

Rant: Open Source and the concept of: Release early, release often or publish early & publish often -> continuous development/continuous integration (CD/CI) -> tight loops ok but still - linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • or maybe it’s wrongful integration? (but maybe it just sucks)
    • why is every developer-user using it?
  • PS: as mankind still ponders and evolves (by making mistakes) how to best deal with computers
    • yes someone said “publish early” & “publish often” (doing this with the blog… also… often too often and too early X-D)
      • or: “Release early, release often” (wiki)
        • “tight feedback loop between developers and testers or users” (wiki) - yeah sure as a developer that might be a good thing, as a user… really doubt it… - there are highly intelligent respected developers that pioneered this concept… it might work for small teams… (of one)
        • “This philosophy was popularized by Eric S. Raymond in his 1997 essay The Cathedral and the Bazaar, where Raymond stated “Release early. Release often. And listen to your customers”.[4]”“This philosophy was originally applied to the development of the Linux kernel and other open-source software, but has also been applied to closed source, commercial software development.” “The alternative to the release early, release often philosophy is aiming to provide only polished, bug-free releases.[5] Advocates of RERO question that this would in fact result in higher-quality releases.[4]
      • has this lead to every developer going in the: continuous development/continuous integration direction? (definately sounds like it)
        • it really should be called CD/CI not CI/CD because first comes the development, then the integration (but well hewego: CI/CD@RedHat)
        • still pondering if it’s really a good idea - well if software quality sticks to UNIX principles of K.I.S.S (most do not and have NO IDEA what non-K.I.S.S means for their software-project or company: - it is the difference between: - lost in chaos of complexity = dysfunctionality - vs a lean stream of running smooth software-company - src: https://homepage.cs.uri.edu/~thenry/resources/unix_art/ch01s07.html - plus test-driven development: 100.000 use case checks tested afterwards automatic & semi-automatic & manual - than that probably works (but then that is what needs to be done anyway to ensure good software quality) - plus: maybe a feedback channel that does not de-motivate - always say something positive first - then the critique
        • signal.org is a very cool mobile & desktop messenger (that usually works pretty well) but: - what is already annoying: if updates per program are 100MBytes and more… (always downloads the full thing (signal.org desktop client) no differential updates?)
  • word of advice: never blindly follow “the trends”
    • always think for yourself, “does it make sense”?
      • test it if it works for you, if not, drop it, what’s the point?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects #ci-cd #cd-ci #CICD #CDCI #dev #systems #system #company #developers #developer

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/03/rant-open-source-and-the-concept-of-release-early-release-often-or-publish-early-publish-often-continuous-development-continuous-integration-cd-ci-tight-loops-ok-but-still-linking-to-n/


Rant: Open Source and the concept of: Release early, release often or publish early & publish often -> continuous development/continuous integration (CD/CI) -> tight loops ok but still - linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • why is every developer-user using it?
  • PS: as mankind still ponders and evolves (by making mistakes) how to best deal with computers
    • yes someone said “publish early” & “publish often” (doing this with the blog… also… often too often and too early X-D)
      • or: “Release early, release often” (wiki)
        • “tight feedback loop between developers and testers or users” (wiki) - yeah sure as a developer that might be a good thing, as a user… really doubt it…
      • has this lead to every developer going in the: continuous development/continuous integration direction? (definately sounds like it)
        • it really should be called CD/CI not CI/CD because first comes the development, then the integration (but well hewego: CI/CD@RedHat)
        • still pondering if it’s really a good idea - well if software quality sticks to UNIX principles of K.I.S.S (most do not) - plus test-driven development: 100.000 use case checks tested afterwards automatic & semi-automatic & manual - than that probably works (but then that is what needs to be done anyway to ensure good software quality) - plus: maybe a feedback channel that does not de-motivate - always say something positive first - then the critique
        • signal.org is a very cool mobile & desktop messenger (that usually works pretty well) but: - what is already annoying: if updates per program are 100MBytes and more… (always downloads the full thing (signal.org desktop client) no differential updates?)
  • word of advice: never blindly follow “the trends”
    • always think for yourself, “does it make sense”?
      • test it if it works for you, if not, drop it, what’s the point?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects #ci-cd #cd-ci #CICD #CDCI #dev

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/02/03/rant-open-source-and-the-concept-of-release-early-release-often-or-publish-early-publish-often-continuous-development-continuous-integration-cd-ci-tight-loops-ok-but-still-linking-to-n/


linking to nirvana without redirection & badly written software that everyone uses - another case of - nothing works "ok" - klarer fall von "nichts funktioniert ok"


-> it’s catastrophic, when webpages change their url setup…


because it will result in

“nothing works” “ok”

this does not have nothing to do with luck, but with:

  1. bad url management:
    • wordpress does an pretty good job there, as whenever the user changes the url (more keywords?) it will also redirect from the older past urls to the new url
      • that is how it is SUPPOSED to be for EVERY website of the (not so) “ethernal” part of the internet called www
  2. elastic search seems to be a very very badly written software that does not do any sort of software quality checks?
    • why is everyone using it?

#linux #gnu #gnulinux #opensource #administration #sysops #rant #software #quality #mess #archive #heise #url #urls #redirects

Originally posted at: https://dwaves.de/2022/06/03/linking-to-nirvana-without-redirection-badly-written-software-that-everyone-uses-another-case-of-nothing-works-ok-klarer-fall-von-nichts-funktioniert-ok/


Auf #Heise wird erklärt was bei der #log4j - #Bedrohung zu beachten ist und kommt zu einem schlechten Fazit :(

Siehe: https://www.heise.de/ratgeber/Schutz-vor-schwerwiegender-Log4j-Luecke-was-jetzt-hilft-und-was-nicht-6292961.html

Durchaus guter Artikel bis es im Fazit unten heißt:

Eine Lehre sollte man jedoch bereits jetzt daraus ziehen: Es ist fahrlässig, dass wichtige Infrastruktur-Komponenten wie der wichtigste Logging-Mechanimus der Java-Welt ausschließlich auf den Schultern von freiwilligen, unbezahlten Entwicklern ruhen.

Da muss ich entschieden widersprechen. Fehler entstehen nicht dadurch, dass die Entwickler freiwillig und unbezahlt sind. Eine der größten DDOS-Attacken fand mit einem IoT-Gerät statt, dass kommerzielle Software von bezahlten Entwicklern enthielt: https://www.linux-magazin.de/news/groesste-ddos-attacke-kam-aus-dem-iot/

Umgekehrt würde die Aussage aus dem Fazit bedeuten je mehr ein Manager verdient, um so besser sind seine Entscheidungen. Dass dem nicht so ist haben wir bei Volkswagen und dem Berliner Flughafenbau gesehen.

Somit verkommt das Fazit bei näherer Betrachtung zu einem ungerechtfertigten Angriff auf freie #Software.

Das eigentliche Problem ist mangelndes Sicherheitsverständnis und Qualitätssicherung. Diese wird aber bei freier Software genauso vernachlässigt wie bei kommerzieller Software. Der Markt wird das schon Regeln würde Lindner sagen aber vorher gehen wir alle drauf sobald die Software auch lebenswichtige Bereiche steuert. Warum sollte die Menschheit bei der Softwareentwicklung auch schlauer sein als beim Bewältigen der Klimakrise?

#Aua #Fehler #System #Problem #Frechheit #Sicherheit #Fazit #Zukunft #Menschheit #Politik #Wirtschaft #WTF



#FretterodeProzess #Journalisten #Neonazi #Heise #Waffen #Pressefreiheit


Die Sache mit dem #Neuland:

In jedem Fall gelang es den Sicherheitsforschern mit erschreckend wenig Aufwand, den DAV zu überlisten. Nach dem Upload des Antrags auf einen Gastzugang an einem Sonntagabend erhielten die Forscher schon um 9:50 des darauffolgenden Montagmorgens die Nachricht, die Unterlagen seien "erfolgreich geprüft" worden.

Bei seiner "Überprüfung" scheint der DAV nicht einmal einen Kartendienst oder ein Telefonverzeichnis bemüht zu haben – sonst wäre vermutlich schnell aufgeflogen, dass an der angeblichen Adresse keine Apotheke mit dem angegebenen Namen existiert.

Auch dass Tschirsich und Zilch bei der Erstregistrierung im Pflichtfeld für die Telematik-ID "19 beliebige Ziffern" eingeben konnten, wirft kein gutes Licht auf das Sicherheitsverständnis des DAV. Entweder hatten die Sicherheitsforscher außerordentliches Glück, eine real existierende ID zu erwischen, oder es fehlt auch hier an grundlegenden Verifizierungsschritten.

Apotheken: Wie Sicherheitsforscher das Impfzertifikats-Portal kompromittierten

#Heise #Covid-19 #DAV