

Head of #IRI army voiced his unity and support with #IRGC and Basij and warned "The youth will receive the punishment for their actions when time comes".

This silences the roumers that the stupid Iranian diaspora in #UK and #US been spreading about the army refusal to stand behind the regime and saying that their job is to safeguard the nations borders not to kill it's own citizens they sworn to protect.

That doesn't mean that the low ranking officers and soldiers (mostly drafter) will follow the orders if #Khamenei decides to call in thd army to crush the ever growing uprising that is now openly challenging the authority of the police and IRGC and confronting #Basij by attacking them and in several cases even killing them.

Without a real opposition, without a united front among wide range of groups and without clear plans how to fight the regime, the risk for a wide spread civil war is spreading almost daily.

I'm really afraid of the outcome of this uprising, not because I believe the regime has any legitimacy, but the danger of chaos that will follow if the regime falls (which is highly unlikely, at least in short term and without major escalation of the conflict between Sepah and public).

#Iran #Politics #IranProtests #MahsaAmini #CivilWar


The duo of Israel and KSA are working on setting the whole region on fire.

Without #KSA's and #UAE's help Israel can not bomb #Iran using #F35s. With Iranian fighter jets located on #Hamedan and #Dezful, they will be able to intercept the Israeli fighter jets on their way out of Iran after the first bomb has exploded.

Even with the #stealth technology of F35s, it has to burn a massive amount of fuel to be able to leave Iranian airspace, which means in those minutes after the bombings, they will be highly vulnerable unless they can land/refuel over UAE or KSA's airspace, alternative landing there.

This mean both countries will be on the direct target list of Iran that will not hesitate to retaliate against the 2 countries and set the whole region on fire.

Iran's nuclear program is located on 17 different locations. Israel can not attack all of them, and an attack against the 2 main sites of #Natanz and #Fardow will just make #Khamenei to cancel his #Fatwa against #nuclear #bomb and resign from the #NPT and cut all ties with both the #UN and the #IAEA.

This is an absolute madness and an extremely dangerous and irresponsible act. Something that #Biden seems to have signed off and OKed with during his trip to the 2 countries. US bombing campaign in #Syria the other day, may be the starting step in the coming chain of action co-ordinated between US-Israel-KSA and UAE.

Lets hope they are not that stupid to actually do it.

#Politics #RoadToWar #SaudiArabia #JCPOA


In Medienberichten wurde verbreitet, die Todesfatwa, die Ajatollah #Khomeini 1989 kurz nach Erscheinen der Satanischen Verse gegen #SalmanRushdie verhängt hat, habe für das Regime im Iran keine Bedeutung mehr. Das ist falsch. Stephan Grigat, der wissenschaftliche Direktor von #STOPTHEBOMB und Professor am Centrum für #Antisemitismus- und #Rassismus|studien in #Aachen: „Es ist unverständlich, warum beispielsweise Der Standard oder die Kleine Zeitung behaupten, die ‚iranische Führung‘ sei von der Fatwa ‚abgerückt‘. 2005 hat der entscheidende Mann des Regimes, Ali #Khamenei, klargestellt, dass die Todesfatwa weiterhin Gültigkeit hat. 2017 veröffentlichte Khamenei auf seiner englischsprachigen Website eine Bestätigung des Mordaufrufs. In dem auch heute noch sichtbaren Beitrag heißt es auf die Frage, ob die Fatwa gegen ‚den verfluchten Lügner Salman #Rushdie noch in Kraft‘ sei: ‚Das Dekret ist so, wie es Imam Khomeini erlassen hat.‘ 2019 twittere Khamenei abermals, die Todesfatwa sei unwiderruflich.“

https://www.hagalil.com/2022/08/angriff-auf-rushdie/ #iran #terror #islamismus #eu