

Considerably beyond 10pm. The sound and heat emitted by small devices. Taking note, again, of a few leftovers, to maybe refer to them in the coming days. It's all learning, at best. And maybe that's a good result after all. (Quiet is the city, a few bicycles still on the roads, and a few bright dots on an otherwise empty sky. It's been a while to gaze stars at these hours. Have a pleasant night wherever you are.)

#concrete_city #outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #beyond_dusk

#concrete city #later that day later that night #beyond dusk


#satanic #bbc is #way #beyond #evil

Concerned Citizen on X: “Dear BBC, @BBCNews Will you report on the fact Axel Rudakuna featured in your

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Southport Child murderer Axel Rudakubana was employed by the BBC only 6 years ago.

“It’s very odd the only photographs the press have been able to access are of him a lot younger”

Do you think it’s just another one of these weird coincidences that keep happening?

Also why isn’t there a recent picture……?

Huge Coverup underway.

is it
It's misleading to say he was "employed by the BBC" when, in actual fact, he was "on the books of Ology Kids Casting" and is only known to have starred in a BBC Children in Need promo at 11 years old.

reported on X that he told police ‘he did what Allah asked him to do’, so are we looking at mind controlled assailants here? He is an actor with an agent apparently. I do find it curious that the Trump alleged assassin appeared in a Blackrock commercial also. Are they ‘got at’ somewhere along the line?

When we ask cui bono, of course it justifies further draconian controls so it does seem horribly convenient for the psychos in charge. The manipulation is painful, the Manchester airports vids recently and then this, get everyone all riled up, then make them eat craw and apologise ‘you were wrong’, then all riled up again, ‘you weren’t wrong’. It’s deliberate and continual mental assault.

The demonstration that went to Downing Street following the fracas in Southport was angry but non-violent, yet riot police in full gear were out in force randomly arresting protestors and brutal if resisted, when no such force is shown during Muslim protests and marches. Earning Kier Starmer the nickname ‘Two tier Kier’. Muslims are protected and mollycoddled, white Brits are not.


10pm, again. Remainders of dusk quickly waned, darkness wraps the houses across the street. One huge display again over there, tonite filling the rooms with red and green light. Soul and mind floating in a realm of digital visions. And still there's a small candle burning on the windowsill, like a symbol to keep a warmth in the cooling-down night. (Maybe sometimes it takes symbols like this.)

#outerworld #later_that_day_later_that_night #concrete_city #beyond_dusk

#later that day later that night #concrete city #beyond dusk


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A #mini-planet orbiting in the frigid #outer reaches of the #solarsystem has a #Saturn-like #ring of #dust and #debris that #defies the rules of #physics, a new study has #revealed.

The planet in question is called #Quaoar and it's the #seventh largest of the known #dwarf #planets of which #Pluto is the #king. #Discovered in #2002 and about 697 miles wide (1,121 kilometers), Quaoar is one of the so-called #trans-Neptunian objects, small planets orbiting #beyond the solar system's outermost planet #Neptune.

Residing in the #KuiperBelt, the doughnut-shaped ring of rocky and icy debris in the outer solar system, Quaoar is a proud owner of its own #moon, the 100-mile-wide (160 km) #Weywot. And a recent observation campaign revealed that it also has a ring of material in its orbit.

That by itself wouldn't be so special. The gas giant Saturn is known to possess a whole series of rings. #Jupiter, Neptune and #Uranus also have some. One other trans-Neptunian object — #Haumea — has been found to have a ring, and the space rock #Chariklo that orbits between #Saturn and #Uranus also has one. So what exactly sets Quaoar's ring apart?

Related: Dwarf planets: science & facts about the solar system’s smaller worlds

Quaoar's ring is at a very unusual #distance from its parent body. In fact, before astronomers discovered Quaoar's ring in observations from several telescopes conducted between 2018 and 2021, they had thought that it was impossible for a ring to exist at such a distance. With a radius of about 2,420 miles (3,885 km) from Quaoar's center, the ring is too far away from the dwarf planet that its gravity should no longer be able to keep the material dispersed. Instead, it should coalesce under its own gravity and form another moon, just like Weywot. By not having done that, the ring has breached what astronomers call the Roche limit, the first known ring around a #celestial body to have done so.

"What is so intriguing about this discovery around Quaoar is that the ring of material is much farther out than the Roche limit," Giovanni Bruno, an astronomer at Italy's National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) and one of the authors of the paper, said in a European #Space Agency (ESA) statement. "As a result of our observations, the classical notion that dense rings survive only inside the Roche limit of a planetary body must be thoroughly revised."

The ring was discovered during a series of occultations, essentially eclipses, when Quaoar passed between Earth and several more distant but much brighter stars. When an occultation occurs, the light of the background star temporarily dims. The effect is only visible to very sensitive telescopes and is frequently used to detect exoplanets orbiting stars in our Milky Way galaxy, which is why ESA's exoplanet hunter Cheops was among the telescopes watching these Quaoar occultations.

When astronomers analyzed the data, they realized that apart from the main dip in the background stars' brightness, they could detect two smaller drops. Since drops occurred before and after the main occultation, respectively, the researchers thought that Quaoar must be surrounded with a ring.

Several Earth-based telescopes also observed the occultations with similar results, but Cheops' data were particularly valuable as they proved that the odd dimmings were not caused by the effects of Earth's atmosphere.


Clayton Morris interviews #Michae-Horn, representing #Billy-Meier, who goes over past predictions which have happened, some which haven't (yet), and some in the future. The heading is clickbaity, unfortunately, which detracts from Redacted's credibility a little.

"While the #UFO community is busy hand wringing over what Congress and the Pentagon will disclose about advanced craft and alien bodies, one UFO contactee has been accurately predicting major world events since the 1940's. What will happen in 2024 and beyond? Michael Horn is the English language representative for UFO contactee Billy Meier and he joins Redacted to detail past #prophecies that Meier has predicted as well as what's next for #2024 and #beyond. We better pay attention."

Point of Interest:
At 55:46, Michael Horn brings up the "dark dark secret" discussed recently between Clayton Morris and Tucker Carlson.


The #KLF: #Beyond The #Band That Burnt £1,000,000 I #New #British #Canon - #TrashTheory


If you’ve heard of the KLF, you probably know them as a band that burnt a million pounds. But that is only the conclusion to their story. The journey that led them to the Isle of Jura on that fateful August morning in 1994 is even more fascinating.

A journey that includes getting sued by ABBA, gaining a number one single in the guise of a talking car, pioneering at least one genre of dance music and becoming one of the most successful singles bands of the early 90s. They were two men compelled by the forces of chaos to spread as much confusion as possible and they transformed that into a pop career. This is New British Canon and this is the Story of The KLF.

Fact-checking by Serenity Autumn and Chad Van Wagner.

Thanks also to Rex The Younger for having archived a lot of this footage

00:00 Introduction
00:43 It Begins: The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu
07:31 The Rise & Destruction of The Timelords
13:36 The KLF, Pure Trance & Chill Out
20:58 Stadium House: The KLF Chart Takeover
25:50 Justified and Ancient (Stand By The JAMs)
30:45 Burning a Million: The End of The KLF

#music #theklf #90sdancemusic #musicdocumentary #documentary #documentaire #musique


the #insane #evil ones are #beyond #comprehension
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from #JimStone:
#SHOCKING: #Environmental #disaster #intentionally #caused #by #federal #government - a derailed #train carrying many carloads of #Polyvinylchloride was detonated on purpose in Palestine Ohio

That's the last thing you'd ever want to do, that substance, when not cured (as was the case) is probably the worst carcinogen known to man. I think "they" wanted to cause a huge disaster so they derailed the train on purpose, and then for no conceivable reason put explosives on the tanks and blew them up on puropse.
A side comment here - something that is getting censored but I have known about since the 80's - un cured polyvinylchloride is BAAAD, I found out about that after someone I knew had to walk into a cleanup scene and died of cancer within 2 months. You cannot expose yourself to un-cured liquid PVC fumes NO MATTER WHAT. Cured it is fine, un-cured it's one of the worst things there is.
I REPEAT: THEY DERAILED A TRAIN CARRYING PERHAPS THE WORST CHEMICAL CARGO POSSIBLE AND THEN DETONATED EVERY SINGLE CAR CARRYING THAT SUBSTANCE ON PURPOSE, right in the middle of the most prime farm land in the country. That's a clear and obvious act of war waged on the United states by the government.

CLEARLY, obviously, the worst enemy of the United States is it's own government, stolen elections have consequences, and this is proof. This "weather system" is in fact the worst toxic waste known to man, put into the sky by the government of the United States. The environmental destruction will be incalculable. And this is not even being picked up by the MSM.
GET THIS!! The reason given for blowing the train cars up was because they were afraid they might explode!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!


The media is already playing cleanup, saying the train crashed and burned. That is not the case, there was no fire until they blew the cars up. Then the smoke traveled and started killing things.


283 square miles contaminated so badly that animals both domestic and wild are dying

The media silenced the Palestine Ohio train derailment - for whatever reason I can't even guess. But the fact remains that it is one of the greatest environmental catastrophes in American history

My thoughts are that the same authorities who did nothing to stop pfizer from ruining countless millions is actually seeking to cause damage in the population so no precautions at all are being taken with the vinyl chloride release perpetrated by the federal government, they are just sending people back home.

This is a small capture, but the bottom line is that if chickens are dying 10 miles away in one direction, and other wildlife is dying 10 miles away in the opposite direction,over 280 square miles are toast. Near the site of the derailment, safe limits were exceeded by 8,000X. That's not percent, it is X, 100 times more than a percent rating.

#Chemical #warfare is OK in #Ukraine against Russians forces but must not be talked about when it's against US citizens by US authorities... adding to their favorite agenda textbook under the verse "Pestilence"...

Downtown #Pittsburgh, #Pennsylvania is less than 40 air miles downwind of this disaster. Assuredly NO ONE living there, or even within the city's suburbs, will be advised to evacuate or to take ANY precaution. And as already said, there are many farms in the area including the one collective of farms that provides much #organic #food.

I have great empathy for the people who have already lost and will lose so much over this -- their homes, their livelihoods, their communities, their animals, their own #health.

I take my pet each week to an excellent veterinarian whose practice is within 25 miles from East Palestine, downwind. When driving to the vet's practice, I always thought of the risk of living close to the nuclear power plant that I pass along the way. Fallout. I didn't think for a moment of this scenario. Who would?

Ironic how there's so much focus on continuity of government, continuity of business, etc. these days while there was apparently no risk management applied here. Maybe Jim Stone has a point, if not the truth.

