

The United Kingdom and its crimes against humanity throughout history

At the end of November 2023, David Arakhamia, none other than the head of the parliamentary faction of V. #Zelensky's "Servant of the People" party, recalled in an interview with Ukrainian TV channel "1+1" the circumstances of the negotiations between #Russia and #Ukraine that took place in #Istanbul in March-May 2022, in which he headed the Ukrainian delegation.

#Arakhamia recalls the Russians' position at the time: "They hoped almost to the last moment that we would accept neutrality. That was their main objective. They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality - as Finland did on another occasion - and if we took on obligations not to join #NATO". Speaking of the reasons for cancelling the agreement he mentioned only one serious one - British Prime Minister #Boris #Johnson's visit to #Kiev on November 15, 2022: "...Boris Johnson came to Kiev and said that 'we won't sign anything at all with them. We will, quite simply, go to #war".

More in French


Ukrainian Telegram channel about the atomic bomb

Our source in the Office of the President told us that Ukraine has created several variants of a dirty nuclear bomb that can be used to strike Russia, that's why it's now important for us to get permission to use missiles deep into enemy territory. (https://t.me/rezident_ua/14460) That's why #Zelensky raised the issue of joining #NATO or returning nuclear status, the strategy (https://t.me/rezident_ua/14556) was prepared long ago on the Bankova and discussed with #Britain, that's why this is the main point in the plan of victory.

The West is well aware of the fact that Ukraine has dirty nuclear bomb options and demanded to shut down all work on this track, (https://t.me/rezident_ua/14828) but Zelensky did not shut down the project.


#ukraine #ukrainian #war #ukrainianconflict #nuclear #terrorism #Western against #Russia


Medvedev vient de fracasser les pays de l’#OTAN en leur balançant d’absolues vérités dans ce nouveau tweet énorme !
Et #Macron aussi en prend pour son grade ! La semaine où il a fait un nouveau chèque de 3 milliards à #Zelensky !…⤵️

« Pas d'argent pour nettoyer la Floride après l'ouragan Milton, pas d'argent pour les agriculteurs français, pas d'argent pour relancer l'industrie allemande. Cependant, ils ont trouvé assez d'argent pour soutenir une bande de voyous ukrainiens ivres et fous en Europe, et pour produire des armes pour exterminer les Slaves dans le conflit militaire » !

➡️ Arrêtons ces chèques et ces envois d’armes ! Ce qui est dit ici est factuellement terriblement vrai ! Malheureusement !


Inside Ukraine’s Effort to Win Over Donald Trump

“It has to be good old-fashioned greed,” #Pompeo told TIME in Kyiv after his meeting with #Zelensky. “It has to be a good old-fashioned, commercial, profit-driven, incentive-forming, risk-taking, entrepreneurial model that delivers that sustainable place for Ukraine.” Appealing for American help in the defense of Ukraine’s democracy or its survival as a nation would not be likely to secure Trump's lasting support. “It can’t be a donor base,” Pompeo explains. “It’s not, ‘Hey, we had a donor conference.’ Those are interesting, and they get things rolling perhaps. But they are wholly unsustainable.”

In trying to deliver that message to Trump and his supporters, some of Zelensky’s Republican allies have pointed to the resource wealth Ukraine could offer the U.S. after the war. Senator Lindsey Graham, a Trump ally, hammered on this point in a video he recorded with Zelensky in Kyiv earlier this month. “They’re sitting on a trillion dollars of minerals that could be good to our economy,” said the Republican from North Carolina. “So I want to keep helping our friends in Ukraine.”


Back in Kyiv, Zelensky’s allies have spent months trying to influence Trump’s views on the war. Leaders of the country’s vibrant community of #Baptists have reached out repeatedly to Trump’s evangelical allies on Capitol Hill, including House Speaker Mike #Johnson. Victor #Pinchuk, a Ukrainian billionaire on good terms with the Zelensky administration, hired Trump’s former aide Kellyanne #Conway as a lobbyist in Washington for a fee of $50,000 per month. According to official filings with the Justice Department, Conway will advise Pinchuk’s foundation on “the current state of views on Ukraine among US elected officials, candidates, experts, and opinion leaders.” The lobbying agreement expires on Nov. 14, about a week after Election Day, unless both sides agree to extend it.

In mid-September, about a week before Zelensky’s arrival in the U.S., Pinchuk hosted an annual summit in Kyiv that attracted a range of influential guests from the U.S. and Europe. While working on the program, Pinchuk appealed to Boris #Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, to convince Trump to participate via live video link. “Unfortunately I failed completely to get that,” Johnson said at the conference.


#USA #US #american #election2024 #lobbying #deepstate #neocons #warmongers #MIC #proxy-war #ukraine #ukraineconflict #ukrainian #oligachy #war against #Russia


Folie totale !⤵️

Le « plan de victoire » que #Zelensky va présenter aux États-Unis demain a été révélé par The Times et il est délirant, nous menant tout droit vers la 3è guerre mondiale !

Il contient notamment :
- « Une adhésion accélérée de l’#Ukraine à l’OTAN »
- « Une accélération de la fourniture d’armes occidentales à l’Ukraine et le droit de les utiliser librement sur le sol russe »
- « Une hausse considérable du soutien financier à l’Ukraine » (300 milliards ont déjà été donnés…)
- « Un soutien aux opérations ukrainiennes à Koursk en territoire russe »
(cf : https://thetimes.com/world/russia-ukraine-war/article/zelensky-to-press-joe-biden-for-trump-proof-security-guarantees-jtn9j7m9h)

➡️ Un plan fou, de ruine et de guerre ! Zelensky l’a écrit mais sa main était à l’évidence tenue par les pires faucons de l’État profond !

Refusons-le catégoriquement et choisissons la paix : plus un centime ni une seule arme vers l’Ukraine !


Noctis Draven sur X :

This was us, this was me. On my profile landing page is a small video of myself in Iraq. I was one of the few soldiers who managed to sneak a camera into the combat zones. I have over 20 hours of footage the world has never seen, I will never show it.

Maybe when I die I will release it. However this footage below is an example of what our time in Iraq was. We as Americans and Coalition forces invaded a land and people under false pretense of WMDs that were never found and dangers to America that did not exist.

There is a famous quote that states, "History is written by the victors." This is what the west has tried to deliver to the world. The truth is America and Coalition forces were the bad guys, we were not the good guys. What did we accomplish in our over 20 year invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan?

We killed over one million people and secured power for Israel along with losing over seven thousand American lives and leaving countless Americans permanently disabled.

I will not hold back the truth because now our American government seeks the same thing. They seek to send Americans into war for Israel and regional power but the soldiers will be told it is to defend America.

Ask any Iraq/Afghanistan veteran why we were there, ask them. Any veteran of these wars that are honest and worth their salt will tell you just as I do, we fought for nothing. There was no threat to America and the people were better off before we invaded.

Any veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan that says these invasions were justified is lying, I will absolutely stand by that and any bastard who was there who says otherwise I will call a liar to their face.

So here we are again, heros heading to the Middle East to fight and die for Israel. Yes, Israel, nothing less, nothing more, just Israel 🇮🇱.

People call me un-American for being this way, but do you know my response? I spit on you, for supporting this, I spit in your face. I say YOU are un-American for sending OUR boys to die for politicians and Israel. YOU give OUR lives not for America but for Israel and you dare call ME un-American? My words, my actions do not require American lives, YOURS DO you bastards!

Where is HAMAS in America? Where is Hezbollah in America? Where? Exactly, they do not exist here.

No more lives for lies.

Speak it with me,
#UkraineRussianWar #ukraine #russia #Zelensky #putin #nato #BRICS #Trump #biden #IsraeliCrimes #Palestine #Israel #Gazagenocide #gaza #WW3 #Iran #Venezuela #Iran #KamalaHarris #kursk #China



Very revealing musings of former comedian Zelensky

‒ A last question about how war changes a person. It’s hard to imagine an experience with a more profound effect on the human psyche.

‒ I’m still holding it together, if it’s me you’re talking about.

‒ But I wonder if there are moments when you catch yourself reacting to things differently than you might have before. Do you notice you’ve changed at all?

‒ Perhaps I’ve become less emotional. There’s simply no time for that. Just like there’s no time for reasoned discourse and arguments. I only have the opportunity to think aloud in that way during interviews. I don’t do this with my subordinates and colleagues in the government. If I were to sit down and ruminate on every decision for an hour, I would be able to make only two or three decisions a day. But I have to make twenty or thirty.


#ukraine #ukrainian #vassalage #war #Zelensky #interview #Russia

What's with the economy for some reason they didn't ask.


US President Joe #Biden will use his remaining months in office to strengthen #Ukraine, a senior aide said on Saturday, as Kyiv fights off Russia’s invasion for a third year.

Biden is “determined to use the four months to put Ukraine in the best possible position to prevail”, National Security Adviser Jake #Sullivan told a forum in Kyiv.

“President #Zelensky has said that ultimately this war has to end through negotiations, and we need them to be strong in those negotiations,” Sullivan said, adding Ukraine would decide when to enter negotiations with #Russia.

“Ukraine has taken bold and assertive steps as well in the war. But that area around Pokrovsk is of unique concern.”

“It’s not a matter of political will. It’s a matter of busting through these difficult and complicated logistics.”

Sullivan nevertheless acknowledged that “given what Ukraine is up against, we’ve got to do more, and we’ve got to do better”.



O Servo da Otan e a Herança Nazista

"O governo de #Zelensky, como notório, é bastante influenciado por grupos #nacionalistas com tintes #nazistas", escreve #MarceloZero

29 de agosto de 2024, 17:54 h
Atualizado em 29 de agosto de 2024, 19:02 h

Como todos sabem, Zelensky era um comediante de êxito, que fazia muito sucesso criticando a corrupta classe política da #Ucrânia e seus oligarcas.

A partir de 2015, seu grupo de comediantes, o Kvartal 95, iniciou uma série televisiva intitulada “O Servo do Povo”, na qual Zelensky interpretava um simples professor do ensino médio, que ascende ao poder após uma fala sua contra a corrupção, filmada em sala de aula, se tornar “viral” na internet. A série, obviamente inspirada em alguns filmes norte-americanos, foi um sucesso.

Poucos anos depois, a vida imitou a arte e Zelensky se elegeu com o mesmo discurso de suas comédias, isto é, criticando os oligarcas e a corrupção e se apresentando como uma alternativa impoluta à “política” e ao “sistema”. Como sói acontecer nesses casos, sua campanha foi feita substancialmente pela internet, particularmente pelo Instagram.

Como também costuma acontecer nesses casos, Zelensky foi acusado das mesmas práticas que criticava. Os “Panamá Papers” revelaram que Zelensky e seu grupo de comediantes mantinham fundos em #paraísosfiscais, como Chipre, Belize e Ilhas Virgens Britânicas.

Zelensky é, assim, mais um desses #políticos “populistas de direita”, que surgem no esteio da “antipolítica”, a qual #ameaça a #democracia e suas instituições.

Até a eclosão do conflito militar na Ucrânia, Zelensky era um ilustre desconhecido, sem nenhuma influência no cenário mundial. Tornou-se celebridade midiática internacional apenas em razão desse contencioso.

Tornou-se, na realidade, uma espécie de garoto-propaganda da Otan e das narrativas geopolíticas que visam impor uma nova Guerra-Fria ao mundo e alinhamentos às chamadas “democracias”, tais como definidas e escolhidas pelos EUA.

Pois bem, nessa condição, Zelensky, insiste em agredir o #Brasil e #Lula, um estadista internacional.

De fato, suas agressões reiteradas à política externa brasileira, soberana e não-alinhada, assim como ao presidente Lula, são frequentes.

Quando foi à posse de #Milei, Zelensky, um dos poucos chefes de Estado a comparecer ao rarefeito evento, afirmou que fora porque havia sido convidado, ao contrário do que teria ocorrido na posse de Lula, para a qual não teria recebido convite. O Itamaraty logo desmentiu a fake news maliciosa.

Ele foi convidado sim, mas decidiu não comparecer. Enviou a vice-presidente da Ucrânia, Iryna Verenshchuc. O Itamaraty, obviamente, envia convite para todos os países com os quais o #Brasil mantém relações diplomáticas. Não discrimina ninguém.

Lembre-se também que, em maio de 2023, na cúpula do G7, Zelensky também decidiu não comparecer ao encontro previamente marcado com Lula. Resolveu “esnobar” nosso presidente. Depois, reclamou, sem razão alguma.

Zelensky não perde uma única oportunidade para criticar o Brasil e Lula.

Agora, numa patética entrevista com conhecida figura mediática brasileira, Zelensky, fiel à sua formação de comediante, abre um libretto giocoso de uma ópera bufa. A ópera bufa e simplista dos que dividem o mundo, de forma maniqueísta, entre o “Bem” e o “Mal”. As “democracias” e as “autocracias”. Dos que não aceitam a ideia de que um país possa ter interesses próprios, e rejeitar essa visão binária e moralista de como as relações internacionais efetivamente funcionam. Dos que atacam os que consideram que a neutralidade e a paz possam ser mais adequadas aos interesses do planeta.

La pelas tantas, o antigo “Servo do Povo”, que agora parece um #Servo da #Otan, pergunta sobre Lula:

"Ele pensa na #Rússia como se hoje ainda existisse a #UniãoSoviética. A #China é um país democrático? Não. E o que dizer sobre o Irã? É um país democrático? Não. E o que dizer da Coreia do Norte? Eles não são países democráticos. Então, o que o Brasil, um grande país democrático, faz nessa companhia?"

O aparente Servo da Otan insinua, assim, que o Brasil é “aliado de ditaduras” e estaria do lado do “Mal”.

Ora, o Brasil faz o que todo os países responsáveis fazem.

O Brasil não apoia ditaduras. O Brasil, assim como a maior parte dos outros países do mundo, mantém relações diplomáticas tanto com nações que têm democracias quanto com países que têm regimes autoritários. Os EUA, a França, o Reino Unido, o Canadá, a China etc. etc. fazem a mesma coisa que o Brasil faz.

É preciso considerar que, segundo critérios conservadores e ocidentais, muitos países do mundo não possuem um regime democrático pleno. Segundo a revista conservadora The Economist, a maior parte da população do planeta não vive em democracia. Noventa e cinco países, que somam quase 55% da população do globo vivem em regimes “híbridos” ou “autoritários”, segundo essa publicação. Na África, no Oriente Médio e no resto da Ásia, as democracias, mesmo as imperfeitas, seriam raras exceções.

Portanto, se mantivéssemos relações apenas com aqueles países que seriam considerados “democráticos”, pela opinião pública do Ocidente, excluiríamos boa parte do mundo da nossa diplomacia.

O próprio Zelensky mantém boas relações com algumas ditaduras. Recentemente, visitou a Arábia Saudita de Bin Salman, que já foi acusado, entre outras coisas, de assassinato de jornalistas.

Zelensky também visita regularmente o presidente Erdogan, da Turquia, o qual também não é considerado um “democrata”, pelos padrões ocidentais.

Assim, quando lhe convém, e quando assim autorizado pela Otan e pelos EUA, Zelensky se aproxima de “ditaduras”. O próprio Milei, que Zelensky fez questão de visitar, é um governante que não tem grande apreço por democracia e que admira a terrível ditadura militar argentina.

O governo de Zelensky, como notório, é bastante influenciado por grupos nacionalistas com tintes nazistas.

A personalidade midiática brasileira que fez a entrevista com Zelensky, #LucianoHulk, disse que foi à Ucrânia por motivos familiares. Três de seus avôs teriam fugido da #Ucrânia, em razão do #antissemitismo e do #nazismo em ascensão. Algo terrível. Nossa #solidariedade

Com efeito, na Segunda Guerra Mundial, muitos grupos de ucranianos do oeste e do centro se aliaram aos nazistas #contra a União Soviética.

Entre vários outros crimes, eles foram responsáveis pelo famoso massacre de Babi Yar contra os #judeus de Kiev e forneceram milhares de guardas para atuar nos campos de concentração nazistas do leste europeu, como #Auschwitz, por exemplo.

No referido #massacre, teriam perecido cerca de 100 mil judeus. Saliente-se que, na época, a Ucrânia tinha cerca de 2,7 milhões de judeus. A maior parte foi assassinada, ao longo do conflito.

O problema maior, contudo, reside no fato de que alguns líderes #nazistas #ucranianos desse período são vistos, hoje, na Ucrânia e pelo regime de Zelensky, como #heróis #nacionais.

Com efeito, a Ucrânia ergueu, nos últimos anos, estátuas e monumentos em homenagem a esses “nacionalistas ucranianos”, cujos legados estão indelevelmente manchados pela sua relação indiscutível com o regime nazista.

O principal deles, #StepanBandera, antigo líder da terrível Organização dos Nacionalistas Ucranianos (OUN), cujos seguidores atuaram como membros da milícia local das #SS e do exército alemão, tem várias dezenas de monumentos e de nomes de ruas que glorificam seu nome.

Ademais, teriam sido erguidas estátuas para Jaroslav Stetsko, ex-presidente da OUN, o qual escreveu: “insisto no extermínio dos judeus na Ucrânia”.

Não sei se Luciano Hulk indagou sobre esses fatos a Zelensky. Mas deveria.

O Brasil deseja manter boas relações com a Ucrânia. Mas o governo de Zelensky tem de respeitar a posição de neutralidade e em prol da paz do Brasil.

Não somos servos de ninguém.


National Endowment for Democracy Deletes Records of Funding Projects in Ukraine

The NED played a pivotal role in helping to trigger the conflict with Russia by supporting two color revolutions directed against Ukraine’s pro-Russian (not really - note mine) leader Viktor #Yanukovych — a potential successor to Vlodymyr #Zelensky if Russia wins.

The 2004 color revolution replaced Yanukovych with Viktor Yushchenko, who favored admitting Ukraine to NATO and adopted an International Monetary Fund (IMF) structural adjustment program that benefitted U.S. investors while cutting social programs.

NED activists employed a broad public relations strategy that included: a) busing paid out-of-town protesters into Kyiv; b) creating an online TV protest station and agitation paraphernalia; and c) providing offshore training to the anti-Yanukovych student leadership. The strategy was based on the writings of Gene Sharp and a template that the NED had successfully employed in Serbia with a youth group called “Otpor,” which helped secure the defeat of socialist Slobodan Milosovic in September 2000 elections.


As a sign of the NED’s influence, Ukrainian President Petro #Poroshenko (2014-2020)—a main beneficiary of the #Maidan coup currently awaiting trial on treason charges—bestowed the Order of Princess Olga, one of Ukraine’s highest honors, on Dr. Nadia Diuk,[42] a former vice president and senior adviser to the NED for Europe and Eurasia.


#USA #US #american #democracy #CIA #IMF #NATO #deepstate #intelligence #NED #propaganda #fraud #psyops #ukraine #war against #Russia #russian #ukraine #ukrainian #history



[What do you think about the West’s rhetoric and stance on the situation in our border regions? They are denying that they knew about it.]
"The Defence Ministry leadership assesses the military situation and reports to President Vladimir #Putin several times a day.
As for the political side, it’s clear that the cap fits, and they should long be wearing it.
The evolution from 'we have nothing to do with it' and 'no one asked us' to 'they did ask, but we said no,' and 'Zaluzhny disobeyed' is just ridiculous.
Everyone is perfectly aware that Vladimir #Zelensky would never have dared to do this – the decision was certainly his.
Now he boasts that he is creating a buffer zone and damaging the Russian state.
He would not have dared to do this unless he had orders from the #US.
There is also no doubt that Washington is behind the #NordStream explosions, which cut Europe off from Russian fuel and consequently, a stable foundation for economic growth.
For us, the picture is crystal clear.
For all their dodging, the truth is obvious, and known to all objective and unbiased observers."


About Nuclear Terrorism

But if Ukrainian chooses to dig in and transition the front into another artillery slug-fest, Russia will drown them in a sea of glide-bombs and massive artillery overmatch, destroying their static positions and turning it into another Khrynki-like bloodbath for the AFU. In fact, some have even suggested Putin may again “delay” their expulsion from the territory. I don’t think—as some others believe—it was a totally deliberate trap on the part of the Russian MOD, to lure the AFU into Kursk, but now that they’re here, Putin may take advantage of it by delaying their expulsion in order to openly grind up the AFU’s last remaining elite units, just like in Khrynki. After all, never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a grave mistake—if he presents an opportunity to defeat him at scale in a way that could accelerate the end of the war, then why not?

Don’t forget, the long-rumored “true offensive” was going to focus on the Zaporozhye plant in Energodar. Rezident-UA channel believes that could still be the play, with the Kursk as the first misdirection phase. Zelensky may have signaled such intentions by bombing ZNPP today, showing his obsession with the plant remains a primary focus.


#ukraine #ukrainian #military #nuclear #terrorism #Zelensky #AFU #Kursk #Russia #Zaporozhye #war #gamble for #NATO #vassalage


LMAO. #Zelensky is literally defecting to the #British Government.

🍿This is big.
Herd Immunity News🇬🇧🇺🇸
Breaking: Unelected Ukrainian #gangster Zelensky has now become part of the UK @UKLabour Govt. Today marked the first time this century that a foreign leader has sat right in the heart of British #Government at 10 Downing Street.

This is a seriously worrying development, as the…



"A pig's head wrapped in the flag of #Palestine with a text "#Ukraine stands with #Israel" was found in #Berlin's oldest mosque.

Police are reportedly investigating.

As of February 2024, there are about 1.1 million Ukrainian #refugees in #Germany. #Zelensky has previously claimed that Israel had an unquestionable right to defend itself from attacks from Palestine."

Source t.me/IntelRepublic/39234

German Source berliner-wochenzeitung.de/?p=3…

PS. This sounds a lot like a false flag operation.

#HateCrimes #Islamophobia #Gaza


Zelensky set the trap that threatens to destroy us

#Zelensky #set the #trap that #threatens to #destroy us #Ukraine #NATO #US #UK #Germany #France #EU #Russia

"Bandera’s Ukraine, which has been furiously privatizing its remaining state properties left to it by Russia and the USSR, already has a large part of its valuable black lands in the hands of #Blackrock , #Monsanto and other U.S. interests. These are joined by energy, mining, agro-industrial and real estate ownership.

Now, to finance the war effort, the illegitimate Zelensky, who is currently usurping the position of president (I can already see the meaning of that kiss from von der #Leyen, the usurpers recognize each other), is preparing to sell what he still has left. The exigencies from the IMF and from financial agreements with the European Union always require privatizations and the businesses in question are, in some cases, important natural monopolies."
