

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Ashtiani: "The Iranian-Iraqi security agreement to disarm terrorists and expel them from the Kurdistan region will not be extended."

"We will evaluate the implementation status of the agreement with Iraq at the last minute and make a decision based on it." he added.

#Iran #Iraq #kurdistan #politics


Over 30 years ago, Iranian air force performed ab operation that upuntil today is seen as the most daring military operation in history.

At the height of Iraq invasion of Iran, Iraqi had the upper hand in the sky despite the fact that Iranian air force had better equipments and planes, the lack of spare parts and strong Iraqi air defense using Soviet made anti aircraft missiles and artillery as well as Italian and British systems were making it hard for Iran to push Iraq out of the large areas they had captured during the first 3 months of the invasion.

In a daring suggestion, the air force decided to attack the Iraqi main air force located at the border of the country with Syria.

The 2800km flight involving almost entire Iranian air force, including 2 4 tankers started in Hamedan airfield, with refilling of the planes over Azerbaijan, then fly over Iraq at low altitude refule once again inside Iraq and attack the Iraqi field Al-Valeed code named H-3, destroying 20 MIG planes and damaging 10 more plus massive damages to the missiles and air defense storage facilities that were not protected at all since Iraq didn't imagine to have them targeted.

After the operation, Saddam who was infuriated by the failure of his military to detect, intercept and destroy any of the planes involved in the operation, ordered the execution of head of the team and 5 others and imprisoned 20 others staff of the air fileld.

IRI claims that they destroyed 48 Mig-21s and damaging 20 more, but there haa never been any verified report to back those claims.

The attack were the turning point for Iraqi military who later turned to France to purchase Mirage F1 planes as well as Italian attack helicopters and French and British air to sea and air to surface missiles.

The operation involved 4 refueling operations, 2 of them over Iraqi air.

#Iran #Iraq #Saddam #Military IraqIranWar #Airforce #History #Politics


Iranian forces continue to concentrate on the border with Iraqi Kurdistan.

A constant flow of heavy military equipment of the IRGC to the border with Iraqi Kurdistan, as Iran's ultimatum expiry approaches

In the video above, we see trucks, towed artillery, MLRS, IFVs, and even main battle tanks being sent to Iran's North Western border.

The Iranian ultimatum to Kurdish groups expires in six days, on Tuesday the 19th of September.

#Iran #Iraq #Kurdistan #IRGC #Military #politics


Hope through music: Iraq’s Kurdish region holds first musical festival

To Iraq now, where People's Melody marks the first regional music festival held in the semi-autonomous Kurdish region.The event brings together bands and sin...#ArtsandCulture #Iraq #Iraqmusic #IraqsKurdishregion #Kurdishregion #Kurds #Kurishmusic #Music #PeoplesMelody #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeera #aljazeeraenglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeranews #aljazeeracom #firstregionalmusicfestival #folkmusic #messagesofpeaceandcoexistence #musicalfestival
Hope through music: Iraq’s Kurdish region holds first musical festival


Why is the Shalamcheh-Basra railroad so important to Iran and Iraq?

the battle to liberate Shalamcheh was one of the bloodiest batles during the early days of Iraq invasion of Iran, the fact that Iran is building a railroad (no Iraq is not helping much there, despite their much talk). Because it is in Iran's interest to use the new connection to the rest of Iranian railroad system that is in really bad shape and need massive amount of money to modernize it, in order to be able to be part of the new Silk Road, to be ale to bypass the US sanctions and connect Russia and China to Arab countries without having Azerbaijan or Turkey involved.

#Railroad #Iran #Iraq #Economy #Politics #Russia #China



The number of "pilgrims" walking from different parts of #Iran towards #Karbala in #Iraq has passed 3.8 million people.

The number of people killed during this unbelievable level of madness has passed 50 and yesterday's temperature of Karbala was 48°C

The number keeps growing as those who take busses and planes are not included in this.

#relugion.#massstupidity #Idiocracy #Ashoora #Shia


Iranian telegram channels sharing some gruesome videos recently found where ISIS troops cut open the chest of an IRGC commander in Iraq back in 2009-2010

In another video they shared a large number (over 300) POWs and Iraqi Shia civiliansshot at while in a dug out hole then covered with dirt while many of those people were still alive.

#ISIS #iraq #Iran #History #Politics


In a country where almost 1/3rd of population living under poverty line, over 2 million 700 thousand "pilgrims" passed through Iran - Iraq borders in the past 2 weeks!

It's just another proof of the power of religion and how brainwashed those people are!

So far over 30 people verified dead and the number going to increase in the coming days.

The sad part is that there are people who think this regime can be toppled with the actions of a few young people....

#iran #iraq #religion #politics #idiocracy


Unbelievable show of madness!

More than a million people are walking in 40+ heat between Karbala and Najaf by foot, the number of people falling sick is extremely large, but it doesn't stop this religious fanatics from walking this deadly march.

The number of people dying is increasing by the hour, but it doesn't stop them from ending this madness.

The organizers and religious leaders are now asking people to rest during the days and walk at nights.

#Religion #Iran #Iraq #idiocracy #pilgrimage #Iraq


Poor kid can barely walk, but covered with stupid Hijab she is walking in 40+ degrees heat with her parents to celebrate "Arbaeen".

So fare, over 30 Iranian "pilgrims" have died during their march in Iraq and the number is going to increase in the coming days.

Iranian officials say that some 2.5 million people have left Iran for rhis ridiculous ceremony and pilgrimage that is to walk the distance the family members of Shia second zimam were forced to do after the "battle" in Karbala 1400 years ago.

More than a million people have traveled to Iraq using the 0% loan offered by the government to people who take the walk!

#Iran #Religion #Idiocracy #Iraq #AntiTheist

PS. Wearing Hijab is not required for girls younger than 8. But these stupid fanatics cover their kids like they are adults.


A French Air Force CPA 10 paratrooper, identified as Sgt. Nicolas Mazier, was killed in action after his unit was ambushed by a #Daesh terrorist cell during a reconnaissance operation in support of Iraqi counterterrorism forces in #Kirkuk, northern #Iraq.

According to official reports, 4 French paratrooper commandos and 3 members of the Iraqi anti-terrorist forces were also wounded during the firefight, which lasted up to 5 hours.



Unconfirmed reports of three French soldiers wounded and one kidnapped following an ambush by militants in Kirkuk province, northern Iraq.

The circumstances of the incident are unknown.

#iraq #France


They want us to forget this.

Their lives and their misery doesn't matter, it never did.

They are the voiceless people, born in the same country and wrong religion and had the wrong skin color for people to care and remember them.
PS. Remember the Ukrainian volunteers who joyfully helped invade and ravage Iraq?

#politics #iraq #invasion #Neverforget #US #NATO


The ultimate mass hysteria going on in iran!

For some strange reason, this year "Arbaeen" seems to be a much bigger event than previous years.

More than 100 thousands people from Iran are taking themselves by train, bus, car and by foot towards "Karbala" in Iraq.

The unbelievable show of madness in temperatures between 42 and 47°C, men women and children are walking towards a place where 3rd imam of Shia. The grandson of Muslim prophet and 71 members of his family and followers were killed by a significantly larger army of Muslim khaliphat (that later became the Sunni sect of Islam).

It's just sad and upsetting to see this level of madness in 2023 of people who can barely afford their daily living, spending multiple times their annual income to be part of this mass hysteria pilgrimage.

Many have already "martyred" during this holy pilgrimage and many more will do in coming days.

#islam #iran #Arbaeen #Karbala #masshysteria #Aashoora #Shia #Sunni #Religion #Idiocracy #Iraq


Russian air force performed multiple airstrikes against positions controlled by AlNusra front and their #weapon storage facilities last night.

Different sources say that #Russia used theemo baring munitions agai #Al-Nusra militant positions west of #Idlib all through the night.

No reports of death or injured has been available at the moment.

These attacks was said to be retaliation again recent #ISIS attacks against military and civilians in #Syria.

This comes at the same time, Americans seems to be sending massive amounts of heavy equipment to their bases in Syria, via #Iraq.

#Politics #Breaking


Multiple eyewitness reports from Iraq showing movement of tanks and armored vehicles towards Syria and US basesein #Iraq.

Above that, some 20 helicopters were seen moving forward n and out of this US embassy in #Baghdad.

This is on top of the 2500 troops #Biden has ordered to be sent to Iraq and #Syria.

Some reports mention US preparing for a military confrontation with the Russian troops in Syria, others say that the reinforcement is part of the Biden's plan to confront Iran that is trying to disrupt the US theft of Syrian oil in the past few days.

Last week, #Qaani, the commander of #IRGC task force who replaced General #Soleimani, the assassinated leader of the group by the order of #Trump almost 3,5 years ago. Qaani seems to have talked with various Shia militia in Iraq asking them to stop provoking Americans to prevent US using that as an excuse to attack Syria and Iran in coordition with #Israel.

#Russia #Politics #Militarism #GoodOccupation