

Post-debate analysis -

First, an overview for anyone who didn't see it, or the highlights now recycling:

Trump-Harris debate highlights: Trump falls apart as he lies and rambles over ‘eating pets’ and Harris’s race

Immediately thereafter, the media & political analysts were abuzz about both the "historically" informative debate.
And several top late-night television shows went on-air live, including Jimmy Kimmel (ABC) & Steven Colbert (CBS).

Kimmel had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s “I know more about…” brags, compiled. Just… perfect. Like #DonOld
He was then joined by 87-yr-old Jane Fonda, sharp and lively, stressing the importance of environment and the power of voting.
Lastly, the man who married the manager of #TrumpVirus & has since been singing the song of #malignant #sociopath #truth ...
George Conway. No longer married to Kellyanne or #GQP, now leads an anti-Trump, pro #democracy #PsychoPAC

Kimmel also had a wonderful little video collage of Drumpf’s greatest hits of terrific-ness and brags ("perfect, really!") - reminiscent of an iconic Doonesbury cartoon ~ “I know more about… x, y, z, and letters nobody's ever even heard of!” Ask anybody...

Superlative DonOld

Lots of laughs, relief, and "stranger than truth" sound bites - one candidate seeming to have walked on set from a different show, maybe a freak show rather than a debate between Presidential candidates, one with a plan, the other a basket of #psychopathology.

Some have commented how Kamala seemed like a wise parent enduring the protests of a 6-year-old. (Or terrible twos!)
Truly, the split-screen was instructive. Especially when the topics of #facts or #respect came up. Sir smirked &/or made goofy faces.


A two-fer of #truth from two fine cartoonists.

Seems like maybe this reality about Emperor #TrumpVirus' clothes (and 'mind') unravelling is 'growing legs'.
About time. Guy is not only full-tilt "unhinged" and disengaged from reality & humanity, but as a #cult leader, doubly dangerous.

Yes, comical too, were it not for real and were there not a history and danger looming yet again, of Sir and his #GQP #cult rekindling,

#psychopathy #psychopathology #Malignant #narcissism #evil #anomoly



#JerryMarzinsky and #SherrySwiney on #Archonic #Mind #Parasites:

#Psychiatry and #traditional #medicine have #failed in #treating #schizophrenia.

They have done more #damage than good if one includes #pharmaceuticals.

But what if the “voices” of schizophrenics are not hallucinations caused by chemical imbalances?

What if they are #malignant #entities feeding off mental negativity and pain?

We explore this possibility from two sides: a psychiatric evaluator who confronted these mind parasites while working in prisons; and an individual who escaped the grip of the “voices” by drawing from esoteric techniques.

Astral Guests – Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney, authors of An Amazing Journey Into the #Psychotic Mind - #Breaking the #Spell of the Ivory Tower. This is a partial show for nonmembers. For the second half of the #interview, please become a member: http://thegodabovegod.com/members/subscription-levels/ or patron at Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/aeonbyte


Barr puts #TrumpVirus on the Couch...

Referring to his mental age (hint: child) and his #malignant #narcissism - even sycophant Barr knows Trump has no capacity or interest in serving anyone/anything but himself. From this morning's Sunday news show:

Face the Nation, 18 June 2023

When asked if former President Trump would put the country at risk if he becomes the 2024 GOP nominee, former Attorney General Bill Barr says Trump "will always put his own interests and gratifying his own ego ahead of everything else, including the country's interests."

Ya think?