

Gary Shteyngart: Crying Myself to Sleep on the Icon of the Seas - The Atlantic

The ship makes no sense, vertically or horizontally. It makes no sense on sea, or on land, or in outer space. It looks like a hodgepodge of domes and minarets, tubes and canopies, like Istanbul had it been designed by idiots. Vibrant, oversignifying colors are stacked upon other such colors, decks perched over still more decks; the only comfort is a row of lifeboats ringing its perimeter. There is no imposed order, no cogent thought, and, for those who do not harbor a totalitarian sense of gigantomania, no visual mercy. This is the biggest cruise ship ever built, and I have been tasked with witnessing its inaugural voyage.

This already sounds horrible



A large #cruiseShip can use up to 250 tons. Per day. In terms of regular #gasoline, that would be about 80,645 gallons; more #fuel than you'll use in an entire lifetime of driving cars.

Source: https://www.colorado.edu/mechanical/2016/07/25/how-much-fuel-does-cruise-ship-use

How much longer can we afford the rich?

#environment #nature #climate #crisis #earth #future #humanity #civilization #problem #co2 #emissions