


1st US Rep Daniel Goldman accused #GymJordan of criminal obstruction/collusion in obstructing #justice in sovereign NY State. As we saw on live TV, around #Jan6, Jordan is again acting as chief #GQP clown in service of Dark Lord StableGenius, on the offense AGAINST justice & state sovereignty too. While he has yet to respond to lawful subpoenas himself. He may have to now.
No doubt he may try to invoke privilege; though he's not a lawyer by training; he's a gym coach inclined to 'see no evil', but to do it.
On behalf of the biggest criminal anybody's ever seen before, certainly a 'President' engaged in #sedition, #corruption, #fraud & #obsttruction.

Manhattan DA Bragg sues GOP House Judiciary chairman to prevent interference in Trump case

And. now, after Jordan takes his #Jan6 clown show on the road, violates NY law (in addition to Federal) and makes demands of a sovereign state's justice system, now prosecuting Jordan's puppeteer...District Attorney Alvin Bragg has sued #JimJordan!

Legally, Jordan MUST provide documents, email, phone records etc. relative to the 'discovery' & prosecution of his numerous crimes (along with some other #corrupt #GQP seditionists) related to Trump's continuing interference of, & collusion in obstruction of, the legal process within NY State, Specifically, he will need to provide records to prove or disprove his acting directly on behalf of Trump in wheeling out a full-court assault on the legal process and officials in NY, following the indictment. If he stonewalls, criminally - again - Jordan could/should be charged with obstruction of a legitimate NYS legal proceeding, whether he thinks it is or not. Pathetic, and maybe funny to watch from a safe distance, but at the heart of America's struggle to see some slight return to #accountability & #truth.


Breaking News!

Super important, perhaps the most hopeful and tangible action since the beginning of #TrumpVirus #corruption, #sedition, and collusion across multiple high crimes with the #GQP bloc of #seditionists in the House (and a few in the Senate). Notably, #GymJordan. (Remember him? The guy who stoked #Jan6 and defended Trump, ignored lawful subpoenas to testify on this, and now playing Clown King of the #GQP cult, on the offensive against actual law enforcement or #justice for the insurrection aided and abetted by HIM. As we saw on live TV. As the record shows.

Earlier on Tuesday, before the announcement of DA Bragg's suit against Jordan:

Dan Goldman Says Trump Ally Jim Jordan Has ‘Clearly Crossed Over’ The Line To ‘Criminal Obstruction’ Of Bragg Case

Now Jordan, reportedly at the behest of his master, Dark Lord StableGenius, has gone on the offensive AGAINST justice, and state sovereignty too. He's coming with his road show to New York, to distract and obstruct justice, on the offensive (which he knows how to be!) and where former impeachment manager, now Rep. Dan Goldman has said he was/is "not welcome". Now it's gone to another level, with Goldman speaking of Jordan's criminality, and - this is the just 'breaking' news - now District Attorney Alvin Bragg has sued #GymJordan!! Legally, Jordan must provide documents, email, phone records etc. relative to the 'discovery' and prosecution of his numerous crimes (along with some other #corrupt #GQP seditionists) specifically related to Trump's continuing interference of, and collusion in obstruction of, the lawful legal process within NY State, where Jordan has ZERO right to be interfering. The idea that Jordan is acting as Trump's surrogate is both substantive, rather obvious, and repulsive. But it could lead to a House Cleaning, beginning with Jordan, and maybe some pals like MTG, Boebert. Gaetz and so many others.

Imagine - Trump will be gone, to jail or asylum, Jordan will be expelled &/or jailed, and people are now watching the corruption of our 3rd branch, the Thompsons' SCOTUS. Trifecta, to restore integrity, and sanity to the proceedings and functioning of US Government. We the People - are guaranteed a government by, of, and FOR the people, all the people, including the sane/'woke' majority, whether the billionaire oligarch class likes it or not. USA is truly at a tipping poing. Hopefully this helps tilt us towards rational, representative government by 'representatives' of the good people, everyday people who live by time-worn values like #truth & #justice.


#TrumpVirus #psychopathology,

Holiday Edition
Word Salad of the Day

As reported by Vanity Fair via Apple News: Here's Lord StableGenius & his (anti) #Truth rant, as reported within an article describing Bill Barr's analysis of his former god's foibles.

Attacking everyone, #GQP & Dems alike, in a laundry list of things like 'communists" destroying America (flakes of DJTJ & Pol Pot!).

He is absolutely right about one thing - accidentally & w/o any mindfulness:
Yes sir, #fascism is a huge threat, in all is forms, and being embraced throughout HIS #GOP cult of tyranny, autocracy, & racism/hate.


DeSantis says he's considering adding new taxes and tolls at Disney World to punish the company over its power play

A master class in how to shoot oneself in the face for spite...

#DeathSantis - slayer of Floridians "like nobody's ever seen before", w/ survivors loving him! "Freedom!"

COVID was a hoax. #Education & #Truth are his enemy. Sentient human beings are demonized as"woke".

#MakeAmericaSane [r]
Stop the #GQP /#TrumpVirus "regression towards the mean", very mean. While meaning itself gets 'canceled'. Sad & scary.


Happy April (1st/Fools' Day)

No joke here, but a 4-minute clip which may make you laugh. (Me, every time).
A movie about a couple, scientists, who crash land in Africa in a secluded area.

"The Gods Must Be Crazy (II)": The Honey Badger

I'm going to keep it light, though honestly I was reminded of this honey badger upon seeing an image of DJTJ (sniff sniff)
Ranting and tenacious; could be #GymJordan or #MTG too. Grrrrr. ;) So many criminals & deviants in the #GQP cult!

But if you've never seen politics - or this film - smile... A four-minute clip here, beginning after the plane crashes into a tree.

#movie #classic #TheGodsMustBeCrazy #HoneyBadger #badger #nature #Africa #humor #humour #movies


Well, nobody can say I haven't been saying/predicting this for a very long time: Lord StableGenius only one real defense against his myriad indefensible acts of crime, vulgarity, disrespect, and tearing the country apart from his rage and entitlement core.

Trump is so 'unmoored from reality' he can't act as a defense witness: 'Art of the Deal' ghostwriter

He can plead in NY, not guilty by reason of inability to participate, maybe more palatable to the biggest malevolent and grandiose ego to ever steal a whole country with a mob of #GQP cultists, bla bla... Point is, he's either got more evil and crime tricks up his sleeve than the Devil himself ("so smart!") or he's mentally deficient, be it ability, reasoning, empathy lack, delusion bubbles, or a bigly combination. He's got only one way out that I can see, and his lawyers will too. Even his family may ultimately be needed to persuade him (as he won't look like the big winner he knows he is, terrific, believe him). Or attorneys/family may help him be assessed for competency/sanity and then avoid prison thusly. Unless of course he wants to show his toughness, and continue to run for dictator from prison.

#sedition #crime #psychopathology #TrumpVirus #Jan6 #InsanityDefense #justice #accountability


Oh Lindsey...

First time I've ever responded to him directly; think I'll be blocked?

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”

― John Adams

#LindseyGraham #GQP #sedition #hypocrisy #coverup #Jan6


From their headline to G-d's ears.

Opinion: The GOP's magic words have lost their magic

Amazing to hear the #GQP #seditionists spouting off - without yet even knowing the charges - about how "Americans will never stand for this!". B.S. The same people who celebrated #sedition and #insurrection aa tourism and patriotism are surely on board with MTG and Tucker, revving up gun-talk and leapfrogging over #justice, #accountability, #truth, #reality, into #MTG LooneyLand powered by #Fox and #TrumpVirus variants still spreading the hate, Big Lie, denial, and division. #indictment #crime #treason #cult #denial


Hello #GQP ...
Hello hypocrites, NRA, & vehemently "anti-woke" (anti- #truth, rationality, sentience) US Congress & People!!

How many mass shootings a day are acceptable? Just "the American experience" now, the norm?

Anyone 'woke' in USC? i.e. conscious & processing?!