

Die ehemalige Fraktionsvorsitzende will nicht mehr bei Wahlen für die Partei "Die #Linke " antreten
Wagenknechts Abrissparty
Sahra #Wagenknecht will nicht mehr für die #Linkspartei kandidieren. Schon seit Jahren bereitet sie eine Abspaltung vor, die sich auf unzufriedene Wähler der Linkspartei, der #noAfD und aus dem » #Querdenken «-Milieu stützen könnte.
Von Pascal #Beucker #jungle.world


"Vergleichbar mit der Krise westlicher kommunistischer Parteien nach der militärischen Niederschlagung des »Prager Frühlings« durch die Staaten des Warschauer Vertrags 1968, stehen sich wieder zwei Lager unversöhnlich gegenüber. Seinerzeit bekämpften in Folge des Einmarschs in die Tschechoslowakei die moskautreuen jene eurokommunistischen Linken, die für eine demokratische Gesellschaftsordnung eintraten.

Heutzutage bekämpft eine nationalpopulistische, gesellschaftlich konservative, antiökologische und sozialpaternalistische Strömung jene, die für sich in Anspruch nehmen, eine Linke »auf der Höhe der Zeit« zu sein: progressiv und emanzipatorisch. Gysi hätte nur Wagenknechts Buch »Die Selbstgerechten« lesen müssen, um zu begreifen, dass es hier nichts mehr zu vermitteln gibt."


#Amiga #Music: #Jungle / Drum & Bass #Compilation #10 - #off1k

G'Day Peeps, it's been over 2 years since we last had a Jungle / #DnB compilation, way too long if you ask me and I'm sure you'll agree.
Anyway hope you enjoy some nice basslines and clever choppage among this selection of mostly recent releases with a few others from the 90's.
I also included a video of the Way Too Rude demo that was nicked from Hoffman's channel.
It's a really cool Amiga #demo, hope it doesn't distract you too much from the tracking skills ;)

Recorded from a Real Amiga 500+ (2MB Chip) ACA500Plus (7MB Fast, M68k@28Mhz, 16GB)

01 - [00:00] Deetail - Maaaaniac
02 - [02:29] Mygg & Comatron - Dropzone
03 - [05:13] Dascon & Bonefish - Bullet Time
04 - [08:12] Subi - The Fall of the Bass of Escher
05 - [12:11] AceMan - Saucer Assault
06 - [16:27] Muffler - Masiin Machine
07 - [20:30] Hoffman - Way Too Rude
08 - [24:42] Ganja - My Fluffy Angel
09 - [28:28] Skope - Def Chaos Filter

The Amiga is a series of computers released by C=ommodore from 1985 to 1993, all Amigas used the same sound chip, an 8bit, 4channel, upto 28khz PCM called "Paula".

Amiga 500+, ACA500plus, Behringer DJX750 Mixer, Behringer HD400 Hum Eliminator, Sony 14" PVM, Various RCA and TRS cables, Hydra Mini Scart Switch, Various Scart and BNC cables.
A Phone to record the footage (wish it had 50fps).
**Stereo joining is done with hardware (RCA & TRS cables, Mixer)
Approximate 15% Stereo Separation.

#Protracker 2.3F (Amiga)
#Audacity 3.1.3 - audio recording, remove tiny amount of cable noise, volume leveling.
#OpenShot 2.4.4 - video editing.
#Handbrake 1.5.1 - video compression.
#Gimp 2.8.16 - song info.



In the back #garden, the #colours are dominated by the #reds and #greens of #plants and the #browns of the #soil.

Here, I think this #photograph captures the tangled #jungle nature of the #tomato plants with #fruit distributed around in various stages of ripeness.
Tomato plants and fruit

In another part and in direct #sunlight are some #grapes developing nicely. The image is deceptive as they are quite small, less than 1 cm in diameter. You can also make out a #spider and its #web.
Spider and grapes

Lastly, here are #flowers of #RunnerBeans against the #blue #sky.
Runner bean flower

#MyWork #MyPhoto #CCBYSA #DSLR #Nikon #D7000 #Horticulture #Summer



Probably the smallest internet radio station in North East England - broadcasting from Sunderland to the Universe

Programme #254 first issued : 03 July 2022 ::::: Playing 24/7 all week

We can no longer post shows on Hearthis, at least not without having to pay. So we've now moved back to Mixcloud as the main site.

01 : Velvett Fogg - Telstar 69
02 : The Cadets - Stranded In The Jungle
03 : The Spoetniks - Jungle Sound
04 : Lee Perry & The Upsetters - Jungle Lion
05 : Bill Sedares - Song Of The Bongo Drums
06 : David Tudor - Rainforest
07 : Ivor Cutler - Killer Bee (Jungle Tip)
08 : Nino Nardini & Roger Roger - Jungle Mistery
09 : Ornette Coleman - The Jungle Is A Skyscraper
10 : Chakachas - Jungle Fever
11 : Gene Ammons - Jungle Strut
12 : William S. Burroughs - Scandal At The Jungle Hilton
13 : Snakefinger - Jungle Princess
14 : Ivor Cutler - Piranhas (Jungle Tip)
15 : Oneness Of Juju - Space Jungle Funk
16 : Joe Gibbs & The Professionals - Jungle Dub
17 : Max Roach - Rumble In The Jungle

Listen RIGHT NOW ! at : https://radiofrankensteininternational.weebly.com/

Want to carry the show on your station ? Contact via the above website....

Also available via Gingerfeather FM (Lancaster, England) online every day at 05:00, 11:00 and 21:00 UK time.

#radio #radioshow #internetradio #onlineradio #music #musique #musik #música #muziek #Музыка #音楽 #音乐
#jungle #doowop #reggae #bongo #spokenword #experimental #jazz #dub


The Formula - #Computer #DJ - ShowReel - #RaviAbbott

For #Bookings email - ravi@raviabbott.com, Looking for #events, gigs, openings and #festivals

Nottingham Based DJ Specialising in using original 1993 equipment and mixing from floppy disk in a .mod 4channel #8bit format. A lot of original #dance, #jungle, drum and bass was produced in this way on basic equipment.

Next Gigs:
#Workbench 2022 - Chipping Sodbury - May 21st
The #Commodore #LosAngeles Super #Show - (streamed) - 25th June
SetPatch 2022 #Party - Mönchengladbach, Germany - October 16th/17th

#Tweet me @RetroRavi

  • The Retro Hour Podcast -TheRetroHour.com
    My weekly gaming podcast with Dan Wood and Joe Fox

  • Remotely Interested Podcast - remotely-interested.com
    My Monthly Technology Podcast With Adam Spring

  • #8bitmix - 8bitmix.com
    My weekly Dj show and podcast
    #mixing on #Classic #Amiga #Computers

#musique #music #techno


I failed in my revised "bucket list" of new photography challenges while re-visiting some favorite swamps, marshes, rivers, and lakes.

First I wanted to video the song of the black-bellied whistling duck ("what's it whistling?"), but it's dry now and they were not in their usual spot. Then someone gave me a tip about where a rare cuckoo (non-human) was just seen nesting, but no luck.


Bungled in the Jungle.

And just then, this song came on the radio (Sirius Classic Vinyl). Ooooh. Cosmic timing!

And as a consolation prize, I did run into a big pod of white Pelicans (though a bit distant in a cove, at low tide, Sanibel Island).
And some roseate spoonbills, armadillos, cormorants, and close-up Cooper's Hawk.

White Pelicans

More bird photography @ www.fenichel.com/birds

#music #musica #musique #JethroTull #Jungle #Bungle #myphoto #Fenfotos #Sanibel #FL #birds #nature