

America’s Osage Natives want you to know their story doesn’t end with Killers of the Flower Moon

"Today, the Koch oil trucks are gone, but their poisons are left behind – and I’m not just talking about the economic legacy. Former Koch trucker Jack Crossen told me that Koch ordered its workers to cover up toxic sludge spilt into creeks and water supplies."


#Koch #Osage


How did the Koch Brothers become the #Koch Brothers? The oil-company heirs had long held small-government, anti-regulation beliefs, but weren't always deeply enmeshed in the political world—until 1988, when the U.S Senate began looking into allegations their company was stealing oil from Indian reservations in Oklahoma.
The investigation had been launched in October of 1987 by the Senate Select Committee on Indian Affairs after a series of articles in the Arizona Republic alleged that big oil companies were stealing oil from Native Americans who owned oil wells. When the companies picked up crude oil from wells to take it to market, they falsified receipts to make it look like had picked up less oil than they really did, or that the oil was of a lower quality than it really was. The Senate hired prosecutor Ken Ballen to lead the investigation. He quickly sent out subpoenas and started building a case that not only would go on to last years but would also transform U.S. politics.

The Senate investigation intensified during 1989. As evidence came rolling in, it pointed in one direction, Ballen recalled later during an interview. Koch, more than any other company, had falsified tickets and taken more oil than it paid for. (The company later admitted in court that it collected about $10 million in crude oil each year without paying for it.) When Ballen’s team reviewed reams of records from big oil companies, Koch Industries’ records stood out—no other company had collected so much oil without paying for it. Senate investigators believed that Koch Industries had been caught red-handed, and the other companies had not. (Ballen said that a few other instances of oil theft were discovered, but they were isolated incidents perpetrated by very small companies.) Ballen said other oil companies were so frustrated with the company that they allowed Ballen’s investigators to access their private land, setting up surveillance of Koch Oil employees as they picked up oil. FBI Special Agent Jim Elroy did just that, hiding behind herds of cattle to snap surveillance photos. Elroy caught Koch Industries employees falsifying documents to underreport how much oil they’d taken.
By the late 1980s, he had co-founded the #Cato Institute, supported a smaller, obscure group called Institute for Humane Studies, and was generally interested in spreading free-market philosophy.



"In the 1920s, after discovery of the massive #oil field on the #Osage Reservation, the US government took away the Osage’s right to their wealth...

Sixty, and likely many more, Osage were assassinated... their 'guardians,' their murderers–inherited their oil rights."

The story unfolds in a new film, Killers of the Flower Moon, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.

And where that film ends, @GregPalast's new documentary, Long Knife, begins. And the trail leads to Charles #Koch.



"Very interesting... but not funny!"

Channeling Laugh-in. But seriously, this is indeed interesting in that the Koch brother(s) have a great deal of 'clout' (AKA $$$$)
What does it mean? Maybe just a drop in direct subsidization of Trump, maybe pro-active funding of opponents or 'fresh' blood.
"It is what it is" for the moment....

Koch Political Machine Vows to Fight to Deny Trump GOP Nomination in 2024

#GQP #TrumpVirus #USpolitics #CampaignFinance #Koch



Einer der wichtigsten #Flughäfen
… für Herrn #Koch. Denn dies war sein #Sprungbrett aus der #Politik in die #Wirtschaft!

Und jetzt bezahlt ihr, ja auch #CDU-Wähler_innen den #Scheiß immer noch!
Guckt euch mal den #Flugplan an und rechnet durch, was eine #Reise nach #Teneriffa da eigentlich kosten müsste:



So it's his plan all along

Fossil fuel giant Koch Industries has poured over $1m into backing – directly and indirectly – dozens of House and Senate candidates who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s win on 6 January 2021.

Koch, which is controlled by multibillionaire Charles Koch, boasts a corporate Pac that has donated $607,000 to the campaigns or leadership Pacs of 52 election deniers since January 2021, making Koch’s Pac the top corporate funder of members who opposed the election results, according to OpenSecrets, which tracks campaign spending.

In addition, the Super Pac Americans for Prosperity Action to which Koch Industries has given over $6m since January 2021, has backed some election deniers with advertising and other communications support, as well as a few candidates Donald Trump has endorsed who tried to help him overturn the 2020 election, or raised doubts about the final results.




📐 "L'étonnant puzzle fractal de von #Koch" (#Micmaths, 28/4/2022)
"L'emboîtement du flocon de Koch avec lui-même semble magique ! Pourquoi ça marche ? Je vous présente une jolie démonstration de cette propriété."
📐 "Le flocon de Koch en 3D" (21/5/2022) 🧊😮
📐 "Le pavage de Koch" ( #Thomaths, 22/4/2022) #Escher
#géométrie #math


Since Vladimir is now executing his own oligarchs, it was time to pack up, even for the Koch Industries

BREAKING: In an internal memo obtained by http://popular.info, @KochIndustries CEO David Robertson announced that the company is exiting Russia

This is an abrupt reversal of position the company has held since Russia invaded Ukraine]

#koch #kochindustries #russia #quote by Judd #Legum


Liebe #KMK,

gebt doch einfach mal zu, dass die #Finanz-und #Wirtschaftsminister_innen euch die #Heckler & #Koch gegen die #Stirn drücken, damit ihr die #Schulen schön auf, die #Werktätigen schön produktiv und genanntes #Unternehmen schön rentabel haltet.

Da kommt es doch nicht auf die paar #Lehrer_innen und #Schüler_innen an. Beide Gruppen sind unbequem und kosten Geld!

Dann braucht ihr auch nicht mehr so jammern, von wegen die armen #Kinder, wie sie zu Hause leiden, dass müsste man doch verhindern!

Ja, müsste man, aber nicht mit euch, sondern mit #Menschen die einen #Arsch in der #Hose haben und wirklich was tun wollen, ohne sich zwanghaft bereichern zu müssen.

Pfffffff, manchmal muss es einfach raus!


Now we know what they mean by "Critical Race Theory". They are not talking about the legal-academic term. They mean any "theory" or doctrine that is critical of racism or white supremacy.
How do we know? Because they have just cloned the idea into something they call "Critical Energy Theory", and by that, they mean anything that is critical of the giant corporate energy behemoths, or the executive elites who control them. Watch them. You'll see.
#koch #alec #propaganda #corporate #rightist