

"Billionaires are a menace to the rest of us: their sheer political size warps our public life. Disproportionately older, white & male, they function as unelected powers, a sort of freelance global aristocracy who are too often trying to reign over the rest of us. Some critics think that the supergiant tech corporations that have spawned so many modern billionaires operate in ways that resemble feudalism more than capitalism, & , certainly, plenty of billionaires operate like the lords of the Earth while campaigning to protect the economic inequality that made them so rich & makes so many others so poor. They use their power in arbitrary, reckless & often environmentally destructive ways."




"Today, our political leaders are allowed to say one thing and do the exact opposite. They can claim to be climate leaders while they rapidly expand their nation's fossil fuel infrastructure. They can say we are in a climate emergency as they open up new coal mines, new oil fields, and new pipelines. It has not only become socially acceptable for our leaders to lie, it is more or less what we expect them to do.

I believe that the main reason we have reached this point β€” the reason we are facing this catastrophe β€” is because the media has allowed people in power to create a gigantic greenwashing machine designed to maintain Business As Usual for the benefit of short-term economic policies. The media have failed to hold those responsible for the destruction of our biosphere accountable, effectively acting as gatekeepers for the status quo.

Given the size of our mission and the time we have left to act, there is, frankly, no entity other than the media that has the opportunity to create the necessary transformation of our global society. In order for that to happen, they must start treating the climate, ecological, and sustainability crisis like the existential crisis it is. It has to dominate the news.

Our safety as a species is on a collision course with the current system. The longer you pretend this is not the case, and the longer you pretend that we can solve this catastrophe within a global societal structure which has no laws or restrictions whatsoever protecting us from the ongoing self-destructive greed that has brought us to the very edge of the precipice, the more time we will waste. Time that we no longer have."

β€œThe Climate Book”
#Greta Thunberg


#billionaires owned media #climatechange



Tell your #senators to become original #co-sponsors of the #Billionaires Income #Tax

"Next week, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) is widely expected to introduce his Billionaires Income Tax (BIT) to correct the absurdity of billionaires paying lower tax rates than many working people.

According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, the BIT would raise $557 billion over 10 years.[4] It would be applied annually to the growth in value of easily priced assets such as stocks, and to the growth in value of harder to price assets like private businesses when they’re sold.

This new tax would only apply to taxpayers whose net worth either exceeds $1 billion or whose income exceeds $100 million for three consecutive years.

This is a critical piece of legislation that would not only ensure that America’s 748 billionaires are paying income taxes each year―just like working people do―it would also help close the widening wealth gap in America: the richest 1% hold almost one-third (31%) of U.S. wealth while the bottom 50% has just 2.5%.

Click β€œSTART WRITING” to send a message to your U.S. senators urging them to become original co-sponsors of the Billionaires Income Tax to ensure billionaires start paying their fair share of taxes."


"There are dead people on the streets. We see people being shot at. We can see injured people. We hear them crying for help, but we cannot do anything. It is too dangerous to go outside."


The tax dollars on #USA of every generation supports #genocide after genocide, because our country was started by people who own people. And every year, the #billionaires want a bigger tribute. Soon the ocean will turn acidic and it will be all over