

Seen amid a few other stories noting how some light is getting in the cracks between the massive lies & disinformation.
When even Fox realizes there's too much #Truth for even them to keep hiding and re-framing into absurdity...

This here is from June 11, as the 1/6 Hearings were just starting. Post Cassidy H's testimony, even some cultists are getting "woke".

‘Trump Bears Responsibility For The Mayhem’: Murdoch Papers Hit Trump with Pair of Brutal Op-eds on January 6th Hearing/

"Baby steps".... My best-case scenario would be that those MAGA's now realizing they were conned and lied too, grifted for money and loyalty, and gaslighted about actual reality, will rightfully be angered at the one who totally fooled a lot of people, and didn't give a whit about them. IF they realize a commonality with others, across parties, labels, tribes, etc. - and realize the emperor was wearing no clothes and everyone in #GQP/ #Fox -world was recirculating lies, disinformation, and a horrific and distorted narrative of #truth -
As long as there's no widespread ridicule or "I told you so" - and in fact some support and understanding for those coming out of a cult-programmed reality to actual reality based on facts (from science to history to events of Jan 6 etc.).

Come together, America, over He... the #TrumpVirus contagion of hate, alternate reality, tribalism, and division.

TOGETHER, America needs to see #accountability and #justice for all, even the most corrupt being we've ever seen.
Together, we must see our common enemy, first & foremost Trump, enabled by the group of traitors and corrupt Congress/SCOTUS


Big picture thus far -
And a great monologue/overview) from Colbert last night, who got additional praise and attention for his focus on "the fifth... the fifth" along with the rest of it, from #TrumpVIrus tantrums in cars, throwing plates, etc. Great synopsis for anyone who didn't see it live or one of the after-event panel discussions, etc. A truly mind-boggling expose/portrait of a certifiably unfit would-be King:

“Real Real Bad” - Hutchinson’s Eyewitness Testimony Reveals White House Knew Jan. 6th Would Get Ugly

#sedition #treason #Jan6 #USHistory #coup #GQP #GymJordan #Colbert


NPR Twofer: TX GOP denies Biden's 2020 win & calls for secession, MO ex-Gov Senate candidate calls for "RINO hunting"

On the one hand, I try to avoid the usual fray of political trolling. On the other, taking what is said seriously has its arguments and adherents.

NPR, not prone to exaggeration, and slow to move in taking the Orange Turd threat seariously in the 2016 cycle, seem to be more alert for the 2022 midterms:

Texas GOP’s new platform says Biden didn’t really win. It also calls for secession

President Biden is the "acting" president because he didn't win legally; Texans should vote on seceding; the Voting Rights Act of 1965 should be repealed; any gun control is a rights violation: this is the world as seen by the Republican Party of Texas, according to its newly adopted party platform.

"We can't compromise with Democrats who have a different and incompatible vision for our future," Matt Rinaldi, the state GOP chairman, said, according to The Texas Newsroom. "We need to be a bold and unapologetic conservative party, ready to go on offense and win the fight for our country."

The Republicans' 2022 platform is outlined in a 40-page document that addresses state issues but also much broader priorities — such as calling for the U.S. to leave the United Nations. Delegates approved it over the weekend, at the party's convention in Houston. ...


The TX GOP platform: https://texasgop.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/6-Permanent-Platform-Committee-FINAL-REPORT-6-16-2022.pdf (PDF)

A Missouri Senate candidate holds a shotgun and calls for ‘RINO hunting’ in a new ad

A new campaign ad from Eric Greitens, the controversial former governor of Missouri now running for U.S. Senate, prompted accusations of glorifying political violence before being flagged by Twitter and removed by Facebook for violating policies around violence and abuse.

"Today, we're going RINO hunting," Greitens, a Republican, said with a smile as he slid the action on his shotgun in the 38-second ad. RINO stands for "Republican in name only."

Greitens and a team of men outfitted in military gear are then shown bursting into a home, guns raised.

"The RINO feeds on corruption and is marked by the stripes of cowardice," said Greitens. "Get a RINO hunting permit. There's no bagging limit, no tagging limit, and it doesn't expire until we save our country." ...


The argument that the US Repubican Party is not a seditionist domestic terrorist organisation is becoming much harder to make.

#USPol #Republicans #GOP #GQP #Texas #Missouri #EdGreitens #Sedition #DomesticTerrorism #Politics


"Interesting" perspective, hope it will post, from a NY Magazine (Jonathan Chait) email newsletter:

The Post-Liberals Are Theorizing

I don't have anything to add or argue, except that definitions of terms seem important to share but often missing.
(Someone please define "leftist" as applies to S.American dictator vs. what Fox refers to as "Dems" - the radical left, leftists, etc.)
What is the difference between "far left" and "far right"? Is it like the earth, where it is not flat (despite #GQP) but gets you to the other side or pole if you just keep traveling.

Anyway, I thought this is thoughtful...


And here we are...

This was a summer-mini TV series in 2016 - months before an 'unusual' election. About the thinking (&/or brain invasion) in Congress.

Synopsis: A prescient and camp film - TV actually - portraying Congressional brains being taken over in insidious ways. In what was a very favorite TV mini-summer series, starring “Monk” (Tony Shalhoub) in a very different role - a #GQP fascist type Congressman who is infected with an alien worm making him that way - and infecting large swaths of Congress. As some horrified, uninfected ("woke") staffers watch.

Brain Dead

Haven’t seen it since. Mind-blowing. Accurate! (as metaphor). Funny. And YES! Here’s a collage I found of a few short trailers. Thanks for the memory. Sure sounds like Congress today too, no?

#USC #Congress #BrainDead #television #TonyShalhoub #parody #politics #MakeAmericaSaneAgain


Here's an article where the first sentences totally grabbed me.... Such clarity and #truth !!

Donald Trump is a knobbly turd rubbed into a shag rug. He's a moneyed cretin getting Big Mac grease all over the grips of his high-end golf clubs.

Donald Trump reportedly planning presidential campaign launch in Tallahassee to spite Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis

Well, there you go! But the article is even more interesting/fun as it references an upcoming royal rumble of #TrumpVirus spreaders.
With fast-rising challenger, #DeathSantis the Killer. My what great stuff comes out of the #GQP, as blessed by #Fox & fiends.



Oops - turns out maybe #GymJordan was (again) occupied with #lies & #sedition / cover-up, along w/ all of #GQP/#Fox world.

FACT CHECKER: Rep. Jim Jordan’s false claim that Pelosi denied a request for National Guard troops

So the question is, as many of the headlines suggest "fact checking" contradicts the narrative that somehow Pelosi acted to make it worse for herself and fellow targets of a seething mob: Why is there not equal (i.e., any) effort in "fact checking" what was being ranted during the (real) historical event via #TuckerCarlsonLies, sponsored by the #Fox #Disinformation network, and echoed through the cesspools of #TrumpWorld. It is itself an act of intentionally stamping out any voices of reality amid all the hateful lies & cult worship.

#MakeAmericaSaneAgain #truth #media


Oh this is nice... it's up, the new spiffy "Kevin McCarthy" website.
Well, the #truth version. Lots of fun links too, to his #GQP colleagues' "alternative home pages".

I'm Kevin McCarthy.

Read all about him!

For anyone interested but not aware of who #KevinMcCarthy is, he is a political hack spending all his time trying to become House Speaker. No brains to see, only raw ambition to the exclusion of all else. And he was the one whose #TrumpVirus love was and still is on display, regardless of events or reality. He impeded the investigation of the Jan 6 #sedition and his own cronies. Anyhow...

Voters! Please, #MakeAmericaSaneAgain
Starting with #GQP, #Congress & #Fox


And now it's on to "What are we going to do about it?" #Congress, #WeThePeople, #voters?

How to end the mass violence and super-spreading of unforced deaths and violence, from #TrumpVirus and #GQP and #Fox hater and lie machine. Isn't it time to at least TRY, while we still have a (fragile) democracy and children not yet mowed down by #guns?

Outside today's NRA unlimited-guns-for-all conference...


Jimmy Kimmel on Elementary School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas

"Not a time for moments of silence" (by itself, again and again) - Jimmy Kimmel tonight, tears in his eyes

So tonight I saw this and compelled to come out of web retirement and update my resource on Children and Violence in order to share this video, mostly. Because nothing much has changed since Columbine, Parkland, Sandy Hook, one after another. (Yes, "woke", there are many mindful Americans who are equally baffled by the religion of guns before human life, and why we've just let the thoughts & prayers be the only result time after time.

So I updated that page, which - let me check if it's more than zero... yes, 101 people (or bots) visited today, not bad for a 21-year old page, unpublicized or promoted. I put it up in the immediate days following the attack, while working with children who witnessed it, teachers, and counselors. With PTSD like everyone else. Auto-pilot for a long while, right brain hazy and horrified and driven to do SOMETHING. In the next days I saw children's drawings and heard how they brought cookies to the firemen at the pit barricades.

Everyone can do something. besides sending thoughts and prayers. (Not that these are bad. But things much change! No?)


[wonder if anyone reads past the new normal 7secs attention span? If so, congratulations, thanks, and this is 7th-inning stretch]

Fast forward, Columbine. Got me back to pursuing reasons and solutions for violence. (Spoiler: It's exponentially worse now)
But I worked with APA (psychology) and MTV (media/teen audience) giving talks on "Warning Signs" of suicide/depression etc..

A few years of calm between mass shootings. Fast forward again, it's now a near-weekly event. Four years of #TrumpVirus added to existing PTSD amplified by COVID & a division and tribalism plus a big cult of conspiracy & alternative facts. Thank you #Fox/ #GQP)

Here we are. A depleted and tribal Congress ministering to NRA and #TrumpVirus, deadlocked and gone for va-cay ...
Anything at all - pressure on OUR employees, supposedly working for WE the PEOPLE - "representatives". (scary thought too)

#StaySafe #Violence #guns #massacres #psychology #Children #PTSD #Fenichel #USCongress #culture


A very thin-sliced review/commentary of "This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America's Future".
Jonathan Martin & Alexander Burns

I hope this isn’t a spoiler. Actually, as of today, the day after another massacre in a school, most people mindful of daily national events are well aware that Congress is broken. This book zooms in on individuals and coalitions/committees and many of the leaders, renegades, heroes, and pains. But it weaves it all together, fly-in-the-wall style using actual quotes, interviews, records etc.

The focus is on that first year, plus the lead-up to the 2020 election, and the four horribly destructive years of #TrumpVirus.
And it brings us almost to today, in real-time, with Sen. Chris Murphy shining as a rare "good guy" in Congress, which we see again now in his determined crusade to curb massive gun violence, like nowhere else, and growing exponentially.

Some governors and Congressmen are vaguely defending guns say to focus on “mental health”.
Start with Governors and Congress first, please… A 2 party system of delusional MAGAts vs. "dysfunctional dems" is not a great plan.

#USCongress #GQP #books #dysfunction #partisanship #ThisWillNotPass #Congressional #Inaction #2party #truth


Hm… the biggest hypocrisy/reversal in NRA history! Apparently this one time it’s OK to ban guns…
What? No unrestricted open carry? No AK-47’s? What kind of #NRA or #TrumpVirus convention is this?

Guns are banned during Trump’s upcoming speech at the NRA conference

So: it IS possible to rationally restrict weaponry- at least for the benefit of a rabid seditionist who preaches guns 24/7 for everyone,

#GQP way: more guns in schools, wild misinterpretation of 2nd Amendment, and guns forbidden at NRA cult rallies if Dark Lord StableGenius is around preaching hate & violence.

#guns #gunlove #violence #NRA #GQP #hypocrisy #MakeAmericaSaneAgain #childrenandviolence
[ Reference on Children and Violence, circa the days of 9/11 and into the schools: http://www.fenichel.com/violence ]


See this last night? If not, it's worth a look. (

"We Will Buy Them Back And We Will Destroy Them" - PM Jacinda Ardern On Gun Control In New Zealand

This is Stephen Colbert/Late Show with the PM of New Zealand.
In the aftermath of the (most recent) Texas massacre.
They had a traumatic school shooting in NZ, but never again. How? (Hint: Action)

Actually almost everywhere else on earth is sane by comparison.

NZ's straightforward response: collect the guns, pay the owners, melt them down. (the guns)
Sure, "it'll never happen in America", where once again people will talk up the value of mental health (valid) but the truth is that the most dangerous and deluded of minds, requiring mental health intervention (or better yet, screening beforehand) are in Congress!

#violence #shootings #schoolshootings #massacre #Texas #NewZealand #guns #massshootings #GQP