

The #NATO mission in #Iraq states that they are expanding the number of #advisors, and they will also strengthen the Ministry of Interior, Defense, and Federal Police, all of this came at the request of the Iraqi side.

Keep in mind that the recent prime minister of Iraq stated that the presence of foreign troops are not needed anymore, however there have been flights of American troops to Iraq after that statement.

Repeat after me : NATO is against illegal occupations and is a source of peace in this world /sarcasm

#politics #GoodOccupation


Iraqi leaders: American forces are preparing to clean the border area between Iraq and Syria, and will carry out attacks against pro-Iranian groups.

Freaking Biden and his mad dogs at Pentagon really trying to start a war with Iran.

And the disgusting hypocrites in Europe don't dare to say anything about it and I'm sure they will be more than happy to participate and help this unholy alliance of #Israel and #Penfagon

#Syria #Iraq #Biden #Pentagon #politics #Roadtowar #WTAF



Religious stupidity has no limit!

Arbain (40th in Arabic) is one of the major events in Sia Islam.

Arbaeen (Arabic: الأربعين, romanized: al-Arba‘īn, lit. 'fortieth'), Chehellom (Persian: چهلم, "the fortieth day") is a Shia religious observance that occurs forty days after the Day of Ashura. It commemorates the martyrdom of Al-Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of Muhammad, who was martyred on the 10th day of the month of Muharram. Imam Hussain ibn Ali and 71 of his companions were martyred by Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad's army under the governance of Yazid I in the Battle of Karbala in 61 AH (680 CE).

The lunacy of religious fanatics and even ordinary Shia muslims become a show of madness, self mutilation and self harm in "respect" to the 4th imam of Shia and the son of prophet Muhammad who died (supposedly) with 72 of his supporters in the city of Karbala by the forces of Sunni leadership of Islamic Caliphate who saw themselves as legitimate leaders of the Muslim world and The Shia as the Persian influenced infidels who wanted to put royalty I to Islam in the name of blood based leadership of Shia Imamas.

Ever since I was a kid. I had a love, hate relationship with these events, love because it was an excellent moment to run around and get free food, candy, rose water juice and lemonade while watching the adults hit themselves bloody and cry like toddlers for a man who died over 1300 years ago. A man who probably hated Iran and Iranians as much as the rest of those barbarian Arab invaders and wouldn't have hesitated to slaughter Iranians ISIS style in the name of spreading their religion of peace.

This year, over 600k Iranians have signed up to visit Karbala, with over 100k bellow the age of 18. Each of them going to spend a significant amount of money for travel and food among other things while millions in Iran living bellow the line of poverty, young boys and girls live on the streets, being physically and sexually abused by older men (many of them true believers) and drug addiction is at astronomical level in the country.

On top of everything, Iran is seeing a new form of desperation, dumping the older family members, the sick and mentally ill in the parks, under bridges and in some cases even murder. Something that was unheard of (or extremely rare) in the days before the revolution that promised us to create a classless and just Islamic government where fuel, electricity and rent would be free and each citizen would receive a portion of the sale of oil and natural gas.

Instead over 8 million Iranians are in exile, some 30 millions can't afford 3xneala a day and 1000a commit suicide every month where they no longer can live under such conditions and even worse, the number of murder suicide has increased to a level that the IRI media is no longer reporting them.

#Iran #Religion #Shia #Ashura #Iraq #Karbala #Arbaeein #Idiocracy #Poverry #Tragedy

PS. Image of a caravan of religious believers walking from southern Iran towards central Iraq to "celebrate" Imam Hussein's martyrdom some 1400 years ago.


Abdullah Öcalan

Connu sous le surnom d'Apo («oncle» en kurde), il onde en 1978 le Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan (PKK), sur la base d'un programme revendiquant un Kurdistan unifié, indépendant et socialiste. Au cours des années 1990, il abandonne ses revendications maximalistes, donnant désormais la priorité à une solution politique, pacifique et démocratique à la question kurde.

Öcalan est arrêté le 15 février 1999 et emprisonné en Turquie, où il est condamné à la peine de mort pour terrorisme. La sentence n'est cependant pas mise à exécution, le pays abolissant la peine capitale en 2002. Sa peine est alors commuée en prison en vie ; il est détenu sur l'île d'İmralı. En 2008, ses avocats et Amnesty International dénoncent des tortures à son encontre par les gardiens.

Théorisant une société fédéraliste et communaliste en dehors des structures étatiques, où démocratie directe, écologisme et féminisme sont liés. Elle est mise en pratique, depuis la guerre civile syrienne, au Rojava, région kurde autonome de la Syrie.

Ses textes traduits en francais :

#anarchie #anarchisme #kurdistan #rojava #autonome #ocalan #socialiste #socialisme #turquie #syrie #iraq #iran #pkk #démocratie #torture #prison #fédéralisme #communalisme #communisme #communiste #politique #hiérarchie #maximalisme #feminisme #féminisme #feministe #féministe


#Iraq expels Swedish ambassador over planned #Quran burning by an Assyrian Iraqi

— "Iraq on Thursday ordered the expulsion of the Swedish ambassador from its territory amid anger over a planned Quran burning in #Stockholm.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani "directed the Foreign Ministry to request the Swedish ambassador to Baghdad to leave the Iraqi territory in response to the Swedish government's repeated permission of burning the Holy Quran," according to a tweet from his media office.

Iraq also suspended the operating license of Swedish telecom giant Ericsson, according to the country's state news agency INA.

Swedish news agency TT reported on Wednesday that police granted an application for a public meeting outside the Iraqi embassy in the capital of Stockholm on Thursday.
The application says an individual seeks to set the Quran and the Iraqi flag alight, TT reported."
#Sweden #Politics


In the midst of a brutal conflict in #Ukraine, two of the world’s financial titans, #BlackRock and #JPMorgan Chase, are seemingly leading the charge in an ostensible #humanitarian effort. They are helping to establish the Ukraine Development Fund, a reconstruction bank designed to steer public seed capital into projects that can attract hundreds of billions of dollars in private investment. However, as those who are familiar with the words of Gen. Smedley Butler might ask, is this #really an #altruistic endeavor, or just another face of the long-standing war racket?

The echoes of Halliburton’s billion-dollar contracts during the #Iraq war are deafening. These corporations, the backbone of the military-industrial complex, have found a golden opportunity in mass #murder. The strategy is as lucrative as it is grotesque: #profiteering from death, destruction, and then the subsequent #taxpayer-funded #reconstruction of the rubble they helped to create — all while maintaining a veneer of benevolence.

When we delve into the intricacies of the Ukraine Development Fund, the disturbing reality begins to surface. The World Bank estimates that Ukraine would need a whopping $411 billion to rebuild after the war. Here, BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase see a bountiful harvest. The roles they will play in leveraging taxpayer funds provide them with the potential for #astronomical #profits that would easily dwarf any of their alleged “donated” services.



### From the right wing Telegram channel: BREAKING: At the request of the Iranian government, the Albanian police raided camp #Ashraf 3, the headquarters of exiled Iranian terrorist party MKO

The #MKO, the Iranian "People's Mujahideen" group, has been headquartered in #Albania since its exile from àIran and #Iraq.

According to the organization, over 1000 police officers raided the camp and arrested its members, with several being wounded and one person being killed.



In another news, the headquarter and training camp oc the MKO of Iran in Albenia was raided by the police in an unusual and brutal way that led to the death of one of the senior members of the group and injury of many more with 7 in critical condition.

The head of MKO posted this tweet blaming the western governments trying to please Iran by attacking the "protected" camp of the organization, that was built under Obama in Albenia after he made an agreement with the group, Iraqi and Kurdish authorities to close the "Camp Ashraf 2" from Iraqi Kurdistan.

In the last 2 years of Camp Ashraf 2 in Iraq, the group came under constant attacks by Shia militia and other Iraqis who saw them as security risk and some people even blame the group for helping ISIS in the early days of their movements with weapons and money to attack Iran backed groups and interests.

The Albanian site has been a source of contraversy as many parents of young girls and boys kept in the "camp" claimed that their children were lured into the camp and have no rights to move freely of leave the organization once they joned.

Several members of the groups who managed to "flee" the camp mention systematic Pol Pot like indoctrination, total separation of female and male members, including those married and strong rules against sexual relationship and having children among mostly middle-aged but also some in their 20s and 30s.

The reports from #Albenia claims that they wenr in to "free some hostages" and put and end to ongoing cyber attacks and troll factories driven systematically by the group on social media where some members reported to have over 30 fake accounts on #Facebook, #Reddit, #Twitter and #Instagram.

The other sources say that it comes after mounting pressure from Iranian government on the Albenians to close the camp and deport the #MKO members from the country.

#CanpAshraf3 #Mujahedin #Rajavi #Iran #IRI ##Europe #Terrorism #CyberAttack #TrollFactory #IranianOpposition #Iranpolitics #Police #EU #Obama #Iraq #Kurdistan


Head of IRGC in Iran reported that during the ongoing military operation against the "anti revolutionary and bandits" in Kurdistan province, some 24 members of the group were killed and more than 170 were injured.

In another news they have said that several members of IRGC (mostly young men doing their compulsory service with them) and at least one commander were killed but no news of the injured has been shared with the media.

This comes at the same time as the government of the Iraqi Kurdistan has ordered all Iranian opposition groups to move out of their camps close to Iranian borders and "to stop using Iraq as safe heaven for launching attack against Iran".

At the same time, the Turkish army has escalated their artillery, rocket and missile attacks against Kurdish locations in Northern #Syria and Iraq.

#Iran #Kurdistan #Iraq #IRGC #Conflict #Politics #Turkey


The so-called “thunder run” of the 3rd Infantry Division was only possible because:
* “shock & awe” SEAD
* massive air assaults by over 1800 aircraft
* extensive bombing of Bagdad itself
* complete lack of effective resistance from the Iraqis, who had been massacred in places like the Highway of Death, as they attempted to flee.

#Iraq. The Highway of #Death


just read it and think how f-ed our world is : #Iraq gets #US green light to pay $2.76bn gas bill to #Iran | The release of the funds comes amid reports that #Washington and #Tehran have held indirect talks in #Oman to 'deescalate tensions' | June 10 2023:

"The Iran-Iraq Joint Chamber of Commerce Chairman, Yahya Al-e Eshaq, announced on 10 June that Iraq has released $2.76 billion worth of Iranian funds in gas export money owed by #Baghdad.

#Iraq received a #sanctions waiver from the #US to make the payment.

According to an unnamed foreign ministry official that spoke with #Reuters, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein got the clearance to make the payment from US State Secretary Antony #Blinken on the sidelines of the #Riyadh Conference on Thursday."


A high ranking undercover Mosad agent's death in Italy has caused a shockwave across the intelligence communities.

The unnamed Mosad agent died under suspicious circumstances on a boat off the coast of Italy.

At first it was said that he died of an accident but later when a second Mosad agent was flown back to Israel the news start coming out about his mission in Italy and the fact that his cover was blown and his death was no accident.

The body of the agent was flown to Israel and he was buried under heavy security to protect his ireal dentify and his family to prevent any future exposure.

There has been many speculations surrounding his death. But so far ww know that he was the head of an Israeli team working in Europe and mostly Italy to prevent sales of high tech equipment to Iran and to disrupt any attempt by Iranian agents to purchase electronics, composite plastic and machine parts that could be used in production of Iranian drones such as Shahed aeries and other more advanced units.

He and possibly 3 others were killed when the boat they were using for a secret meeting was targeted by unknown assassin's.

Some compare his death to assassination of General Soleimani by Trump in Baghdad back in January 3rd 2020.

He said to be the highest ranking Mosad agent ever killed outside Israel. His death and exposure of his team's activities is a major blow to Netanyahu and his far right coalition government.

#Iran #Mosad #Spies #Italy #Politics #Israel #Drones #Technology #Soleimani #Trump #Biden #Assasination #Iraq


The head of American CENTCOM is in a meeting with Israeli joint chief of military to coordinate the "strategic common interests of the 2 nations" during the planned military exercise of the 2 countries!

Reading between the lines means that they are coordinating Israeli action to play the role of ISIS air force while Americans look the other way and their plans to help each other to attack Iranian military and nuclear research facilities in the coming months.

The chatters on various closed groups says that Israel has already bombed 2 sites in Iran. One in Urmieh close to Azerbaijan and one in Kermanshah close to Iraqi border. Both using drones or stealth fighter jets.

#CENTCOM #Politics #Israel #Iran #US #Syria #Military #Azerbaijan #Kurdistan #ISIS #Hezbollah #Lebanom #Iraq
