

Heaviest missile attacks against American occupation forces in Iraq happened in the past 48h

The Iraqi resistance is targeting American bases with home made rockets that where intercepted with Patriot missiles.

Each of Iraqi rockets cost between $2k and $4k, the total price of 40 rockets are in the range of $24k-$48k.

Patriot missiles costis about $2M-$4.1M and in total US used about $150M worth of patriot missiles to intercept $50k worth of Iraqi resistance missiles. They didn't even manage to intercept all the incoming missiles and officially 2 US soldiers were injured and some more received "shock injuries" (another way of hiding the number of injured soldiers I guess).

Price information from this article:

the latest version missile interceptors cost about $4.1 million apiece. Earlier generation missiles cost about half that.

Keeping this up going to cost a lot for US as Iran haa provided not only the missiles, but also know-how to create them locally using water pipes and metal cans.

Maybe it's time for US to end the occupation of Iraq and Syria and put an end to 21 yeara of criminal operations in those countries.
PS. Image of a failed American Patriot missile from Iraq

#Iraq #US #Missilies #PatriotMissile #Invasion #Politics #Military


An American MQ9 drone was downed in Iraq which was flying close to border with Iran.

Drone took off from the Ali Al-Salem base in Kuwait at around four in the afternoon, arrived in Muqdadiya at six-thirty in the evening, and was shot down at six and forty-five minutes. No one has claimed responsibility of attack till now.

#Iraq #Iran #MQ9 #Military #Politics #Occupation


Iraqi militia forces shot down an American MQ-9 Reaper drone near Baghdad.

Pro-Iranian militias have claimed responsibility for downing the reconnaissance drone, as reported by local media. It is stated that the UAV took off from Kuwait.

Video shared on telegram channel.

#iraq #us #military #drones #politics


Gaza – A Brutal Demonstration Of ‘Western Values’

Media Lens

‘I find Westerners in general, and Europeans in particular, extremely indoctrinated and obsessed with perceptions of their own uniqueness. Many see themselves as chosen people, after going through a one-sided education and after relying on their media outlets, without studying alternative sources.’
André Vltchek, Soviet-born US political writer, 1963-2020.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of Palestinian girl wit painted face
Displaced children having their faces painted ahead of New Year celebrations at an UNRWA school in Deir al-Balah, Gaza, 28 December, 2023. (Omar Ashtawy APA images)

On 20 March 2006, on the third anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq, BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall declared on the Six O’Clock News:

‘There’s still bitter disagreement over invading Iraq. Was it justified or a disastrous miscalculation?’

The supposed ‘justification’ claimed by Prime Minister Tony Blair was the ‘serious and current threat’ posed by Iraq’s alleged weapons of mass destruction. The BBC’s false notion of ‘balance’ was to present ‘disastrous miscalculation’ as the counterargument. In fact, as we detailed at the time in media alerts and in our books, the invasion was considered by many legal experts to be a ‘war of aggression’, the ‘supreme international crime’ as judged by the standards of the post-WW2 Nuremberg trials. (...)

But such narrative control is an endemic feature of state-corporate media, wrongly labelled ‘mainstream’. It is a fundamental requirement of political journalists and editors that they magically transform the crimes of ‘our’ governments into ‘miscalculations’, ‘mistakes’ or ‘misguided’ attempts to do good. (...)

Noam Chomsky succinctly explained the ideological underpinning of ‘mainstream’ news coverage:

‘In discussion of international relations, the fundamental principle is that “we are good” – “we” being the government, on the totalitarian principle that state and people are one. “We” are benevolent, seeking peace and justice, though there may be errors in practice. “We” are foiled by villains who can’t rise to our exalted level.’
(Chomsky, ‘Interventions’, Penguin Books, London, 2007, p.101). (...)

[J]ournalists can be relied upon to perform the necessary whitewashing: the Gulf War in 1990-91, Nato’s bombing of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, Iraq sanctions from 1990-2003, the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, the destruction of Libya in 2011, the US-sponsored toppling of the Ukrainian government in 2014, US-Nato air strikes against Syria, participation in the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen, and now the attacks on ‘Iran-backed’ Houthi rebels. (Of course, convention decrees that the Houthi are always described as ‘Iran-backed’, whereas Israeli forces are not routinely labelled ‘US-backed’.) (...)

In several powerful books, based on careful research of formerly secret UK government documents, historian Mark Curtis, co-founder of Declassified UK, has laid bare the motivations and reality of British foreign policy. Ethical concerns and morality are notable in these internal state records by their absence. (...)

[T]he major source of international terrorism is the West, notably the United States, supported by its ‘special relationship’ ally, the UK. Curtis wrote:

(...) Yet state-sponsored terrorism is by far the most serious category of terrorism in the world today, responsible for far more deaths in many more countries than the “private” terrorism of groups like Al Qaida.
(Curtis, ‘Web of Deceit: Britain’s Real Role in the World’, Vintage, London, 2003, p. 94.)

The Financial Times reported last October:

‘Western support for Israel’s assault on Gaza has poisoned efforts to build consensus with significant developing countries on condemning Russia’s war against Ukraine, officials and diplomats have warned.’ (...)

The senior G7 diplomat added:

‘What we said about Ukraine has to apply to Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility. The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?’

Why indeed. (...)

Last week, South Africa presented a detailed 84-page submission to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) – essentially the UN’s global law court – arguing that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. (...)

The South African legal team showed ample evidence of Israeli genocidal acts in Gaza, as well as the stated intention to commit genocide, indicated in public statements by numerous senior Israeli political and military leaders. (...)

Around 24,000 people have been killed in Gaza since 7 October last year, including over 10,300 children and 7,100 women. There may be another 7,000 buried under the rubble. (...)

According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, by the end of 2023, 1.9 million people – nearly 85 per cent of the total population of Gaza – had been internally displaced under Israel’s attacks. (...)

Jonathan Cook noted that the West is now standing in the dock alongside Israel at the ICJ:

‘Israel expects support from western capitals because they have nearly as much to fear from a verdict against Israel as Israel itself. They have staunchly backed the killing spree, with the US and UK, in particular, sending weapons that are being used against the people of Gaza, making both potentially complicit.’ (...)

Israel’s most brutal assault in Gaza’s history is a continuation of its long war of oppression against the Palestinians. (...)

[The political writer Caitlin Johnstone] explained:

‘The demolition of Gaza is indeed being perpetrated in defense of western values, and is itself a perfect embodiment of western values. Not the western values they teach you about in school, but the hidden ones they don’t want you to look at.’ (...)

‘What we are seeing in Gaza is a much better representation of what western civilization is really about than all the gibberish about freedom and democracy we learned about in school.’

True to form, Washington is doing its utmost to protect Israel. During a press briefing, US national security spokesman John Kirby told reporters:

‘South Africa’s lawsuit against Israel is “meritless, counterproductive and completely without any basis in fact whatsoever”.’

Interviewed by Andrew Napolitano, a former judge and law professor, Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University responded to Kirby’s dismissive remark:

‘I just wish there were grown-ups in power. Grown-ups who are responsible, who are honest, who are decent, who would read an 84-page detailed complaint and give a serious answer, rather than a one-sentence smack-off like that.’

He added:

‘I wish, at the same time, that the White House press corps would follow up more seriously. (...)

‘Why don’t the journalists do their job, rather than feeding us the propaganda from the White House? They should be questioning the propaganda. (...)

Media academics have analysed Israel-Palestine coverage and found that Palestinian perspectives are given ‘far less time and legitimacy’ than Israeli views in the British media. (...)

‘The Palestinian perspective is effectively absent from the coverage, in how they understand the reasons for the conflict and the nature of the occupation under which they are living.’ (...)

We should all reject the output of ‘the powerful opinion-forming corporations’ and look elsewhere, to those internet oases of real journalism, in order to understand the world and to radically change it for the better.

Complete article

Tags: #human_rights #russia #ukraine #iraq #invasion #sovereignty #gaza #palestine #palestinians #israel #occupied_teritories #genocide #war_of_agression #media #journalism #journalist #media_bias #news #press #corporate_media #mainstream_media #msm #bbc #the_guardian


Auto translated from semi official IRGC paper in Iran: Recent information has emerged regarding the attack on the Mossad headquarters located in Northern Iraq. This particular headquarters, disguised as a villa, was known to be the third most fortified Mossad base in the region. The attack, executed by the IRGC, demonstrated remarkable precision and intelligence, notably occurring during a high-level meeting at the site.

The incident resulted in the loss of four senior Mossad officials, who were present at the meeting. Peshraw Dizayee was also among those killed during the strikes on the headquarters.

#Iran #Iraq #IRGC #MissileStrike #Mozsad #Israel #VallisticMissile #Kurdistan #Terrorism


Unconfirmed: head of Mossad's operation in Iraq was killed during the missile attacks by IRGC.

The news comes from Iraqi sources that the head of Mossad's team together with 4 other high ranking operatives were killed in the attacks against the "safe house x of Mossad' in northern Iraq.

The attacks came as the first reaction from IRI against those responsible for latest terrorist attacks in Iran, specially the deadly double suicide attacks in Kerman that killed over 100 people including several emergency workers, women and children.

#iran #iraq #Mossad #irgc #Terrorism #isis #politics


Iran IRGC claims responsibility for tonight's attacks against multiple targets in Iraq and Syria using the Fateh ballistic missiles.

Video shows American air defense failing to intercept the incoming Missile that exploded moment later.

The attacks are supposed to be an answer to recent dual ISIS suicide attacks in the city of #Kerman that killed over 100 people and injured many more.

Iran blames US and Israel for being behind the recent surge of ISIS attacks against various targets all over Iran.

#ISIS #Israel #iran #Terrorism #IRGC #Iraq #Syria #Politics



By bombing Yemen, the west risks repeating its own mistakes

The Guardian

Instead of retaliating against the Houthi militia, the US and its allies should be pressing Israel to end its invasion of Gaza and accept a ceasefire.

(Text continues underneath the photo.)

Photo of aircraft taking off
A Typhoon takes off from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to to take part in airstrikes against military targets in Yemen. Photograph: Sgt Lee Goddard/MoD/AFP/Getty Images.

Early on Friday, the US and Britain launched military strikes against more than a dozen targets in Yemen controlled by the Houthi militia. (...)

Western leaders, and especially the US president, Joe Biden, insist that they want to reduce the risk of the war in Gaza spreading to other parts of the Middle East. But the US-led air and naval strikes on Yemen are the most significant expansion of the conflict since Israel launched its devastating assault on Gaza after the 7 October attacks by Hamas. Instead of avoiding a wider war, the US and its allies are escalating regional tensions and adding fuel to a conflict that has already spilled over to Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Red Sea. The conflagration could spiral out of control, perhaps more by accident than design. (...)

Washington appears almost eager to repeat its mistakes: years of bombing by US allies during Yemen’s long civil war failed to dislodge the Houthis or persuade them to change course. In fact, the Houthis became stronger after each military confrontation.(...)

The US and its allies are resisting the clearest path for de-escalation across the region: putting pressure on Israel to end its invasion and accept a ceasefire.

A truce would remove the Houthis’ rationale for their aggression against commercial shipping in the Red Sea – and the movement’s leaders have said they will cease disrupting global trade once Israel stops bombing Gaza. The US-led military strikes are likely to have the opposite effect. (...)

The Houthis, who were losing support in Yemen before the Gaza war, have little incentive to change tactics since the conflict has increased their popularity throughout the Middle East. (...)

Washington’s unwavering support and billions of dollars in arms shipments to Israel are straining other US alliances in the region. It’s notable that two of the US’s closest allies in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have resisted joining an international naval coalition, assembled by the Biden administration last month, to confront the Houthis and protect shipping in the Red Sea. (...)

The Houthis essentially won the war, and they reached a UN-brokered ceasefire in 2022 with Saudi Arabia, although the two sides are still negotiating a permanent truce. (...)

For the US and Britain, that history should serve as a cautionary tale: the regional power they supported spent years trying to destroy the Houthis, only to be ground down and forced to negotiate a settlement.

Complete article

Tags: #middle_east #israel #palestine #palestinians #gaza #lebanon #iraq #yemen #houthis #saudi_arabia #iran #hezbollah #hamas #red_sea


The Iranian navy has detained a US tanker in the waters of the Gulf of Oman 'on a court order', Tasnim reported.

According to Sky News, the tanker was boarded by "armed men" wearing military uniforms and masks. IRI claims that the tanker contains stolen oil from Syria and Iraq and it will be confiscated.

This seems to be a response to Americans doing the same with rabkers containing Iranian oil and auctioning them on the market

#Iran #US #GolfOfOman #Oil #OilTanker #Syria #Iraq #Occupation #Politica #Sancrions