

The Chinese Government Tries to Ban a Protest Song from Major Platforms


In a June 20, 2023 letter, more than 24 human rights and digital rights groups urged companies including Apple, Google, Meta, Twitter, and Spotify to oppose a potential injunction by the High Court of Hong Kong to protect the right to freedom of expression and access to information in Hong Kong and around the world. The injunction, if ordered by the court, would require that companies remove the song from their respective platforms, effectively banning it online.

The sought-for injunction reflects the Chinese government’s expanding efforts to control information not just within its borders, but around the world. Between July 2020 and June 2022, the Hong Kong government was responsible for 50 instances in which Meta said it was forced to remove content globally.

The song is called "Glory to Hong Kong," and (as you would expect) there are both Chinese and English versions.


Chinese (with English translation)

live performance

#human-rights-watch #hrw #censorship #ccp #beijing #beijing-government #chinese-government #human-rights #freedom #liberty #freedom-of-the-press #freedom-of-speech #hong-kong #music #video #music-video #english #chinese #protest #protest-song


What Character Was Removed from the Alphabet? (dictionary.com)

"The word ampersand came many years later when & was actually part of the English alphabet. In the early 1800s, school children reciting their ABCs concluded the alphabet with the &.

It would have been confusing to say “X, Y, Z, and.” So, the students said, “and per se and.” Per se means “by itself,” so the students were essentially saying, “X, Y, Z, and by itself and.” The term per se was used to denote letters that also doubled as words, such as the letter I (for “me”) and A. By saying “per se,” you clarified that you meant the symbol and not the word.

Over time, “and per se and” was slurred together into the word we use today: ampersand. When a word comes about from a mistaken pronunciation, it’s called a mondegreen. (If you sing the wrong lyrics to a song, that’s also known as a mondegreen.)"




I do hate all the stoopid #online #abbreviations... do the #English speaking folks believe they are the only one in the world and that everybody should accustom to their #idiotic #habits ???
e.g. LGBTQIA+... what shit is this!!! do I need to know all this? no, I do not!


The etymology of "antisemitism."

"Anti-" is a word-forming prefix meaning 'in opposition to.'

"Semitic" is a near/mid east Afroasiatic ethno-linguistic people-group.

"-ism" is a word-forming suffix meaning a 'system or practice.'

Whilst there can be any number of meanings for words in the vernacular, etymology shows us the root or literal meaning for words.

"Antisemitism" literally means 'opposition to the system or practice of the Semitic people-group.'

Opposition to any system or practice is perfectly legitimate & doesn't represent any form of moral transgression.

#semitism #antisemitism #etymology #linguistics #language #english #uk #usa #ideologicalcolonialism #truth #abrahamicideologicalcolonialism #socialengineering #manipulation #overtonwindow #control


Pytition (Logiciel pour créer des #pétitions)

Sur #Framalibre : https://framalibre.org/content/pytition

Pytition est un #LogicielLibre permettant d'héberger des pétitions sur le #web.
L'utilisation des #données personnelles liées aux pétitions est un enjeu fort, car elles permettent de constituer d'importantes bases de données, et qu'elles traitent souvent de sujets sensibles, notamment politiques.

Parmi les fonctionnalités proposées par #Pytition, on trouve :
- L'absence de toute technologie de #traçage,
- L'export des signatures au format #CSV,
- Une interface multilingue, (ok pour #English #French #Français #Italian #Occitan)
- La possibilité de prévisualiser la page de la #pétition avant de l'ouvrir au #public,
- La possibilité que plusieurs organisations proposent des pétitions sur la même #instance

Voir le Home : https://github.com/pytition/Pytition/wiki
Exemple : https://petition.antipub.org/ avec plein de pétitions #StopPub #RAP contre la #publicité à #signer !!!

Pour info :
#Framapétitions est mort, vive Pytition !
Par #Framasoft : https://framablog.org/2019/10/25/framapetitions-est-mort-vive-pytition/

Rappelez-vous qu'en #France, une pétition n'a aucun pouvoir de contraindre en quoi que ce soit, alors le minimum en la signant, c'est que cette pétition ne vous nuise pas, en révélant par exemple votre positionnement #politique à une entité telle qu'une société privée à but lucratif, ou pire...

#Alternative #Change #Avaaz #Logiciel #Libre #ViePrivée #Surveillance #Contrôle #Social #Lutte #Luttes #Pouvoir #Citoyen #Association #Assoc