


In a powerful news week - War, democracy, train disaster, earthquake, climate, etc ...

Within the finite and grossly reality-distorted world of MTG -who is "Representative" of something!- following her own divorce, she's calling for a national "divorce" of red & blue #tribes (Civil War? Massive re-zoning/emigration?) AND she's #grifting to end support for Ukraine!

MTG's Latest Gig Seems to Suit her Well. (Song Parody)

MTG - Jewish Space Lasers

She's more than an embarrassment & a diversion. She's a danger and affront to ... (US) civilization. She's now the latest #TrumpVirus variant to use office for grifting and attention-getting. Sewing division, disruption, and disinformation, she's strutting about calling for "national divorce" between red & blue. Like Blue and Red Meanies? Martians? Plus she's now grifting in ads like TFG did: "Stop World War 3" and take money away from Ukraine and ... build a wall? But send the money to her front org, thanks. (So smart!)

From a discussion about all the challenges before us and all the incredibly disconnected fantasies, delusions and distractions, not to mention love of attention. (She is "Representative"/ Of who? oh, #GQP, yes, got it) - along came this appraisal. She's not only Qwazy, she's dangerous. Because people follow her, believe her, and are drawn further away from what we left in 'woke reality' state know as #truth.


DeSantis to Visit New York, brag about how Florida kills the 'woke' (i.e., sane, educated)

What a cretin, #DeathSantis

Coming to "NY" (Staten Island, #TrumpVirus land) & blathering about Florida: proud to kill the "woke mob", where "the woke come to die". While he bans living w/ #truth. NY's mayor is spot-on here.

Substitute "sane" for "woke", it all makes sense. #Truth

#GQP #fascism #DeSantis variant.... . WTF is it with this guy's obsession with word salad? Chip off the old #TrumpVirus


"You can find anything in New York" ✓

A 4-foot alligator was found in a park in Brooklyn, New York

New York has been nearly a "semi-tropical"island compared with past winters, but... this is unusual.

There have always been exotic 'pet' fans, be it snakes or minks, baby crocodiles or panthers, but... This is not a comfy 'gator climate, nor do baby gators or crocs fit in an aquarium for very long. (Not to mention the cruelty/illegality.) Well, this one 'lucked out', maybe, tough as leather and taken to some premier wildlife rescue/rehab care.

One less reptile in the FL swamps for #GQP cultists & "Woke King" De Santis - lizard of #DeathSantis ville.


Remember #truth - or when "news" was based on factual reality? (Pre-Fox, with public protections).

Excellent short clip showing off the #Fox fascism and single-minded effort to present cult propaganda (very profitable!

"It's a must-watch and it's pretty shocking"

Mehdi Hasan:
So, you'll enjoy this: we put what Fox hosts Carlson, Hannity, and Ingraham said, on air, side by side with what they were saying to each other on text, in private, when the cameras stopped rolling.

So yeah, Fox is oh-so-cute with its nonsensical dog-whistles, like "cancel culture", yet another projection (as this story illuminates) of Fox's non-stop spew of hate & lies. How do you spell #hypocrisy? #Disinformation? #sedition...

#Fox / #GQP #propaganda


Hm.... some bits of the #GQP #truth and behavior.....
From the what else is new with the #TrumpVIrus cult department.

House Republicans blame Joe Biden for oil sales mandated by Congress

House Republicans continue to not do very well at the whole "governing" thing, probably because every caucus meeting is filled with new ideas to shut government down rather than abide its continued operation, but they remain quite devoted to their Twitter accounts. Twitter remains the best technology for random acts of spite and grievance, and given that most House Republicans based their entire personas on spite and grievance, it's a near-perfect match.



Wow.... Holy Tucker 💩 Carlson! Deciding to. go macho misogynist on Chelsea Handler...
Noted/re-shared by George Takei!

Chelsea Handler responds to Moron Misogynist Tucker Carlson

After conservative snowflakes lashed out at Chelsea Handler for deigning to suggest that her life without children is quite satisfying thank you very much, Chelsea just posted an epic clapback.

Watch her turn the tables as only she can here: https://secondnexus.com/chelsea-handle

#misogyny #TuckerCarlson #GQP #vermin #Fox #TrumpVirus


So... #TrumpVirus clearly violated 18USC, Section 793 - Espionage Act.- subsection C, etc... - Meidas Touch Report:

"Trump now has a real, serious laptop scandal on his hands. It could be direct proof that he violated the Espionage Act."

BREAKING: Trump CAUGHT in his own LAPTOP Scandal NOW

Giving classified documents to aides and to a #GQP PAC via electronic copies made of the documents Trump stole...
How much more mountain of evidence is needed? Now there is, present, "the laptop from hell".

#laptop #MAGA #sedition #espionage #accountability #documents #truth #justice


#GQP - Business as usual

I.e., lies, fear/hate mongering, #disinformation, #sedition, #denial, #projection, gibberish and dog whistles, fueled by FoxMike Lee feigns shock at the suggestion of what he actually said... "facts are funny things".... And fact is, many #GQP / #TrumpVirus cultists are out to destroy the things dearest to most (non-billionaire) Americans. Be mindful, even if you'll be ridiculed as woke for seeing reality.

#SocialSecurity #MikeLee #USC #corruption #GQP #Medicare #Medicaid #democracy #retirement #seniors #dignity


The answer to the question so many are asking: What is this??

What was that tagline about lipstick on a pig, via #GQP hero, 1/2term Gov Sarah Palin. "You betcha!"™

Seems this here is proof that dressing up delusions and cult gibberish as suitable for representing America in the US Congress....

Seen here in ... a freshly shot fur coat (?) - shouting out in the middle of a solemn event, "Liar!" - at the President who serves us too.
