

Smartphones With Popular #Qualcomm Chip Secretly Share Private Information With US Chip-Maker

Source: https://www.nitrokey.com/news/2023/smartphones-popular-qualcomm-chip-secretly-share-private-information-us-chip-maker

Investigating this further we can see that the packages are sent via the HTTP protocol and are not encrypted using HTTPS, SSL or TLS. That means that anyone else on the network, including hackers, #government agencies, network administrators, telecom operators, local and foreign can easily spy on us by collecting this data, store them, and establish a record history using the phone’s unique ID and serial number Qualcomm is sending over to their mysteriously called Izat Cloud.

#privacy #security #surveillance #tracking #problem #internet #firmware #fail #software #economy #news


Aus zuverlässiger Quelle weiß ich, dass die Autofirmen sehr großen Aufwand in Verschlüsselung betreiben damit man nicht unberechtigt Zusatzfeatures freischalten kann.

Siehe: https://www.ifun.de/auch-mercedes-benz-verkauft-bereits-integrierte-funktionen-als-abo-199191/

Ich wette in wenigen Jahren gibt es trotzdem Anleitungen und #Firmware zum #Download im #Darknet. Es sei denn natürlich die #Menschheit wird vernünftig und kauft so einen #Schwachsinn gar nicht.

Am realistischten ist aber das Szenario, dass unser Zivilisation vorher zusammenbricht und solche Autos nur noch als Endzeitkulisse vor sich hingammeln.

#auto #wirtschaft #software #hack #hacker #zukunft #umwelt #Natur #emissionen #co2


#Debian: #Firmware - what are we going to do about it?

source: https://blog.einval.com/2022/04/19

TL;DR: firmware support in Debian sucks, and we need to change this. See the "My preference, and rationale" Section below.


For Debian's purposes, we typically separate firmware from software by considering where the code executes (does it run on a separate processor? Is it visible to the host OS?) but it can be difficult to define a single reliable dividing line here. Consider the Intel/AMD #CPU #microcode packages, or the U-Boot firmware packages as examples.

#software #Linux #problem #news #proprietary #hardware


English version below.

Hach, dieses wunderbare Ohnmachtsgefühl, wenn Du einfach nur eine Appliance regulär updaten willst und erst nach hunderten Mails der Systemüberwachung, lauter fehlgeschlagenen Versuchen und final der Rekonfiguration der Protokollfunktion merkst, daß der Hersteller klammheimlich die bislang genutzte Option für das Firmware-Update einfach gestrichen hat.

Dankeschön, das brauche ich auf einem Sonntag morgen.

Oh, this great feeling of helplessness, when one wants to just #update an appliance the regular way and learn only after hundreds of mails from the monitoring system, a couple of failed retries and finally reconfiguring the logging that the vendor has more or less silently dropped the option used so far.

Thanks, that's what I need on sunday morning.



Reverse Engineering the SEGA Mega Drive


With the widespread adoption of emulators, almost anyone can start playing video games from bygone eras. Some systems are even capable of supporting homebrew games, with several having active communities that are still creating new games even decades later. This ease of programming for non-PC platforms wasn't always so easy, though. If you wanted to develop games on a now-antique console when it was still relatively new, you had to jump through a lot of hoops. [Tore] shows us how it would have been done with his Sega Mega Drive development kit that he built from scratch.

While [Tore] had an Atari ST, he wanted to do something a little more cutting edge and at the time there was nothing better than the Mega Drive (or the Genesis as it was known in North America). It had a number of features that lent the platform to development, namely the Motorola 68000 chip that was very common for the time and as a result had plenty of documentation available. He still needed to do quite a bit of reverse engineering of the system to get a proper dev board running, though, starting with figuring out how the cartridge system worked. He was able to build a memory bank that functioned as a re-writable game cartridge.

With the hard parts out of the way [Tore] set about building the glue logic, the startup firmware which interfaced with his Atari ST, and then of course wiring it all together. He was eventually able to get far enough along to send programs to the Mega Drive that would allow him to control sprites on a screen with the controller, but unfortunately he was interrupted before he could develop any complete games. The amount of research and work to get this far is incredible, though, and there may be some helpful nuggets for anyone in the homebrew Mega Drive community today. If you don't want to get this deep into the Mega Drive hardware, though, you can build a cartridge that allows for development on native Sega hardware instead.

#games #softwaredevelopment #68000 #atari #atarist #devboard #development #firmware #genesis #homebrew #megadrive #motorola #retro #schematics #sega