

Dear #developer,
I’m reaching out to you to offer you an #opportunity to make you and your #projects better known.
#Unitoo (unitoo.it/en), in 2019 started a #radio (radio.unitoo.it) dedicated to #FOSS and #CreativeCommon #music.
I’d love for you to join them and contribute to some content.
You’ll be entitled to a 3 minutes free #audio recording, to #promote your #code #repository and a chance to discover new #opportunities in the #world of #Software #Development.
A looped #broadcasting of such content/media will be scheduled to grant everyone the chance to promote their #work.
At first a recording in #English would be preferable to reach a wider #audience.
How to join? Send them an email with the following:

- #voice recording
- a #title
- #Author’s name
- a brief #summary of your project
- #link to the code repository in question at radio dot unitoo dot it and they’ll handle the rest.

This is just the #beginning.
They have #planned a #series of #podcast that can feature your project.
We believe FOSS is severely lacking in #visibility and want to #change that by providing a stage for you all to perform on. Your #contribution is greatly appreciated.

Happy #HackListening!


Dear #developer,
I’m reaching out to you to offer you an #opportunity to make you and your #projects better known.
#Unitoo (unitoo.it/en), in 2019 started a #radio (radio.unitoo.it) dedicated to #FOSS and #CreativeCommon #music.
I’d love for you to join them and contribute to some content.
You’ll be entitled to a 3 minutes free #audio recording, to #promote your #code #repository and a chance to discover new #opportunities in the #world of #Software #Development.
A looped #broadcasting of such content/media will be scheduled to grant everyone the chance to promote their #work.
At first a recording in #English would be preferable to reach a wider #audience.
How to join? Send them an email with the following:

- #voice recording
- a #title
- #Author’s name
- a brief #summary of your project
- #link to the code repository in question at radio dot unitoo dot it and they’ll handle the rest.

This is just the #beginning.
They have #planned a #series of #podcast that can feature your project.
We believe FOSS is severely lacking in #visibility and want to #change that by providing a stage for you all to perform on. Your #contribution is greatly appreciated.

Happy #HackListening!


1965 à nos jours : la #France à la #conquête de l' #espace - #ScienceTube


Depuis qu'elle a pris son envol dans l'espace en 1965, la France a joué un rôle crucial dans la #recherche et les #découvertes qui ont profondément changé notre perception de notre #planète. Dans cette conclusion captivante, nous examinerons de près la #contribution de la France à la conquête de l'espace et les bénéfices qu'elle en a tirés.

#science #technologie #spatial #documentaire #terre #mars #satellites #CNES #EADS


Oyé oyé, la nouvelle du jour c'est que j'ai lancé une campagne de financement participatif pour mon projet d'aller au salon Art3f en Haute-Savoie en octobre, que j'explique tout sur cette page https://fr.ulule.com/coup-de-pouce-artiste-emergente/ et que les dons ont commencé à arriver.

Il y a de beaux tirages photo en contreparties si souhaité!

Je suis très motivée pour avancer en tant qu'artiste, les coups de pouce sont bienvenus pour celleux qui souhaitent contribuer et me soutenir sur ce chemin de développement de mon activité artistique.

Vous pouvez également partager le lien à vos proches, vos collègues, vos voisin-es...


#artiste #contribution #soutien #salon