

The video published by extremist Jewish Talmudic groups confirms that there are plans, conspiracies and malicious ambitions aimed at controlling Al-Aqsa Mosque and that they see the Arab and Islamic silence and inaction on the massacres and genocide in #Gaza as a motive and a suitable opportunity to attack Al-Aqsa Mosque and implement their ambitions and biblical and Talmudic myths.

Resistance Committees in Palestine:

We warn of the intentions of the Zionist entity and the settlers to harm the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and we call on our people in all parts of occupied Palestine to travel to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and intensify their presence in its courtyards and confront the criminal Zionist plans.

We call on the Arab and Islamic nation and the free people of the world, peoples, governments and organizations, to carry out their duties and responsibilities towards the malicious and cunning plans that Al-Aqsa Mosque is exposed to.
Ps. Image from Archives

#Jerusalem #AlAqsa #JewishISIS #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Anti-fascism and the Gaza genocide - Freedom News

#Israel #Gaza #genocide #ZionismIsNazism

A death cult has taken over Israel, pushing settler militarism from apartheid to genocide. Holding up Netanyahu’s own crowd of opportunists, buffoons and evil rejects, the ethno-nationalist far right is calling the shots.



Times Of Israel: Israeli troops raided IRGC weapons facility in Syria, took equipment, documents

During major attack by jets earlier this week, IDF commandos said to have rappelled from helicopters to capture Iranians and remove materials before destroying site

Israeli special forces carried out a raid on an Iranian weapons facility in the Masyaf area in Syria earlier this week, according to a number of unconfirmed reports on Wednesday widely reported by Hebrew media.

A series of previously reported alleged Israeli strikes hit military sites in central Syria late Sunday, killing at least 14 people, wounding 43, and sparking fires. Local Syrian media reported at the time that the strikes hit a scientific research center in Masyaf, which has long been associated with the manufacture of chemical weapons and precision missiles by the Syrian regime and Iranian forces.

However, the fresh reports were the first to claim that Israeli troops operated on the ground during the action at Masyaf, which lies about 200 kilometers (124 miles) north of Israel, though only about 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Syria’s western coastline.

The opposition Syria TV network, based in Turkey, reported that Israeli helicopters did not land on Syrian soil, but instead hovered as special forces rappelled down ropes. The report said there were violent clashes in which three Syrians were killed, and two to four Iranians were captured. The report did not give details as to what happened to the Iranians.

The outlet additionally said that a Russian communications center was among the sites targeted as part of the operation. Sources told the outlet that Syrian air defenses had been weakened by recent Israeli attacks, preventing them from foiling the Sunday assault, and that Syria has established a high-level commission of inquiry into the incident.

#Israel #Syria #Iran #Military #Terrorism #Russia



Israeli raids destroyed water supply for 35,000 Palestinians in #Jenin

45 homes were left “completely uninhabitable” by Israeli forces, displacing 297 people, including 102 children.

Israeli bulldozers and heavy machinery tore up approximately 25 kilometres of roads, around 70 percent of all the city’s roads.

The destruction of the roads also damaged underlying water and sewage pipes, leaving approximately 35,000 residents without a #water supply since August 28.


#WestBank ##palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


The lack of accountability that Israel has faced following previous attacks has enabled the latest massacre to take place at the UN-operated al-Jaouni school in central Gaza.

This is the result of total impunity. We have become so desensitised to this level of atrocity in schools and hospitals that we forget that at the beginning this was considered something completely off limits.


#Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow


A Debate Tip for the Candidates — There’s a Correct Answer on Weapons to Israel

The correct answer is this: The United States will abide by its own laws and policies on any weapons sent to any ally.


Several of those laws, and the policies that derive from them, curtail American weapons going to countries that have violated or are violating the rules governing war. The federal Foreign Assistance Act prohibits security assistance to any government that restricts the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid. The better-known Leahy laws, championed by now-retired Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, prohibits weapons from going to military units that have committed gross violations of human rights.

#human-rights-watch #human-rights #hrw #debate #israel #palestine #gaza #west-bank #war #conflict #weapons