

We're not being told the truth of things. I've studied the subject for several years from multiple perspectives and sources and it's clear the anomaly has been obfuscated, lied about and free inquiry into it has been suppressed.

My reasoning is that if the anomalous and mathematically demonstrable over-representation in the upper echelons of the West's societal power hierarchies is an innocuous and benevolent phenomenon, then why are lies, obfuscation and suppression of free inquiry deployed?

Benevolence doesn't need to be concealed; malevolence benefits from operating in concealment.

#alexjones #nickfuentes #kanyewest #ye #yewest #jews #jewish #society #debate #anthropology #ethnography #sociology #psychology #freespeech #freeinquiry #economics #socioeconomics #mathematics #statistics #data #facts #truth #westerncivilisation #westerncivilization #thewest



The big #problem with #British #politics is that it doesn't exist. #Read some #political #history and #philosophy and you'll soon realise there is a de facto one party state in the #UK.

#Conservatives = neoliberal-globalists.
#Labour = neoliberal-globalists.
#LibDems = neoliberal-globalists.
#Green = neoliberal-globalists.
#ScotsNats = neoliberal-globalists.

The only real choice is the #colour.

The Conservatives #conserve nothing, grow #government, permit mass #immigration, support #speech crime, support thought #crime, increase #regulations, support "#multiculturalism", support "LGBTQIA+", hate #autochthonous British people, borrow #money at interest, print #currency, support #globalism, support foreign #wars, support net zero, support offshoring #industry, take part in #cronyism, don't support free market #capitalism, want to give illegal #migrants #amnesty, support the #corrupt #Ukraine puppet government, supported illegal #lockdowns, supported illegal #medical #mandates, supported #unscientific mask wearing, support illegal on-the-spot #fines, support #biometricID, support ignoring #paedophilia, support ignoring crime #statistics regarding #race, support the World Economic Forum, support #agenda2030, support "the great reset", support low #birthrates, support #miscegenation and support #depopulation.

Labour support everything the so-called Conservatives do and they don't support the #working classes and in-fact appear to hate the autochthonous British working classes and consider them, in the words of Jack Staw, a people "not worth saving."

Lib Dems are neither #Liberal, in the classical sense, or #Democratic. They wanted to overturn the #EU #referendum and reject the Democratic #vote on membership and they're #neoliberals, which is a philosophy that includes attacks on classical Liberal concepts like free speech, free thought and free inquiry. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives and Labour party do.

#Greens support the the reduction of #CO2 from the current 400ppm to zero, which will kill all life on #Earth as it will prevent #photosynthesis occurring, therefore preventing #plants growing and eliminating them as a food for #humans, #insects and #animals, destroying the food chain and the Earth's #biosphere. They don't understand how the #climate or biosphere works and are ostensibly useful idiots for plutocratic #elites and big #corporations. They also support everything the so-called Conservatives, Labour party and Lib Dems do.

The #SNP wants to take #Scotland out of the UK union and give the Scots "#independence" by signing them up to EU union. Essentially all this does is transfer dependency from #London to #Brussels and exchanges the #English for the Franco-Germans. Scotland will be no more independent and in some ways even more dependant. The SNP also support everything the other neoliberal-globalist parties do too.

In short, there is no political #choice beyond colour because there is no meaningful differentiation between political philosophies, or outcomes of voting. Whatever party you vote for, you get the same policies, the same lies, the same #corruption, the same #cronyism, the same #sophistry, the same national trajectory, the same everything, only with some minor and ostensibly superficial differences in packaging and delivery.

British politics is a total #farce that doesn't even engage in any recognisable political #debate because other than faux ad hominems, jeering and lip-service to non-existent political #principles there's nothing to debate, because they all agree...


#ElonMusk’s 9 Minute #Flight In Private Jet Sparks Online #Debate About #Carbon #Emissions

source: https://in.mashable.com/business/31387/elon-musks-9-minute-flight-in-private-jet-sparks-online-debate-about-carbon-emissions

That’s a whopping 14 tons of #CO2 emission for a 2.5 hours flight! That's how much an average car would guzzle in 3-5 years depending upon its usage. Although some researchers suggest otherwise based on available data sets. Notwithstanding the whole debate, private jets do cause a great deal of harm to the #climate.

#environment #fail #traffic #news #musk #travel


A quotation by Lippmann, Walter

When men are brought face to face with their opponents, forced to listen and learn and mend their ideas, they cease to be children and savages and begin to live like civilized men. Then only is freedom a reality, when men may voice their opinions because they must examine their opinions.

Walter Lippmann (1889-1974) American journalist and author

“The Indispensable Opposition,” The Atlantic Monthly (Aug 1939)

#quote #quotation #consideration #debate #discussion #informed #opinion #self-examination

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/lippmann-walter/51980/


Wow... On the continuing quest to stifle information, debate, and fairness...

#GQP goal # 1 - Rigging local voting laws to exclude Dems; Denying access to ballots and punishing people (GA) who offer food/water to people subjected to long lines..

Goal #2 - Controlling the counting and certification process, to ensure the result they want, whatever the actual votes say.

And now: In the ongoing crusade to control (dis) information and limit access to fairness or facts... What?!

R.N.C. Signals a Pullout From Presidential Debates

The Republican National Committee says it will require candidates to pledge to not participate in debates run by the Commission on Presidential Debates. What would replace them, if anything, was unclear.

#TrumpVirus #debate #corruption #disinformation #propaganda #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


I'm hearing phrases like, "fix de Internet".
But "the Internet" is like "the cloud", it doesn't exist per se, as a real, material, particular entity.
As "the cloud" is in fact "some company's computers", "the Internet" is in fact mostly "the biggest companies that shape and control the infrastructure under the WWW from the last user to the first server/service".
So, "fix the Internet" is in fact, "fix capitalism".
I think there's a need to call things by their real name, if the desire is to fix or achieve something positive for society (mostly, the working class).
What do you think?

#internet #fixtheinternet #www #politics #business #companies #capitalism #cloud #web #debate #discussion #workingclass #bourgeoisie #classwarfare #news


Richard Betts ~ Why Is Climate Science So Disputed?


'Answer to "Why is #climate #science so #disputed?": actually the #basic science is NOT disputed now. The #debate has now shifted to #future #levels of #severity & exactly how to #respond to the #risks.'

#richardbetts #betts #chriswilliamson #williamson #modern-wisdom #podcast #physics #balance #diversity #adaptation #carbon #co2 #temperature #water-vapor


Si apostamos por la #EnergíaRenovable la alternativa a los #Macroproyectos dependen de Nosotr@s .
Vente a Cacabelos el 1 de diciembre y vemos como.


#Cacabelos #ElBierzo #Charla #debate



Folha de S.Paulo ›

Negacionismo da casa-grande

October 04, 2021

VÁRIOS AUTORES (nomes ao final do texto)

#LeandroNarloch é um dos maiores pensadores atuais do #humanitismo. Ao escrever, em coluna nesta Folha, que foi possível a certos escravizados triunfar por mérito e esforço próprios (“Luxo e riqueza das ‘sinhás pretas’ precisam inspirar o movimento negro”; 29/9), sugere também ser possível triunfar em uma sociedade injusta e desigual como a nossa. Ao defender abertamente a ideia de que as distorções hierárquicas brasileiras são legítimas, sua coluna parece ter saído diretamente das páginas do jornal Atalaia, do romance de Machado de Assis.

A #diáspora #africana, quatro séculos de #escravidão, documentos, relatos, pesquisas e milhões de brasileiros descendentes de africanos —nada disso é páreo para a #história pessoal de algumas #mulheres.

A escrita da história envolve disputas, o que nos exige compromisso contra todo um arsenal de horrores que alimentou, por exemplo, o fascismo. Por tamanha responsabilidade, o trabalho do historiador é um exercício ético constante; já a produção de caricaturas e outras formas textuais, não.

Defensor da #meritocracia nos trópicos, podemos já antever a reação do jornalista não apenas a este, mas também a outros textos: ver-se como uma pobre mente pensante, supostamente autônoma, vítima de um silenciamento, que teria ousado desafiar o status quo.

O historiador Pierre Vidal-Naquet já nos alertava em seu trabalho sobre o Holocausto, “Os Assassinos da Memória”, de que podemos e devemos sempre #discutir #sobre revisionistas, mas #jamais #com os #revisionistas.

Certo mito apaziguador diz que a história do #Brasil é caracterizada por um perfil relativamente pacífico, o que é rapidamente desmentido por inúmeras guerras, rebeliões, sedições e revoltas contra um projeto de país forjado em ferro, brasa, mel de cana, pelourinhos, senzalas, concentração fundiária, aldeias mortas, tambores silenciados, truculência oligárquica e chicote dos capatazes, entre outros.

Mesmo assim, o colunista insiste na manutenção do que a herança escravista produz de pior: a #negação da resistência negra e o elogio àqueles escravizados que, inseridos na dinâmica brutal do escravismo, alcançaram a plena realização como #senhores de escravizados.

Os horrores da escravidão e sua herança para a sociedade brasileira estão presentes em farta documentação e foram objeto de numerosos estudos de pesquisadores brasileiros. Contudo, historiadores e suas obras raramente ganham a projeção do texto falacioso e racista de Narloch.

A irrelevância das #bobagens que foram escritas não merece resposta no campo da historiografia. Basta reconhecer sua excepcionalidade e a persistência do #preconceito, numa sociedade em que a elite era quase uniformemente branca —e continua a sê-lo. O sucesso parcial dentro de parâmetros manifestamente injustos não os legitimam; antes, aumentam seu horror.

O problema maior reside no fato de que essas aberrações se vulgarizam e chegam às salas de aula, obrigando #educadores a confrontá-las. É por conta da projeção que textos dessa natureza ganham que todos os dias professores entram em sala de aula para reafirmar o #óbvio, que #escravidão, #nazismo e #ditadura existiram e devem ser condenados —ou que vacinas salvam vidas.

Não tenhamos ilusões. Ao combater e desqualificar a memória do sofrimento e da luta dos mortos, gente como Narloch pretende —mirando a casa-grande— impedir que elas sejam centelhas capazes de animar as lutas dos vivos em nome de uma sociedade mais justa e fraterna. Daí sua tentativa francamente bizarra de pautar o #movimento #negro, cinicamente sugerindo a valorização daqueles que participaram do sistema de exploração em vez dos que o contestaram.

Dar espaço e, consequentemente, projeção a esse tipo de argumento #não é um exercício de #democracia. O #negacionismo é tal qual o abraço do afogado: quando se dialoga com ideias falaciosas, não há o que ser salvo; simplesmente afunda-se junto, pois o que procuram não é #debate, mas a #provocação.

Mais importante até do que uma resposta ao colunista e seus congêneres é uma resposta da própria Folha, pois sua busca pela “pluralidade de ideias” degenerou-se em palanque justamente para aqueles que são contra essa #diversidade, os quais não hesitam em usar de má-fé para distorcer a realidade e defender a hierarquia excludente que marcou a nossa história. É esse o papel de um jornal a serviço da democracia?

Rodrigo Nagem de Aragão
Mestrando em história pela USP

Ana Paula Saviatti
Doutoranda em história pela Unicamp

Dennis Almeida
Professor de história

Os artigos publicados com assinatura não traduzem a opinião do jornal. Sua publicação obedece ao propósito de estimular o debate dos problemas brasileiros e mundiais e de refletir as diversas tendências do pensamento contemporâneo.


Stirring #debate on #BDS, ‘NYT’ allows readers to speak out about inequality

I’m easily astonished, but this is astonishing. The New York Times runs a bumper crop of letters about BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) in its international edition today, 15 of them, and most of the letters are pro-BDS, and from Americans, including activists in the Palestinian solidarity movement who oppose ethnic supremacy and inequality. Exciting excerpts are below.

Some excerpts. Cherry-picked, of course!

It’s galling that in a piece on the nonviolent Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (B.D.S.) movement, launched in 2005 by Palestinian civil society in response to Israeli violations of Palestinian human rights, Jodi Rudoren frames her story in terms of B.D.S. echoing the anti-Semitic boycotts of Nazi Germany, quoting several Israelis harshly critical of B.D.S. and just one Palestinian supporter. Ms. Rudoren even seems to endorse allegations that B.D.S. is anti-Semitic and directed at Jews rather than Israel and Israelis, writing, “Avoiding a coffee shop because you don’t like the way the boss treats his employees is voting with your wallet; doing so because the boss is Jewish — or black or female or gay — is discrimination.” Contrary to what Ms. Rudoren and the quoted B.D.S. critics suggest, the movement does not target Jews, individually or collectively, and rejects all forms of bigotry and discrimination, including anti-Semitism. B.D.S. is, in fact, a legal, moral and inclusive movement struggling against the discriminatory policies of a country that defines itself in religiously exclusive terms, and that seeks to deny Palestinians the most basic rights simply because we are not Jewish.

Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Ramallah, West Bank

The B.D.S. movement has nothing to do with animus toward Jews. Many American Jews, myself included, are vigorously working in support of B.D.S. — and there are more and more of us with every passing month. We target Israel for boycott not because we believe Israel is the worst human rights violator (we don’t), but because Israel is the single largest recipient of American foreign aid, more than $3 billion a year. As Jews, as taxpayers, as people of conscience, we have not only the right but the moral obligation to use boycott and divestment as strategies of nonviolent resistance to Israel’s systematic, racist mistreatment of Palestinians being done on our nickel and in our names.

Hannah Schwarzschild Arlington, Mass.

In view of the massive unquestioned support of Israel by the American government, one might assume that Israel would be more cooperative in the search for peace and justice. This has obviously not happened. Resorting to proclaiming anti-Semitism every time there are questions as to the policies of the Israeli government is the fallback position when all else fails. This should not be allowed.

Doris Rausch, Columbia, Md.


Boycott ALL goods with barcode #729#Hasbara #BDS #boycott #BDSmovement #apartheid #Israel #Palestine #ethniccleansing #activism #Zionism #settlers #colonialism #internationallaw #occupation #mideast #middle-east #middleeast #humanrights #human-rights #Palestinian #Palestine #OPT #politics #discrimination #segregation #crimes #boycotts #westbank #NYT