

Europe’s reaction to Israel’s war on Gaza | The Listening Post

If the United States has aided and abetted Israel’s campaign of ethnic cleansing in Gaza, the European Union’s role has been one of quiet complicity.In a spe...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #europe #europeanunion #france #gazawar #germany #ireland #israel #journalism #latestnews #listeningpost #media #newsheadlines #palestine
Europe’s reaction to Israel’s war on Gaza | The Listening Post


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#ShiningOnes And #Magic In #Ireland - #Secret #Wisdom #Of The #Gods - #Ancient Pages

Ancient sources tell the priests were capable of weather manipulations. During the Roman and Christian invasion of Britain, the Druids are said to have cast horrific spells, which resulted in severe climate changes such as heavy flooding and snowfalls. This made it more difficult for the invaders to reach the island, although they finally overcame these obstacles. On the coastline of the Menai Strait, the soldiers became terrified and paralyzed as the watched the Druids casting spells upon them. Tacitus related as follows:

"On the coastline, a line of warriors of the opposition was stationed, mainly made up of armed men, amongst them women, with their hair blowing in the wind, while they were carrying torches. Druids were among them, shouting terrifying spells, their hands raised towards the heavens, which scared our soldiers so much that their limbs became paralyzed. As a result, they remained stationary and were inquired. At the end of the battle, the Romans were victorious, and the holy oaks of the Druids were destroyed."

The #Druids were also renowned soothsayers and they were familiar with the secrets of #levitation. It is therefore not particularly surprising that the locals, who were regularly, confronted with these "miracles" considered these Celtic priests to be true magicians, standing in direct communication with the ancient gods themselves.

They Came in a Dense and Dark Cloud

In an Irish manuscript, it is written that:

"All who are adepts in Druidical and magical arts are the descendants of the Tuatha De Danaan."
Who were the legendary Tuatha De Danaan?
The true origin of the Tuatha De Danaan is unknown. The name means literally "the folk of the god whose mother is Dana." These fabled Irish gods appeared one day, on 1st May (Beltane) out of nowhere.

Actually, the Tuatha De Danaan were neither demons nor men. They were the alien gods, the ancient spacemen, and a group of blond, fair-skinned, and handsome beings, who ruled the Earth in prehistoric times. Their superior intelligence, artistic skills, and magical powers, which were based on highly advanced technology, laid the foundation of Druidism. Before the Tuatha de Danaan came to Ireland, they spent seven years in Scotland and some years in Scandinavia.

