

#Dhanishtha #Nakshatra

#Characteristics male
Males born in Dhanishtha Nakshatra are believed to be intelligent with good work ethics. They love to learn and gather knowledge. Hence, whichever job they decide to choose for themselves, they are going to ace it. Dhanishta males give much importance to their ethical values and will try to avoid any forms of controversy, which might affect others. They will never, in any way, neither with their words nor action, hurt someone consciously. They will always stay away from arguments unless there is no other choice. These males are believed to be naturally religious and like to stay in their comfort zone, hanging out with the same friends and doing the same activities. If they are ever wronged, they will never forget. As they are very patient, they will wait for the right time to take their revenge.

Profession male
Dhanishta nakshatra males are high-achieving people. Because of their thirst for knowledge and intelligence, professions like being a historian or even a scientist will be most suitable for them. They can also work at an intelligence agency or be a private secretary for big businessmen, if that fancies them, as they are very capable of keeping secrets no matter how big the secret is. These males are more advanced than their peers when it comes to intellectuality and hence get success faster than others. Their career will flourish after the age of 24. Although they should be careful in their work while trusting their colleagues even if it is required for them to trust.

Compatibility male
Males of this nakshatra will have extreme luck when it comes to their spouses. Their wives will be like the incarnation of goddess Lakshmi and will bring very good fortune to them. They will have the upper hand when it comes to the family role but they will have a very good relationship with their siblings. There might come instances where their relatives will create problems for them, and they might not have the best relationship with their in-laws. But nothing too serious to be of concern.

Health male
As per where health is concerned, males of this nakshatra will not always feel good physically. As they do not take much care of their health and only seek help only when there is no other option, they will have to suffer from illnesses such as cold, cough, or anaemia.

Characteristics female
Dhanishta nakshatra females are kind-hearted and good-natured people. Just like the Dhanishta males, they too are very intelligent and high achieving people and because of their high ambitious nature, they will easily get jobs where there is good money. But with that, they are also spendthrifts and love to splurge on themselves and their close ones from time to time. They can also be called an empath as they can feel the pain of the unfortunate ones and will love to indulge in charity work. These females will have a dominant nature in general but they stifle it for their family’s welfare.

Profession female
Females of this nakshatra can choose anything as their profession as they can adjust to all kinds of situations and have knowledge of everything. These females can do jobs that are suitable to men as well as women because they are somewhat multitalented and can adapt to various scenarios effortlessly. They can either go for a teaching job as they love to learn and share knowledge, or they can choose to work in the literature field as they are also good with words. Since there is no boundary to their interests, they can also go for a profession related to science.

Compatibility female
Dhanishta nakshatra females have a good sense of family importance. They are naturally accustomed to maintaining harmony among the family members. Because of their dominant nature, chances are that they will be the ones to make the important decisions in the family and they will be very good at managing family affairs.

Health female
Just like the Dhanishta Nakshatra males, these females are also very careless when it comes to taking care of themselves. They hardly go for regular checkups and try to avoid taking medicines as much as possible. Because of that, there are chances that they will have to go through many health problems such as anaemia, cough or fever, blood-related problems, or uterus disturbance.

Dhanishtha Nakshatra Dates for 2022
January 5, 2022 February 1, 2022
March 1 & 28, 2022 April 24, 2022
May 21, 2022 June 18, 2022
July 15, 2022 August 12, 2022
September 8, 2022 October 5, 2022
November 29, 2022 December 26, 2022
Dhanishtha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of Dhanishta nakshatra is dominated by the Sun and falls in Leo navamsa. The people born in this pada will receive success in all aspects of life except their married life. The focus is mainly on materialistic achievements.
Pada 2nd: Dominated by Mercury, this pada of Dhanishta nakshatra falls in Virgo navamsa. Although just like the previous pada, marriage will be fairly difficult for peole born in 2nd pada but they will discover their talents as an athlete or a musician.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Venus and lies in Libra navamsa. Unlike the other two padas, these people will have a very successful marriage and will have a very healthy mental state in general. They will also flourish in spirituality along with performing arts and astrology.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Mars and lies in Scorpio navamsa. The focus here is on physical strength and outdoor activities. The peole born in this pada have immense energy and will do good in the athletic field.

Features of Dhanishtha Nakshatra
Symbol- #Drum or #flute

Ruling planet- #Mars

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Rakshasa

Guna- sattva/tamas/tamas

Presiding Deity- 8 #Vasus

Animal- #Female #Lion

Indian Zodiac- 23°20′ Makara – 6°40′ Kumbha



#japan #female #samurai
Japanese Female Samurai Warriors

Tomoe Gozen

Tomoe Gozen, likely the most famous Onna-Bugeisha in history, fought in the Genpei War (1180-1185), serving as principal commander in several battles. A fierce fighter, Gozen led 300 female samurai into battle against 2,000 enemies and was one of only five warriors to survive.


#UttaraAshadha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Males of #Uttarashada Nakshatra are one of the popular ones as they are bright and talented. These males are very intelligent and hardworking and aces in everything they do as they are multitalented. They also get along with others very well as they are not self-centred and love to appreciate others’ hard work. Because of this, they easily gain a lot of popularity and attention even if they do not intend for it. Although it becomes quite difficult to understand them and build a deeper connection with them as they are somewhat a secretive person and rarely reveal their true emotions and feelings. They are very God-fearing people and care about how their actions affect others. So they rarely do anything that might hurt others following the principles of dharma. As they are very intuitive about their surroundings, they easily discover those who have ill will.

Profession male
Males of this nakshatra should be careful about what they are getting themselves into. They should evaluate all kinds of possibilities before committing to any kind of business proposition as there are chances that the person with who they want to partner up might not have the best intentions. These males should also be careful if they want to dabble in something controversial as they are advised to totally avoid this path. Though they will be successful in everything they want to do, they will see prominent growth in their profession after the age of 38.

Compatibility male
Males of this nakshatra will be fortunate enough to have a very happy and healthy married life. The male will find a wife who will be very loving towards him. His childhood is usually normal and healthy and he never had to see any hardship in their family as he grows up. Because of that, he will be very unprepared for certain situations and it will become extremely hard for him to overcome those situations. Especially the health of his spouse will a major concern for him. He will face major changes in life between the age of 28 to 31.

Health male
Males born in Uttarashada Nakshatra will have to be careful around sharp objects as there are chances of major cuts and bruises induced from those objects. They will also have to go through many health issues in their early period of life.

Characteristics female
Females of Uttarashada Nakshatra are believed to be quite wild in nature. They don’t usually get along well with others as they can be very aggressive at times. One should be careful when interacting with these females as even the slightest mishap in words or any kind of provocation, may it be in a friendly manner, will tick them off and might create a huge misunderstanding ending up in a big fight. Though they are very straightforward and simple people and do not like to complicate things, because of their excessive aggression, they are oftentimes judged and misread by others.

Profession female
Uttarashada Nakshatra born females tend to achieve all kinds of fame when it comes to their profession. They will receive spiritual support from the universe which help them to become successful writers. Because of their intellectual nature, they will go on to receive a very good education and can also try hands at jobs as a banker or a teacher.

Compatibility female
Females of this nakshatra might have to endure some struggles when it comes to their marital life. There might come situations where they have to stay away from their spouse. It might happen due to professional reasons either from their side or their spouse's, where they will have to go through a long-distance relationship or some internal issues might also occur because of which they will have to face problems that will ultimately cause a mental disturbance.

Health female
The health of the females in this nakshatra will generally be good with nothing major. There might come instances where they will have to face problems such as uterus problems, hernia, or gastric issues. But mostly everything will be normal.

Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 3 & 31, 2022 February 27, 2022
March 26, 2022 April 22, 2022
May 20, 2022 June 16, 2022
July 13, 2022 August 10, 2022
September 6, 2022 October 4 & 31, 2022
November 27, 2022 December 24, 2022
Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada is dominated by Jupiter and falls in Sagittarius navamsa. The focus of natives born in this pada mainly lies on collecting knowledge and confidence, which will be required to move forward in life.
Pada 2nd: The second pada is dominated by Jupiter and falls in Capricorn navamsa. There is a heavy influence of the Sun with Jupiter and Saturn along with Ketu in this pada. The combination of all these planets will make these people ambitious.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Saturn and falls in Aquarius navamsa. Concern for this pada is to gain knowledge and learn and to build a life complete of material comfort.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra lies in Pisces navamsa and is dominated by Jupiter. The main concern for people born in this pada will not be a constant thing and will change from time to time from material comfort to spiritual accomplishment.

Features of Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra

Symbol- #Elephant #tusk, small cot, planks of bed

Ruling planet- #Sun

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- sattva/rajas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Vishwadevas

Animal- #Male #mongoose

Indian Zodiac- 26°40′ Dhanus – 10° Makara



#Moola #Nakshatra
The male native born in Moola Nakshatra values time specifically and is always working to create a peaceful environment for himself and the people around him. The male also has a tendency to do everything on his own, which, at times, makes him vulnerable and way occupied with additional things in life. The male native is also too worried about the future, which is something that stops him from choosing anything else apart from the hustle. In fact, the native is too influenced by the people around him. Within, the native is a God-fearing individual and lives with a belief that God would take care of everything for him. However, the belief doesn't stop him from working hard.

Profession male
The male native born in Moola Nakshatra is prone to debt traps as he has a tough time managing his finances. Hence the best idea for him is to save as much as he can. In fact, when it comes to managing finances, and even other things in life, he is good at advising others but is not capable of following the same advice himself. Talking about money, the native earns through multiple sources. Also, he may change his profession multiple times in his life. After 25 years of age, it is the best idea for you to stay away from friends who are extravagant by nature, as in their company, you too may end up spending more than you can afford.

Compatibility male
The male native born in Moola Nakshatra loves his close ones more than anything else. However, at times, he is either not able to show that feeling or doesn't have the time to, which may make him feel disconnected from his family. Talking about family, the native is unlikely to get any benefits from his parents and is a self-made man. He is very helpful when it comes to managing and raising his children. Also, as the native thinks of the future, he is a good planner.

Health male
The male native born in Moola Nakshatra may have to deal with symptoms that can lead to tuberculosis, paralysis, or persistent stomach problems. The ages at which the native needs to take special care of her health are 27, 31, 44, 48, 56, and 60 years.

Characteristics female
The female native born in Moola Nakshatra is a pure-hearted person. The ladies will go any height for people who they love. This nature sometimes messes things up for them as people tend to use their goodwill for personal benefits. Hence you need to be cautious of who you call friends. Besides the good, the female born in Moola Nakshatra can also be very stubborn, just like a bull. This may show her in a bad light but she, certainly, knows how to use her stubbornness for her good. Her stubbornness is something that makes her achieve greater things in life, but coupling it with jealousy can lead to a disaster. The female may have to go through multiple heartbreaks in her life.

Profession female
The female native born in Moola Nakshatra generally has a tough time garnering education for herself. This is certainly due to her less concentration on studies and more concentration on other artistic and social things in life. However, at times when Jupiter is placed favourably in the Moola Nakshatra, that is one good time to start anything related to education as Jupiter will help you in pursuing it. The lady born in Moola Nakshatra also does well in medical-related jobs.

Compatibility female
The female native born in Moola Nakshatra always has a danger of separation hovering over him. This could be due to her husband's rebellious nature. The lady born in Moola Nakshatra seeks a lot of attention from people close to her, and she can very quickly get upset about not getting it. However, on the positive side, favourably placed planets can mitigate the hindrances in her marriage. Pleasing Mars for a happy married life is something she can try apart from talking out the problems with her husband as well as her children.

Health female
The female native born in Moola Nakshatra may have to deal with stomach problems. She will have to be particularly careful in the following years of her age: 27, 31, 38, 56, and 60.

Dates for Purvashadha Nakshatra in 2022
Jan 1 & Jan 29, 2022 Feb 25, 2022
March 24, 2022 April 20, 2022
May 1 & May 28, 2022 June 14, 2022
July 12, 2022 Aug 8, 2022
Sept 4, 2022 Oct 2 & Oct 29, 2022
Nov 25, 2022 Dec 23, 2022

Moola Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Moola Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. The native born in this pada needs to be careful about materialistic desires. It influences the native toward the material world.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Moola Nakshatra comes in the Taurus Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The people born in this pada are hard working. They are very particular about their material growth.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Moola Nakshatra falls in the Gemini Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. The people born in this pada are highly intellectual. Such natives are very balanced in nature.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Moola Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa and is ruled by the Moon. The people born in this pada have a spiritual and philosophical way of taking care of others.

Features of Moola Nakshatra
Symbol- Bunch of #roots tied together

Ruling planet- #Ketu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Neuter #Rakshasa

Guna- sattva/rajas/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Nirriti

Animal- #Male #dog

Indian Zodiac- 0° – 13°20′ Dhanus



#Jyeshta #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The males born in Jyeshtha Nakshatra are usually very down-to-earth and don’t like to brag about their achievements. Because of this nature, they are oftentimes underestimated by others. These males are very stubborn and do not heed someone else’s opinion. They like doing whatever their conscience is telling them to do. Something to keep in mind while interacting with them is that they are not very good at keeping secrets and will confide in someone else at the first opportunity. Once they find out something very important, it becomes very hard for them to go about their normal life without taking it off their chest. So one should be careful about the things that are being shared with these males. They are also very short-tempered. This results in them hurting people unconsciously.

Profession male
Males of this nakshatra are very hardworking and passionate about making a name for themselves. Unlike their peers, they will start looking for jobs or ways of earning money at a much earlier time. They will follow their hearts while building their career. This will result in them being more successful than the people of their age. There are chances that they will leave their homes, either for further education or for job. Even though they will have success in whatever they are doing, they are also going to be fickle-minded about what exactly they want to do. Till the age of 50, they have to struggle quite a bit because of this fickle-mindedness, especially around the age of 18 to 26. They are advised to remain calm and stick to their decisions. After 50, they will be quite comfortable with their situation.

Compatibility male
Jyestha nakshatra males will have a difficult life with their families. Relations with their siblings and mother will not be the best, and they will not receive much support from them. Because of their stubbornness, free-minded and independent nature, they won’t be able to form close bonds with their relatives. Although, they will have a very smooth and happy married life with a loving and somewhat dominant wife who won’t tolerate them being drunk in their household.

Health male
Apart from some minor health issues such as chronic pains in the hands and shoulders, stomach issues, asthma, dysentery, colds, and fevers, males of this nakshatra won’t have to suffer from any serious problems that might cause them stress.

Characteristics female
Females of this nakshatra are very sensitive people and take everything that has been said to them to their hearts. These females care a lot about their appearance and how people view them. What people think about them matters a lot to them, and usually heed their opinions. Females of this nakshatra are very passionate lovers. They love blindly and become crestfallen when they are betrayed in love. They easily get jealous when they are in a relationship. They are also very intelligent and thoughtful about people and situations around them. Along with that, one might never find them in a cluttered environment as they are very organised and like to keep their surroundings clean and tidy.

Profession female
Even though they are intelligent and smart, achieving a very good education is not the most important concern for the females of this nakshatra. So their academic qualification will be average and basic, and they will be satisfied with their husband’s earnings. They don’t mind taking care of their household and their family and are comfortable with their own company. Often times it is noticed that these females are rarely the earning members of the family but that doesn’t mean that they will struggle financially. It means that they will have a husband who is earning enough for the family to live a comfortable life.

Compatibility female
Females of this nakshatra will have to be careful in their social surroundings after they get married as there are chances that they will have family members and relatives or even neighbours who will often try to create tension in their life. More often than not, these females will find themselves in the middle of a conflict as they usually fail to maintain a harmonious environment. Because of all these frequent tensions in the family, they will have to struggle with mental illness.

Health female
Females of this nakshatra will not have the best health throughout their lifetime as they will have to go through many serious health issues such as uterus problems, chronic body pain in the hands and shoulder, and even prostate gland enlargement.

Jyeshta Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 28, 2022 February 24, 2022
March 23, 2022 April 20, 2022
May 17, 2022 June 13, 2022
July 11, 2022 August 7, 2022
September 3, 2022 October 1 & 28, 2022
November 24, 2022 December 22, 2022
Jyeshta Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: Dominated by Jupiter, the first pada of this nakshatra lies in Sagittarius navamsa. The main focus of people born in this pada is earning money. To achieve that, they pursue education. These people also have big and generous hearts.
Pada 2nd: Dominated by Saturn and falling in Capricorn navamsa, the people born in this pada are responsible for their actions and do whatever is right and not what seems convenient.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this nakshatra is also dominated by Saturn and lies on the Aquarius navamsa. Being generous and helping those in need is the main indication of people born in this pada. But be careful about the surroundings to avoid unwanted sexual encounters.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra lies in Pisces navamsa and is dominated by Jupiter. They love children and will find themselves interested in exotic science. Though they will have to be careful when dealing with people as they might get overwhelmed by their emotions in certain situations.

Features of Jyeshta Nakshatra

Symbol- #Umbrella, #earring

Ruling planet- #Mercury

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Rakshasa

Guna- tamas/sattva/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Indra

Animal- #Male #deer or #rabbit

Indian Zodiac- 16°40′ – 30° Vrishchika



#Anuradha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra dons attractive looks that, however, may not be liked by everyone. Their bright eyes are special luring characteristics of these natives. Nature wise, the native is confident and a hard worker. He has a special skill of handling difficult situations with ease and in a systematic way. Yet, his mind is always wandering in the fear of what would happen to him in the future. The double thoughts could not only stress him out but also debar him from enjoying his life to the fullest or even forging relationships with the opposite gender. These people could be a bit miser too, but the quality turns out to be a blessing for them.

Profession male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra is advised to start his own business. You have a character that wants to lead, and thus leading from the top would not only be easy but also very satisfactory for you. There are also chances that you might start earning at a young age of 18-20 years. This will considerably enhance your experience, which will help you in setting up your own venture in the later years. The professional prospect till the age of 48 is very good for you. Thereafter, bad health might take your interest off from business, but its profitability won't decline.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra will be close to both his mother and father. He will derive monetary benefits from his father, who will help him in business too. However, if doing business together, there are chances of friction between the duo. The native is old school but may get tucked with a woman who is slightly tilted towards the modern side of the world. The match may not look compatible at first, but as you stay together, both of you will learn each other's ways and thus will be able to live a happy life together.

Health male
The male born in the Anuradha Nakshatra has the blessing of good health. However, minor health woes such as dental problems, cough and cold, and constipation may be by your side at regular intervals.

Characteristics female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra looks innocent from the outside but has a cryptic personality that is witnessed by a limited few. This personality of hers is about her sexual nature, which she is shy to talk about but not to one who matches her vibe, aka, she finds compatible. The female born in Anuradha Nakshatra has a heart of gold and is very helpful towards others. She likes to live a simple life and is less influenced by what other women are doing. However, you not being 'womanly' is something that can concern your mother a lot. The female has a good friend circle, and she naturally shines well in the social and political fields. You will likely meet your special one after crossing the age of 23.

Profession female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra has a good career if she indulges in fine arts. It is good that you work hard on your education, but an academic degree won't come to your use as you will likely choose or be interested in a completely different profession. Many professional exponents of the dance art form are known to be born in this Nakshatra and you can too follow the lead.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra is born with the tag of being an idol mother, who empowers her children to achieve glory. She herself is ambitious and always willing to achieve more and making the best of her time. Hence, the work-life compatibility between her and her husband is amazing. Also, she cares for her mother and is more attached to her father. Her devotion to her in-laws makes her even more desirable.

Health female
The female born in the Anuradha Nakshatra may have to deal with menstrual issues. Chances of irregular periods are also prevalent for these natives. Besides, after crossing the age of 26, problems of headache and nasal catarrh may also keep you awake at night. Countering these will need you to adopt an active lifestyle.

Anuradha Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 27, 2022 February 23, 2022
March 22, 2022 April 19, 2022
May 16, 2022 June 12, 2022
July 10, 2022 August 6, 2022
September 2 & 30, 2022 October 27, 2022
November 23, 2021 December 21, 2021
Anuradha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada comes on Leo Navamsa. The natives born in this pada are intelligent and quick learners. They are very eager to learn and get professional qualifications.
Pada 2nd: The second pada comes on Virgo Navamsa. The native born in this pada is a constant learner. He is also very disciplined. These qualities help him in achieving success a lot quicker than others.
Pada 3rd: The third pada comes from the Libra Navamsa. The natives born in this quarter are social and may have a large friend circle. This can come as a boon to them as the bigger circle gets him desiring more from life.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada comes on the Scorpio Navamsa. The natives born in this pada have abundant energy to pursue all kinds of esoteric and exoteric goals in life.
Features of Anuradha Nakshatra
Symbol- Triumphal #archway, #lotus

Ruling planet- #Saturn

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- tamas/sattva/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Mitra

Animal- #female #deer or #rabbit

Indian Zodiac- 3°20′ – 16°40′ Vrishchika



#Vishakha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male native born in Vishakha Nakshatra is very optimistic in nature. These natives are brimming with energy and intelligence that they use to get the most out of anything they do or any situation. The native is God-fearing and hence is mindful of his deeds. The value system of the natives is conservative, however, they don't entertain anything that goes against human rights or simply harms the worth of a human in any way. Also, the male born in Vishakha Nakshatra detests superstitions. As a person, the male gives off love to everyone. He has a humbleness towards animals and nature. On the downside, the native can be very rude to you at times when he needs his space. In such situations, it is better to leave them on their own.

Profession male
The male native born in Vishakha Nakshatra has a blessing of speech. Hence anything that involves speech is a good profession for him. The speaking skill of his also ensures him the capability to convince anyone and everyone. These people thus can even try a hand at politics if they wish to. The native born in Vishakha Nakshatra has a loose-hand when it comes to saving money and thus may become a spendthrift. However, if a businessman, the person eventually will learn how to save. Also, a profession in the banking sector is also good for these natives.

Compatibility male
The male native born in Vishakha Nakshatra is close to his mother but may not have the best of her due to some unforeseen situation or separation from her. The native shares a normal bond with his father. However, he will get materialistic gains from his father. Nevertheless, due to being less attached to his father, the male born in Vishakha Nakshatra will grow to be a self-dependent person. Talking about spouse, the native will share a great bond with her. Both of you will live a life you have imagined with nothing much to hinder your love and peace.

Health male
Talking about the health of the male born in Vishakha Nakshatra, he needs to be careful while driving as he is prone to paralysis till the age of 35. Post this age, your health will remain good with minute breathing problems.

Characteristics female
The female native born in Vishaka Nakshatra reeks off a charming personality due to her sweet and soft-spoken nature. The lady is both homely and a dedicated professional with set goals in life that she works hard to achieve. Also, the lady born in the Vishakha Nakshatra is likely to be naturally beautiful. The trait, although, brings her a lot of attention from the opposite gender, but also jealousy from other women. This is why she needs to be cautious about who she calls her friend. Other than just being smart, the lady is also very religious and often goes on pilgrimages. On the downside, the lady needs to be more open to people rather than being confined to her charm.

Profession female
The female native born in Vishakha Nakshatra has a bent toward anything that involves art. Hence, these women will have a good career if they dedicate their time to a profession such as fashion, poetry, media, advertisement and anything related to travelling or being an influencer. Also, support, either from parents or their spouse, is a very basic need for the ladies born in Vishakha Nakshatra to get success in life. Thus, it is suggested that you marry the one who treats your goals as his and doing so will make you independent and empowered in life.

Compatibility female
The female native born in Vishakha Nakshatra is a family-oriented person who supports her family both on personal and professional fronts. The lady gets along well with her husband who likes her for her independent and focused nature. The two together can achieve a lot only if they delay bringing a child to this world a little. The lady is likely to be close to her mother. Besides, she will also share a good bond with her father in law.

Health female
Talking about the health of the female born in Vishakha Nakshatra, the lady is vulnerable to kidney trouble and general weakness. These, however, are not serious troubles and can be averted by simply taking good care of yourself. Eating junk must be avoided.

Vishakha Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 26, 2022 February 22, 2022
March 21, 2022 April 18, 2022
May 15, 2022 June 12, 2022
July 9, 2022 August 5, 2022
September 2 & 29, 2022 October 26, 2022
November 22, 2022 December 20, 2022
Vishakha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Vishaka Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. The people born in this pada are highly inspirational and romantic. They really work hard towards their social ambitions and can go to any extent in love affair.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Vishaka Nakshatra falls in the Taurus Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The people born in this pada will be highly creative and talented. This quarter makes the native intelligent.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Vishaka Nakshatra falls in the Gemini Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. The people born in this pada may have an interest in reading, religion, etc., and they have excellent communication skills.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Vishaka Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa and is ruled by the Moon. The natives born in this pada can get jealous easily. They are also highly emotional and sensitive too.
Features of Vishakha Nakshatra
Symbol- Decorated #archway, potter’s wheel

Ruling planet- #Jupiter

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Rakshasa

Guna- tamas/sattva/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Indragni

Animal- #male #tiger

Indian Zodiac- 20° Tula – 3°20′ Vrishchika



Swati Nakshatra
Characteristics male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra likes to do everything on his own, aka is self-dependent. As a rare one, these natives live life by the rules ensuring no one gets hurt by their actions. The male born in Swati Nakshatra is old-school romantic and very loving towards you even if you are not dating them. They know how to make you feel comfortable and never hesitate to give respect where it is due. These natives also crave love and aren't habitual of being single after crossing a certain age. On the downside, these males usually undergo long spells of bad phases when they wish to cut everyone off from their life. Also, the male born in Swati Nakshatra never forgets anything and thus carries his childhood scars well into his adulthood.

Profession male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra is intelligent but will only be able to use the intelligence at its full potential after the age of 25. Till then, he may suffer both financially and mentally. Astrologers advise these natives to focus on practical skills till the age of 25 to do well in career thereafter. Profession-wise, the best time for this native is 30-60 years of age. The most suitable profession for these natives is anything related to wood. Also, any business must be done in partnership to have the best gains. Speculative investments are harmful to your wallet.

Compatibility male
The male born in Swati Nakshatra will have to work harder to enjoy a happy married life. The reason for incompatibility may be lack of finances and arguments surrounding the situation. However, the marriage will be compatible enough that no outsiders or even your respective families would be able to find out the ongoing problem. Also, the male born in Swati Nakshatra is more likely to have an arranged marriage. He will also not be much attached to his father.

Health male
The health of the male born in Swati Nakshatra will be excellent. However, occasionally he may suffer from stomach problems, piles or bone aches.

Characteristics female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very outgoing, social and compassionate about her goals in life. However, these modern qualities within her don't stop her from being religious, as she is also a God-fearing pious human. The lady - despite being social - struggles at making new friends. The same goes when finding a partner, as she takes her time to make the right choices when it comes to relationships. But when in love, she is very loyal and honest and won't hurt you even if you are the first to hurt them. The female born in Swati Nakshatra takes everything in life as a lesson and believes in moving on. Also, she doesn’t like travelling much and prefers to stay at home as much as possible.

Profession female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is capable of more than she can imagine when it comes to her professional life. If she works dedicatedly, the nakshatra favours her by allowing her more name and fame in her profession than she could ever imagine. However, the lady born in this nakshatra will have to struggle quite a bit to acquire an education. She may also have to drop out, such a scenario will only delay and not take success away from her. Any job that requires a lot of travelling is suitable for the female born in Swati Nakshatra even though she does not like travelling much.

Compatibility female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very much attached to her family. This love often could lead her to make compromises that she doesn't want to. This can make her distressed but the love and affection she gets from her children more than makes up for it. However, some share of the compromises must lie upon your husband too. Talking about husband, you two will have average compatibility and will be able to forge a sound and happy marriage. At your parents' place, you will share a close bond with your mother.

Health female
The female born in Swati Nakshatra is very much attached to her family. This love often could lead her to make compromises that she doesn't want to. This can make her distressed but the love and affection she gets from her children more than makes up for it. However, some share of the compromises must lie upon your husband too. Talking about husband, you two will have average compatibility and will be able to forge a sound and happy marriage. At your parents' place, you will share a close bond with your mother.

Dates for Swati Nakshatra in 2022
January 25, 2022 February 21, 2022
March 20, 2022 April 17, 2022
May 14, 2022 June 11, 2022
July 8, 2022 August 4, 2022
September 1 & 28, 2022 October 25, 2022
November 22, 2022 December 19, 2022
Swati Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The peole born in this pada are religious. These people are also very scholarly, knowledgeable with high grasping power.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are rooted. Planets here give a sound business sense to these natives.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are spendthrift and lustful in nature. They are also very short tempered.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Swati Nakshatra falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are intelligent but emotional. Your social circle is large and often comes to your rescue.
Features of Swati Nakshatra
Symbol- Sword, coral

Ruling planet- #Rahu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Deva

Guna- tamas/tamas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Vayu

Animal- #male #buffalo

Indian Zodiac- 6°40′ – 20° Tula



#Chitra #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male born in Chitra Nakshatra is a nature lover. These people are also very intelligent and use the trait to explore things that can give them profit of any kind. The male likes to be ahead of everyone else and, hence, never misses the opportunity to try something new for himself. His suggestions and ideas are well-thought, thus winning his praises both in his personal and professional life. As the person is artistic, he is able to make a good first impression on others, especially on the opposite gender. The male native is a good partner and cares for even the smallest need of each and everyone around him. However, when life is not treating him well, he may get rude at even the ones close to him.

Profession male
As far as the profession goes, the male born in Chitra Nakshatra is very hardworking but yet has to struggle till the age of 32 to find success for himself. However, once he crosses this age, he will find success in multiple endeavours. In fact, the native, after crossing the age of 33, will see himself getting rewards from unexpected quarters and that too without striving too much. The best professions for the male born in the Chitra Nakshatra are architecture, engineering, pilot and anything related to travelling. If in business, the native will earn well in a partnership or even if he works with his parents.

Compatibility male
The male native born in the Chitra Nakshatra is more compatible with his siblings than anyone else. When it comes to his wife, the native is quite suspicious by nature, which may become the reason for stiffness in the relationship of the couple. Though the relationship will be stable, there will be frequent friction with his spouse. It is to his credit that all through life he shoulders a lot of responsibilities and yet gets criticised for them without complaining.

Health male
The male native born in the Chitra Nakshatra may have to deal with major health problems after the age of 25. This is because he doesn't take much care of his heath. Problems in the kidney and bladder are quite common for people born in this Nakshatra.

Characteristics female
The female born in Chitra Nakshatra is too fond of her freedom. She is of a forward nature and tired of being told what she should be doing and what she shouldn't. However, her craving for freedom has less authenticity as she usually enjoys the freedom she desires only after the age of 25. However, once she has her freedom, she needs to be careful of falling prey to sinful activities, as females born in Chitra Nakshatra are more prone to getting indulged in sinful deeds. The situation can be countered by ensuring that you make friends carefully. Talking about friends, the woman here may have very few friends but all of them will be very helpful.

Profession female
As far as the profession goes, the female native born in the Chitra Nakshatra does good in medical-related fields such as doctor or nurse. Apart from this, the lady has favourable chances of becoming an actress or a model or an influencer too. Whatever the lady does, she does it with full dedication and is able to get the desired results out of it. Astrologers are of the opinion that the female born in the Chitra Nakshatra is very lucky for her husband too and should be made a part of it for professional prosperity.

Compatibility female
The female native born in the Chitra Nakshatra must ensure that her horoscope is matched well with the boy before she gets married to him. The matching if not done can lead to fatal worries for the couple going forward. Also, there are chances of sexual incompatibility between you and your spouse which can be rectified only if you both are open about it. The lady has to be more dedicated in the relationship if she wants it to work.

Health female
The female born in the Chitra Nakshatra, just like males, may have to deal with major health problems after the age of 25. This is because he doesn't take much care of his health. Problems in the kidney and bladder are quite common for people born in this Nakshatra.

Chitra Nakshatra Dates for 2022
January 24, 2022 February 20, 2022
March 19, 2022 April 16, 2022
May 13, 2022 June 10, 2022
July 7, 2022 August 30, 2022
September 27, 2022 October 24, 2022
November 21, 2022 December 18, 2022
Chitra Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of Chitra Nakshatra falls in Leo Navamsa and is governed by the Sun. The people born in this pada are physically attractive yet harsh, nature-wise. They crave authority, power and recognition.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of this Chitra Nakshatra falls in Virgo Navamsa and is governed by Mercury. The people born in this pada have the nature of being a perfectionist. Yet, this quality makes them harsh on themselves.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this Chitra Nakshatra falls in the Libra Navamsa and is governed by Venus. The people born in this pada are fond of romance. They are highly passionate for opposite sex and give lot of love and care to their life partner.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this Nakshatra comes in the Scorpio Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. The people born in this pada reek off passion and secrecy is in display than what is usually associated with the sign Libra

Features of Chitra Nakshatra
Symbol- P#earl, gem

Ruling planet- #Mars

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Rakshasa

Guna- tamas/tamas/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Vishwakarma

Animal- #female #tiger

Indian Zodiac- 23°20′ Kanya – 6°40′ Tula



#Hasta #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male natives born in Hasta Nakshatra are of cool and humble nature. He is more bent toward the opposite gender because he gets a lot of attention from them. However, this attribute can also work against you if you get too indulged. Nevertheless, for others, once they get to know you, it is difficult for them to ignore or stay away from you. The male born in Hasta Nakshatra is also very helpful. One can rely on them for any need, and he humbly tries to help all. The male born in Hasta Nakshatra is a very down to earth person. You will never see him flaunting his wealth or disrespecting others. In a nutshell, these people contribute to making the world a better place.

Profession male
The male natives born in Hasta Nakshatra don't like to delay things, and hence are very disciplined. The quality makes them a desired professional. However, these natives naturally leaned toward business opportunities. The males born in Hasta Nakshatra are average to good in education. Apart from education, they also have instincts to garner particular knowledge. In the life of these natives, professional uncertainty will prevail till the age of 30. This will be owing to the native wanting to try multiple things in life before he settles for one. Once you have found your kick, the period between 30 and 42 years of age will be the most fortunate time for you, both on the professional and personal fronts.

Compatibility male
The male born in Hasta Nakshatra has a happy married life. The male is lucky to have a loyal and understanding wife who would support him both in his personal and professional decisions. The understanding between them will help both avert any kind of friction in the marriage. The wife of the male born in Hasta Nakshatra desires a lot of attention, and thus it is important that you take care of that need of hers. The couple, however, may conceive late.

Health male
The male born in Hasta Nakshatra will be prone to minor health issues such as cold and cough throughout his life. As someone born in Hasta Nakshatra, you must practise breathing exercises as there are chances that you may develop breathing problems after you cross 30 years of age.

Characteristics female
The female natives born in Hasta Nakshatra can be very shy and hence are less talkative. The shyness embeds in the qualities of an introvert. However, the shyness naturally succumbs once they get to know you better. The female born in Hasta Nakshatra also has a wild side, which not everyone gets to know. Just like the male counterparts, the female born in Hasta Nakshatra is also down to earth. However, she is very outspoken about things she finds wrong. When in this phase, she cares less about the impact her words may have on someone. This can make others resent her, but that is completely their loss. These women are also known for their physical attractiveness, a quality which improves for them with time.

Profession female
The female natives born in Hasta Nakshatra are mostly free from any kind of financial compulsion from family. Hence, most of the time, they don't work. However, as per astrology, not working will be wasting the creative instincts that women born in Hasta Nakshatra are born with. The woman can work in creative fields like home decor, wedding planning, media, etc. Your spouse will likely support you in your endeavours. Also, even if not educated enough, still these women will have the skills to make a good earning for themselves.

Compatibility female
The female born in Hasta Nakshatra will find a compatible partner. However, there will be some hiccups in your love life till 25 years of age. Hence, it is advised that you stay very cautious of who you date or be with, as chances of heartbreak are ever-present for you. The women born in Hasta Nakshatra will be married in a middle-to-rich household. You will have a good bond with your in-laws, and in the family that you are born in, you will be more attached to your mother.

Health female
The female born in Hasta Nakshatra enjoys the luxury of good health, but minor ailments always prevail. Any symptoms that can lead to problems such as high blood pressure, varicose veins, and asthma shouldn't be ignored, as they can disrupt your peace in the late stages of your life.

Hasta Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 23, 2022 February 19, 2022
March 19, 2022 April 15, 2022
May 12, 2022 June 9, 2022
July 6, 2022 Aug 2 & Aug 29, 2022
September 26, 2022 October 23, 2022
November 20, 2022 December 17, 2022
Hasta Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Hasta Nakshatra comes in the Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. The natives born in this pada are intelligent but aggressive in conversation. These people must drive carefully as they are prone to accidents.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Hasta Nakshatra falls in the Taurus Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The people born in this pada are materialistic. These people are also interested in fine arts.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Hasta Nakshatra comes in the Gemini Navamsa ruled by Mercury. The people born in this pada are good with speech. Also, these natives like to argue and make sure that they win those arguments.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Hasta Nakshatra comes in the Cancer Navamsa ruled by the Moon. The natives born in this pada are mentally wandering. They are more inclined toward family affairs and thus end up compromising on the career front.
Features of Hasta Nakshatra
Symbol- #Hand or #fist

Ruling planet- #Moon

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- tamas/tamas/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Surya

Animal- #female #buffalo

Indian Zodiac- 10° – 23°20′ Kanya



#Uttaraphalguni #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
One of the better personalities and characters, males of this nakshatra will have a very prosperous life as they are very hardworking and will also have a life full of good luck. These males will have a very disciplined life and will also be somewhat of a neat freak as one will rarely find their tables or workplace dishevelled. They will maintain a hygienic and clean lifestyle. Sometimes they will do things that they might regret in the future as they have a tendency to speak before thinking. They are usually a little impatient and have a low tolerance capacity. Because of that, even if they have a good heart, they might upset some people. They will indulge themselves in social work and overall have a life full of happiness.

Profession male
Males of this nakshatra will rarely ask for help from someone else when it comes to their profession as he is believed to be a self-dependent person. Although they are never wrong in the decisions they make as they are very responsible in nature. They are also a very stubborn person as whatever decision they make can never be changed. They are honest in nature and will never imagine cheating someone and will despise those who try to cheat them.

Compatibility male
Just like everything else, males of Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra will have a very healthy and happy married life with almost no conflict between them and their spouses. They will also have a spouse who will turn out to be a good housewife.

Health male
Since males of this nakshatra will maintain good hygiene and cleanliness and a life of discipline, they will not have to be worried about their health much accept some minor issues such as liver issues, dental issues, body pain, and indigestion, but that too for a short amount of time.

Characteristics female
Females of this nakshatra are believed to have a heart of gold and hold no grudge against anyone. Even if someone hurt them in some way, they are quick to forgive them as they believe in forgiveness to be the right thing in life. Because of this nature, females of this nakshatra will hardly have any enemies. Along with that they also have a very calm and cool nature which helps them to be focused and calm in difficult situations. Because of this, they are a very likeable person and people love to be around them.

Profession female
Uttaraphalguni nakshatra females are very good in maths and have an easy way with numbers. So accordingly, they will turn out to be a very good maths teacher and can also have a career in administration. There is also a chance that they can have a successful career in the field of acting or modelling.

Compatibility female
Females of this nakshatra will have a happy life after their marriage as their children and their husband will give them immense joy. They will be a very good housewife and will manage the household chores extremely well. Their husband will also be rich and because of that, there are chances that they might want to show off their wealth to others, which might result in them getting hurt by them because of jealousy.

Health female
Apart from some minor health problems such as mild asthma, migraine, or menstrual problems, the health of the females of Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra will be mostly stress-free and they will live a healthy life.

Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 22, 2022 February 18, 2022
March 18, 2022 April 14, 2022
May 11, 2022 June 0, 2022
July 5, 2022 Aug 1 & Aug 28, 2022
September 25, 2022 October 22, 2022
November 18, 2022 December 16, 2022
Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Jupiter and falls in Sagittarius navamsa. The influence of Jupiter is greatly shown in them as are a very ethical person who always strives to have a big and prosperous life.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Saturn and lies in the Capricorn navamsa. The people born in this pada are very practical people, influenced by Saturn, and live a very disciplined life.
Pada 3rd: Again dominated by Saturn, the third pada of this nakshatra fall in the Aquarius navamsa. The main focus for them is to fulfil their life’s goals, and they are, in general, very intelligent.
Pada 4th: Again dominated by Saturn, the third pada of this nakshatra fall in the Aquarius navamsa. The main focus for them is to fulfil their life’s goals, and they are, in general, very intelligent.
Features of Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra
Symbol- Hammock, four legs of bed

Ruling planet- #Sun

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- tamas/rajas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Aryaman

Animal- #Bull

Indian Zodiac- 26°40′ Simha- 10° Kanya



#PurvaPhalguni #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Males born in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra tend to have a very prosperous career in whichever field they choose to take. They will have a successful life in terms of their profession but there are also chances where they will have to face some kind of mental disturbance because of various issues. They love their independence and freedom, and will not take lightly on those who try to take their freedom away from them. Males of this nakshatra are very soft-spoken and they possess the power of intuition which they will use for the benefit of others. They also love to travel.

Profession male
Purva Phalguni males do not like to work under someone else, so jobs, where they have to answer to their superiors, will not be the best choice of profession for them. Because of this nature, their hard work will mostly be unappreciated by their superiors and they will be unliked by them, which will ultimately result in them not getting promotions and a delay in their success. They are more prone to having enemies which they are not aware of, causing them difficulties in their career, even when these males are very honest human beings and will never try to gain success by sacrificing someone else. Males of this nakshatra are very intelligent, hence even if someone tries to cheat or plot against them, they will easily overcome it. They are more likely to venture into different jobs until the age of 45 and after that, they will be fairly satisfied with their place. Chances are that people will try to cheat them financially, so they should avoid lending money to others.

Compatibility male
In terms of married life, male born in this nakshatra will be fairly lucky to have loving children and a loving wife. His wife will be a good housewife and h will have a very good connection with her leading a healthy and happy life. Unfortunately, there might be instances where he might not end up with the person he loves but that doesn’t mean he will have an unhappy marriage. They are more likely to live away from their birthplace and their family.

Health male
Apart from very small illnesses such as dental issues, stomach problems, or in rare cases diabetes, they will lead a healthy life and will rarely have to worry about their health.

Characteristics female
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra females are those who are proficient in everything they do. They are polite and honest, highly amiable, and knowledgeable in the field of arts. Their chaste nature makes them want to perform services for the good of society and also do charity work. Because of their honesty, they will hardly perform any illegal activity or do something that might harm someone in any way. All these features make them a very likeable person. But something that they should think of changing is their desire to gloat about their success around people who lack. This is the only thing that might be holding them back from gaining social success.

Profession female
As mentioned previously, females of this nakshatra are highly intelligent and they will want to put that to use by making a career in the field of science. Their curious nature will make them want to indulge in scientific research and they might choose to be a teacher as their career. There will rarely be a time when she will be unsatisfied with her success as she is surely going to be financially successful.

Compatibility female
Females born in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra tend to have a loving and caring family with happy and healthy children and a doting husband. Family is the most important thing for these females, as they are ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of their family. Also, they are not one of those who forget a good deed done to her and will make sure to pay back the generosity that she received.

Health female
Females of this nakshatra will live a healthy life with no serious health problems. Though they might have to face some minor problems including menstrual problems or breathing issues or asthma, but non too serious to cause concern or disrupt their lifestyle.

Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 21, 2022 February 17, 2022
March 17, 2022 April 13, 2022
May 10, 2022 June 7, 2022
July 4 & 31, 2022 August 27, 2022
September 24, 2022 October 21, 2022
November 17, 2022 December 15, 2022
Purva Phalguni Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of this nakshatra lies in the Leo navamsa and is mainly dominated by the Sun. The people born in this pada can expect them to be highly intelligent and use their knowledge to educate others. The domination by the Sun represents the focus on the self.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Mercury and lies in Virgo navamsa. Those belonging to this pada are very hardworking and in return are fairly successful.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of this nakshatra falls in the Libra navamsa and is dominated by Venus. The influence of the venus brings out the creative nature. Natives of this category have a calm and relaxed personality.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra is dominated by Mars and lies in Scorpio navamsa. The main concern for this category is emotional values, family importance, introspection, and courage.
Features of Purva Phalguni Nakshatra
Symbol- Hammock, front legs of bed

Ruling planet- #Venus

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- tamas/rajas/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Bhaga

Animal- #Female #rat

Indian Zodiac- 13°20′ – 26°40′ Simha



#Magha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male born in the Magha Nakshatra is a multi-talented soul. These individuals are hard-working and don't shy away from trying new things in life. He has an emotional nature and deals with others with patience. Though always listening, but he doesn't like people who try to create nuisance in his life. He has a very particular taste in people and doesn't just fall for looks when it comes to love. Having an appealing character and a taste for humour is what will get you on his side. The kind nature of males born in Magha Nakshatra is not just for humans but anything around them. The native is God-fearing and thus weighs each and every action of his carefully. As he goes on to live his life, the native, however, ends up making many unknown enemies.

Profession male
The male born in the Magha Nakshatra will have to wait till the age of 27 to find success in either work or business. However, these natives are likely to hail from well-to-do families and thus will not face issues such as lack of wealth. The native is also very hardworking but needs to use his potential correctly. The male born in Magha Nakshatra will likely change his career multiple times in life. This is a good thing as your next profession will always be better than the last. Also, make sure you don't get distracted in life when trying to work on building your career, as it will be fatal for you.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Magha Nakshatra will have a very sound and comfortable married life. Your wife will be loyal and will also help with both your monetary and non-monetary responsibilities. Talking about children, likely two, you will be attached more to your first child. Also, you will share a very happening relationship with your mother in law and may also get monetary benefits from her. You will have 2-3 relationships in your whole life.

Health male
The male natives born in the Magha Nakshatra must take care of themselves till the age of 15. Thereafter, it is unlikely that they will suffer from any major problems till the age of 55. Nevertheless, be cautious of problems that can lead to cancer, asthma, or epilepsy.

Characteristics female
The female born in the Magha Nakshatra is also God-fearing, just like the male counterparts. However, they are not as calm. The female born in Magha Nakshatra is short-tempered and has a nature of quarrelling. The woman here is also fond of material comforts. However, she is not dependent on anyone to have them for herself. The woman born in Magha Nakshatra is capable enough to perform both her domestic and professional responsibilities. However, mostly she is dedicated to her professional goals and does well at it. She is spiritually inclined and helpful, and you will never be dissatisfied if you go to her asking for advice of any kind.

Profession female
The female born in the Magha Nakshatra has a good professional career if she is educated enough. In fact, if the planet Jupiter finds a place in this nakshatra at the time of your birth, then no one can stop you from enjoying a successful profession and a lavish life. This placement of Jupiter allows the woman a very high post in her professional life. The effect of Jupiter is such that wealth gets attracted to her from all sides. She is also likely to get married to a very rich man and will lead a luxurious life. However, she must not rant about all such luxuries.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Magha Nakshatra is quarrelsome and thus may become the cause of friction in the family of her husband. Such quarrels, if not controlled, can lead to stiffness between you and your husband. If you wish to counter such traits, you must try to fall in love and likely have a love marriage. As a person, you are very smart and transfer such qualities to your kids, thus ensuring they are more attached to you than anyone else.

Health female
The females born in the Magha Nakshatra generally aren't prone to health issues. However, you must take special care of your eyes and head area. Also, any symptoms that can lead to problems such as hysteria, uterine trouble, blood disorders and jaundice must not be ignored. If not treated in time, they may create severe problems in the future.

Magha Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 20, 2022 February 16, 2022
March 15, 2022 April 12, 2022
May 9, 2022 June 6, 2022
July 3 & 30, 2022 August 26, 2022
September 23, 2022 October 20, 2022
November 16, 2022 December 14, 2022
Magha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Aries Navamsa and is ruled by Mars. The people born in this pada are well respected in personal and professional life. They end up acquiring more wealth than others.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Taurus sun sign Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. The people born in this pada are materialistic. They find their personality and purpose in life quite late.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Gemini Navamsa and is ruled by Mercury. The people born in this pada are highly intelligent. They are highly educated, and their profession involves a high level of intellectual work.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Magha Nakshatra falls in the Cancer Navamsa and is ruled by the Moon. The people born in this pada are emotional. Also, he gets more inclined toward his own interests, family, etc.
Features of Magha Nakshatra
Symbol- #Royal #throne

Ruling planet- #Ketu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Rakshasa

Guna- tamas/rajas/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Pitris

Animal- #male #rat

Indian Zodiac- 0° – 13°20′ Simha



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#Ashlesha #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra is a bit tough to understand. He is very intelligent and cunning and knows how to turn any given situation in his favour. The native is thus a very business-minded individual too. There are two sides of males born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra. The outer side, which shows him off as a compassionate person, and also an inward side where he is a bit selfish. The selfishness, however, works in favour of these people as they use it to focus on themselves and make their life better. The male here believes that if he is doing well in life, only then will he be able to do good for others. Overall, the native born in Ashlesha Nakshatra is helpful and a leader that one can trust.

Profession male
When it comes to profession, the male born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra does great at tasks that involve creativity. Streams such as Arts and Commerce are suitable for you even if you are good at Science. Going forward in life, you will certainly want to have something of your own, and your creative instincts will help you in getting it for yourself. Males born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra, however, must tread carefully when it comes to business as there are chances of suffering heavy losses in monetary terms till the age of 35. Thereafter, you and your business, if any, will grow.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra is a well-mannered partner. He shoulders the responsibilities of each and everyone, even if his parents or wife are capable of handling such responsibilities. However, in the initial phases of any relationship that you get into, your partner or wife will find it tough to understand your feelings and moods. To counter this, spending a lot of time together will help. You will have a long happy married life.

Health male
The male born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra needs to adopt an active lifestyle. He, although, doesn't suffer from any major ailments but the tiredness of mind always prevails. Male born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra need to be careful of symptoms that could lead to jaundice, digestive problems, and joint pains in the legs and knees.

Characteristics female
The female born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra is very caring but lacks self-control. The latter can impact or delay her pace when it comes to achieving goals in life. However, if you develop the ability to not get distracted by outer forces, you will get success in life faster than anyone else. Moreover, the female born in Ashlesha Nakshatra is of a shy nature and thus may not mingle with anyone and everyone. People may think this is an attitude problem but the lady cares less. The female here can also be very argumentative and doesn't like to lose a conversation even when she knows she is wrong. This is something that you should work on because if you don't, then you may end up losing people you love.

Profession female
The female born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra will be very productive in anything she does. She has a great chance of being a part of the administrative framework. However, if not educated, she will end up starting her own business, which will grow exponentially till the age of 40. The female born in Ashlesha Nakshatra may want to retire early and, thankfully, will have the luxury to do so. The lady, however, shouldn't pay heed to the barbs of others when doing business.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra turns out to be a very family-oriented person. However, she is not limited to being just that. The compatibility she is able to enjoy with her in-laws and husband depends upon the freedom of choice she gets in her family. The lady may not be as attached to her mother as she would be to her father. Also, owing to her shy nature, it takes time for her to fall for someone.

Health female
The female born in the Ashlesha Nakshatra is more active than the male counterpart. However, she is also more prone to coming under the influence of drugs. Also, the females born in Ashlesha Nakshatra must take care of symptoms in the body that can lead to problems such as dropsy, jaundice, indigestion and hysteria. She may even often have nervous breakdowns.

Ashlesha Nakshatra Dates for 2022
January 19, 2022 February 15, 2022
March 14, 2022 April 11, 2022
May 8, 2022 June 4, 2022
July 2, 2022 August 25, 2022
September 21, 2022 October 19, 2022
November 15, 2022 December 12, 2022
Ashlesha Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Sagittarius Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The natives born in this pada are caring, emotional and tend to acquire wealth in life from multiple means. They also do charity.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The natives born in this pada are cunning and clever. These people don't shy away from using you for their own benefit.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada are very secretive. These people are also more prone to skin diseases than anyone else.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Ashlesha Nakshatra comes in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in the pada own the responsibility for anything wrong. They get a lot of wealth and happiness from their mother.
Features of Ashlesha Nakshatra
Symbol- Coiled Serpant

Ruling planet- #Mercury

Gender- #Female

Gana- #rakshasa

Guna- rajas/sattva/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Nagas

Animal- #male #cat

Indian Zodiac- 16°40′ – 30° Karka



#Punarvasu #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Males born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are believed to be very spiritual and religious. They tend to have a good nature and behaviour when they are young, but as they grow up, they slowly start adopting a more crass and arrogant behaviour. As they become an adult, they slowly become less likeable, and because of this, being friends with them can be a little stress-inducing. They can sometimes crave for something they cannot have, but they can’t be called materialistic as they are generally satisfied with what they already have. Something that is non-negotiable for them is illegal activities, and neither would they do it themselves nor would they allow someone close to them to do it. Along with that, they can be very generous and helpful to others.

Profession male
Punarvasu male can not work in any business where he will have to partner up with someone as he is a lone wolf, hence why he won’t be able to gain success in the field of business. Other than that, they will gain success in being a teacher or a stage performer being the most suitable for them. Till the age of 32, they should become more careful when making important decisions because of unfavourable stars. Because of their honesty, success in business and making wealth is very hard for them.

Compatibility male
Punarvasu male has great respect and regards for their parents and teachers but having a fulfilling marriage is hard for them. Chances of a failed marriage and second marriage are high for them, and frustration and anxiety regarding their spouse’s health may cause them an unhappy life. There might also be frequent disagreements with other family members, which might ultimately cause them mental health issues.

Health male
Males of this nakshatra are one of the healthiest of all as they have a very strong digestive system and tend to drink a lot of water and take care of themselves. Although they get concerned about their health with the most subtle signs of illness.

Characteristics female
Punarvasu females can have a sharp tongue as they like to speak their mind quite often resulting in frequent fights and arguments among friends and family. This also results in many people holding resentment against her. But deep inside, she has a heart of gold and knows to show respect to whoever she feels is deserving. She likes to live in comfort, hence she will have all forms of materialistic comfort in her home and will also have many maids and servants.

Profession female
Females of this nakshatra can have a career in the show business as they have a real love as well as talent in music. They will also have a keen interest in various folk dances and will want to be certified in these forms of art. There are chances that if they ever decide to take these talents and make them their profession, they will gain much fame and money as well.

Compatibility female
Punarvasu females have great luck when it comes to their life partners because they will have a very good-looking husband, and along with that they will also have a very loving married life. Although there might come times when they will have disagreements, but none too serious to be of concern. Females of this nakshatra will have a very good connection with their husband, and along with him, they will lead a healthy and happy married life.

Health female
Punarvasu females will have to face many health problems such as pneumonia, indigestion, ear pain, goitre, jaundice, or even tuberculosis. This is because they are one of those people who do not take much care of their health resulting in serious illness. To avoid this, females of this nakshatra should give more attention to their health.

Punarvasu Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 17, 2022 February 13, 2022
March 12, 2022 April 9, 2022
May 6, 2022 June 2 & 29, 2022
July 27, 2022 August 23, 2022
September 19, 2022 October 17, 2022
November 13, 2022 December 10, 2022
Punarvasu Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: Dominated by Mars, the first pada of punarvasu nakshatra lies in the Aries navamsa. Being able to work in a team should be of utmost concern as that is what will bring success for this nakshatra. There is also a high chance of travelling and to have a mostly adventurous life.
Pada 2nd: Ruled by Venus, this pada of Punarvasu Nakshatra leans more towards Taurus navamsa. The focus lies on materialistic comfort and being able to have a life that is fixed as the earth itself. To fulfil the desire to have a life of comfort is the main concern.
Pada 3rd: Dominated more by Mercury, the third pada of this nakshatra lies in Gemini navamsa. The people born in this pada are intelligent and use their brains to the fullest. The focus is mostly on imagination and science.
Pada 4th: Dominated by the Moon, this nakshatra falls in the Cancer navamsa. They will have a philanthropic nature. The main concern is of helping the ones in need and satisfying the soul, a life apart from materialistic desire.
Features of Punarvasu Nakshatra
Symbol- Quiver of arrows

Ruling planet- #Jupiter

Gender- #Male

Gana- #Deva

Guna- rajas/sattva/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Aditi

Animal- #Female #cat

Indian Zodiac- 20° Mithuna – 3°20′ Karka



#Ardra #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra is the responsible kind. He has a general tendency to accomplish any given task at the earliest. The native, however, must ensure that he keeps this quality hidden if he doesn't wish to get overburdened in life. Though we make the male born in Ardra Nakshatra sound like a nerd, but he is not just that. In fact, being humorous is one of the things these people are good at. However, they first need to be comfortable around you to bring out their funny side. With friends and relatives, he will behave in an amicable way, but on rare occasions, he may be thankless to people who do him a favour.

Profession male
The male native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra has the virtue of a sharp memory. Hence, these people do well in jobs that require a lot of thinking, such as writing, engineering, etc. However, the males born in this Nakshatra don't usually stick to one profession. They like to try everything before dedicating themselves to one single profession. Also, these people are quick learners and thus able to adapt themselves to changing work situations faster than anyone else. It is good for these males if they work away from home, especially during their career-peak age, i.e. between 32 to 42.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Ardra Nakshatra may have delayed marriage. The delay in marriage is majorly due to you not being able to find a compatible partner. Any marriage that takes place before the age of 27 for you will bring complications, which may result in separation too. Compatibility should be the key when you go out to choose who you want to get married to and not the looks of the person if you wish to have a successful married life. In family life, you may feel like you are the most ignored one among your siblings.

Health male
On the health front, the male born in the Ardra Nakshatra may be plagued by some incurable diseases that he may have to face after he turns 34. Taking early precautions can help in averting any serious complications. Any symptoms that can leads to asthma, dry cough or hearing impairment must be well-tracked.

Characteristics female
The female native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra is a spending freak. And the one who isn't; badly wants to be. The general tendency is more dominant in Ardra women who have materialistic friends. When around friends and family, the women born in this Nakshatra are well-mannered and of a peaceful disposition. They don't like to indulge in arguments or fights as they are intelligent enough to beat you at your own game with just their intellect. Moreover, these women seek attention like a drug. A little attention from someone can make them weak. There are high chances that these people may have divorced parents.

Profession female
The female native-born in the Ardra Nakshatra loves to learn and thus will acquire knowledge in any possible way. As a female born in Ardra Nakshatra, pursuing a career in the research or scientific field will bring you both success and monetary benefits. Other fields suitable for females born in Ardra Nakshatra are electronics engineering or anything medical related. However, you need to be careful if you are interested in pursuing a career in business as it is easy to manipulate you.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Ardra Nakshatra has good compatibility with his husband but tends to marry late. Your experience with relationships before marriage may not be the one you would like to write about in your diary. However, this bad spell of luck in love changes once you tie the knot. You will have a romantic partner and good sexual compatibility. In family life, you will be much pulled towards your mother and then mother in law. Both of them will bring comfort to your life.

Health female
On the health front, the female born in the Ardra Nakshatra may have to suffer from menstrual problems. Early identification is the key if they seek to avoid any such complications in the future. These ladies must also be careful of fire. There is also a slight chance of facing problems related to blood.

Ardra Nakshatra Dates 2021
January 15, 2022 February 12, 2022
March 11, 2022 April 7, 2022
May 5, 2022 June 1 & June 28, 2022
July 26, 2022 August 22, 2022
September 28, 2022 October 15, 2022
November 12, 2022 December 9, 2022
Ardra Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of Ardra Nakshatra falls in Sagittarius Navamsa, governed by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are very helpful. They have a sharp mind and are consistent in their work.
Pada 2nd: The second quarter of this Nakshatra falls in the Capricorn Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. People born in this pada are very materialistic. But the materialistic gains come to them only when Saturn and Mercury are well placed.
Pada 3rd: The third pada of the Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Aquarius Navamsa and is ruled by Saturn. The people born in this pada tend to have creative skills and the mental ability to absorb anything and everything. These people are open to change.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of the Ardra Nakshatra falls in the Pisces Navamsa and is ruled by Jupiter. The people born in this pada are very giving in nature. They tend to help whoever they can but rarely get the same back.
Features of Ardra Nakshatra
Symbol- Tear drop

Ruling planet- #Rahu

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- rajas/tamas/sattva

Presiding Deity- #Rudra

Animal- #Female #dog

Indian Zodiac- 6° 40′ – 20° Mithuna



#Mrigashira #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Male belonging to this nakshatra is the kind to doubt every action, and that too is for a legitimate reason as he had previously been cheated on by people close to him. Trust is something he does not do very easily and that is for his own good. Although, even if he has been conned by the people around him, he does not directly cut them off from his life but rather acts nice but wary around them. He is someone who is always invested in a conversation and is paying attention to every word that is being spoken and is expecting the same from others. Mrigashira male doesn’t like to be around people who are judgemental or people he finds to be dishonest. However, males of this nakshatra may not be as truthful to themselves as they think they are, as they are someone who is different from the person they project themselves to be to the world.

Profession male
Mrigashira males give very good advice when it comes to financial matters but somehow fail to follow the same - the reason why they might usually find themselves in a situation of crisis. They are usually very well educated and will do good in the field of business. His business will bloom during the age of 32 and he will find himself in a financial place he is satisfied with between the age of 33 to 50, full of energy.

Compatibility male
Although there will be immense love between him and his spouse, there will always be animosity in the relationship due to petty reasons and differences in opinion. The reason for most of the conflicts between him and his wife will be because one or the other has a higher profession, which will cause an inferiority complex among them.

Health male
Male of this nakshatra might have to go through some medical ailment during his childhood such as frequent constipation leading to a digestive disorder, cuts and injuries along with chronic shoulder or collarbone pain.

Characteristics female
Females of Mrigashira Nakshatra are not someone to be trifled with since they tend to have a sharp tongue and love to speak their mind. During an argument, they must be careful and watch what they are saying as any mishap or curse word may cause serious damage to the other person. They are smart and witty and can be a little selfish on some occasions. They love to do social work and are very fond of fine arts. In the future, one might find them settled with loving children and a devoted husband with wealth surrounding them as they are indeed very fond of money and wealth.

Profession female
Mrigashira females are usually intelligent but unfortunately, they are not the ones who are very keen on having a good education. But their lack of interest in studies may lead to them repeating a class multiple times. Although, there might be a change in interest in them when Jupiter is well aligned with the Magha constellation, which may lead to them doing their best in education as well as profession.

Compatibility female
The female of Mrigashira Nakshatra will be found busy with various household chores even after long into her marriage. Due to their wild nature, they might end up having a few love affairs during the early period of her marriage but they will soon redeem her mistakes and have a loving marriage later on.

Health female
Health is a very serious thing for females of Mrigashira Nakshatra as they may have to suffer from some serious health issues such as goitre, STDs, menstrual problems, chronic body pain, and many more. So they will have to take special care when it comes to their health.

Mrigashira Nakshatra Dates 2022
January 14, 2022 February 11, 2022
March 10, 2022 April 6, 2022
May 4 & 31, 2022 June 27, 2022
July 24, 2022 August 21, 2022
September 17, 2022 October 14, 2022
November 11, 2022 December 8, 2022
Mrigashira Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The pada falls in the Leo Navamsa and is ruled by the Sun. People falling in this pada are very artistic and have a very good imagination.
Pada 2nd: The Padas falls in Virgo navamsa and is dominated by Mercury. The people born in this pada have very stable mental health with strong will and compassion. They are very good communicators and can keep a person engaged.
Pada 3rd: The pada falls in the Libra Navamsa and is ruled by Venus. People born in this pada are materialistic and will care about increasing their wealth more than other things in life.
Pada 4th: The pada falls in the Scorpio navamsa and is dominated by Mars. People of this pada love to engage in arguments and love to create difficult situations in other people’s lives.

Features of Mrigashira Nakshatra
Symbol- #Deer’s #head

Ruling planet- #Mars

Gender- #Female

Gana- Neuter #Deva

Guna- rajas/tamas/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Soma

Animal- #Female #Serpent

Indian Zodiac- 23° 20′ Vrishabha – 6° 40′ Mithuna



#Rohini #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
The male in the Rohini Nakshatra has the quality of being hot-tempered. They have a specific set of beliefs that they live by and are very stubborn about them. Aka, it's very difficult to change their mind about something. The male native in this Nakshatra is also a perfectionist and thus has a tendency to find faults, which may irritate some, especially their partner. In love, males born in Rohini Nakshatra are very family-oriented and are ready to make sacrifices for their near and dear ones. They are naturally very attention-seeking and bond well with people who allow them the same.

Profession male
The male born in the Rohini Nakshatra has to face slight ups and downs in his career till the age of 30. However, these challenges bring along the much-required experiences for these natives. The best phase of life for these natives is between 38 to 50 years of age. If a businessman, the native should be cautious of his partner to ensure they don't cheat on him. In business, do not confide your plans to anyone unless you are sure about them.

Compatibility male
The male born in the Rohini Nakshatra may have a tough time dealing with his father. There would not be any hustle but also not too much interaction. The male is expected to be more attached to his mother and gets benefited from her. The male native will not be strictly religious but a blend of modern and old-school. This fusion will bond well for the native's married life and allow him good compatibility with his wife.

Health male
The health of the male born in the Rohini Nakshatra is a delicate subject. These people are usually vulnerable to diseases related to blood. Hence any blood-related issue in the body must not be ignored. The native must control his sugar intake too.

Characteristics female
The females born in the Rohini Nakshatra flaunt elegance and are known to be well mannered. They have traditional values hitched in them, which, however, don't stop them from practising modern endeavours. The female born in Rohini Nakshatra is emotional and thus weak from the inside. However, you would never see that weakness on her face. Also, if you try to provoke the female, you are getting back from her. One needs to be very thoughtful before they try to make jokes around her, as she takes offence too soon. However, the lady is very open-minded among people who she is comfortable with.

Profession female
The female born in the Rohini Nakshatra can be entrusted with any work. The lady divulges all her focus and effort in the given work to please none but herself. As far as the profession goes, the best-suited profession for the woman born in Rohini Nakshatra is anything related to art, such as fashion designing, painting, advertising, etc. The native would be an average student in her academics.

Compatibility female
The female born in the Rohini Nakshatra lives up to enjoy a compatible family life where everyone supports her. She is also able to bond well with her husband after marriage and loves children too. However, every now and then, she may suspect the male in her life out of jealousy. Such suspicion mostly doesn't have a rigid fact support base. This is one thing she must rein in to have a fulfilling marriage.

Health female
The health of the female born in the Rohini Nakshatra doesn't give her many reasons to worry. However, the woman must take care of certain minor ailments that could bring her trouble if ignored, such as leg pain, breast pain and menstrual problems.

Dates for Rohini Nakshatra in 2022
January 13, 2022 February 10, 2022
March 9, 2022 April 5, 2022
May 3 & 30, 2022 June 26, 2022
July 23, 2022 August 20, 2022
September 16, 2022 October 13, 2022
November 10, 2022 December 7, 2022
Rohini Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: This pada falls in Aries Navamsa and is governed by Mars. The person born in this pada is great with business dealing. Also, the person will be highly materialistic and tend to spend more. These people are identified by their calm nature.
Pada 2nd: This pada falls in Taurus Navamsa controlled by Venus. The people born in this pada are money minded. They have a general tendency to weigh everything for its materialistic value. Such natives may have a very large social circle.
Pada 3rd: This pada falls in Gemini Navamsa managed by Mercury. The people born in this pada have a tremendous interest in the sciences. They, however, lack patience in life and hence struggle with activities that need it the most, such as the stock market.
Pada 4th: This pada falls in Cancer Navamsa administered by Moon. The people born in this pada are religious. They believe quite heavily in religion and religious text, but they are more business-like than artistic.
Features of Rohini Nakshatra
Symbol- Ox cart or chariot

Ruling planet- #Moon

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- rajas/tamas/rajas

Presiding Deity- #Prajapati

Animal- #Cobra

Indian Zodiac- 10° – 23°20′ Vrishabha



#Bharani #Nakshatra
#Characteristics male
Even if not much appreciated by others, a Bharani male only has good intentions in his heart for others and will never hurt someone consciously. The male has a general tendency to always listen to his conscience, which may backfire at times. It is in his nature to speak his mind and tell the truth, and that’s what people dislike about him. Although he tries to express his true feelings, he is often a target of misunderstanding. A Bharani male has a very forgiving heart, so if he is ever made upset, all one needs to do is apologise with sincerity, and he will forgive him in a heartbeat.

Profession male
One can never say what is the right or auspicious career option for a Bharani male. He is someone who can be trusted with any kind of job, be it arts, music, media, sports, or business. Although, a Bharani male should try and dabble in the business of tobacco, as he can see the most success in it. He can expect a positive shift in his situation after the age of 33. Though his career will thrive in any corner of the earth, following his profession on the eastern side of his home will be the best choice.

Compatibility male
Family is the most important thing for the male born in Bharani Nakshatra, and he loves his family unconditionally. The extent of devotion to his family is sometimes the reason for ridicule by them, and unfortunately, a Bharani male misses out on his father’s love. His maternal uncles are usually the source of support for them, and his friends are always there for him. Bharani males usually get married around the age of 27 to 32 and are more apparent of having a male child.

Health male
A Bharani male is generally a very healthy person and is barely ever ill, even if he doesn’t take much care of himself. Although as he gets older, health issues like diabetes, malaria, apoplexy, or dental problems may occur. Bharani male is not foodie, and is more the kind who eats to survive.

Characteristics female
Although bold and outgoing in nature, females belonging to the Bharani Nakshatra are mostly very respectful to their parents and elders. They have a very pure personality and are very innocent. They have a natural charm to them; that makes people want to stay around them. What sets them aside from the rest is that even if they have a very modest character, they are usually very independent and like to follow their heart. One never has to worry about taking care of a Bharani female as they can do that themselves and won’t heed other people’s judgement.

Profession female
As mentioned above, a Bharani female is an independent and career-driven person. She is the kind of person who sought out opportunities without waiting for them to arrive, which makes them a good businesswoman. Any job is suitable for them as they are very passionate about their career, but their charming nature makes them ideal for a sales job or a tourist guide. Sports is also a good field for them.

Compatibility female
A Bharani female will be fortunate in finding a very loving and caring partner and is more probable of having a happy married life. There might arise some conflicts between her and her in-laws due to her headstrong nature, but they are not that big to be of concern. The female of this nakshatra is generally the dominant figure in the relationship but she will always have the trust and loyalty of her spouse.

Health female
These females are more likely to have a generally healthy life and won’t have to be worried about health issues. But as time goes on, they might face problems such as menstrual or uterus issues. They should also be wary of tuberculosis as it might cause problems in the future.

Bharani Nakshatra Dates for 2022
January 11, 2022 February 7, 2022
March 7, 2022 April 3 & 30, 2022
May 28, 2022 June 24, 2022
July 21, 2022 August 17, 2022
September 14, 2022 October 11, 2022
November 8, 2022 December 5, 2022
Bharani Nakshatra Padas
Pada 1st: The first pada of Bharani nakshatra lies in the Leo navamsa and is dominated by the sun. A person belonging to this pada tends to be extremely creative and is very in tune with their artistic nature, and seems to be self-absorbed in themselves. This may seem unpleasant to others.
Pada 2nd: The second pada of this nakshatra lies in the Virgo navamsa and is dominated by mercury. One born in this pada can achieve anything if they are focused on their goals and are working hard towards them. People of this nakshatra are selfless in nature and can take important decisions even in difficult situations
Pada 3rd: Dominated mainly by venus, the third pada of this nakshatra falls in Libra navamsa. The people born in this pada have the rare talent to bring together people of two different perspectives and show them common grounds. People born in this time will likely indulge in many sexual adventures.
Pada 4th: The fourth pada of this nakshatra is ruled by Mars and falls in Scorpio navamsa. Those who belong to this pada are believed to have an excess amount of energy and will never get tired of working. They might even make important discoveries that will surely give them fame.
Features of Bharani Nakshatra
Symbol- Yoni

Ruling planet- #Venus

Gender- #Female

Gana- #Manusha

Guna- rajas/rajas/tamas

Presiding Deity- #Yama

Animal- #Elephant

Indian Zodiac- 13° 20′ – 26°40′ Mesha



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#Ashwini #Nakshatra According to #Astrology

Out of the total of 28 Nakshatras, Ashwini Nakshatra is the first one in #Vedicastrology. They’re also called Ashwini #Kumaras. All of the famous personalities, Lord and Ashwini Nakshatra pada are discussed below.

Ashwini nakshatra

The word Ashwini mainly denotes a #Horsewoman who is born from a #female #horse. #Sanjana is known to be the mother of Ashwini kumaras and the sun is the father but the horse form is called #Vivaswat.

Ashwini is also known to be the #star of #transportation. It is said that the #sun god’s #chariot was pulled by #seven horses or seven different colors of the #rainbow. Wherever there is an association of power and energy with horses it is known as horsepower. Thus, Ashwini mainly denotes agility and speed.

Ashwini natchathiram

Ashwini Natchatiram Palangal is for those born under the sign of #Aries. The predictions are completely based on astrology. According to Ashwini Nachtiram Palan, Ashwini Nakshatra will give fruitful results for the people. If you are born in Ashwini Nakshatra, then your zodiac sign will be Aries and your birth constellation lord will be #Ketu. The effect of zodiac lord Mars and Ketu will be more visible in your life.

Lord of Ashwini nakshatra

Ashwini nakshatra lord is known to be Ketu, by whom this nakshatra is being ruled.

Ashwini nakshatra famous personalities

Ashwini nakshatra's celebrity list is long and the prominent personalities who are born on this Nakshatra are Pamela di Anderson, Sania Mirza, Bruce Lee, Selena Gomez, And the Miss World title winner Yukta Mookhey.

Ashwini nakshatra pada 1

The First pada is Aries Navamsha which is around zero degrees to three degrees in 20 minutes. Persons who were born in Ashwini pada 1 are having an Oval-shaped face, slim body, and average look with a normal length of their limbs. They are quite dominant characters who love getting praised by others. They have an inclination towards inter-caste marriage and always stay tensed about their children.

Ashwini nakshatra pada 2

The Second pada of Ashwini Nakshatra is Taurus Navamsha which is around 3 degrees 20 minutes to six degrees 40 minutes. The persons whose birth was in this pada are mostly of fair complexion. They are very good-looking and are quite active in taking action and their mind is highly alert and sharp. They aspire to live a very luxurious lifestyle. They are very much ambitious and they’re having a very strong mental resilience and love following their discipline and routine in everyday life.

Ashwini nakshatra pada 3

Ashwini pada three is the Mercury Navamsha that is around 6 degrees 40 minutes to 10 degrees 0 minutes. A Person whose birth was in the pada three is very much social and outgoing in a character who are having excellent communication skills and loves to interact with people and crack jokes and entertain everyone.

Ashwini nakshatra pada 4

Ashwini pada 4 is for Cancer Navamsha which is around 10 degrees 0 minutes to 13 degrees 20 minutes. Those who are born in the Pada 4 are very much violent in character and love staying in the melancholic mood all the time. They are very social who are having empathy toward everyone and can heal anyone easily.

Ashwini nakshatra sign

Ashwini Nakshatra is ranging from zero to thirteen degrees in the House of Aries. Being a fiery sign Aries is acquiring first place in the Zodiac sign list. The natives of Aries sign are highly enthusiastic and energetic in their daily life. Those who are born in the timeline of March 21st to 19th April are in the category of Aries Zodiac sign. Ashwini nakshatra is governed by two physicians namely Ashwini Kumaras. Dedication and wisdom are the significance of the deities.

In various ancient texts of astrology, Ashwini or Ashwinau was depicted as a double number which mainly signifies two deities i.e. double Ashwini Kumars. The head of a horse shape is formed by three stars in the Ashwini constellation. The prominent stars are known by the names alpha and beta Arietis. The head of twin horses gives the look of Ashwini Nakshatra.


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