

On March 25, the #US. went one step further and took #a step toward becoming a #rogue-state who has supplanted #international-law with its #rules-based-order. International law is grounded in the charter system and the United Nations and is universally applicable. The rules-based order is composed of unwritten laws whose source, consent, and legitimacy are unknown. To the global majority, those unwritten laws have the appearance of being invoked when they benefit the U.S. and its partners and not being invoked when they don’t.



#politics #justice #international-law #igh #gaza #israel #germany #weapons-deliveries

Nicaragua files lawsuit against Germany for aiding and abetting genocide

The Nicaraguan government issued a press release on Friday evening (local time) announcing the official filing of a lawsuit against Germany before the International Court of Justice in The Hague for the crime of aiding and abetting genocide:

The Government of Reconciliation and National Unity informs the people of Nicaragua and the international community that it has today filed a complaint before the International Court of Justice against the Federal Republic of Germany for violations of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols; the non-derogable principles of international humanitarian law; and other peremptory norms of general international law with respect to the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly the Gaza Strip. (...)

With all the publicly available news and video footage of the atrocities as they occurred, together with the statements of international officials and the Court's decision of 26 January 2024, Germany can demonstrate its knowledge of the atrocities. January 2024, Germany cannot deny its knowledge of the grave unlawfulness of Israel's conduct, nor can it deny that this knowledge creates obligations for Germany under international law to prevent genocide, not to provide aid or assistance or to be complicit in genocide, and to ensure compliance with the rules of international humanitarian law and other peremptory norms of international law, such as not providing aid or assistance. For example, not to provide aid or assistance and to prevent the illegal apartheid regime and the denial of the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

Germany has supported Israel politically, financially and militarily, although it knew at the time of the authorization that the military equipment would be used to commit serious violations of international law. (...)

Germany is aware of the deadly practical consequences of its decision to cut funding to UNRWA, which amounts to a collective punishment of millions of Palestinians, especially the population of the Gaza Strip, as they are condemned to starvation, starvation and disease if UNRWA ceases its activities.

Faced with this situation, Nicaragua sent a note verbale to Germany on February 2, 2024, in which it called on its government to immediately stop supplying arms, ammunition, technology and/or components to Israel and to remind the country of its obligations under international law. Nicaragua also complained about Germany's decision to suspend funding for UNRWA. Regrettably, the deliveries of military weapons and other supplies that can be used for the injustices committed have neither stopped nor decreased. On the contrary, they have increased and are now contributing to the fact that UNRWA will soon have to cease its activities due to a lack of funds.

Germany continues to ignore its obligations and actively supports Israel's violations of the norms of international law, to the grave and direct detriment of the Palestinian people, especially the residents of Gaza, and the international community. (...)
- https://www.jungewelt.de/artikel/470587.nicaragua-reicht-klage-gegen-deutschland-wegen-beihilfe-zum-v%C3%B6lkermord-ein.html
translation by deepl


“Myrotvorets” (ironically, the word “peacemaker” in Ukrainian) is formally a Ukrainian NGO, but which, in practice, acts as a state department. The group collects data from people considered enemies by the government and indexes it on a large online platform. On its website which is hosted on a NATO’s server, Myrotvorets defines itself as a “Center for Research of Signs of #Crimes against the #National #Security of #Ukraine, #Peace, #Humanity, and the #International-Law”, which provides “information for law enforcement authorities and special services about pro-Russian terrorists, separatists, mercenaries, war criminals, and murderers”.

What makes the site extremely dangerous is not merely listing people who supposedly “should die”, but the fact that the Kiev regime actually uses the information given by the organization to persecute and #kill those listed. Murders such as that of Daria Dugina, who was included on the site, show that Kiev is really trying to fulfill the objective of eliminating all those who are identified by Myrotvorets as “criminals”. Also, when #a #listed #person dies, the site updates its section by putting the word “liquidated” in the victim’s name.

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