

Have you ever wondered why Isis never attacked Israel ?

Reviving ISIS: A US weapon against the Resistance Axis

Iraqi security sources are warning of an #ISIS revival in the country, which coincides all too neatly with the spike in Iraqi resistance operations against #US bases in #Iraq and #Syria, and with widening regional instability caused by #Israel's military assault on #Gaza.

More than six years after declaring victory over the terrorist organization, Iraqi intelligence reports now indicate that thousands of ISIS fighters are emerging unscathed, under the protection of US forces in two regions of western Iraq.

Full article: https://thecradle.co/articles-id/19089


#Iran IRGC general Major General Salami: We do not leave any threat unanswered

Sometimes enemies make threats and even these days we hear some threats from the words of American officials, we tell them that you have tested us and we know each other, we do not leave any threat unanswered.

We are not looking for war, but we are not afraid of war, and this is the truth that is going on in our society.

The sword of Jihad is the guarantor of our honor, we are not belligerents, but we defend ourselves and our glory.

#Politics #Military #Biden #Iraq #Syria #Jordan #Military


"USA is saying it was their Jordan outpost Tower 22 that was hit, while Amman and Iraqi Resistance said it was in Syria. Why is there a contradiction here?"

Professor Seyed Mohammad Marandi: "The Americans want to save themselves from the embarrassment that they occupy one third of Syria."

PS. I made an exception sharing RT this time, because no one else seems to be interested in telling the other side of the story.
Video shared on telegram channel.

#Iran #Syria #Jordan sUS #Occupation #Iraq #DroneSrrike #Biden #StopTheLies #StopTheWar #PeaceNow #NoWarForIarael #Genocide #Gaza


Biden's about to take the most consequential decision of his Presidency

🔶️ He wants to punish the perpetrators of the attack and deter Iran from its actions in the region. But doing so could put the US into direct confrontation with the leadership in Tehran, which has already been emboldened in the region since the #Hamas attack, launching attacks in Iraq and Pakistan.

🔶️ He must also weigh the potential for further economic upheaval as the US contends with Houthi militants - another Iranian proxy - that has roiled global shipping and sparked fears of fresh economic turmoil by targeting commercial ships in the #RedSea, which accounts for 12% of global trade.

🔶️ “The Biden administration is going to have to tread a very delicate line in trying to respond forcefully enough to restore some modicum of deterrence so this doesn’t happen again, while not undertaking a response that escalates the conflict,” said Jonathan Panikoff, director of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft #MiddleEast #Security Initiative and former deputy national intelligence officer at the National Intelligence Council.

#US #Syria #Iraq #Occupation #Biden #Iran #Yemen #Politics #Gaza #Israel #Military #Conflict #Iraq #Pakistan #



Blinken: The presence of our forces in Iraq and Syria has nothing to do with Gaza and the conflict there.

Don't you just love these adorable "not republicans" in the US government these days?

It's not like during Trump when "some" Americans would stand up and complain about these outrageous lies, but the ones protesting today are a handful of non partisans who are not self muzzled by party loyalty and fear of Israeli lobby.

#Iraq #Syria #Invasion


WATCH🚨- Senator Joe #Biden aggressively advocates for bombing 12-year-old Novak Djokovic.

Biden strongly supported bombing #Yugoslavia in #1999 without United Nations approval.

#Djokovic, who was 12 at the time, remembers how scary it was when Biden's bombs hit his home.

"My dad was carrying my brothers, and my mom was running with stuff, and I slipped, and I fell."

"As I turned around, I looked over the building, and I saw these stealth planes just flying and dropping things, and the ground was shaking."

"That's one of the most traumatic experiences and images in my childhood that stayed with me to this day."

In 1999, #NATO bombed Yugoslavia for 78 days without approval from the United Nations, dropping more than 28,000 bombs, including depleted uranium and cluster munitions, killing over 2000 civilians and displacing more than 250,000 people.

#NATO destroyed:
-25,000 residential buildings
-595 kilometers railroads
-470 kilometers roads
-44 bridges
-14 airports
-19 hospitals
-69 schools
-18 kindergartens
-176 cultural monuments

Senator Joe Biden criticized NATO for not being ruthless enough and suggested a harsher "Japanese German-style occupation."

If you look at every modern American war or conflict, from Yugoslavia to #Iraq, #Afghanistan, #Libya, #Syria, #Yemen, #Ukraine, or #Gaza, you'll find President Joe Biden's bloody fingerprints directly involved in increasing the bloodshed.

Supporting Joe Biden means supporting a never-ending cycle of war and a continuous flow of bloodshed.

#GenocideJoe #US-Israel


CNN has reported that the United States and Iraq will begin discussing US withdrawal from Iraq.

21 years of criminal occupation and mass murder of innocent Iraqis coming to an end.

The Biden Administration is reportedly considering a withdrawal from Syria as well.

Oh no, he is going to end the occupation that wasn't an occupation.?

I'm sure many American liberals and conservatives alike will be upset.

#Iraq #Syria #Biden #Occupation #Military #Politics



⚡ 🇺🇸 Pentagon:

"We are leaving #Iraq"

The head of the Pentagon confirmed that the US will start negotiations in the coming days to replace the "coalition military presence" in Iraq with "bilateral cooperation".

As early as 2020, the Iraqi authorities demanded that all foreign troops leave the country's territory, immediately.

Megatron: This decision was made because US bases are constantly attacked by Islamic organizations. The US has weak logistics in Iraq and Syria and cannot protect its bases if Islamic organizations decide to escalate. But this is a big blow for the US and will drastically reduce its influence in the region at the expense of Iran, which is becoming more powerful and influential.




A large portion of Ayn Al-Assad base was severely damaged, with reports of several injuries

Iraqi sources say that the attack was carried out with a barrage of approximately 40 BM-21 'Grad' 122mm rockets.

According to Reuters Injuries were reported among U.S. military personnel after rocket barrage.

U.S. Officials confirm that two soldiers were injured and suffered 'traumatic brain injuries' after today's attack

#AynAlAssad #US #Iraq #Military #Occupation #Politics #BM21Rockets


Yemeni war analyst Rashid Maarouf on X:

🔶️ "Today there is a huge and unprecedented alert by the #Houthis and they have transferred large naval weapons to the #RedSea, missiles, sea mines and explosive boats. It seems that they are preparing for a major event and it is expected that a major naval battle will take place in the coming days as a result of the recent escalation between #Iran and America in #Iraq and the assassination of senior Iranian leaders in #Syria. And #Yemen."

#US #Biden #Politics


"The #Biden Administration has reportedly now Agreed with U.S. Defense Officials of the need for a Large-Scale Sustained Military Operation against the #Houthi Terrorist Group in Western #Yemen, following 10 Days of Missile and Airstrikes which have Failed to End the Houthi’s Attacks on Commercial Shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden; Officials have stated that they do not expect for the Operation to Drag-On for Years like previous Wars in #Iraq or #Afghanistan, but that they will not have a End Date set for the Operation."

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#Politics #RedSea #TheRedSea