


The real battleground of 2024 is emotion
A #conversation with #historian Ruth Ben-Ghiat about why the #authoritarian right is so deft at playing to feeling -- and why pro-democracy leaders must catch up

..."Can those who defend the rule of law and pluralism and economic justice and human rights not only articulate those ideas but also appeal to the more basic human needs to belong, to have anxieties soothed, to have fears answered, to feel hope, or just to feel something at the end of bleak and tedious days?

One of the strange dynamics of the Trump era is that, as the right has become, more and more, a movement of passion more than reason, of emotional appeal more than policy solutions, the political left has, as if to be symmetrical, drifted the other way.

Today’s electoral left is highly cerebral. It is suspicious of the politics of passion. It doesn’t do emotional appeals. It doesn’t have much of a role for music, for the body, for in-person communing in public spaces, for catchy slogans, for arresting visuals. The more Trump becomes a carnival barker, the more it seems leaders on the left embrace coming across like the inoffensive heads of state one sees in many European capitals — people who are working very hard not to be interesting, who seem to associate life force in politics with danger. Today’s left seeks to appeal to human beings through a small sliver of all the ways in which human beings take in the world.

If this were an age defined by big policy questions and little else, that would be one thing. But it is an age defined by Big Feelings. By anxiety and fear and future dread and a great confusion among millions of people about who they will be on the far side of head-spinning change. By the emotional crises of men unsettled by a future of gender equality, and of white people unsettled by a future of racial equality, and of young people who know deep down that their parents love them but wonder why they have left them a burning, doomed planet. By the dour vibes of people who know that, on paper, the economy is good, but who cannot shake the feeling that the American dream is a lie. All around us, people are lost, not sure how to make sense of their place in a world of upheaval. In an era such as this, leaving the politics of emotion, of passion, to aspiring autocrats is a dangerous abdication."...


For this week's Campus Earth Curriculum, we were inspired to share our first #interview with author and #historian #MattEhret of the Rising Tide Foundation from April 2022.
In this timeless, historical deep dive we explore the role of the #Rothschilds (and other nominally Jewish mercenary banking dynasties) within world history and unpack the untold story of the #Khazarian dynasty during the 8-10th century AD. We also discuss the role of the ancient oligarchical families as a parasite class which has an unbroken continuity from ancient Babylon through several phases of empire to the present day.

While enjoying a broader discussion on #human #nature, #world #history and open systems, we focus on the forgotten Christian-Muslim-Confucian-Jewish ecumenical alliance of the 7-9th century and the restoration of this renaissance dynamic in the form of the 15th century Golden Renaissance, 1776 Declaration of Independence, 19th century rise of Manifest Destiny (vs an evil variant) and the current potential arising through the New Silk Road.

Other topics unpacked:
1) How Venice covered up its role in world history and how the oligarchy transplanted itself from Venice into Britain after the failure of the 1509 League of Cambrai
2) Why Andrew Jackson (not Alexander Hamilton) is a traitor and deep state tool who decapitated the most powerful instrument of economic sovereignty by killing the Hamilton's national bank
3) The true reason Hamilton was killed by Rothschild agent Aaron Burr in 1804, and
4) What the Silk Road principle is tapping into as a force of universal progress.

Campus Earth Curriculum #11: The Khazarian Mafia Myth, Silk Road & Carolingian Renaissance


Why we should reject Mark Zuckerberg's dehumanizing vision of a "Metaverse"


"The true path forward is to #reconnect with the #beauty of our #planetary #home and the #natural #world or, in the words of #cultural #historian #MorrisBerman, to “ #re-enchant the world.” We need to somehow, through the seemingly unstoppable momentum of runaway technology, find a way to #return to a way of #living that retains the use of #limited and #intelligent #technology where appropriate without allowing it to run roughshod over the #core #values of #humanity we still #cherish."

#tomvalovic #reject #markzuckerberg's #dehumanizing #vision #metaverse #meta #bigtech #coup #wef #profit #surveillance


A quotation by Taylor, A. J. P.

History is not a catalogue but a version of events … a convincing version of events. If an historian is any good, he is convinced by his own version of events and then tries to put this conviction across.

A. J. P. Taylor (1906-1990) British historian, journalist, broadcaster [Alan John Percivale Taylor]

“The view from Twisden Rd.”, interview by Duncan Fallowell, The Spectator (28 May 1983)

#quotation #quote #conviction #historian #history #perspective #version

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/taylor-ajp/48689/


A quotation by Taylor, A. J. P.

Men write history for the same reason they write poetry, study the properties of numbers, or play football — for the joy of creation; men read history for the same reason they listen to music or watch cricket — for the joy of appreciation.

A. J. P. Taylor (1906-1990) British historian, journalist, broadcaster [Alan John Percivale Taylor]

“The Historian,” Manchester Guardian (5 Aug 1938)

#quotation #quote #creativity #enjoyment #historian #history

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/taylor-ajp/48411/