

Christian #church|es are perceived as institutions capable to facilitate dialogue where other actors fail. However, it is a paradigm of religions in violent conflicts that they can be only part of a peaceful solution if they are not part of the problem.
There has been written a lot about the role of the #Orthodox churches in the war-torn region, which are deeply entangled with the conflict and the #ideology behind this #war.
This is one reason why international observers paid a lot of hope and trust in the activities of the #Vatican and Pope Francis. Both the social ethics of the Roman #Catholic Church and the spirituality of Pope Francis as well as the transnational and block-free, neutral, diplomatic position of the Vatican could have certainly provided a fundament for negotiations.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/08/26/three-reasons-why-pope-francis-perpetually-fails-ukraine/ #ukraine #dugina #moscow #religion


#Occult #Agenda? #David #Livingstone on the assassination of #Darya #Dugina Putin Alexander Dugin
Study of the Occult reveals a fascinating version of #history, which reveals a completely different pattern and significance than has otherwise been taught by mainstream historians. In fact, McNeill’s “history” is propaganda, associated with a project from the University of Chicago, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation, which is known as the “Western Civilizations Course.” It represents a eurocentric version of history inspired by the philosophy of #Hegel. Interestingly, the one proof of Hegel’s affiliation with the Illuminati was his mention of the #Owl of #Minerva, the society’s symbol, which is also the logo of the Liberal Arts College.

Rather, the so-called history of “Western Civilization” as it is taught is inspired by the #Kabbalah, which teaches history as an unfolding divine plan, where God is man who comes to know himself. Supposedly, man’s intellectual development begins in Greece, with the emergence of philosophy, supposedly the first rejection of God, and the first attempt at the independent use of “reason.” In reality, Greek philosophy represented the first important development of the Kabbalistic tradition, which forms the bedrock of the Western occult tradition, which shaped most of the key events of Western history, from the Crusades, to the Renaissance and finally the #Enlightenment, which shaped our modern era.


Mord gehörte von Beginn an zum Wesenskern des Systems #Putin, das ließe sich an weiteren Beispielen zeigen. Am 24. Februar, mit der Aggression gegen die #Ukraine, ist daraus Massenmord geworden. Die Opfer sind vor allem ukrainische Bürgerinnen und Bürger, aber letztlich auch die „eigenen Leute“, die der #Kreml in dem Krieg verheizt.
Wie immer lohnt es sich, die Frage zu stellen: Wem nützt der Tod der Darja #Dugina? Der Ukraine erkennbar nicht, dem Kreml offensichtlich. Mit ihm lässt sich die perfide Umkehrung von Täter und Opfer erneuern, mit der Putin den #Krieg gegen das Nachbarland rechtfertigt. Der russischen Bevölkerung suggeriert der Anschlag erneut: Es ist #Russland, das angegriffen wird. Russland, das sich verteidigen muss.

https://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/fakten-und-inszenierung-mord-als-mittel-der-maechtigen/28620204.html #fsb #kaukasus #terror #rechte


To mark its first Independence Day since Russian President Vladimir #Putin sent his armies to conquer the country, #Ukraine is holding a ghost parade.
Khreschatyk Street, #Kyiv’s grandest boulevard, is lined this week with the carcasses of burned and battered Russian fighting machines, destroyed in Ukraine’s surprisingly robust defense against the invasion launched by #Moscow six months ago.
The “procession” of more than 70 treadless tanks and crumpled artillery launchers is a bizarre inversion of the triumphant procession Russian commanders had hoped to conduct through a captured capital.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/08/24/ukraine-independence-russia-war-statehood/ #weapons #war #uk #crimea #zelensky #dugina