

La piscine de l’unité 2 de Fukushima Daiichi fuit !

#Fukushima #nucléaire #médias
Ça aurait fait les gros titres en 2011. Aujourd’hui, cette information passe inaperçue. La catastrophe de Fukushima n’est pourtant pas terminée.

Le 3 octobre 2024, Tepco a diffusé un rapport confirmant que de l'eau fuyait du système de refroidissement primaire de la piscine de désactivation de l’unité 2. Cette piscine est remplie de combustibles usés : 587 assemblages, correspondant à une centaine de tonnes de combustible, (..)


Auszeit für rund 1.850 „Fukushima-Kinder“ vor radioaktiver Umgebung – SERIE (4) – 75 Jahre Auslandsgesellschaft Dortmund: Die Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft

Am 28. März 1949 fand im Hörsaal der Kinderklinik die Gründungsversammlung der „Gesellschaft der Freunde des Auslandsinstituts“ – der heutigen Auslandsgesellschaft.de statt.#75Jahre #75Jubiläumsjahr #Auslandsegsellschaft #Bundesverdienstkreuz #Deutsch-JapanischeGesellschaft #Fukushima #InselOkinawa #Jubiläumsjahr #Jubiläumsmagazin #YokoSchlütermann
SERIE (4) - 75 Jahre Auslandsgesellschaft Dortmund: Die Deutsch-Japanische Gesellschaft - Nordstadtblogger


Océans Poubelles. (2013)

#Nucléaire #Déchets #Poubelle #Océan #Ocean #Ozean #Radioactivité #Documentaire #DokumentarFilm #Atommüll #Atomkraft #France #Deutschland #Belgique

Ces déchets constituent une radioactivité totale de 85 000 térabecquerels (TBq) à la date de leur immersion, l’équivalent de cinq à six fois la quantité d’éléments radioactifs rejetés dans l’océan Pacifique à la suite de la catastrophe nucléaire de #Fukushima, entre mars et avril 2011. L’Atlantique Nord a été le premier site d’immersion, représentant la moitié de la radioactivité totale.

+divers articles et cartes récents.



This video is short but succinct. It presents some new information about #UFO sightings in the area of #Fukushima preceding and following the #nuclear #disaster in #2011.

There aren’t many unchecked news of UFO/ET reports in Japan save for legendary and some historical records dating back many centuries

but the very Fukushima Prefecture seems to have gathered above average number of sightings and possibly ET Contact over decades ,
it hosts UFO museum and activist club.


Further on , similar observations seemed to have numbered in Chernobyl 1986 during the nuclear disaster and possibly even many years later .
According to local observers ETs have possibly tried to warn humans and intervene at some point as well as took active interest in cleaning the area of radiation and monitoring the process later.

Under the line ..

I was 12 in the same year when Chernobyl happened. Prague is very far from #Chernobyl of course but radiation level were said to be elevated later in that year far to Germany
as atmospheric pressures from the blast and winds eventually carry clouds of radioactive particles over thousands of miles air distance.

I’ve never linked these two together but I had experienced lucid ET visitation in the same year, one or two. I knew I should not tell my mum . It was “too smart” for a kid and I’d have been made fun of and knocked out off it instantly.

It so never happened to me before and many years after till Bodhgaya 2002, that’s 16 years later.

Comes down to observation that most of these “big events” of ET encounters are synchronous to many individuals on different timelines and happen around the same time and different spaces or at the same space but different time though that presumes time-space that can be bent
#quote from #pa


The #Fukushima disaster had its roots in the 70s, when the Japanese had to clean black soot out of their noses every day. Things changed when big companies—resurrected zaibatsu—realized that a lot of #money could be made in building nuclear power plants and switching to LNG and oil. The government was throwing money at infrastructure.

In the case of #nuclear-power there were problems— seismic faults all over the place and constant #earthquakes. But the so-called Iron Triangle of government, business and bureaucracy— which has ruled Japan since the late 19th century, despite what some people think, had Japanese law changed to make it okay to build on top of tectonic fault lines.

