

A quotation by Aristotle

To a talkative fellow, who poured out a torrent of words and then said, “Let’s hope I haven’t been boring you with my chatter!” he replied, “No, by Zeus, I haven’t been listening.”

[πρὸς τὸν εἰπόντα ἀδολέσχην, ἐπειδὴ αὐτοῦ πολλὰ κατήντλησε, “μήτι σου κατεφλυάρησα;” “μὰ Δί᾽,” εἶπεν: “οὐ γάρ σοι προσεῖχον.]

Aristotle (384-322 BC) Greek philosopher

Attributed in Diogenes Laërtius, Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers [Vitae Philosophorum], Book 5, sec. 11 [tr. Mensch (2018)]

#quotation #quote #bore #chatter #conversation #listening #natter #pay-attention

More notes and sourcing on WIST: https://wist.info/aristotle/48713/


this is a russian podcast on history of the fediverse: https://open.tube/videos/watch/db9cc76d-093c-4347-a49a-9af4246a1d92

i have to say they did a comprehensive research, or did know the history very well.
it starts with the early internet, email, then explains situation with messengers, xmpp, xml, rss, tells about aaron schwartz, and goes in to early fediverse projects, starting from identica.

in this podcast, diaspora is a tragic story. near the end of the podcast they mention the ticket to support activitypub, and that the comments were mostly not about whether it should be done, but on how it should be done. and then comes dennis schubert, critisizes the protocol and rejects the wanted proposal. then they say that diaspora is getting weaker - quantity of nodes decreases, while fediverse is getting richer - more and more people are attracted.

mastodon was mentioned as a huge success. well, it is a huge success. but they also mentioned that the project is heavy, slow, not easily deployed, has too many dependencies. most of that can also be said about diaspora. the pleroma was presented as an alternative, which is much faster, easily updated without downtime, thanks to underlying erlang ecosystem. it also supports gopher!

i did not think socialhome will be mentioned. but jason robinson was mentioned several times, as federation activist, diaspora developer, then the-federation.info author, and then they described the socialhome project in details, starting with its history. mentioned that it has very little number of nodes, and expressed the hope that it'll be developed further.

they also were talking about pixelfed, funkwhale, peertube, mobilizon, and the blog engines that support federation: write freely, plume, and that wordpress is able to federate with activitypub nodes via special plugin.

overall, very interesting, for me, listening, and a very good introduction for newcomers. thanks to creators. i am really thankful to creators, i wish the text was published, because i know many prefer to read, not listen, like me, also it would make the text searchable.

#russian #podcast #history #internet #diaspora #mastodon #decentralization #socialhome #pixelfed #funkwhale #peertube #mobilizon, #blog #rss #atom #writefreely #plume #wordpress #activitypub #federation #freedom #freedom_of_speech #freedom-of-speech #freedomofspeech #web #gopher #w3c #standards #protocol #protocols #research #listening


(image may be #nsfw)

[] So when I am in a familiarly #dangerous situation where I feel #threatened because of my past #experiences, there is a good chance my #reflex is going to be #fight and not #flight and that “fight” might just be a #pint glass over the head when #you put your #hands around my #throat. #Choking someone because they threw a #drink on you for continually #harassing [them] is a disproportionate response. As far as I’m concerned, not #listening when a #woman says “no” to your #sexual advances and failed #pick-up artistry is #equal to throwing the first #punch, and I was sticking up for #myself. I have no #regrets, despite what my #face may look like. The fact I feel like I have to #explain all this in my #defense is ridiculous. []

#misogyny #assault #socialMedia