

Found 16 new servers and 28 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,484 servers checked. 13,946,383 Total Users with 1,646,429 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

misskey.sui-ryu.net a #misskey server from Private
ap.flogth.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
solo.millenium.red a #microblogpub server from Brazil
hub.hubzilla.hu a #hubzilla server from Germany
blogs.oicn.icu a #writefreely server from Germany
vdome.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
waifuhub.lol a #mastodon server from Portugal
screaminginsi.de a #gotosocial server from Austria
bonfire.box464.social a #bonfire server from United States
mi.ter05.net a #misskey server from Private
ogrelair.net a #nextcloud social server from United States
hatsu-nightly-debug.hyp3r.link a #hatsu server from South Korea
social.likeadragonmaid.dev a #mastodon server from United States
x.simon-galland.fr a #mastodon server from France
mstdn.matthewmcgranahan.me a #mastodon server from Australia
dads.so a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 14 new servers and 22 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,489 servers checked. 13,946,383 Total Users with 1,646,429 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

solo.millenium.red a #microblogpub server from Brazil
hub.hubzilla.hu a #hubzilla server from Germany
blogs.oicn.icu a #writefreely server from Germany
vdome.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
waifuhub.lol a #mastodon server from Portugal
screaminginsi.de a #gotosocial server from Austria
bonfire.box464.social a #bonfire server from United States
mi.ter05.net a #misskey server from Private
ogrelair.net a #nextcloud social server from United States
hatsu-nightly-debug.hyp3r.link a #hatsu server from South Korea
social.likeadragonmaid.dev a #mastodon server from United States
x.simon-galland.fr a #mastodon server from France
mstdn.matthewmcgranahan.me a #mastodon server from Australia
dads.so a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 14 new servers and 18 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,492 servers checked. 13,946,383 Total Users with 1,646,429 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

vdome.net a #gotosocial server from Germany
blogs.oicn.icu a #writefreely server from Germany
solo.millenium.red a #microblogpub server from Brazil
hub.hubzilla.hu a #hubzilla server from Germany
waifuhub.lol a #mastodon server from United States
screaminginsi.de a #gotosocial server from Austria
bonfire.box464.social a #bonfire server from United States
mi.ter05.net a #misskey server from Private
ogrelair.net a #nextcloud social server from United States
hatsu-nightly-debug.hyp3r.link a #hatsu server from South Korea
social.likeadragonmaid.dev a #mastodon server from United States
x.simon-galland.fr a #mastodon server from France
mstdn.matthewmcgranahan.me a #mastodon server from Australia
dads.so a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Gaat de overheid echt overstappen op Google Docs?


Digitalisering - De overheid krijgt meer ruimte om clouddiensten te gebruiken. Daar kleven grote risico’s aan, schrijven Gijs Boerwinkel en Job Spierings.

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van uithangbord met Google logo
Foto Jason Szenes/EPA

Stapt de overheid écht over op Google Docs? Staatssecretaris Alexandra van Huffelen (Digitalisering, D66) meldde de Tweede Kamer onlangs opgewekt dat de overheid zichzelf meer ruimte geeft om gebruik te maken van clouddiensten als Google Drive en Dropbox. (...)

In maart presenteerde de staatssecretaris nog haar ambitie: een „robuuste digitale overheid gebaseerd op publieke waarden”. In de brief over het Rijksbrede cloudbeleid blijkt wat daar in de praktijk van overblijft: elke departement mag voor zichzelf handige appjes inkopen en publieke waarden worden nergens meer genoemd. Bovendien schiet het beleid op drie fundamentele punten tekort: risico’s worden beheerst met schijncontrole, publiek geld wordt geïnvesteerd in agressieve monopolisten en de groeiende gemeenschap van ethische en open software-ontwikkelaars, ook binnen de Nederlandse overheid, wordt genegeerd in plaats van gestimuleerd. (...)

En omdat werkproces en gereedschap altijd op elkaar inwerken, wordt de afhankelijkheid van de overheid van big tech alleen maar groter. Erger nog: de mogelijkheid om zélf kennis, ervaring en visie te ontwikkelen op het ontwerpen en beheren van technologie komt op geen enkele manier terug in de Kamerbrief. Terwijl er een groeiende groep is van initiatieven, klein én groot, van overheden tot omroepen, bibliotheken en bedrijven, in Nederland en Europa, die zelf clouddiensten maken en beheren. Van NextCloud tot Jitsi en OpenStreetMap: open-source en volgens publieke waarden. Deze groeiende beweging van gemeenschappen wordt nu door de eigen overheid de pas afgesneden. (...)

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #nederland #overheid #big_tech #google #alphabet #dropbox #amazon #microsoft #cloudopslag #clouddiensen #nextcloud #open_source #technologie #publieke_waarden


Found 20 new servers and 47 servers died off since 2 hours ago.

24,092 servers checked. 13,904,444 Total Users with 1,677,897 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

cloud.cyano.at a #nextcloud social server from Austria
qratedspace.com a #mastodon server from Germany
taxes.theron.kane-il.us a #mastodon server from United States
owasikohu.com a #misskey server from Private
social.mynacol.xyz a #akkoma server from Germany
pixel.melin.org a #pixelfed server from Private
pl.kasma.cyou a #pleroma server from The Netherlands
social.aghd.org a #friendica server from Germany
social.dogondo.de a #mastodon server from Germany
pixelfed.kolosowscy.pl a #pixelfed server from Poland
social.librenode.org a #mastodon server from The Netherlands
ababil.au a #mastodon server from Private
play.dfri.se a #peertube server from Sweden
spaffel.de a #lemmy server from Germany
iblis.crisis.city a #mastodon server from France
mb.slime.digital a #pleroma server from Private
newnet.live a #pleroma server from United States
fedi.complecwaft.com a #pleroma server from Private
crxb.cc a #owncast server from Private
voxtek.enterprises a #sharkey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 20 new servers and 38 servers died off since 2 hours ago.

24,099 servers checked. 13,904,444 Total Users with 1,677,897 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

cloud.cyano.at a #nextcloud social server from Austria
taxes.theron.kane-il.us a #mastodon server from United States
qratedspace.com a #mastodon server from Germany
owasikohu.com a #misskey server from Private
social.mynacol.xyz a #akkoma server from Germany
pixel.melin.org a #pixelfed server from Private
pl.kasma.cyou a #pleroma server from The Netherlands
social.aghd.org a #friendica server from Germany
social.dogondo.de a #mastodon server from Germany
pixelfed.kolosowscy.pl a #pixelfed server from Poland
spaffel.de a #lemmy server from Germany
social.librenode.org a #mastodon server from The Netherlands
play.dfri.se a #peertube server from Sweden
iblis.crisis.city a #mastodon server from France
ababil.au a #mastodon server from Private
mb.slime.digital a #pleroma server from Private
newnet.live a #pleroma server from United States
fedi.complecwaft.com a #pleroma server from Private
crxb.cc a #owncast server from Private
voxtek.enterprises a #sharkey server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


#NextCloud Music has really improved since I last looked at it properly! Pretty sure last time I looked it didn't allow browsing folders in a neat way and playing anything under a folder with a simple click. Also the "Smart playlist" is nice, with the possibility to generate playlists both on genre, artist, etc, but also combining with playback history or when the track was added to the library.



Found 27 new servers and 29 servers died off since 10 hours ago.

24,529 servers checked. 13,619,968 Total Users with 1,734,328 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

gyptazy.ch a #snac server from Germany
pics.voiceover.bar a #pixelfed server from United Kingdom
gotosocial.karliner.org a #gotosocial server from United Kingdom
nextcloud.molinasoler.xyz a #nextcloud social server from Belgium
mastodon.dinotopia.org a #mastodon server from Germany
mastodon.dasfinkatos.de a #mastodon server from Germany
minby.info a #mastodon server from Denmark
bookwyrm.teamb.space a #bookwyrm server from Germany
73-110.pl a #mastodon server from Germany
share.w7f.eu a #w7f-share server from Germany
testmasto.hollow.capital a #mastodon server from Poland
en.kry.pt a #firefish server from United States
social.blakesmith.me a #gotosocial server from United States
phalanstere.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
rasp.n1l.dev a #misskey server from Private
tomhaus.com a #writefreely server from United States
nonexistent.ca a #mastodon server from Private
tube.norse.social a #peertube server from Germany
collins-corner.cc a #firefish server from Private
social.sitios.win a #mastodon server from United States
mstd.ink a #mastodon server from Germany
misskey.kentarokuribayashi.com a #misskey server from Japan
tardis.pw a #gotosocial server from Hungary
social.hkit.de a #gotosocial server from Germany
vids.ddrpodcast.com a #peertube server from United States
synth.senil888.com a #iceshrimp server from United States
troetbu.de a #mastodon server from Germany

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 22 new servers found and 35 servers de-listed since 1 hours ago. Check out the Monthly and Daily Stats by software or server or the entire fediverse.

24,603 servers checked. 13,741,344 Total Users, 1,742,328 Monthly Active Users today vs 1,737,177 yesterday for the entire fediverse.

New #fediverse servers found:

peertube.florentcurk.com a #peertube server from Latvia
mastodon.eu-central-1.prod.aws.cuegee.net a #mastodon server from Germany
m.parp.ing a #mastodon server from United States
samschmitt.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
fedi.sytes.net a #pleroma server from Germany
peertube.tata.casa a #peertube server from France
tomtom.space a #takahe server from United States
fed.netr.cc a #iceshrimp server from Private
gglog.com a #pleroma server from United States
blog.agostinelli.eu a #writefreely server from Germany
m.deep-sky-gate.net a #misskey server from Private
msky.m1nto.net a #misskey server from Private
genxer.nz a #mastodon server from Portugal
cloud.cyber-tribal.com a #nextcloud social server from France
social.nlnet.nl a #gotosocial server from The Netherlands
mast.marzillier.net a #mastodon server from Private
annex.fedimovie.com a #peertube server from Japan
bahn.love a #writefreely server from Austria
bussela.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
claudia-knit.com a #mastodon server from Japan
mijukey.work a #misskey server from Private
tube.trender.net.au a #peertube server from Australia

De-Listed servers: mastodon.rascals.net

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 10 new servers found and 15 servers de-listed since 1 hours ago. Check out the Monthly and Daily Stats by software or server or the entire fediverse.

24,605 servers checked. 13,750,431 Total Users, 0 Monthly Active Users today vs 1,735,751 yesterday for the entire fediverse.

New #fediverse servers found:

genxer.nz a #mastodon server from Portugal
cloud.cyber-tribal.com a #nextcloud social server from France
annex.fedimovie.com a #peertube server from Japan
social.nlnet.nl a #gotosocial server from The Netherlands
mast.marzillier.net a #mastodon server from Private
bahn.love a #writefreely server from Austria
bussela.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
claudia-knit.com a #mastodon server from Japan
mijukey.work a #misskey server from Private
tube.trender.net.au a #peertube server from Australia

De-Listed servers: takahe.nokotaro.work

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


This would be something #Nextcloud could really improve at some point, just upload the delta of the file and not the whole file.

#Debian GNU/#Linux 12

head -c 5G Nextcloud/test/testfile.bin
head -c 200M > Nextcloud/test/testfile.bin

This will upload the whole 5G again.

Can someone check on Windows, does it do delta upload there?


Irgendwo habe ich mal gelesen, dass die Nextcloud App eine Scan-Funktion hat, also man macht ein Foto von einem Dokument und es wirft das als PDF zugeschnitten in die #Nextcloud, gibt es sowas?


How to Install Nextcloud on Debian 12

Nextcloud is open-source software for creating public and private file storage. It allows you to create your self-hosted services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Mega.nz. Initially, it was created by the original owncloud developer Frank Karlitschek. In 2016, he forked the Owncloud project and created a new project with the new name "Nextcloud"

By now, the Nextcloud project is growing rapidly and becoming more than file hosting software. It's more like a file sync and content collaboration platform. Backed with many plugins, Nextcloud has become such a powerful collaboration software. You can install plugins for project management, video conferencing, collaborative editing, note-taking, email client, etc.


This tutorial will show you how to install #Nextcloud on a #Debian 12 server. You will install Nextcloud with Apache2 web server, MariaDB server, and PHP 8.2. Furthermore, you will also secure your #installation with UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) and SSL/TLS certificates from Letsencrypt.