

One of the many truly disturbing things DeSantis pulled off in the 2022 race was trumping up cases against a handful of black people who supposedly fraudulently registered to vote. The "fraud" was around the implementation of the 2018 ballot initiative that passed with 2/3 voting for it to let ex-felons to vote. It smelled bad when it happened and it only smells worse as time goes on. When people ask me who is worse, Trump or DeSantis, I still say it is Trump because I don't think DeSantis would go through with a literal coup like Trump did in 2020 nor do I think he is as mentally unstable so I'd trust him more with the nuclear football. That is a very very low bar though and DeSantis has proved to excel at some aspects of implementing autocracy that Trump never nailed down well. That may be because of the scale of control of the media markets and government in Florida and outlets like Fox propping up DeSantis more than they would have hoping for a non-Trump Trumpy alternative. Neither of these people should be anywhere near executive power at the scale of governorship or worse POTUS. This is a gift link I found so should not be behind a paywall. #uspoli #trump #desantis #GOP #Election2024 #CivilRights #VotingRights
The first arrests from DeSantis’s election police take extensive toll