

Germans are right to be incensed by All Quiet on the Western Front: it paints them as the good guys

The Guardian

(...) Along with his co-writers, Lesley Paterson and Ian Stokell, Berger removes everything subtle in the book and replaces it with something absurdly bombastic, as befits a Prestigious, Important War Movie. He also omits an astonishing number of the book’s key episodes, and shoves in just as many new ones of his own. (...)

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Still from the movie (soldiers in trench)
Felix Kammerer, right, as Paul Bäumer in All Quiet on the Western Front. Photograph: Netflix/Moviestore/Rex/Shutterstock.

[A]ll too often his All Quiet on the Western Front depicts the Germans as the good guys, while the French are cruel and spiteful villains. Remarque – who was denounced as “unpatriotic” by the Nazis – would have been appalled. (...)

In place of these sequences are countless new scenes featuring politicians and officers negotiating the armistice. (...) But the intransigent Foch won’t budge until Germany agrees to every one of France’s demands. (...) [B]y painting such a simplistic, one-sided picture of the meeting, Berger seems to be laying the blame for the rise of the Nazis squarely at Foch’s feet.

Meanwhile, on the frontline, the French are presented as alien monsters in terrifying tanks, whereas Paul and his buddies are underdogs who battle on against the odds. (...)

The most questionable of Berger’s inventions is to have Paul himself dying after being stabbed in the back by a French soldier. The director ought to be aware of the “stab-in-the-back myth”, which claimed that the German army was not defeated in the first world war, but was betrayed by Jews, socialists and the cowardly politicians who signed the armistice for their own selfish reasons. This conspiracy theory was popular in the 1920s, and was much favoured by Adolf Hitler. For a German film about the war’s last days to risk any evocation of that antisemitic myth with a literal backstabbing is irresponsible, to say the least. Being less generous, you could call it an unforgivable distortion of Remarque’s novel.

I doubt that Berger sees it quite like that. He may well have been too focused on what one German critic called Oscar-Geilheit, or “lust for an Oscar”, to notice the jingoistic interpretations his work could invite. (...)

Complete article

Tags: #english #movie #books #remarque #erich_maria_remarque #baftas #oscars #war #war_movie #All_Quiet_on_the_Western_Front #Oscar-Geilheit #stab-in-the-back_myth


PageTranslate : #LibreOffice plugin for translating whole documents, which retains some formatting.

We are having problem with US immigration for our kids who are (after 6 years) still questioning the legitimacy of our claim that our kids were adopted legally and lived with us 2 years prior to their move to the US.

We had to translate all our documents to English and provide the originals and translated files to them. The latest request was to give them our taxes for 4 years prior to my wife's move to US. Having them translated would have cost a fortune, so I used the above extension, imported the PDF files from the French tax office into LibreOffice and installed the PageTranslate app.

It translated the files almost perfectly, except for a few minor issues where the text was split between sections and I had to correct the #translation that took about 20-30 minutes per document, it saved me a lot of money and aggravation.

#FreeSoftware #Document #French #English


Ok, so we say 2 points, 3 points, etc, which makes sense, because these are plural.

And we say 1 point, because it's singular

So far, so good.

But why do we say 0 point*s, 0.5 points*...

Maybe I'm missing something because I am not a native English speaker. What's the rule here?

#grammar #English #numbers #question


Good News!

The Imperial Library of Trantor is back.


No JavaScript required. No registration required.

Tor Browser or another browser that can use Tor is required.

There has been a lot of news recently about Z-Library and its problems, but the Imperial Library has always been better because it requires no registration. It's more private. It also claims 1479907 books. These books are in many different languages. English and German are popular, but I also see Italian and French.

#library #library #imperial-library-of-trantor #book #books #ebook #ebooks #free #tor #free-books #open-library #english #german #french


[…] He had begun to feel lost months ago. One evening, from a moving streetcar, he had suddenly noticed the sky. It was a terrific fact, the existence of the sky. Noticing it, looking up into it, with night coming on, he had realized how lost he had become. But he hadn’t done anything about the matter. He had begun to want a house of his own, but he hadn’t done anything to get a house.
He stood over his phonograph, thinking of its silence and his own silence, the fear in himself to make a noise, to declare his existence. He lifted the phonograph from the floor and placed it on his small eating table. The phonograph was very dusty, and he spent a leisurely ten minutes cleaning it. When he was through cleaning it, greater fear came over him, and he wanted for a moment to put it back again on the floor and let it remain silent. After a while he wound the machine slowly, hoping secretly that something inside of it would break, so that he would not be able, after all, to make a noise in the world. […]

William Saroyan

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
in “The Daring Young Man on the Flying Trapeze and Other Stories

[…] Aveva cominciato a sentirsi perso mesi prima. Una sera, da un tram in corsa, aveva improvvisamente notato il cielo. L'esistenza del cielo, un fatto straordinario. Notandolo, guardandolo lassù in alto, mentre si avvicinava la notte, si era reso conto di quanto perso fosse diventato. Ma non aveva fatto nulla al riguardo. Aveva cominciato a desiderare una casa tutta sua, ma non aveva fatto nulla per avere una casa.
Stette immobile davanti al fonografo, pensando al silenzio del fonografo e al suo stesso silenzio, alla paura che aveva di fare rumore, di dichiarare la sua esistenza.
Sollevò il fonografo dal pavimento e lo posò sul piccolo tavolo da pranzo. Il fonografo era molto impolverato e passò una decina di minuti a pulirlo con calma. Quando ebbe finito di pulirlo, lo prese una paura ancora più grande, e per un attimo pensò di rimetterlo sul pavimento e lasciarlo stare in silenzio. Dopo un po' caricò lentamente la macchina, sperando segretamente che qualcosa al suo interno si rompesse, in modo da non essere in grado, dopo tutto, di fare rumore nel mondo. […]

#Saroyan #literature #English #American #Armenian #translation #letteratura #traduzione #italiano #Italian


Letter from Bachmann to Celan, Vienna, Christmas 1948. NOT SENT.

Dear, dear Paul!
Yesterday and today I thought a great deal about you – or about us, if you will. I am not writing to you because I want you to write again, but because it gives me pleasure and because I want to. I had also planned to meet you somewhere in Paris very soon, but then my stupid and vain sense of duty kept me here and I did not leave. What does this mean anyway – ‘somewhere in Paris’? I don’t know anything, but I do think it would have been lovely somehow!
Three months ago someone suddenly gave me your book of poems as a gift. I didn’t know it had come out. That was so… the ground was so light and buoyant beneath me, and my hand was trembling a little, just a very little bit.
[…] I still do not know what last spring meant. – You know me, I always want to know everything very precisely. – It was lovely – and so were the poems, and the poem we made together.
Today you are dear to me and so present. That is what I want to tell you at all costs – I often neglected to do so during that time.
I can come for a few days as soon as I have time. And would you want to see me? – One hour, or two.

Much, much love!

Lettera di Bachmann a Celan, Vienna, Natale 1948. NON SPEDITA.

Caro, caro Paul!
Ieri e oggi ho pensato molto a te - o a noi, se vuoi. Non ti scrivo perché voglio che tu mi scriva di nuovo, ma perché mi fa piacere e perché lo voglio. Avevo anche programmato di incontrarti presto da qualche parte a Parigi, ma poi il mio stupido e vano senso del dovere mi ha trattenuto qui e non sono partita. Ma cosa significa "da qualche parte a Parigi"? Non so nulla, ma penso che in qualche modo sarebbe stato bello!
Tre mesi fa qualcuno mi ha improvvisamente regalato il tuo libro di poesie. Non sapevo che fosse uscito. È stato così... la terra era così leggera e fluttuante sotto di me, e la mia mano tremava un po', solo un pochino.
[...] Non so ancora cosa abbia significato la scorsa primavera. - Mi conosci, voglio sempre sapere tutto con molta precisione. - È stato bello - e anche le poesie lo erano, e la poesia che abbiamo fatto insieme.
Oggi mi sei caro e ti sento così presente. È questo che voglio dirti a tutti i costi - ho spesso trascurato di farlo in quel periodo.
Posso venire per qualche giorno appena ho tempo. E tu vorresti vedermi? - Un'ora, o due.

Con molto, molto affetto!
La tua,

#letter #poets #love #Bachmann #Celan #English #Italian #translation


La foresta

Tra le rocce primarie
dove gli spiriti degli uccelli
rompono i semi di granito
e le statue degli alberi
con le loro braccia nere
minacciano le nuvole,

ecco un rimbombo,
come se la storia
venisse sradicata,

l'erba si rizza,
i massi tremano,
la superficie della terra si spacca

e lì cresce

un fungo,

immenso come la vita stessa,
pieno di miliardi di cellule

immenso come la vita stessa,

che appare in questo mondo per la prima

e ultima volta.

  • Miroslav Holub -

#poetry #poesia #literature #Holub #Italian #English #Czech #translation #mushrooms #forest #rocks


My Peter

To mould life's momentum

in earthen clay you came from far away,

with strength of the deep soul,

with the smiling dance of your hands,

to show man august being.

Your sunny heart met me at the right time;

what a reunion it was.

A human being stood before me,

filled with beautiful spiritual power.

Two souls united in the space of time.

Your work blossomed, thanks to the night;

from her silence the word is born -

man's thanks to becoming, to being

and elapsing - with creative power.

Once you murmered to me «You are, and that is enough.»

YA, Saturday, October 29, 2022

Meinem Peter

Des Lebens Schwung zu bilden
in der Erde Ton kamst Du von weit,
mit Kraft der tiefen Seele,
mit deiner Hände lächelnd Tanz,
dem Mensch zu zeigen hehres Sein.

Dein Sonnenherz traf mich zur rechten Zeit,
was für ein Wiedersehen das war.
Ein Mensch stand da vor mir
mit schöner Geisteskraft erfüllt.
Zwei Seelen im Zeitenraum vereint.

Dein Werk erblühte, Danke der Nacht;
Aus ihrem Schweigen gebiert sich Wort,
des Menschen Dank dem Werden, dem Sein
Und Vergehen, mit Schöpfermacht.
Einst rauntest Du mir zu «Du bist, und das genügt.»

Tomorrow is the last and private celebration of Peter's 80th birthday, and as he is my closest friend life presented me with a poem, which I will read after a text by the photographer of the Steinmühle book, Johannes Zürcher.

#poem #birthday #Peter #YA #writing #poetry #Deutsch #English



L'infinito sbadiglia e continua a sbadigliare.
Ha forse sonno?
Gli manca Pitagora?
Le vele delle tre navi di Colombo?
Il rumore del mare gli ricorda se stesso?
Si siede mai davanti a un bicchiere di vino
a filosofeggiare?
Sbircia negli specchi la notte?
Ha una valigia piena di ricordi
nascosta da qualche parte?
Gli piace stare sdraiato in un'amaca con il vento
che gli sussurra dolci parole all'orecchio?
Entra nelle chiese vuote e accende una sola
candela sull'altare?
Ci vede come due lucciole
che giocano a nascondino in un cimitero?
Ci trova buoni da mangiare?

Charles Simic

#poetry #English #American #Italian #poesia #translation #traduzione #Simic #infinite