

"A very interesting and illuminating half hour discussion mostly featuring Jeffrey Sachs, an academic and unaligned diplomat of great experience, who has just returned from #China."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=BR4IErrOQhU
I wouldn't say Jeffrey Sachs is unaligned, he's rather a prime example of a globalist deep-state bureaucrat. He's not aligned to the US or to any particular country, but to the globalist dream of a #worldwide #technocracy. As I've said before, I'm afraid that's what the mulitpolar #world is all about. While the drive towards a #global technocracy has so far been dominated by the US, leadership is now becoming more diversified, but that doesn't change anything about the general objective which is #totalitarian #control.
BRICS rising as neocons destroy the west w/Jeffrey Sachs (Live)


USA investieren weiter kräftig in Deutschland | DW | 22.05.2023

Obwohl die USA Investitionen mit Milliarden fördern, ist Deutschland als Standort auch weiterhin attraktiv. Energieversorgung und Fachkräftemangel sind keine Probleme, dafür aber der Mangel an Flächen.#Deutschland #Investitionen #GTAI #China #USA
USA investieren weiter kräftig in Deutschland | DW | 22.05.2023


Ted Aranda

Excellent article.

It's not West versus East. It's the #global #Oligarchy #versus the #people of the #world.

-- #Technocracy: The Operating System For The New International Rules-Based Order

The International Rules-Based Order (IRBO) is under threat and global power is shifting. As East and West rekindle old enmities we are led to believe that this struggle will determine the future of international relations and the direction of nation states. However, the global transformation is not led by national governments but by a global network of stakeholders and global technocracy is their goal. . . .

The WEF, the Trilateral Commission and other G3P (Global Public-Private Partnership) think-tanks have encouraged the development needed for [China] to construct the burgeoning Technate (technocratic state). Foreign investment and an infusion of technology, from the current leading nations of the existing IRBO, has brought China to a position where it will provide the economic, political and cultural impetus for a new world order.

Technocracy, as piloted in China, is now being rolled out globally. Individual sovereignty and freedoms, the claimed moral basis for the current IRBO, are being replaced by a commitment to efficiency and resource management in the interests of the “general good.” In the West, we know this as “sustainable development.”

Such a system is perfect for those who want to wield supreme autocratic power, which is precisely why the G3P have long wished to install technocracy globally. It is the reason why they have assisted the construction of a Technate in China. The new IRBO will be led by the technocrats and they will serve the Global Public-Private Partnership. . . .

While technocracy was an impossible dream in the 1930s, today it is eminently achievable. Just as Brzezinski foresaw, the required technological capability now exists.

When Klaus Schwab and George Soros said #China would be the engine of the new #IRBO and the leaders of the 4th Industrial Revolution, they didn’t mean that China would become the centre of a political hegemony, as the US has been. Rather, China is the exemplar of technocracy, providing an operational model for the new global #system alongside the supposedly necessary economic growth.

This new IRBO is the world order designed by the G3P. It is a neofeudal, techno-fascist, global technocracy led by a worldwide, multistakeholder network of vested, private interests.

The governments we elect will enforce the G3P policy agenda. The MSM’s task, who are both partners within and propagandists for the G3P, is to convince us to buy into it.




China-Beteiligung am Hamburger Hafen: Neue Informationen bringen Bundesregierung in Erklärungsnot

War halt keine "kritische Infrastruktur", gelle? Oder doch?

Dabei war der Bundesregierung zum Zeitpunkt ihrer Entscheidung bewusst, dass die Zahl der von dem Terminal umgeschlagenen Container groß genug für eine Einstufung als kritische Infrastruktur ist, was diese immer wahrscheinlicher machte. Die Tonnagezahlen hätten dem Wirtschaftsministerium seit dem 6. Mai 2022 vorgelegen und seit dem 25. Mai 2022 auch dem Innen-, Finanz-, Verkehrs und Verteidigungsministerium sowie dem Auswärtigen Amt, räumt die Bundesregierung in ihrem Antwortschreiben ein.

Um Ausreden nie verlegen...

Die Bundesregierung rechtfertigt sich in ihrem Antwortschreiben zwar damit, dass die Einstufung eines Containerterminals als kritische Infrastruktur nicht allein von der umgeschlagenen Frachtmenge abhänge. Offen bleibt aber, warum die Regierung den Teileinstieg der Chinesen erlaubt hat, obwohl sie damit rechnen musste, dass das BSI die entsprechende Einstufung vornehmen werde. Auch stellt sich die Frage, warum das BSI nicht schneller geprüft hat.

Außenamt und Wirtschaftsministerium wollten den Deal verhindern, weil sie einen zu großen Einfluss Chinas fürchteten. Das Kanzleramt wollte ihn hingegen ermöglich.


#OlafScholz #kritischeInfrastruktur #Infrastruktur #China


#taiwan #china #chips
May 16, 2023

Warren Buffett’s conglomerate has sold its remaining shares in the world’s largest chipmaker, TSMC, after the “Oracle of Omaha” sounded alarms about its homebase of Taiwan.

In a Monday filing, Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) disclosed that it was no longer holding a stake in Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSM) as of the end of the first quarter.

In recent weeks, Buffett had repeatedly expressed concerns over the future of Taiwan, the self-governed democratic island where TSMC is based. China’s Communist leadership has long claimed Taiwan as part of its territory, despite having never ruled over it.

The move completes an exit from TSMC by one of the world’s most watched investors, which had already been winding down its stake in recent months.


Preparing for Defeat

#ClownWorld’s pet politicians and intellectuals are beginning to change the #Narrative and prepare the public for its inevitable #defeat in #Ukraine.

The conflict between #Russia and Ukraine may not end in victory for #Kiev, and its Western backers should prepare for such an outcome, Czech President Petr Pavel has told The Guardian newspaper.

“I think we should do anything… at our disposal to encourage Ukrainians and to support them to be successful. But internally, we should also be ready for other contingencies,” said Pavel, who was in London for the coronation of King Charles III.

A lot will depend on the outcome of Ukraine’s planned spring counteroffensive, explained the Czech leader, who has a background in intelligence and served as chairman of the #NATO Military Committee between 2015 and 2018.

The outcome is not in doubt. While the game still needs to be played out, the Russians are as confident of victory now as they were in 1943, when Stalin, post-Tehran, commented: “Roosevelt has given me his firm word to open extensive actions in France in 1944. I think he will keep his word. And if he doesn’t keep his word, we are strong enough to crush Hitler and Germany on our own.”

Notice that Clown World strategist emeritus, who was among the first clowns to recognize that the neoliberal world order was in decline back in 2014, is now openly predicting a negotiated settlement brokered by the Chinese.

Former US Secretary of State #HenryKissinger has told CBS News that the conflict in Ukraine may be approaching a turning point, and that Chinese-brokered peace talks could begin by the end of 2023.

“Now that #China has entered the #negotiation, it will come to a head, I think by the end of the year,” the 99-year-old diplomat told CBS in an interview broadcast on Sunday. By that time, he continued, “we will be talking about negotiating processes and even actual negotiations.”

Kissinger drew the ire of Kiev last year when he suggested that Ukraine should accept a return to the “status quo ante,” or relinquish its territorial claims to #Crimea and grant autonomy to the #Donetsk and #Lugansk People’s Republics, in the name of peace. He has since suggested that these territories become the basis of negotiations after a ceasefire and Russian withdrawal.

I have no doubt that #Kissinger is sending a signal to #Putin that Clown World is finally willing to compromise, but I am dubious that the Russians – or the Chinese – will be short-sighted enough to settle for what is on offer, given that it is already within their grasp. Putin has openly stated that the Russian objective is not merely the #declowning of Ukraine, but of #Europe and the #West.

And there is no reason for China to encourage a settlement on the Ukraine front when peace there would permit the military forces of Clown World to concentrate on #Taiwan. Which is why I anticipate, to the contrary, the opening of a third front somewhere else in the world, most likely either a) the #MiddleEast or b) #Africa.

UPDATE: Meanwhile, the clowns in the EU are just digging themselves in deeper:

The #EuropeanUnion is seeking to tighten its economic screws on Russia by sanctioning Chinese companies that conduct #trade with #Moscow, the Financial Times reported on Sunday.

They’ve clearly learned absolutely nothing from the way their anti-Russian sanctions boomeranged on them. And now they’re encouraging the biggest manufacturing country on the planet to remove itself from the shrinking “global” economy.

Watching Clown World try to throw its nonexistent weight around is disturbingly like seeing an obese 50-year-old former cheerleader strutting around in a miniskirt still thinking she’s hot.