diogenes as philosophy major...
#diogenes #stoic #homeless #sidewalk #trivia #friedrichnietzsche #nietzsche #philosophy #philosophymajor
Respektlos und humorvoll hinterfragt Catherine Meurisse in ihrer Graphic Novel große Philosophen und ihr Denken. Eine vergnügliche Inszenierung. Sehr empfehlenswert. Eine Rezension
In dieser philosophischen Graphic Novel kommt kaum ein Denker ungeschoren davon. Catherine Meurisse karikiert sie treffend in Text und Bild. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Allzumenschliches von Catherine Meurisse)#Philosophie #Comic #GraphicNovel #CharlieHebdo #Feminismus #Aristoteles #SimonedeBeauvoir #SigmundFreud #Nietzsche #ArthurSchopenhauer #academiedesbeauxarts #Marx #Camus #Kultur #PsychologieHirnforschung
»Allzumenschliches«: Wenn Hobbes weint und Kant singt
Arabic-Islamic philosophy
Unfortunately, there is very little good literature in Europe that deals with Arabic-Islamic philosophy. "Western" research is extremely Eurocentric and full of prejudices. If at all, Semitic philosophy is only accorded an intermediate position between ancient times/Hellenism and the European Renaissance/Enlightenment. However, Arab culture was the cultural high culture in the period of European late antiquity and the Middle Ages and the true heirs of Hellenism, which was by no means as "European" as the Germanic tribes would like it to be. The sphere of influence stretches from the Indus to Spain and it is very wrong to dismiss this treasure of humanity as "barbaric", while at the time people were sitting on the proverbial trees and knew nothing at all. Other Semitic cultures, such as the Hebrews, only wrote storybooks during that time. The only important European philosopher who appreciated the merit of the Arabs was #Nietzsche, so you know what you have.
#arabic #islamic #culture #philosophy #semitic #worldculture
Arabisch-islamische Philosophie
Es gibt leider nur sehr wenige gute Literatur im europäischen Raum, die sich mit der arabisch-islamischen Philosophie beschäftigt. Die "westliche" Forschung ist extrem eurozentristisch und voller Vorurteile. Wenn überhaupt wird der semitischen Philosophie nur eine Zwischenstellung zwischen Antike/Hellenismus und der europäischen Renaissance/Aufklärung zugestanden. Die arabische Kultur war aber in der Zeit der europäischen Spätantike und Mittelalter die kulturelle Hochkultur und die wahren Erben des Hellenismus, der keineswegs so "europäisch" war, wie es die Germanen gern hätten. Der Einflussbereich geht vom Indus bis nach Spanien und es ist sehr falsch, diesen Schatz der Menschheit als "barbarisch" abzulehnen, während man in der Zeit auf den sprichwörtlichen Bäumen saß und gar nichts wusste. Andere semitische Kulturen wie die Hebräer haben in der Zeit nur Märchenbücher geschrieben. Der einzige bedeutende europäische Philosoph, der den Verdienst der Araber zu schätzen wusste, war #Nietzsche, da weiß man was man hat.
#arabisch #islamisch #kultur #philosophie #semitisch #weltkultur
Et si vous étiez condamné à revivre votre vie à l'infini dans les moindres détails ? Seriez vous enthousiaste ou terrassé par cette idée ?
Plongée dans une partie de la pensée nietzschéenne et de son concept d'éternel retour !
#Philosophie #PhilosophiePratique #Nietzsche
I know! You should not share #Nietzsche quotes from the internet. But I always have to think of you, the last humans and rainbow germans (Angles, Saxons, Franks)
Selective Reproductive Pressures of Law and How Law is used to Engineer Populations. Version 1. July 29, 2022.
#law #jurisprudence #philosophy #uk #society #culture #people #genetics #reproductivepressures #civilization #socialengineering #socialengineers #immigration #religion #politics #usa #ideology #eugenics #eugenicists #politicalrepresentation #sovereignty #usurpation #politicalpuppets #elites #nietzscheanism #nietzsche #elitism #rulebyelites #civilizationalmechanics
Politics is a philosophy, not a science.
Population management is a science.
Politics gives populations a tool for civilizational self-direction.
The science of population control gives Nietzschean elites a tool for their surrogates to manage populations.
#politics #philosophy #sovereignty #civilization #westerncivilization #nietzschean #nietzsche #theelite #rulebyelites #ubermensch #elites #science #scientism #scientocracy #socialengineering #socialengineers #societalmanagers #societalcontrol #civilizationalmanagement #control #manipulation #narratives #hegalian #fauxhegaliandielectic #propaganda
#AldousHuxley - Le meilleur des mondes - #LeDoc
Dans cette nouvelle vidéo il convient d'analyser un ouvrage dystopique majeur "Le meilleur des mondes" d'Aldous #Huxley. Car ce roman semble être le miroir de notre propre société.
Les chapitres de la #vidéo :
0:00 introduction
0:13 Le #livre et Aldous Huxley
1:45 Le plan de la vidéo
2:01 L' #univers du #MeilleurDesMondes - le #culte de #Ford
3:04 La #hiérarchie
4:54 Le #Soma
5:52 #Société de confort
6:04 Le cœur de cette société
7:22 La place de l' #Histoire et de la #culture
8:16 #BenardMarx
9:21 #Marx et Watson
10:11 Lénina
10:38 Le voyage de Bernard et de Lénina
12:14 John
13:03 L'arrivé de John dans le meilleur des mondes
14:04 John et Lénina
14:37 John et le décès de sa mère
15:50 La fin du #roman
17:12 Une #dictature sans larme
18:37 #Matrix
18:54 Pourquoi se rebeller avec le confort ?
19:03 Citation d'Huxley
19:40 #Libéralisme et #surveillance
21:39 L' "Homme est un #animal #politique
22:25 #Citation de #Nietzsche
22:40 Le parallèle avec notre #époque
24:23 La #famille
24:58 Le choix d'Huxley
25:45 Longue citation finale
28:23 Fin
LP in free download here https://archive.org/details/Invisible_Illusion_Electronic_Control_lp
ep in free download here https://archive.org/details/ardleg_electronic_control_ep
The Necrophile Hummingbird Netlabel presents Electronic Control [LP] by Invisible Illusion and Electronic Control [ep] by ardleg.
“Kairological Music for Conditioned People”.
I’m very happy that the second Invisible Illusion is a split with ardleg. Because ardleg is a companion of sound explorations since many years, in the collective KWAY https://archive.org/details/NomenclatureGenerale or next in La 6ème République https://archive.org/details/ROSA_LUX_La_6Eme_REpublique also for Zone fusION https://zonefusion.bandcamp.com/album/now-matter despite it’s still not published on the netlabel.
We are no more living in the same town but we try to keep collaborating thru time & space. Like I did with Humanfobia for the first invisible illusion TOHU WA BOHU https://archive.org/details/Invisible_Illusion_Tohu_Wa_Bohu_Disc_1
I sent the raw improvisation session to ardleg and he created these upgraded tracks listenable on the EP.
And next I reworked a little the raw tracks adding several layers to two of them, reading poetry on another one and that’s the LP.
I prefer called them EP and LP to avoid any order. That one would be before or after is irrelevant. You can listen first one or the other or both at the same time it’s up to you, like for the world : alternatives are better.
Seems that one important point with Invisible Illusion project is to show the result of different development process apply to one source…
About the surface of this album :
I found a plastic turntable cover with the inscription “electronic control”, it was transparent so I thought I would be able to made an interesting artwork cover by taking a shot thru this.
Then I decided to create an accurate music for it. After the quite dark Tohu Wa Bohu I wanted to slowly glide to the light.
That’s why despite it could have been far more on the electronic side actually it sounds very industrial music with a touch of “jazz”, not real jazz more the sort of dark jazz Mecano did on Autoportrait album.
Also the silence within silence has been record for the excellent compilation silence by Camembert Electrique. It’s a slightly different version https://camembertelectrique.bandcamp.com/track/silence-within-silence than the both versions listenable on the LP.
About the depths of this album :
Do you remember ?
The first time you disobeyed to an order, not to something maybe acceptable from a skilled authority but from the kind of authoritarian people without skill, needing hierarchy power to show they are above the other, despite it could be just small team chief
with very little power, the smaller they are the more they need to prove it by being nasty. Do you remember how the struggle for this freedom make you aware of who you are ?
Disobedience is one thing but it’s meaningful only if it leads to autonomy. What a pity if slaves break their iron chains to swap with golden chains.
I will try to talk the less possible about control, because it makes me sick, but it’s the plot of this album.
There is only one song with real lyrics and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche quotations, most of the music is echoing the feelings grown inside me in the last few years.
So since the covid excuse to build up the electronic control society, situation is awful, it was already the case several years ago : there was the increasing level of state violence, state terrorism and media censorship.
It can still get worst making us our own cops, all that black mirror shit already more than half happens.
If it needs to resume : shock strategy worked perfectly and now as some said there will be no way back without fighting for our rights.
Well this sounds naïve, if you remember the subprime crisis or the looting of Greece, you know that the dices are loaded : states, banks, multinationals create rules that they never really follow.
Corruption is the replication process of capitalism virus. (Hand in hand with mafias). So what ? Solidarity is the antidote.
Perhaps keep a space to think by yourself, act by yourself at your local level, your own way,
keep your dreams alive and don’t feed the nightmare with your hopes. And at some point we may wake up.
All things begun with a little riddim joke came from a french broadcast http://jetfm.fr/site/-The-Russian-Fortune,165-.html, talking of a kind of CON conspiracy : control, comfort, consumerism… when you dig words in C working in that same objective of freedom annihilation it’s amazing because seems you can always find a new one.
And that’s the way all things end.
Good listen & thanks a lot for the support.
ed end
Video Art Clip
Soon or later here https://www.bitchute.com/channel/mixuptv/
Special thanks to Elmut Schwartz who helped to change Invisible Illusion’s diapers.
Dedicated to everyone uncontrollable and subversive acting all over the world.
#Invisible #Illusion #ardleg #EdEnd #Yoshiwaku #Nietzsche #industrialmusic #darkjazz #darkwave #postpunk #experimental #powerelectronics #noise #doom #abstract #electronics #post #industrial #music #outsiderart #undergroundmusic #weird #nowave #odd #avantgarde #strange #electro #magick #postrock #occult #darkambiant #ambient #freemusic #ccmusic #DIY #control #nightmare #dark #surreal #design #illusion #surrealism #obscure #situationist #apocalyptic #soundscape #records #album #extreme #audio #sound #poetry #alien #anarchy #subversif #activism #netlabel
English version of my book is now available here (beware, it's based!)
.odt version has the latest typos fixes.
#nwo #newworldorder #nihilism #immoralism #amoralism #moralrelativism #transhumanism #singularitarianism #ancap #globalism #neoliberalism #capitalism #feminism #freedom #satanism #nietzsche #lgbt #progressivism #consumerism #stirner
Well It’s quite a lot of it, I used the hashtags that at least partially relevant or may partially describe ideas I promote.
English version of my book is now available here (new link): https://anonfiles.com/Z9p2P1dcxf/dialectical_immoralism_zip
#nwo #newworldorder #nihilism #immoralism #amoralism #moralrelativism #transhumanism #singularitarianism #ancap #globalism #neoliberalism #capitalism #feminism #freedom #satanism #nietzsche #lgbt #progressivism #consumerism
Well It's quite a lot of it, I used the hashtags that at least partially relevant or may partially describe ideas I promote.