something consumers should push governments to adopt.

A parting thought: Imagine a world with no single standard for e-mail or SMS messaging...

See Eddy Cue wanted to bring iMessage to Android in 2013

#technology #openstandards #apple #instantmessaging #bigtech


No more green bubbles.
