

Roboter (by Kraftwerk)

Lemmchen Grundschule (2015)

“Lemmchen Grundschule” is, apparently, “Lemmchen elementary school.” It’s in Mombach, in Mainz, Germany. “Roboter” is (you guessed it) “The Robots.” Apparently the teacher’s name is Lars Reimer.

This is kids dressed in robot costumes they made. It’s quite cute. I found out about this on www.openculture.com.


#kraftwerk #the-robots #roboter #deutschland #germany #mombach #mainz #children #kinder #elementary-school #grundschule #fun #cute #kids #costumes #cosplay #video #music #2015 #1978


It's amazing how enourmously ones distance to something affects behaviour.

A construction area bridge collapsed today in Tapiola here in #Finland, injuring 24 pupils and the teacher on a school trip. The kids are from the same school as my kids and suffered various amounts of fractures due to the 5 meter drop. Once receiving the news I was unable to work for a while, feeling horrified of the experience the kids had to go through. Thinking if my #kids would have been on that school trip, and getting the phone call from the emergency services. Thinking how many parents I know who did get a call, how many friends of my kids got hurt.

Yet when kids get maimed or worse daily in Ukraine, and a ton of other places in the world, by bombs, violence or climate change driven extreme weather events, it's hard to even spend a long thought on it when reading through the news reports.

Amazing creatures we are.

#humanity #psychology


The #Labor Shortage Is So Bad That Lawmakers Want Child Workers in Factories and Construction

Source: https://www.levelman.com/lawmakers-want-child-workers-in-factories-and-construction/

A bill in Minnesota would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to work in construction, a change from the law on the books that requires construction workers to be 18 and older. Another bill in the Gopher State—written by Rep. Joe McDonald (R) and Rep. Tim O'Driscoll (R)—wants to add 30 minutes to the amount of time a minor under 16 is allowed to work before school days.


In Iowa, Sen. Jason Schultz (R) introduced a bill that would allow kids as young as 14 to work in meatpacking plants. Those 15 and older would be allowed to take on duties that include assembly-line work if they receive a waiver from the labor commissioner. Schultz's bill would extend the hours children could legally work, but also would let companies off the hook in the event a child gets injured or killed on the #job.

#work #humanRights #law #usa #economy #finance #problem #politics #news #children #kids


Weitergeleitet aus der Community:

Die #Unicorns (gehören zum #ChaosComputerClub #Hannover) bieten #Programmierkurse für FINTA* von 12-16 an und haben noch ein paar Plätze frei; falls eure #Kids also Lust auf sowas haben und in die Zielgruppe passen: ran da! Das ganze ist kostenlos; Laptop kann gestellt werden:

Programmier Workshop für Schüler*innen
Der Kurs findet vom 03.-05. April in den Osterferien statt und richtet sich an FINTA*s (Female, Inter, Trans, Agender) zwischen 12 und 16 Jahren. Man braucht keine Programmiererfahrung oder ähnliches. Wir fangen ganz am Anfang an, das Ausprobieren und der Spaß am #Programmieren stehen im Vordergrund. Wir werden uns die absoluten Basics der Programmiersprache #Python anschauen und das Modul Turtle zum Erstellen kleiner Programme und Spiele nutzen. Unter anderem werden wir, ganz im Sinne des Namens „Turtle“, unter anderem Labyrinthe für eine Schildkröte bauen und sie Formen zeichnen lassen.

Ihr könnt dafür euren eigenen Laptop mitbringen oder euch von uns einen leihen. Der Kurs ist kostenlos! Wenn dein Interesse geweckt ist, kannst du dich über diese E-Mail Adresse anmelden: anmeldung@unicornsco.de. Weitere Infos findest du auch auf www.unicornsco.de (http://www.unicornsco.de/) Wir freuen uns darauf mit dir gemeinsam in die Informatik-Welt einzutauchen :)


Well it was worth it.

Really miss those adventurous days.

My favorite was when M came home super proud and excited:
- Today I climbed the bana

Repeatedly, with her adorable, Ghanaian English accent that sounded more Jamaican than Ghanaian.

Little did we know that there was a climbing "wall" in their preschool yard with different fruits shaped handles for kids to climb (it is 1m high, which was higher than she was back then).

Really wish I had her recorded.

#Kids #Funny #TriggeredNostalgia #Parenthood #GermBanks


Our six-year-old handed us a note. His teacher had called my wife and I in for an emergency meeting. We asked our son if he had any idea why
and he said, "She didn't like a drawing I did."
We went in the next day.
His teacher pulled the drawing below out and said, "I asked him to draw his familv and he drew this. Would vou mind explaining?"
"Not at all." my wife said. "Family vacation. Snorkelling off the Bahamas. 😂😂

(from a post on FB)
#Funny #Kids