

From Ukraine, the war on Orthodoxy now pivots to Greece

From #Ukraine , the #war on #Orthodoxy now #pivots to #Greece #NATO #religion

"Greek police, at the instigation of #Patriarch #Bartholomew in Istanbul, recently made an aggressive attempt to occupy the #Orthodox #monastery #Esfigmenou, located on the territory of the autonomous monastic republic of Mount Athos. Their main objective was to forcefully eject the traditionalist monks who live and pray there. The secondary purpose of the raid was to create a pretext for permanently stationing Greek government forces in the proximity of each of the monasteries on the Athos peninsula. The disgraceful assault was a copy/paste replica of a similar operation that previously had been carried out by the Kiev regime against the monks of the Kiev Caves Lavra in Ukraine."



Israel: Wie säkular ist der Staat noch?

Müssen sich isarelische Soldaten auch im Krieg an die strengen jüdischen Speisevorschriften halten? Ja, hat ein Gericht geurteilt und damit die beherrschende Stellung der Religion im Land bestätigt. Eine Trennung von Staat und Kirche gibt es nicht - warum und mit welchen Folgen, erklärt die Historikerin Andrea Livnat.#WDR #AndreaLivnat #Israel #Zionismus #Säkularismus #säkular #orthodox #WolfgangMeyer
Israel: Wie säkular ist der Staat noch?


The craziest part of the whole #Gaza #Genocide is that the party forcing Bibi to do this or lose his immunity from prosecution if the coalition falls apart are the ultra #orthodox parties who BY LAW are exempt from all fighting and military service. Meaning they are send OTHER PEOPLES legally bound kids to carry out this mass destruction while their kids risk nothing.


Former United States #Congressman Justin Amash, whom is a #Palestinian #Christian himself, says that several members of his family were killed at Saint Porphyrius #Orthodox àChurch in #Gaza, where they had been sheltering from Israeli Air Force air raids.

Namely, Samaa Al-Amash, Yara Al-Amash and Viola Al-Amash died following the #IAF Air raids.

Alongside them, 10 members of the Al-Souri Family, a Palestinian Orthodox Christian family, were all killed by Israel.

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Israel bombed the #Orthodox #Church of Saint Porphyrius in #Gaza, where people were taking shelter

A week ago, it was reported that the Church was targeted, which turned out to be false. Sadly, they targeted it now. It was one of the oldest churches in the world.

These reports have been confirmed by the Orthodox Archdiocese of #Jordan’s official FB page…

Israel has destroyed one of the oldest Christian Churches in the world…

But hey, Israel has the right to "defend" itself!

#SaveGaza #StopIsrael
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


Observers report that today, October 9, 2023, during the Air Raids by the IDF, #Israel has reportedly bombed the #Greek #Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in #Gaza, which was built at 425 AD (Anno Domini) and then consecrated by the #Catholic #Crusaders in 1150

According to such reports, it has been almost fully destroyed. Saint Porphyrius was the largest church in Gaza.

If true, the Third Oldest Christian Temple in all world was just wiped off the map

#StopTheWar #PeaceNow #Politics #Hypocrisy


Kiev orders closure of Christian churches

#Kiev #orders #closure of #Christian #churches #Ukraine #Russia #religion

"Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko on Friday ordered the closure of 74 churches belonging to the canonical Ukrainian #Orthodox #Church (UOC), citing its alleged “direct ties” to the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church"



Christian #church|es are perceived as institutions capable to facilitate dialogue where other actors fail. However, it is a paradigm of religions in violent conflicts that they can be only part of a peaceful solution if they are not part of the problem.
There has been written a lot about the role of the #Orthodox churches in the war-torn region, which are deeply entangled with the conflict and the #ideology behind this #war.
This is one reason why international observers paid a lot of hope and trust in the activities of the #Vatican and Pope Francis. Both the social ethics of the Roman #Catholic Church and the spirituality of Pope Francis as well as the transnational and block-free, neutral, diplomatic position of the Vatican could have certainly provided a fundament for negotiations.

https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/08/26/three-reasons-why-pope-francis-perpetually-fails-ukraine/ #ukraine #dugina #moscow #religion