Support Coal, Buy an EV!
This article is primarily aimed at "coal country", my fellow West Virginians, Kentuckians, who want to support the coal industry.
An EV powered by coal-generated electricity results in less CO2 than any internal combustion engine car. This article covers all the details.
#EV #EVs #ICE #coal #co2 #pollution #electric #electricity #diesel #gasoline
Source: https://www.colorado.edu/mechanical/2016/07/25/how-much-fuel-does-cruise-ship-use
How much longer can we afford the rich?
#environment #nature #climate #crisis #earth #future #humanity #civilization #problem #co2 #emissions
Dec 23
The #electric #car s #history!
#Carbon #Engineering Makes #Gasoline by Capturing #CarbonDioxide From the #Air
So-called "fossil fuels" aren't made from #fossils. If they were, they wouldn't be able to be extracted below the fossil layer & Saturn's moon #Titan wouldn't have vast amounts of #oil inside it.
"Petroleum" is from the ancient #Greek petra + oleum which means rock + oil. Oil, or #petroleum comes from the Earth's geological processes, not fossils. "Fossil fuels" are more accurately called "hydrocarbons."
We've been conned by #BigOil, the #Rockefellers & #marketing agencies in order to create a false #perception of #scarcity to control #population & #economic development via artificial #energy scarcity & #price fixing.
#fossilfuels #hydrocarbons #gasoline #petrol #linguistics #usa #etymology #rockefeller #uk #artificialscarcity #geology #saturn #cartel #conspiracy
You’re being lied to if you’ve been told that EVs are more harmful to the environment than traditional ICE vehicles.
#electric-vehicles #EV #gasoline #petrol #environment
Wall Street Journal
Russian Oil Is Fueling American Cars Via Sanctions Loophole | WSJ
#gas #sanktions #USA #EU #gasoline #petrol
Even at a gas price of more than $4.00 per gallon, Americans are still paying much less to fill up their cars than people in many industrialized nations, including other car-based economies like Brazil, Australia or South Africa.
Big Chemistry: From #Gasoline To #Wintergreen | Hackaday ⚓ https://hackaday.com/2022/02/22/big-chemistry-from-gasoline-to-wintergreen/ ䷉ #hackaday
● NEWS ● #Reuters #Energy ☞ #Japan to raise #gasoline subsidy to Y5 a litre from Y3.7, hitting cap https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/japan-raise-gasoline-subsidy-y5-litre-y37-hitting-cap-2022-02-09/
Chronique CD : GASOLINE [Fra] The Orange album (Celebration Days Recs / Modulor - 2022)
#nawakulture #article #chronique #musique #disque #cd #deathtodigitalmusic #bluesrock #folk #garagerock #gasoline #FrenchRock
You can save thousands over the life of the car compared with gas—but electricity isn’t free or cheap everywhere.
#electric-vehicle #EV #car #electricity #cost #economics #gasoline
Je cherchais l'inspiration visuelle sur du noir et blanc en écoutant le son trip-hop de #Gasoline et je découvre le site de #opnminded.
Pas bougé depuis une heure ^^
Les illustrations doucement érotiques de dvrkshines