

Nigerian Senate rejects the army’s #military intervention in #Niger under #ECOWAS mandate

According to a senator who attended the meeting, senators agreed to pass a resolution condemning the coup and to commend ECOWAS leaders on their efforts to restore constitutional order in Niger, but they ruled out military options.

“Almost all the senators spoke and totally ruled out the military options because of many factors and also because of the harmonious relationship that Nigeria and Niger has always enjoyed.

“Senators opposed to military action pointed out that our military is highly ill-equipped and not prepared to fight any war.They said that we have fragile peace in Nigeria and that Niger is the highest arms market in #Africa.


#Chad Defense Minister: "We will never intervene in àNiger by military means. We prefer dialogue so that stability can return to Niger.

Nigeriens themselves must realize that the danger is imminent, and it's up to them to solve their own problems

#Africa #ECOWAS #Politics


Niger Army Denies Nigerian Soldiers Access to Bosso

The neighbouring towns of Malam Fatori in Nigeria and Bosso in Niger, which were once connected by a friendly daily interaction between Nigerian Army soldiers and Niger Republic soldiers in Bosso, are now experiencing heightened tension and hostility due to recent events.

In the aftermath of #ECOWAS sanctions and the declaration of potential military action, #Nigeria and #Niger find themselves in a delicate situation. As a result, Nigerian soldiers are facing an unfortunate setback as they have been denied access to Bosso town to source items for their daily lives and basic provisions.

#Africa #Politics #Military


#Niger announces the cancellation of all military agreements with #France.

The French country currently maintains about 1,500 soldiers in the African country.

It seems that again today the talks with #ECOWAS failed.

Let us remember that Sunday is the last day that ECOWAS gave to restore the "constitutional order" and free the Nigerien president.



Several left and people’s organizations in West Africa have condemned the threat issued by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to militarily intervene with the backing of #France and the #US to restore the unpopular Mohamed Bazoum to #Niger’s presidency.

The West African Peoples’ Organization (WAPO) has “vehemently opposed” the ultimatum by #ECOWAS Heads of States on July 30 to “take all measures necessary,” including “the use of force,” if the ousted president and his government is not restored by Sunday, August 6.

This decision of ECOWAS is “a maneuver by colonial France and #GB, under the hegemony of American #imperialism, to resort to armed intervention under the guise of restoring #democracy and #human-rights in Niger,” #WAPO said in a statement on Wednesday, August 2.



Local Sierran Leonean media, quoting local police, reports that a group of military Officers of the country's armed Forces were arrested in Sierra Leone on suspicion of plotting a "coup against democracy" of the country

According to the police sources, the suspects allegedly intended to use peaceful protests in the country as a cover for "attacks on state institutions" of the French-aligned country

At the end of June, the country held presidential elections, which were won by the incumbent head of state, Julius Biot. His opponents said the results were rigged.

As the wave of #military intervention in the polity runs across several countries in sub Saharan #Africa, the #SierraLeone police have arrested several senior military officers in the country’s armed forces, after weeks of political instability triggered by the controversial presidential and general elections held on 24th of June 2023.

President Bio did not attend last week’s #ECOWAS leaders meeting in #Abuja, as security around the president and State House remains tense.

With several West African nations including neighbouring Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso and now #Niger under the grip of disgruntled military leaders who justify their intervention with evidence of corruption by the ruling elites, poor governance and growing poverty, countries like Sierra Leone will continue to face political instability and threats of military coups if election crises and question of legitimacy are left unresolved.
#Coup #Africa #Politics #France



(what a surprise) US Secretary of State Antony #Blinken declares that US supports the #ECOWAS summit decision to reinstate the Niger President #Bazoum into power by any means necessary

🇺🇸 US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on #Twitter:
— "I strongly welcome and support the leadership of ECOWAS Heads of State and Governments to defend constitutional order in Niger.

The legitimate, democratically-elected government must be reinstated immediately."

PS. Remember when US backed the coup by Sisi in Egypt? They didn't care much about the legitimacy and the rule of law!
#US #Niger #Africa #Hypocrisy #Imperialism #NeoColonialism


A coup d'état is currently taking place in #Niger. The presidential guard, led by General Tchiani, has arrested the president and defense minister.

"After [taking] the Presidential Palace, the #RepublicanGuard [a putschist military unit] is heading towards the government building. #President #Bazoum and the Minister of the Interior are being held by the mutineers. Several ministers have been arrested, including the Minister of Defense. General #OmarTchiani, head of the Presidential Guard and likely leader of this coup has not yet commented. French Army units [in their bases in Niger] are on alert." - #Tchad One, a Tchadian media outlet

Rumors spreading that Wagner PMC is supporting the pro-coup faction. Whilst these are, as yet, unconfirmed, it is worth noting that Wagner has recently provided the Presidential Guard - the main pro-coup military unit - with training.
With Wagner no longer being on the frontline of the SMO, it is possible that some of their forces have been deployed to Africa to fight French influence there; a long-term goal of the PMC (and of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and one they recently performed in the Central African Republic.

  • Ministry buildings in Niamey are apparently being blockaded by military vehicles.
  • National Guard is being deployed in Niger, the Army and National Guard is being deployed around the Presidential Palace, according to sources, the army and national guard are not supportive of the coup.
  • Conflicting information from different sources the admins of RN are in contact with about whether forces supporting the Nigerien government will attack pro-coup troops if they don't back down.
  • The Nigerien presidency has stated they will - the question is whether Nigerien forces on the ground share that sentiment
  • Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has commented on the Nigerien coup, stating "ECOWAS will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger."
  • The Nigerien Army has allegedly refused to side with the putschists and has issued an ultimatum to them.
  • The putschists have apparently taken control of Nigerien national television.
  • Heavy vehicles reportedly moving in to Niamey. An order to shelter in place for all residents has allegedly been delivered.

ECOWAS, on regards to the situation in Niger."Information filtering in from the Republic of Niger indicates some unpleasant developments around the country's highest political leadership.

It should be quite clear to all players in the Republic of Niger that the leadership of the ECOWAS Region and all lovers of democracy around the world will not tolerate any situation that incapacitates the democratically-elected government of the country.

The ECOWAS leadership will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger or any part of West Africa.

I wish to say that we are closely monitoring the situation and developments in Niger and we will do everything within our powers to ensure democracy is firmly planted, nurtured, well rooted and thrives in our region.

I am in close consultation with other leaders in our region, and we shall protect our hard-earned democracy in line with the universally acceptable principle of constitutionalism.

As the Chairperson of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, I state without equivocation that Nigeria stands firmly with the elected government in Niger and equally conveys the absolute resolve of leaders in our sub-region that we shall not waiver or flinch on our stand to defend and preserve constitutional order.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President, Federal Republic of #Nigeria and Chairman, #ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government"

#Africa #MilitaryCoup #BreakingNews


A coup d'état is currently taking place in #Niger. The presidential guard, led by General Tchiani, has arrested the president and defense minister.

"After [taking] the Presidential Palace, the #RepublicanGuard [a putschist military unit] is heading towards the government building. #President #Bazoum and the Minister of the Interior are being held by the mutineers. Several ministers have been arrested, including the Minister of Defense. General #OmarTchiani, head of the Presidential Guard and likely leader of this coup has not yet commented. French Army units [in their bases in Niger] are on alert." - #Tchad One, a Tchadian media outlet

Rumors spreading that Wagner PMC is supporting the pro-coup faction. Whilst these are, as yet, unconfirmed, it is worth noting that Wagner has recently provided the Presidential Guard - the main pro-coup military unit - with training.
With Wagner no longer being on the frontline of the SMO, it is possible that some of their forces have been deployed to Africa to fight French influence there; a long-term goal of the PMC (and of Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and one they recently performed in the Central African Republic.

  • Ministry buildings in Niamey are apparently being blockaded by military vehicles.
  • National Guard is being deployed in Niger, the Army and National Guard is being deployed around the Presidential Palace, according to sources, the army and national guard are not supportive of the coup.
  • Conflicting information from different sources the admins of RN are in contact with about whether forces supporting the Nigerien government will attack pro-coup troops if they don't back down.
  • The Nigerien presidency has stated they will - the question is whether Nigerien forces on the ground share that sentiment
  • Nigerian President Bola Tinubu has commented on the Nigerien coup, stating "ECOWAS will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger."
  • The Nigerien Army has allegedly refused to side with the putschists and has issued an ultimatum to them.
  • The putschists have apparently taken control of Nigerien national television.
  • Heavy vehicles reportedly moving in to Niamey. An order to shelter in place for all residents has allegedly been delivered.

ECOWAS, on regards to the situation in Niger.

"Information filtering in from the Republic of Niger indicates some unpleasant developments around the country's highest political leadership.

It should be quite clear to all players in the Republic of Niger that the leadership of the ECOWAS Region and all lovers of democracy around the world will not tolerate any situation that incapacitates the democratically-elected government of the country.

The ECOWAS leadership will not accept any action that impedes the smooth functioning of legitimate authority in Niger or any part of West Africa.

I wish to say that we are closely monitoring the situation and developments in Niger and we will do everything within our powers to ensure democracy is firmly planted, nurtured, well rooted and thrives in our region.

I am in close consultation with other leaders in our region, and we shall protect our hard-earned democracy in line with the universally acceptable principle of constitutionalism.

As the Chairperson of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, I state without equivocation that Nigeria stands firmly with the elected government in Niger and equally conveys the absolute resolve of leaders in our sub-region that we shall not waiver or flinch on our stand to defend and preserve constitutional order.

Bola Ahmed Tinubu

President, Federal Republic of #Nigeria and Chairman, #ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government"

#Africa #MilitaryCoup #BreakinNews


Malis Militärmachthaber machen Zugeständnis bei Übergangszeit | DW | 07.06.2022

Das Militärregime in Mali hat die Übergangszeit bis zu einer Rückkehr zur Zivilregierung von fünf auf zwei Jahre verkürzt. Damit hat es sich aber in dieser Frage dem starken internationalen Druck nicht gebeugt.#Mali #Ecowas #Sanktionen #AssimiGoita #Militärputsch #Guinea #BurkinaFaso #Zivilregierung
Malis Militärmachthaber machen Zugeständnis bei Übergangszeit | DW | 07.06.2022