

Islam is a domineering civilizational #ideology that is configured to usurp & replace all other ideologies. #Islam is the worst of the #Abrahamic sects.

Western #civilization existed in abundance prior to Islam & #Christianity. The #West needn't be subject to any Abrahamic ideology.

Western civilization has its own #autochthonous religions, going back to the #ancient #Roman & #Greek pantheons, to #Odinism, #Druidism & to a proto-Indo-European #religion that influenced Vedic #Hinduism.

The West has its own rich & varied set of religions, mythologies & ideologies. #Abrahamism is not of #Western peoples & has been superimposed upon the West without #consent.

#islamisation #islamicterror #usa #uk #islamicinvasion #dhimmitude #eu #westerncivilization #europe #belief


A quotation from Spinoza, Baruch

I have often wondered, that persons who make a boast of professing the Christian religion, namely, love, joy, peace, temperance, and charity to all men, should quarrel with such rancorous animosity, and display daily towards one another such bitter hatred, that this, rather than the virtues they claim, is the readiest criterion of their faith.

Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677) Dutch philosopher
Theological-Political Treatise [Tractatus Theologico-Politicus], Part 1, Preface, sec. 23 (1670)

#quote #quotation #animosity #Christianity #conflict #division #hypocrisy #judgment #self-righteousness
Sourcing and notes: https://wist.info/spinoza-baruch/56794/


β™² nowisthetime - 2022-10-12 17:09:31 GMT

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#santa #memes
#quote from #pa
most Americans have been ensnared in a multitude of nefarious "OcCultural Spells" cast by MSM/PedoWood/Academia/Government for decades.
Really, it goes all the way back to when the #Roman #elite (a #Satanic #coven themselves ) pulled a fast one with the #Christ #phenomenon and stripped it down for parts to build a #perfect self perpetuating satanic #religious #control #system. Without understanding what they have been doing, Christians have been practising a satanic #blood #sacrifice #ritual (of Christ). They call it the 'blood of Christ' that was spilled for our salvation from our sin. A complete satanic crock from top to bottom. The "religious" Christians are part of the problem, and it's the religious #Christianity that's the basis of the institutions of the so called western #Christian nations.

You damned well bet we are all under a #spell, and it's deeper and bigger than you can grasp in one sitting.


enter image description here

#santa #memes
#quote from #pa
most Americans have been ensnared in a multitude of nefarious "OcCultural Spells" cast by MSM/PedoWood/Academia/Government for decades.
Really, it goes all the way back to when the #Roman #elite (a #Satanic #coven themselves ) pulled a fast one with the #Christ #phenomenon and stripped it down for parts to build a #perfect self perpetuating satanic #religious #control #system. Without understanding what they have been doing, Christians have been practising a satanic #blood #sacrifice #ritual (of Christ). They call it the 'blood of Christ' that was spilled for our salvation from our sin. A complete satanic crock from top to bottom. The "religious" Christians are part of the problem, and it's the religious #Christianity that's the basis of the institutions of the so called western #Christian nations.

You damned well bet we are all under a #spell, and it's deeper and bigger than you can grasp in one sitting.


St. Mary's Chapel & Holy Well

Jesmond, Newcastle upon Tyne, England

Back in the Middle Ages, an apparition of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus alledgedly appeared on a mound in north east England.

The place was subsequently called Jesus Mound, or as we know it today : Jesmond. A suburb of Newcastle.

It was a pilgrimage hot spot back in the Middle Ages, right up there with the big hitters like Canterbury (if Chaucer had written 'Jesmond Tales' instead of 'Canterbury Tales....)

All that remains today is a ruined chapel and a holy well, which might not be the original holy well. But they still attract pilgrims of a sort, and some strange votive offerings (I wasn't expecting to find cremated remains....)


#video #film #youtube #newcastle #stmary #marian #jesus #christianity #chapel #holywell #miracle #pilgrims #jesmond


Banning Abortions is Unbiblical

In case I still have US-based Christian followers/contacts here… Via ProgressiveChristianity.org at Facebook:

β€œAnd to put a finer point on it, fetuses were seen as propertyβ€”not human beingsβ€”until they were born (Exodus 21:22-25). Since life was so precarious in the ancient world, many cultures waited until the naming ceremony (referenced in Luke 2) or even until an infant had survived its first year of life before they considered it to be fully alive. Simply put, the Bible defines life as starting later than we typically view it today, not earlier.”

Via Co-Executive Director Rev. Dr. Caleb J Lines.

Nevermind forcing women to risk ectopic pregnancies, forcing rape victims including underage girls to risk bringing pregnancy to term (including risking the girls' very lives), potentially banning in-vitro fertilization, banning birth-control pills, for all US citizens regardless of religious creed or personal beliefs, and so on and so forth.

#USPol #USPoli #USPolitics #SCOTUS #RoeVWade #AbortionRights #Christianity #Progressive / #fz_currentEvents


β€œThis passage contains rich and extensive doctrine; that whenever men cruelly rage against us, it does not happen contrary to the design of God, because He can in a moment quiet them; and that He grants this license to their cruelty, because it is expedient thus to humble and chasten us. Again, we gather from hence, that we have no enemies so fierce and barbarous, as that it is not easy for Him readily to tame them. If we were surely persuaded of this, that men’s hearts are controlled, and guided by the secret inspiration of God, we should not so greatly dread their hatred, and threatenings, and terrors, nor should we be so easily turned from the path of duty through fear of them. This alarm is the just reward of our unbelief, when we repose not on God’s providence; and although we ought to take pains to conciliate the kindness of all by courtesy, yet should we remember that our efforts will not gain their favor, unless God should so incline their hearts." John Calvin, Commentary on Exodus 3:21 #religion #Christianity #God #faith