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#Biotechnology, #nanotechnology, bionanorobotics, Artificial Intelligence #AI #biotech interface, #brain #computer interface, bioengineering of artificial life is so far advanced, that most people have difficulty comprehending the magnitude of the developments happening. However, we must learn to survive. I recently saw a post in a prominent physician group that my research is “Quackery. “

These poor doctors have no idea #how far behind the current #knowledge they are and how much we all need to study to understand the threats that we are facing as #humanity. If all you read is JAMA and NEJM you will be lost in the conversation about these biotechnological advances, the threat they pose and the discovery of solutions. I am not personally offended by these attacks but saddened when the hope of supposed freedom doctors remain so closed minded.

It does not give me much hope that #people will awaken to this before it is too late, which it possibly already could be #now, given the worsening findings in human #blood around the #world. We cannot see n#anobots in brain tissue - how do you know that a parallel AI processing platform has not already been installed in the C19 injected? I believe it has.

The global biotechnology market was valued at USD 1.55 trillion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 13.96% from 2024 to 2030.

You cannot wish this away. The fusion of AI with humanity is here.

It is happening silently, just as Klaus Schwab has said. If you want to even start to fight for the survival of the human species, and our #soul and #spirit, you must learn about the weapons that the enemy is using.


It's amazing to see that 1.5TB NVMe storage, 64GB of DDR4 memory and everything else fit on this small board

It's a few years old and not the latest technology either, but I just can't get over how much storage and memory I have got on this little laptop, all for less than 300 euros.

It's a third of the price compared to what I paid for my 80286 computer with 1MB of memory, 20MB of hard drive and a 14inch VGA display I bought back in late 80s.

#computer #Nostalgia


It's sometimes amusing to listen to some of the air to ground transmission on the #Apollo flights. A lot of the chatter is the #astronauts talking about #poo, actually #p00, with no hint of adolescent smirking, like this gem on #Apollo12:
109:46:48 Conrad: And, Houston, whenever you're ready, we're ready to give you P00 and Data.
P00 was the quiescent state of the #Guidance #Computer where it was ready to receive instructions and data either from the #DSKY #keyboard or #Houston.



ich finde, das passt irgendwie zu dem jüngsten hackerurteil hier in schland: komplette, selbstverliebte wissensfreiheit der behörden ...

#computer #internet #metaverse #interpol #fefe

Image/photoFefebot wrote the following post Fri, 19 Jan 2024 13:56:05 +0100

[l] Vielleicht sollte ich aus peinlichen Pressemitteilungen eine Serie machen. Hier ist noch eine, auch aus Davos. Diesmal von Interpol.

Ich stelle mir das so vor: Ein Anruf bei Interpol. Hey, Atze, wir haben noch einen Slot im Programm frei. Wollt ihr den haben? Ja? OK, aber dann müsst ihr was hippes machen. Zeigen, dass ihr mit der Zeit geht!

Und Interpol so: Hold my beer! Wir reden über das Metaverse!1!! Hey, Detlef, schreib mal was über das Metaverse!

Detlef so, zu seinem Azubi: Hey Marian, schreib mal was über das Metaverse!

Marian so: Wir haben Null Interaktion mit dem Metaverse, außerdem ist das schon wieder tot und keine Sau interessiert sich mehr dafür!

Detlef so: Ach Scheiße, jetzt hält der schon mein Bier, jetzt muss ich mir selber was aus dem Arsch ziehen!1!!

Contributing towards a secure-by-design Metaverse, the document identifies current and potential Metacrimes, such as grooming, radicalization and cyber-physical attacks against critical infrastructure, as well as theft of 3D virtual/cultural property, trespassing in private virtual spaces, and robbery from an avatar.

Wenn wir das schnell genug vortragen, merken die Leute nicht, dass wir hier gerade von Taschendiebstahl in VR halluziniert haben.

Police may be faced with virtual crime scenes where there is no physical evidence to be collected – just digital interactions involving virtual assets such as cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Da kriegste doch spontan Sodbrennen!

Aber wartet, das ist noch nicht alles. Sie wollten positiv enden.

Nevertheless, the INTERPOL paper also notes that the Metaverse holds opportunities for law enforcement, ranging from advanced simulation and virtual crime scene preservation, to immersive training.

Ich stelle mir gerade Polizeiwachtmeister Meier vor, wie er mit seinen Mitarbeitern im Metaverse simulieren geht. m(
